mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-15 12:29:16 +01:00

Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:sleede/fab-manager into dev

This commit is contained in:
Du Peng 2022-05-12 11:43:31 +02:00
commit ddf56e37e6
30 changed files with 1831 additions and 1053 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ de:
events: "Veranstaltungen"
availabilities: "Verfügbarkeiten"
availabilities_notice: "Export aller für Reservierungen verfügbaren Slots und ihrer Belegung in ein Excel-Arbeitsbuch."
select_a_slot: "Please select a slot"
info: "Info"
tags: "Tags"
slot_duration: "Slot-Dauer: {DURATION} Minuten"
@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ de:
slots_of: "von"
minutes: "Minuten"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
select_type: "Please select a type to continue"
no_modules_available: "No reservable module available. Please enable at least one module (machines, spaces or trainings) in the Customization section."
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar Import"
@ -435,6 +438,35 @@ de:
edit_extended_price: "Erweiterten Preis bearbeiten"
confirm_changes: "Änderungen bestätigen"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "Der erweiterte Preis wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
manage_plans_categories: "Plan-Kategorien verwalten"
categories_list: "Liste der Kategorien des Plans"
no_categories: "Keine Kategorien"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Signifikanz"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
title: "New category"
cta: "Create the category"
success: "The new category was successfully created"
error: "Unable to create the category: "
title: "Edit the category"
cta: "Validate"
success: "The category was successfully updated"
error: "Unable to update the category: "
title: "Delete a category"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
cta: "Delete"
success: "The category was successfully deleted"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "Gutschein hinzufügen"
@ -850,6 +882,7 @@ de:
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: Der angegebene Anbieter konnte nicht gelöscht werden."
local_database: "Lokale Datenbank"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
add_a_group: "Gruppe hinzufügen"
group_name: "Gruppenname"
@ -874,6 +907,7 @@ de:
add_a_member: "Mitglied hinzufügen"
user_is_an_organization: "Benutzer ist eine Organisation"
create_success: "Member successfully created"
#members bulk import
import_members: "Mitglieder importieren"
@ -957,6 +991,7 @@ de:
to_credit: 'Guthaben'
cannot_credit_own_wallet: "Sie können keine Gutschrift auf Ihr eigenes Guthaben einbuchen. Bitten Sie einen anderen Manager oder einen Administrator um die Gutschreibung."
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "Sie können Ihr eigenes Abonnement nicht erweitern. Bitte fragen Sie einen anderen Manager oder einen Administrator."
update_success: "Member's profile successfully updated"
my_documents: "My documents"
my_documents_info: "Following the declaration of your profile, you must declare the proof of identity documents. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
@ -1046,26 +1081,108 @@ de:
birth_date: "Geburtsdatum"
address: "Adresse"
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
#add a new authentication provider (SSO)
#authentication providers (SSO) components
mappings: "Mappings"
true_value: "True value"
false_value: "False value"
input_format: "Input format"
date_format: "Date format"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Define the fields mapping"
add_a_match: "Add a match"
model: "Model"
field: "Field"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint or URL"
api_type: "API type"
api_field: "API field"
api_field_help_html: '<a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported.<br> If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> Example: $.data[*].name'
api_field: "Userinfo claim"
api_field_help_html: 'Set the field providing the corresponding data through <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Claims" target="_blank">the userinfo endpoint</a>.<br> <a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported. If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> <b>Example</b>: $.data[*].name'
openid_standard_configuration: "Use the OpenID standard configuration"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
TYPE_expected: "{TYPE} expected"
integer: "integer"
string: "string"
text: "text"
date: "date"
boolean: "boolean"
authorization_callback_url: "Authorization callback URL"
common_url: "Server root URL"
authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token acquisition endpoint"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_identifier: "Client identifier"
client_secret: "Client secret"
scopes: "Scopes"
issuer: "Issuer"
issuer_help: "Root url for the authorization server."
discovery: "Discovery"
discovery_help: "Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint."
discovery_unavailable: "Discovery is unavailable for the configured issuer."
discovery_enabled: "Enable discovery"
discovery_disabled: "Disable discovery"
client_auth_method: "Client authentication method"
client_auth_method_help: "Which authentication method to use to authenticate Fab-manager with the authorization server."
client_auth_method_basic: "Basic"
client_auth_method_jwks: "JWKS"
scope: "Scope"
scope_help_html: "Which OpenID scopes to include (openid is always required). <br> If <b>Discovery</b> is enabled, the available scopes will be automatically proposed."
prompt: "Prompt"
prompt_help_html: "Which OpenID pages the user will be shown. <br> <b>None</b> - no authentication or consent user interface pages are shown. <br> <b>Login</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for reauthentication. <br> <b>Consent</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for consent before returning information to Fab-manager. <br> <b>Select account</b> - the authorization server prompt the user to select a user account."
prompt_none: "None"
prompt_login: "Login"
prompt_consent: "Consent"
prompt_select_account: "Select account"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint: "Send scope to token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_help: "Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_false: "No"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_true: "Yes"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_options: "Client options"
client__identifier: "Identifier"
client__secret: "Secret"
client__authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
client__token_endpoint: "Token endpoint"
client__userinfo_endpoint: "Userinfo endpoint"
client__jwks_uri: "JWKS URI"
client__end_session_endpoint: "End session endpoint"
client__end_session_endpoint_help: "The url to call to log the user out at the authorization server."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentication type"
save: "Save"
create_success: "Authentication provider created"
update_success: "Authentication provider updated"
local_database: "Local database"
oauth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
#create a new authentication provider (SSO)
local_database: "Lokale Datenbank"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Neuen Authentifizierungsanbieter hinzufügen"
a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another: "Ein \"Lokale Datenbank\" Provider existiert bereits. Kann keinen anderen erstellen."
local_provider_successfully_saved: "Lokaler Anbieter erfolgreich gespeichert."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Um diesen Provider hinzuzufügen, muss die Übereinstimmung zwischen User.uid und der API festgelegt werden."
security_issue_detected: "Sicherheitsproblem erkannt"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS: "Vorsicht: Der OAuth 2 Provider, den Sie hinzufügen werden, verwendet kein HTTPS."
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes: "Dies ist ein ernstes Sicherheitsproblem im Internet und sollte nur für Testzwecke verwendet werden."
do_you_really_want_to_continue: "Möchten Sie wirklich fortfahren?"
unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Ungesicherter OAuth 2.0 Provider erfolgreich hinzugefügt."
oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "OAuth 2.0 Provider erfolgreich hinzugefügt."
#edit an authentication provider (SSO)
provider: "Anbieter:"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Um diesen Provider hinzuzufügen, muss die Übereinstimmung zwischen User.uid und der API festgelegt werden."
provider_successfully_updated: "Anbieter erfolgreich aktualisiert."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: Der Anbieter konnte nicht aktualisiert werden."
#statistics tables
statistics: "Statistiken"
@ -1220,6 +1337,8 @@ de:
about_title: "Seitentitel \"Über\""
about_body: "Seiteninhalt \"Über\""
about_contacts: "Kontakte auf der \"Über\"-Seite"
about_follow_us: "Follow us"
about_networks: "Social networks"
privacy_draft: "Entwurf der Datenschutzrichtlinien"
privacy_body: "Datenschutzrichtlinie"
privacy_dpo: "Adresse des Datenschutzbeauftragten"
@ -1265,6 +1384,10 @@ de:
duration_minutes: "Dauer (in Minuten)"
default_slot_duration_info: "Die Verfügbarkeit von Maschinen und Räumen ist in mehrere Slots dieser Dauer aufgeteilt. Dieser Wert kann je Verfügbarkeit überschrieben werden."
modules: "Module"
machines: "Machines"
machines_info_html: "<p>Machines are the resources which are available for booking. A machine can be, <em>for example</em>, a 3D printer or a laser cutter.</p>"
enable_machines: "Enable the machines"
machines_module: "machines module"
spaces: "Räume"
spaces_info_html: "<p>Ein Raum kann zum Beispiel eine Holzwerkstatt oder ein Meetingraum sein. Die Besonderheit von Räumen ist, dass sie von mehreren Personen gleichzeitig gebucht werden können.</p><p><strong>Warnung:</strong> Es wird nicht empfohlen, Räume zu deaktivieren, wenn mindestens eine Raumreservierung auf dem System vorgenommen wurde.</p>"
enable_spaces: "Räume aktivieren"
@ -1307,6 +1430,10 @@ de:
account_confirmation: "Kontobestätigung"
confirmation_required_info: "Optional können Sie die Bestätigung der E-Mail-Adresse für Benutzer obligatorisch machen, bevor Sie Zugriff auf Fab-Manager bekommen."
confirmation_is_required: "Bestätigung erforderlich"
change_group: "Group change"
change_group_info: "After an user has created his account, you can restrict him from changing his group. In that case, only managers and administrators will be able to change the user's group."
allow_group_change: "Allow group change"
user_change_group: "users can change their group"
wallet_module: "Guthabenkonto-Modul"
public_agenda_module: "öffentliches Agenda-Modul"
statistics_module: "Statistik-Modul"
@ -1372,6 +1499,7 @@ de:
statistics_info_html: "<p>Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie das Statistik-Modul.</p><p>Wenn aktiviert, konsolidiert das Modul die Tagesdaten in der Datenbank einer leistungsstarken Analyse-Engine. Administratoren können im entsprechenden Abschnitt die erstellten Diagramme und Tabellen durchsuchen.</p>"
enable_statistics: "Statistik-Modul aktivieren"
account: "Account"
compte: "Compte"
customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings"
user_validation_required: "validation of accounts"
@ -1503,35 +1631,6 @@ de:
report_will_be_destroyed: "Sobald der Bericht verarbeitet wurde, wird er gelöscht. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Fortfahren?"
report_removed: "Der Bericht wurde gelöscht"
failed_to_remove: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, der Bericht konnte nicht gelöscht werden"
manage_plans_categories: "Plan-Kategorien verwalten"
categories_list: "Liste der Kategorien des Plans"
no_categories: "Keine Kategorien"
name: "Name"
significance: "Signifikanz"
new_category: "Neue Kategorie"
name: "Name"
significance: "Signifikanz"
significance_info: "Kategorien werden nach Signifikanz sortiert. Je höher die Signifikanz, desto weiter oben wird die Kategorie angezeigt."
confirm_create: "Kategorie erstellen"
category_created: "Die neue Kategorie wurde erfolgreich erstellt"
unable_to_create: "Die Kategorie konnte nicht erstellt werden: "
edit_category: "Kategorie bearbeiten"
name: "Name"
significance: "Signifikanz"
confirm_edition: "Bestätigen"
category_updated: "Die Kategorie wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert"
unable_to_update: "Die Kategorie konnte nicht aktualisiert werden: "
significance_info: "Kategorien werden nach Signifikanz sortiert. Je höher die Signifikanz, desto weiter oben wird die Kategorie angezeigt."
delete_category: "Kategorie löschen"
confirm_delete: "Löschen"
delete_confirmation: "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Kategorie löschen möchten? Wenn Sie dies tun, werden die mit dieser Kategorie verbundenen Pläne nicht mehr sortiert."
category_deleted: "Die Kategorie wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"
unable_to_delete: "Die Kategorie konnte nicht gelöscht werden: "
validate_cart: "Bestätigen Sie den Warenkorb"
offline_payment: "Zahlung vor Ort"

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ es:
events: "Eventos"
availabilities: "Disponibilidades"
availabilities_notice: "Exportar a un libro de trabajo de Excel cada ranura disponible para reserva, y su ratio de ocupación."
select_a_slot: "Please select a slot"
info: "Info"
tags: "Tags"
slot_duration: "Slot duration: {DURATION} minutes"
@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ es:
slots_of: "of"
minutes: "minutes"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
select_type: "Please select a type to continue"
no_modules_available: "No reservable module available. Please enable at least one module (machines, spaces or trainings) in the Customization section."
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
@ -435,6 +438,35 @@ es:
edit_extended_price: "Edit the extended price"
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "The extended price was successfully updated."
manage_plans_categories: "Manage plans' categories"
categories_list: "List of the plan's categories"
no_categories: "Sin categoría"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
title: "New category"
cta: "Create the category"
success: "The new category was successfully created"
error: "Unable to create the category: "
title: "Edit the category"
cta: "Validate"
success: "The category was successfully updated"
error: "Unable to update the category: "
title: "Delete a category"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
cta: "Delete"
success: "The category was successfully deleted"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "Añadir un cupón"
@ -850,6 +882,7 @@ es:
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "Se ha producido un error: no se puede eliminar el proveedor especificado."
local_database: "Base de datos local"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
add_a_group: "Añadir un grupo"
group_name: "Nombre del grupo"
@ -874,6 +907,7 @@ es:
add_a_member: "Agregar un miembro"
user_is_an_organization: "El usuario es una organización"
create_success: "Member successfully created"
#members bulk import
import_members: "Import members"
@ -957,6 +991,7 @@ es:
to_credit: 'Credit'
cannot_credit_own_wallet: "You cannot credit your own wallet. Please ask another manager or an administrator to credit your wallet."
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "You cannot extend your own subscription. Please ask another manager or an administrator to extend your subscription."
update_success: "Member's profile successfully updated"
my_documents: "My documents"
my_documents_info: "Following the declaration of your profile, you must declare the proof of identity documents. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
@ -1046,26 +1081,108 @@ es:
birth_date: "Date of birth"
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
#add a new authentication provider (SSO)
#authentication providers (SSO) components
mappings: "Mappings"
true_value: "True value"
false_value: "False value"
input_format: "Input format"
date_format: "Date format"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Define the fields mapping"
add_a_match: "Add a match"
model: "Model"
field: "Field"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint or URL"
api_type: "API type"
api_field: "API field"
api_field_help_html: '<a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported.<br> If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> Example: $.data[*].name'
api_field: "Userinfo claim"
api_field_help_html: 'Set the field providing the corresponding data through <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Claims" target="_blank">the userinfo endpoint</a>.<br> <a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported. If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> <b>Example</b>: $.data[*].name'
openid_standard_configuration: "Use the OpenID standard configuration"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
TYPE_expected: "{TYPE} expected"
integer: "integer"
string: "string"
text: "text"
date: "date"
boolean: "boolean"
authorization_callback_url: "Authorization callback URL"
common_url: "Server root URL"
authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token acquisition endpoint"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_identifier: "Client identifier"
client_secret: "Client secret"
scopes: "Scopes"
issuer: "Issuer"
issuer_help: "Root url for the authorization server."
discovery: "Discovery"
discovery_help: "Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint."
discovery_unavailable: "Discovery is unavailable for the configured issuer."
discovery_enabled: "Enable discovery"
discovery_disabled: "Disable discovery"
client_auth_method: "Client authentication method"
client_auth_method_help: "Which authentication method to use to authenticate Fab-manager with the authorization server."
client_auth_method_basic: "Basic"
client_auth_method_jwks: "JWKS"
scope: "Scope"
scope_help_html: "Which OpenID scopes to include (openid is always required). <br> If <b>Discovery</b> is enabled, the available scopes will be automatically proposed."
prompt: "Prompt"
prompt_help_html: "Which OpenID pages the user will be shown. <br> <b>None</b> - no authentication or consent user interface pages are shown. <br> <b>Login</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for reauthentication. <br> <b>Consent</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for consent before returning information to Fab-manager. <br> <b>Select account</b> - the authorization server prompt the user to select a user account."
prompt_none: "None"
prompt_login: "Login"
prompt_consent: "Consent"
prompt_select_account: "Select account"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint: "Send scope to token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_help: "Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_false: "No"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_true: "Yes"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_options: "Client options"
client__identifier: "Identifier"
client__secret: "Secret"
client__authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
client__token_endpoint: "Token endpoint"
client__userinfo_endpoint: "Userinfo endpoint"
client__jwks_uri: "JWKS URI"
client__end_session_endpoint: "End session endpoint"
client__end_session_endpoint_help: "The url to call to log the user out at the authorization server."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentication type"
save: "Save"
create_success: "Authentication provider created"
update_success: "Authentication provider updated"
local_database: "Local database"
oauth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
#create a new authentication provider (SSO)
local_database: "Base de datos local"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Agregar un nuevo proveedor de autenticación"
a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another: "A proveedor de \"Base de datos local\" ya existe. No se puede crear otro."
local_provider_successfully_saved: "Proveedor local guardado correctamente."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Es necesario establecer la coincidencia entre User.uid y la API para agregar este proveedor."
security_issue_detected: "Se ha detectado un problema de seguridad"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS: "Tenga cuidado: el proveedor de OAuth 2 que va a agregar no está usando HTTPS."
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes: "Este es un grave problema de seguridad en Internet y nunca debe utilizarse excepto para fines de prueba."
do_you_really_want_to_continue: "¿De verdad quieres continuar?"
unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Proveedor de OAuth 2.0 no seguro, se ha agregado correctamente."
oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "OAuth 2.0 proveedor agregado correctamente."
#edit an authentication provider (SSO)
provider: "Proveedor:"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Es necesario establecer la coincidencia entre User.uid y la API para agregar este proveedor."
provider_successfully_updated: "Proveedor actualizado correctamente."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Se ha producido un error: no se puede actualizar el proveedor."
#statistics tables
statistics: "Statistics"
@ -1220,6 +1337,8 @@ es:
about_title: "Título de la página \"Acerca de\""
about_body: "Contenido de la página \"Acerca de\""
about_contacts: "Página contactos\"Acerca de\""
about_follow_us: "Follow us"
about_networks: "Social networks"
privacy_draft: "privacy policy draft"
privacy_body: "política de privacidad"
privacy_dpo: "data protection officer address"
@ -1265,6 +1384,10 @@ es:
duration_minutes: "Duration (in minutes)"
default_slot_duration_info: "Machine and space availabilities are divided in multiple slots of this duration. This value can be overridden per availability."
modules: "Modules"
machines: "Machines"
machines_info_html: "<p>Machines are the resources which are available for booking. A machine can be, <em>for example</em>, a 3D printer or a laser cutter.</p>"
enable_machines: "Enable the machines"
machines_module: "machines module"
spaces: "Spaces"
spaces_info_html: "<p>A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room. Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> It is not recommended to disable spaces if at least one space reservation was made on the system.</p>"
enable_spaces: "Enable the spaces"
@ -1307,6 +1430,10 @@ es:
account_confirmation: "Account confirmation"
confirmation_required_info: "Optionally, you can force the users to confirm their email address before being able to access Fab-manager."
confirmation_is_required: "Confirmation required"
change_group: "Group change"
change_group_info: "After an user has created his account, you can restrict him from changing his group. In that case, only managers and administrators will be able to change the user's group."
allow_group_change: "Allow group change"
user_change_group: "users can change their group"
wallet_module: "wallet module"
public_agenda_module: "public agenda module"
statistics_module: "statistics module"
@ -1372,6 +1499,7 @@ es:
statistics_info_html: "<p>Enable or disable the statistics module.</p><p>If enabled, every nights, the data of the day just passed will be consolidated in the database of a powerful analysis engine. Then, every administrators will be able to browse statistical charts and tables in the corresponding section.</p>"
enable_statistics: "Enable statistics"
account: "Account"
compte: "Compte"
customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings"
user_validation_required: "validation of accounts"
@ -1503,35 +1631,6 @@ es:
report_will_be_destroyed: "Once the report has been processed, it will be deleted. This can't be undone, continue?"
report_removed: "The report has been deleted"
failed_to_remove: "An error occurred, unable to delete the report"
manage_plans_categories: "Manage plans' categories"
categories_list: "List of the plan's categories"
no_categories: "Sin categoría"
name: "Name"
significance: "Significance"
new_category: "Nueva categoría"
name: "Nombre"
significance: "Significance"
significance_info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
confirm_create: "Create the category"
category_created: "The new category was successfully created"
unable_to_create: "Unable to create the category: "
edit_category: "Edit the category"
name: "Nombre"
significance: "Significance"
confirm_edition: "Validar"
category_updated: "The category was successfully updated"
unable_to_update: "Unable to update the category: "
significance_info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
delete_category: "Delete a category"
confirm_delete: "Borrar"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
category_deleted: "The category was successfully deleted"
unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the category: "
validate_cart: "Validate my cart"
offline_payment: "Payment on site"

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ fr:
events: "Événements"
availabilities: "Disponibilités"
availabilities_notice: "Exporter dans un classeur Excel tous les créneaux ouverts à la réservation et leurs taux d'occupation."
select_a_slot: "Veuillez sélectionner un créneau"
info: "Informations"
tags: "Étiquettes"
slot_duration: "Durée des créneaux: {DURATION} minutes"
@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ fr:
slots_of: "de"
minutes: "minutes"
deleted_user: "Utilisateur supprimé"
select_type: "Veuillez sélectionner un type pour continuer"
no_modules_available: "Aucun module réservable n'est disponible. Veuillez activer au moins un module (machines, espaces ou formations) dans la section Personnalisation."
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "Import iCalendar"
@ -435,6 +438,35 @@ fr:
edit_extended_price: "Modifier le prix étendu"
confirm_changes: "Valider les modifications"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "Le prix étendu a bien été mis à jour."
manage_plans_categories: "Gérer les catégories des formules d'abonnement"
categories_list: "Liste des catégories des formules d'abonnement"
no_categories: "Pas de catégories"
name: "Nom"
description: "Description"
significance: "Importance"
name: "Nom"
description: "Description"
significance: "Importance"
info: "Les catégories seront affichées par ordre d'importance. Plus vous définissez une importance élevée, plus la catégorie sera affichée en premier."
title: "Nouvelle catégorie"
cta: "Créer la catégorie"
success: "La nouvelle catégorie a bien été créée"
error: "Impossible de créer la catégorie : "
title: "Modifier la catégorie"
cta: "Valider"
success: "La catégorie a bien été mise à jour"
error: "Impossible de mettre à jour la catégorie : "
title: "Supprimer une catégorie"
confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ? Si vous le faites, les formules associées à cette catégorie ne seront plus triés."
cta: "Supprimer"
success: "La catégorie a bien été supprimée"
error: "Impossible de supprimer la catégorie : "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "Ajouter un code promotionnel"
@ -850,6 +882,7 @@ fr:
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "Une erreur est survenue : impossible de supprimer le fournisseur spécifié."
local_database: "Base de données locale"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
add_a_group: "Ajouter un groupe"
group_name: "Nom du groupe"
@ -874,6 +907,7 @@ fr:
add_a_member: "Ajouter un membre"
user_is_an_organization: "L'utilisateur est une structure"
create_success: "Le compte membre a bien été créé"
#members bulk import
import_members: "Importer des membres"
@ -957,30 +991,31 @@ fr:
to_credit: 'Créditer'
cannot_credit_own_wallet: "Vous ne pouvez pas créditer votre propre porte-monnaie. Veuillez demander à un autre gestionnaire ou à un administrateur de créditer votre porte-monnaie."
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "Vous ne pouvez pas prolonger votre propre abonnement. Veuillez demander à un autre gestionnaire ou à un administrateur de prolonger votre abonnement."
update_success: "Le profile du membre a bien été mis à jour"
my_documents: "Mes documents"
my_documents_info: "Suite à la déclaration de votre profil, vous devez déclarer des justificatifs. Une fois déposé, ces documents vont être vérifiés par l'administrateur."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "La limite de poids est {SIZE} Mo max"
my_documents_alert: "Attention ! </br>Vous pouvez déposer vos documents en pdf ou en image(jpg) sous une limite de poids de {SIZE} Mo max"
proof_of_identity_files: "Justificatifs"
find_below_the_proof_of_identity_files: "Retrouvez ci-dessous, les justificatifs déposés par le membre."
my_documents_info: "Suite à la déclaration de votre profil, vous devez fournir des pièces justificatives d'identité. Une fois soumis, ces documents seront vérifiés par l'administrateur."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
my_documents_alert: "Attention!</br>You can submit your documents in pdf or in image (jpg) under a weight limit of {SIZE} Mb max"
proof_of_identity_files: "Justificatif d'identité"
find_below_the_proof_of_identity_files: "Vous trouverez ci-dessous le justificatif d'identité fournie par le membre."
save: "Enregistrer"
to_complete: "À complèter"
proof_of_identity_refusal: "Refus du justificatif"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files: "Refuser des justificatifs"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files_info: "Après vérification, vous pouvez notifier le membre que le ou les justificatifs déposés ne sont pas recevables. Vous pouvez préciser les motifs de votre refus et lui indiquer les actions à mettre en oeuvre. Le membre sera notifié par mail."
confirm: "Confirmer"
to_complete: "À compléter"
proof_of_identity_refusal: "Refus du justificatif d'identité"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files: "Refus du justificatif d'identité"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files_info: "Après vérification, vous pouvez informer le membre que le justificatif soumis ne peut pas être accepté. Vous pouvez spécifier les raisons de votre refus et indiquer les actions à mener. Le membre sera informé par e-mail."
confirm: "Valider"
cancel: "Annuler"
proof_of_identity_refusal_comment: "Commentaire"
proof_of_identity_refuse_input_message: "Tapper votre text"
proof_of_identity_refuse_input_message: "Saisissez votre texte"
validate_account: "Valider le compte"
validate_member_success: "Le membre est validé"
invalidate_member_success: "Le membre est invalidé"
validate_member_error: "Une error est survenue : impossible de valider de ce membre."
invalidate_member_error: "Une error est survenue : impossible d'invalider de ce membre."
proof_of_identity_refusal_successfully_sent: "Refus du justificatif a bien été envoyé."
proof_of_identity_refusal_unable_to_send: "Impossible refuser des justificatifs : "
proof_of_identity_files_successfully_uploaded: "Le justificatif a bien été envoyé."
proof_of_identity_files_unable_to_upload: "Impossible d'envoyer le justificatif : "
validate_member_error: "Une erreur est survenue : impossible de valider ce membre."
invalidate_member_error: "Une erreur est survenue : impossible d'invalider ce membre."
proof_of_identity_refusal_successfully_sent: "Le refus du justificatif d'identité a été envoyé."
proof_of_identity_refusal_unable_to_send: "Impossible de refuser le justificatif d'identité : "
proof_of_identity_files_successfully_uploaded: "Le justificatif d'identité a été envoyé."
proof_of_identity_files_unable_to_upload: "Impossible d'envoyer le justificatif d'identité : "
#extend a subscription for free
extend_subscription: "Prolonger l'abonnement"
@ -1046,26 +1081,108 @@ fr:
birth_date: "Date de naissance"
address: "Adresse"
phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone"
#add a new authentication provider (SSO)
#authentication providers (SSO) components
mappings: "Correspondances"
true_value: "Valeur vraie"
false_value: "Valeur fausse"
input_format: "Format d'entrée"
date_format: "Format de date"
mappings: "Correspondances"
mapping_from: "De"
mapping_to: "À"
mappings: "Correspondances"
mapping_from: "De"
mapping_to: "À"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Définir la correspondance des champs"
add_a_match: "Ajouter une correspondance"
model: "Modèle"
field: "Champ"
data_mapping: "Correspondance des données"
api_endpoint_url: "Point d'accès ou URL"
api_type: "Type d'API"
api_field: "Champ de l'API"
api_field_help_html: '<a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">La syntaxe du JsonPath</a> est prise en charge<br>. Si plusieurs champs sont sélectionnés, le premier sera utilisé<br>. Exemple : $.data[*].name'
api_field: "Demandes d'information utilisateur"
api_field_help_html: 'Définit le champ fournissant les données correspondantes via <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Claims" target="_blank">le point d''accès aux informations utilisateur</a>.<br> <a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">La syntaxe JsonPath</a> est prise en charge. Si plusieurs champs sont sélectionnés, le premier sera utilisé.<br> <b>Exemple</b>: $.data[*].name'
openid_standard_configuration: "Utiliser la configuration standard OpenID"
data_mapping: "Correspondance des données"
TYPE_expected: "{TYPE} attendu"
integer: "integer"
string: "chaîne"
text: "texte"
date: "date"
boolean: "booléen"
authorization_callback_url: "URL de retour d'autorisation"
common_url: "URL racine du serveur"
authorization_endpoint: "Point d'accès pour l'autorisation"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Point d'accès d'acquisition du jeton"
profile_edition_url: "URL d'édition du profil"
profile_edition_url_help: "L'URL de la page où l'utilisateur peut modifier son profil."
client_identifier: "Identifiant client"
client_secret: "Secret client"
scopes: "Portée de lautorisation"
issuer: "Émetteur"
issuer_help: "URL racine du serveur d'autorisation."
discovery: "Discovery"
discovery_help: "La découverte automatique OpenID doit-elle être utilisée ? Ceci est recommandé si l'IDP fournit un point d'accès de découverte automatique."
discovery_unavailable: "La découverte automatique n'est pas disponible pour l'émetteur configuré."
discovery_enabled: "Activer la découverte"
discovery_disabled: "Désactiver la découverte"
client_auth_method: "Méthode d'authentification du client"
client_auth_method_help: "Quelle méthode d'authentification utiliser pour authentifier Fab-manager avec le serveur d'autorisation."
client_auth_method_basic: "Basique"
client_auth_method_jwks: "JWKS"
scope: "Portée de lautorisation"
scope_help_html: "Quelles portée dautorisation OpenID inclure (openid est toujours requis). <br> Si <b>Discovery</b> est activée, les portées disponibles seront automatiquement proposées."
prompt: "Invité"
prompt_help_html: "Quelles pages OpenID seront affichés à l'utilisateur. <br> <b>Aucun</b> - aucune page d'authentification ou de consentement utilisateur ne sont affichées. <br> <b>Connexion</b> - le serveur d'autorisation invite l'utilisateur à se réauthentifier. <br> <b>Consentement</b> - le serveur d'autorisation demande le consentement de l'utilisateur avant de renvoyer des informations à Fab-manager. <br> <b>Sélectionnez le compte</b> - le serveur d'autorisation invite l'utilisateur à sélectionner un compte utilisateur."
prompt_none: "Aucune"
prompt_login: "Connexion"
prompt_consent: "Consentement"
prompt_select_account: "Sélectionnez le compte"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint: "Envoyer la portée lors de l'acquisition du jeton ?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_help: "La portée de l'autorisation doit-elle être envoyée au point d'accès d'acquisition du jeton ?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_false: "Non"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_true: "Oui"
profile_edition_url: "URL d'édition du profil"
profile_edition_url_help: "L'URL de la page où l'utilisateur peut modifier son profil."
client_options: "Options du client"
client__identifier: "Identifiant"
client__secret: "Secret"
client__authorization_endpoint: "Point d'accès pour l'autorisation"
client__token_endpoint: "Point d'accès d'acquisition du jeton"
client__userinfo_endpoint: "Point d'accès des informations utilisateur"
client__jwks_uri: "URI JWKS"
client__end_session_endpoint: "Point d'accès pour terminer la session"
client__end_session_endpoint_help: "L'url à appeler pour déconnecter l'utilisateur sur le serveur d'autorisation."
name: "Nom"
authentication_type: "Type d'authentification"
save: "Enregistrer"
create_success: "Fournisseur d'authentification créé"
update_success: "Fournisseur d'authentification mis à jour"
local_database: "Base de données locale"
oauth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
#create a new authentication provider (SSO)
local_database: "Base de données locale"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Ajouter un fournisseur d'authentification"
a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another: "Un fournisseur de type \"Base de données locale\" existe déjà. Impossible d'en créer un second."
local_provider_successfully_saved: "Le fournisseur local a bien été enregistré."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Il est obligatoire d'établir la correspondance entre User.uid et l'API pour pouvoir ajouter ce fournisseur."
security_issue_detected: "Problème de sécurité détecté"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS: "Attention : le fournisseur d'authentification OAuth 2 que vous êtes sur le point d'ajouter n'utilise pas HTTPS."
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes: "Ceci constitue un grave problème de sécurité sur internet et ne devrait jamais être utilisé en dehors de fins de tests."
do_you_really_want_to_continue: "Êtes vous sur de vouloir continuer ?"
unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Le fournisseur OAuth 2.0 (non sécurisé) a bien été enregistré."
oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Le fournisseur OAuth 2.0 a bien été enregistré."
#edit an authentication provider (SSO)
provider: "Fournisseur :"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Il est obligatoire d'établir la correspondance entre User.uid et l'API pour pouvoir ajouter ce fournisseur."
provider_successfully_updated: "Le fournisseur a bien été mis à jour."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Une error est survenue : impossible de mettre à jour le fournisseur."
#statistics tables
statistics: "Statistiques"
@ -1220,6 +1337,8 @@ fr:
about_title: "titre de la page \"À propos\""
about_body: "corps de la page \"À propos\""
about_contacts: "contacts sur la page \"À propos\""
about_follow_us: "Suivez-nous"
about_networks: "Réseaux sociaux"
privacy_draft: "brouillon de la politique de confidentialité"
privacy_body: "la politique de confidentialité"
privacy_dpo: "l'adresse du délégué à la protection des données"
@ -1265,6 +1384,10 @@ fr:
duration_minutes: "Durée (en minutes)"
default_slot_duration_info: "Les disponibilités des machines et des espaces sont divisées en plusieurs créneaux de cette durée. Cette valeur peur être changée pour chaque disponibilité."
modules: "Modules"
machines: "Machines"
machines_info_html: "<p>Les machines sont les ressources disponibles pour la réservation. Une machine peut être, <em>par exemple</em>, une imprimante 3D ou une découpeuse laser.</p>"
enable_machines: "Activer les machines"
machines_module: "module machines"
spaces: "Espaces"
spaces_info_html: "<p>Un espace peut-être, par exemple, un atelier bois ou une salle de réunion. Leur particularité est qu'ils peuvent être réservés par plusieurs personnes en même temps.</p><p><strong>Attention :</strong> Il n'est pas recommandé de désactiver les espaces si au moins une réservation est en cours sur un espace.</p>"
enable_spaces: "Activer les espaces"
@ -1307,6 +1430,10 @@ fr:
account_confirmation: "Confirmation de compte"
confirmation_required_info: "De manière optionnelle, vous pouvez forcer les utilisateurs à confirmer leur adresse électronique avant de pouvoir accéder à Fab-manager."
confirmation_is_required: "Confirmation requise"
change_group: "Changement de groupe"
change_group_info: "Une fois qu'un utilisateur a créé son compte, vous pouvez l'empêcher de changer de groupe. Dans ce cas, seuls les gestionnaires et les administrateurs pourront changer le groupe de l'utilisateur."
allow_group_change: "Autoriser le changement de groupe"
user_change_group: "les utilisateurs peuvent changer de groupe"
wallet_module: "module porte-monnaie"
public_agenda_module: "module d'agenda public"
statistics_module: "module de statistiques"
@ -1372,56 +1499,56 @@ fr:
statistics_info_html: "<p>Activer ou désactiver le module de statistiques.</p><p>Si activé, chaque nuit, les données de la journée qui vient de s'écouler seront consolidées dans la base de données d'un puissant moteur d'analyse. Ensuite, chaque administrateur pourra parcourir les tableaux et graphiques statistiques dans la section correspondante.</p>"
enable_statistics: "Activer les statistiques"
compte: "Compte"
account: "Compte"
customize_account_settings: "Personnaliser les paramètres du compte"
user_validation_required: "la validation du compte"
user_validation_required: "validation des comptes"
user_validation_required_title: "Validation des comptes"
user_validation_required_info: "En activant cette option, seuls les membres dont le compte est validé par un administrateur ou un gestionnaire pourront effectuer des réservations."
user_validation_required_option_label: "Activer l'option validation des comptes"
user_validation_required_list_title: "Message d'information de la validation du compte membre"
user_validation_required_list_info: "Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez alors accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de réservation."
user_validation_required_list_other_info: "Les ressources sélectionnées ci-dessous seront assujetties à la validation du compte membre."
user_validation_required_info: "En activant cette option, seuls les membres dont le compte est validé par un administrateur ou un gestionnaire pourront faire des réservations."
user_validation_required_option_label: "Activer l'option de validation du compte"
user_validation_required_list_title: "Message d'information sur la validation du compte membre"
user_validation_required_list_info: "Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez ensuite accéder à toutes les fonctions de réservation."
user_validation_required_list_other_info: "Les ressources sélectionnées ci-dessous seront soumises à la validation du compte de membre."
subscription: "Abonnements"
machine: "Machines"
event: "Événement"
event: "Événements"
space: "Espaces"
training: "Formations"
pack: "Achat pack d'heure"
pack: "Packs prépayés"
create_groups: "Créer des groupes"
add_proof_of_identity_types: "Ajouter des justificatifs"
proof_of_identity_type_info: "Vous pouvez ajouter des justificatifs en fonction des groupes d'utilisateurs créés afin de demander à vos membres de les déposer au sein de leur espace. Chaque membre sera informé des justificatifs à fournir dans son espace personnel(onglet Mes justificatifs). De votre côté, vous pouvez allez vérifier les justificatifs et valider leur compte (sous réserve que l'option Validation de compte soit activée)."
proof_of_identity_type_no_group_info: "Les justificatifs sont nécessairement appliqués à des groupes.<br/>Si vous n'avez pas encore de groupe, vous pouvez en créer depuis la page \"Utilisateurs/Groupes\" (bouton ci-contre)."
proof_of_identity_type_title: "Justificatifs"
add_proof_of_identity_type_button: "Créer un justificatif"
no_proof_of_identity_types: "Vous n'avez aucun justificatifs.</br>Vérifiez bien que vous avez créé au moins un groupe afin d'accéder à l'ajout d'un document."
add_proof_of_identity_types: "Ajouter un justificatif d'identité"
proof_of_identity_type_info: "Vous pouvez ajouter un justificatif d'identité en fonction des groupes d'utilisateurs créés. Il sera demandé à vos membres de les déposer dans leur espace. Chaque membre sera informé du justificatif d'identité à fournir dans son espace personnel (onglet Mes justificatifs d'identité). De votre côté, vous pouvez vérifier les justificatifs d'identité et valider leur compte (à condition que l'option de validation du compte soit activée)."
proof_of_identity_type_no_group_info: "Un justificatif d'identité est nécessairement appliquée aux groupes.</br>Si vous n'avez pas encore de groupe, vous pouvez en créer un à partir de la page \"Utilisateurs/Groupes\" (bouton à droite)."
proof_of_identity_type_title: "Justificatif d'identité"
add_proof_of_identity_type_button: "Créer un justificatif d'identité"
no_proof_of_identity_types: "Vous n'avez aucun jusificatif d'identité.</br>Assurez-vous d'avoir créé au moins un groupe pour ajouter un document."
group_name: "Groupe"
name: "Justificatif"
name: "Justificatif d'identité"
all_groups: 'Tous les groupes'
new_proof_of_identity_type: "Créer un justificatif"
edit_proof_of_identity_type: "Éditer le justificatif"
proof_of_identity_type_form_info: "Paramètres du champs"
proof_of_identity_type_select_group: "Choisir un groupe"
proof_of_identity_type_input_name: "Nom du champs"
new_proof_of_identity_type: "Créer un justificatif d'identité"
edit_proof_of_identity_type: "Modifier le justificatif d'identité"
proof_of_identity_type_form_info: "Paramètres du champ"
proof_of_identity_type_select_group: "Sélectionnez un groupe"
proof_of_identity_type_input_name: "Nom"
create: "Créer"
edit: "Éditer"
edit: "Modifier"
confirm: "Valider"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_proof_of_identity_type: "Voulez vous vraiment supprimer ce justificatif ?"
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_created: "Le nouveau justificatif a bien été créé."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_create: "Impossible de supprimer le justificatif : "
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_updated: "Le justificatif a bien été mis à jour."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_update: "Impossible de modifier le justificatif : "
proof_of_identity_type_deleted: "Le justificatif a été bien supprimé."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_delete: "Impossible de supprimer le justificatif : "
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_proof_of_identity_type: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce justificatif d'identité ?"
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_created: "Le nouveau justificatif d'identité a été créé."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_create: "Impossible de supprimer le justificatif d'identité : "
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_updated: "Le justificatif d'identité a été mis à jour."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_update: "Impossible de modifier le justificatif d'identité : "
proof_of_identity_type_deleted: "Le justificatif d'identité a été supprimé."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_delete: "Impossible de supprimer le justificatif d'identité : "
organization: "Structure"
organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "Vous pouvez afficher des champs supplémentaires pour les utilisateurs qui déclarent être une structure. Vous pouvez aussi choisir de les rendre obligatoires à la création du compte."
organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "Attention: les champs activés seront automatiquement affichés sur les factures émises. Une fois configurés, merci de veiller à ne pas les modifier."
organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "Vous pouvez afficher des champs supplémentaires pour les utilisateurs qui se déclarent être une structure. Vous pouvez également choisir de les rendre obligatoires lors de la création du compte."
organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "Attention : les champs activés seront automatiquement affichés sur les factures émises. Une fois configurés, veuillez ne pas les modifier."
required: "Confirmation requise"
actived: "Activer le champs"
organization_profile_custom_field_successfully_updated: "Le champ de structure a bien été mise à jour."
actived: "Activer le champ"
organization_profile_custom_field_successfully_updated: "Le champ structure a été mis à jour."
organization_profile_custom_field_unable_to_update: "Impossible de modifier le champ : "
show_upcoming_events: "Afficher les prochains événements"
@ -1503,35 +1630,6 @@ fr:
report_will_be_destroyed: "Une fois le signalement traité, le rapport sera supprimé. Cette action est irréversible, continuer ?"
report_removed: "Le rapport a bien été supprimé"
failed_to_remove: "Une erreur est survenue, impossible de supprimer le rapport"
manage_plans_categories: "Gérer les catégories des formules d'abonnement"
categories_list: "Liste des catégories des formules d'abonnement"
no_categories: "Pas de catégories"
name: "Nom"
significance: "Importance"
new_category: "Nouvelle catégorie"
name: "Nom"
significance: "Importance"
significance_info: "Les catégories seront affichées par ordre d'importance. Plus vous définissez une importance élevée, plus la catégorie sera affichée en premier."
confirm_create: "Créer la catégorie"
category_created: "La nouvelle catégorie a bien été créée"
unable_to_create: "Impossible de créer la catégorie : "
edit_category: "Modifier la catégorie"
name: "Nom"
significance: "Importance"
confirm_edition: "Valider"
category_updated: "La catégorie a bien été mise à jour"
unable_to_update: "Impossible de mettre à jour la catégorie : "
significance_info: "Les catégories seront affichées par ordre d'importance. Plus vous définissez une importance élevée, plus la catégorie sera affichée en premier."
delete_category: "Supprimer une catégorie"
confirm_delete: "Supprimer"
delete_confirmation: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ? Si vous le faites, les formules associés à cette catégorie ne seront plus triés."
category_deleted: "La catégorie a bien été supprimée"
unable_to_delete: "Impossible de supprimer la catégorie : "
validate_cart: "Valider mon panier"
offline_payment: "Paiement sur place"

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
events: "Arrangementer"
availabilities: "Hva er tilgjengelig"
availabilities_notice: "Eksporter alle ledige plasser for reservasjon og beleggstall til en Excel-arbeidsbok."
select_a_slot: "Please select a slot"
info: "Info"
tags: "Etiketter"
slot_duration: "Varighet, tidsluke: {DURATION} minutter"
@ -110,6 +111,8 @@
slots_of: "av"
minutes: "minutter"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
select_type: "Please select a type to continue"
no_modules_available: "No reservable module available. Please enable at least one module (machines, spaces or trainings) in the Customization section."
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
@ -435,6 +438,35 @@
edit_extended_price: "Edit the extended price"
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "The extended price was successfully updated."
manage_plans_categories: "Administrer plankategorier"
categories_list: "Liste over kategorier for denne planen"
no_categories: "Ingen kategorier"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
title: "New category"
cta: "Create the category"
success: "The new category was successfully created"
error: "Unable to create the category: "
title: "Edit the category"
cta: "Validate"
success: "The category was successfully updated"
error: "Unable to update the category: "
title: "Delete a category"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
cta: "Delete"
success: "The category was successfully deleted"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "Legg til rabattkupong"
@ -850,6 +882,7 @@
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "En feil oppstod: ikke mulig å slette den angitte leverandøren."
local_database: "Lokal database"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
add_a_group: "Legg til en gruppe"
group_name: "Gruppenavn"
@ -874,6 +907,7 @@
add_a_member: "Legg til medlem"
user_is_an_organization: "Bruker er en organisasjon"
create_success: "Member successfully created"
#members bulk import
import_members: "Importer medlemmer"
@ -957,6 +991,7 @@
to_credit: 'Kreditt'
cannot_credit_own_wallet: "Du kan ikke kreditere din egen lommebok. Vennligst spør en annen leder eller administrator om å kreditere din lommebok."
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "Du kan ikke utvide ditt eget medlemskap. Be en annen leder eller en administrator om å utvide abonnementet."
update_success: "Member's profile successfully updated"
my_documents: "My documents"
my_documents_info: "Following the declaration of your profile, you must declare the proof of identity documents. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
@ -1046,26 +1081,108 @@
birth_date: "Fødselsdato"
address: "Adresse"
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
#add a new authentication provider (SSO)
#authentication providers (SSO) components
mappings: "Mappings"
true_value: "True value"
false_value: "False value"
input_format: "Input format"
date_format: "Date format"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Define the fields mapping"
add_a_match: "Add a match"
model: "Model"
field: "Field"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint or URL"
api_type: "API type"
api_field: "API field"
api_field_help_html: '<a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported.<br> If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> Example: $.data[*].name'
api_field: "Userinfo claim"
api_field_help_html: 'Set the field providing the corresponding data through <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Claims" target="_blank">the userinfo endpoint</a>.<br> <a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported. If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> <b>Example</b>: $.data[*].name'
openid_standard_configuration: "Use the OpenID standard configuration"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
TYPE_expected: "{TYPE} expected"
integer: "integer"
string: "string"
text: "text"
date: "date"
boolean: "boolean"
authorization_callback_url: "Authorization callback URL"
common_url: "Server root URL"
authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token acquisition endpoint"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_identifier: "Client identifier"
client_secret: "Client secret"
scopes: "Scopes"
issuer: "Issuer"
issuer_help: "Root url for the authorization server."
discovery: "Discovery"
discovery_help: "Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint."
discovery_unavailable: "Discovery is unavailable for the configured issuer."
discovery_enabled: "Enable discovery"
discovery_disabled: "Disable discovery"
client_auth_method: "Client authentication method"
client_auth_method_help: "Which authentication method to use to authenticate Fab-manager with the authorization server."
client_auth_method_basic: "Basic"
client_auth_method_jwks: "JWKS"
scope: "Scope"
scope_help_html: "Which OpenID scopes to include (openid is always required). <br> If <b>Discovery</b> is enabled, the available scopes will be automatically proposed."
prompt: "Prompt"
prompt_help_html: "Which OpenID pages the user will be shown. <br> <b>None</b> - no authentication or consent user interface pages are shown. <br> <b>Login</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for reauthentication. <br> <b>Consent</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for consent before returning information to Fab-manager. <br> <b>Select account</b> - the authorization server prompt the user to select a user account."
prompt_none: "None"
prompt_login: "Login"
prompt_consent: "Consent"
prompt_select_account: "Select account"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint: "Send scope to token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_help: "Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_false: "No"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_true: "Yes"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_options: "Client options"
client__identifier: "Identifier"
client__secret: "Secret"
client__authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
client__token_endpoint: "Token endpoint"
client__userinfo_endpoint: "Userinfo endpoint"
client__jwks_uri: "JWKS URI"
client__end_session_endpoint: "End session endpoint"
client__end_session_endpoint_help: "The url to call to log the user out at the authorization server."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentication type"
save: "Save"
create_success: "Authentication provider created"
update_success: "Authentication provider updated"
local_database: "Local database"
oauth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
#create a new authentication provider (SSO)
local_database: "Lokal database"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Legg til en ny autentiseringsleverandør"
a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another: "En \"lokal database\"-leverandør eksisterer allerede. Kan ikke opprette en annen."
local_provider_successfully_saved: "Lokal leverandør ble lagret."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
security_issue_detected: "Sikkerhetsproblem oppdaget"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS: "Beware: the OAuth 2 provider you are about to add isn't using HTTPS."
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes: "This is a serious security issue on internet and should never be used except for testing purposes."
do_you_really_want_to_continue: "Vil du fortsette?"
unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Usikret OAuth 2.0 leverandør lagt til."
oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Usikret OAuth 2.0 leverandør lagt til."
#edit an authentication provider (SSO)
provider: "Tilbyder:"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
provider_successfully_updated: "Autorisasjonsleverandør oppdatert."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "En feil oppstod: ikke mulig å oppdatere den angitte leverandøren."
#statistics tables
statistics: "Statistikk"
@ -1220,6 +1337,8 @@
about_title: "\"Om\" sidetittel"
about_body: "\"Om\" sideinnhold"
about_contacts: "\"Om\"-side, kontakter"
about_follow_us: "Follow us"
about_networks: "Social networks"
privacy_draft: "forslag til retningslinjer for personvern"
privacy_body: "persovernerklæring"
privacy_dpo: "adressen til personvernansvarlig"
@ -1265,6 +1384,10 @@
duration_minutes: "Duration (in minutes)"
default_slot_duration_info: "Machine and space availabilities are divided in multiple slots of this duration. This value can be overridden per availability."
modules: "Modules"
machines: "Machines"
machines_info_html: "<p>Machines are the resources which are available for booking. A machine can be, <em>for example</em>, a 3D printer or a laser cutter.</p>"
enable_machines: "Enable the machines"
machines_module: "machines module"
spaces: "Spaces"
spaces_info_html: "<p>A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room. Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> It is not recommended to disable spaces if at least one space reservation was made on the system.</p>"
enable_spaces: "Enable the spaces"
@ -1307,6 +1430,10 @@
account_confirmation: "Bekreft konto"
confirmation_required_info: "Alternativt kan du tvinge brukerne til å bekrefte sin e-postadresse før de får tilgang til Fab-manager."
confirmation_is_required: "Bekreftelse påkrevd"
change_group: "Group change"
change_group_info: "After an user has created his account, you can restrict him from changing his group. In that case, only managers and administrators will be able to change the user's group."
allow_group_change: "Allow group change"
user_change_group: "users can change their group"
wallet_module: "virtuell lommebokmodul"
public_agenda_module: "offentlig agenda-modul"
statistics_module: "statistikkmodul"
@ -1372,6 +1499,7 @@
statistics_info_html: "<p>Enable or disable the statistics module.</p><p>If enabled, every nights, the data of the day just passed will be consolidated in the database of a powerful analysis engine. Then, every administrators will be able to browse statistical charts and tables in the corresponding section.</p>"
enable_statistics: "Enable statistics"
account: "Account"
compte: "Compte"
customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings"
user_validation_required: "validation of accounts"
@ -1503,35 +1631,6 @@
report_will_be_destroyed: "Once the report has been processed, it will be deleted. This can't be undone, continue?"
report_removed: "The report has been deleted"
failed_to_remove: "An error occurred, unable to delete the report"
manage_plans_categories: "Administrer plankategorier"
categories_list: "Liste over kategorier for denne planen"
no_categories: "Ingen kategorier"
name: "Name"
significance: "Significance"
new_category: "Ny kategori"
name: "Name"
significance: "Significance"
significance_info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
confirm_create: "Create the category"
category_created: "The new category was successfully created"
unable_to_create: "Unable to create the category: "
edit_category: "Edit the category"
name: "Name"
significance: "Significance"
confirm_edition: "Validate"
category_updated: "The category was successfully updated"
unable_to_update: "Unable to update the category: "
significance_info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
delete_category: "Delete a category"
confirm_delete: "Delete"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
category_deleted: "The category was successfully deleted"
unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the category: "
validate_cart: "Validate my cart"
offline_payment: "Payment on site"

View File

@ -15,9 +15,10 @@ pt:
trainings: "Treinamentos"
machines: "Máquinas"
spaces: "Espaços"
events: "Events"
events: "Eventos"
availabilities: "Disponíveis"
availabilities_notice: "Exportar para Excel livro com todos os slots disponíveis para reserva, e suas ocupações."
select_a_slot: "Please select a slot"
info: "Informações"
tags: "Tags"
slot_duration: "Duração do Slot {DURATION} minutos"
@ -98,8 +99,8 @@ pt:
delete_this_slot: "Somente este slot"
delete_this_and_next: "Este slot e o seguinte"
delete_all: "Todos os slots"
event_in_the_past: "Create a slot in the past"
confirm_create_event_in_the_past: "You are about to create a slot in the past. Are you sure you want to do this? Members will not be able to book this slot."
event_in_the_past: "Criar um evento no passado"
confirm_create_event_in_the_past: "Você está prestes a criar um evento no passado. Tem certeza de que quer fazer isso? Os usuários não poderão reservar este evento."
edit_event: "Editar evento"
view_reservations: "Ver reservas"
legend: "Legenda"
@ -109,7 +110,9 @@ pt:
slots: "slots"
slots_of: "do"
minutes: "minutos"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
deleted_user: "Usuário deletado"
select_type: "Please select a type to continue"
no_modules_available: "No reservable module available. Please enable at least one module (machines, spaces or trainings) in the Customization section."
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "importar iCalendar"
@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ pt:
none: "Vazio" #grammar concordance with training.
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "Um erro ocorreu enquanto era salvo o número de créditos."
an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Um erro ocorreu enquanto o crédito era deletado do {TRAINING}."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "An error occurred: unable to find the credit to revoke."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "Um erro ocorreu: incapaz de encontrar o crédito para revogar."
an_error_occurred_while_creating_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Ocorreu um erro ao criar o crédito com o {TRAINING}."
not_set: "Não definido"
error_a_credit_linking_this_machine_with_that_subscription_already_exists: "Erro: uma conexão de crédito entre esta máquina e esta assinatura já existe."
@ -371,12 +374,12 @@ pt:
status_disabled: "Desabilitados"
status_all: "Todos"
prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "The prices below match one hour of space reservation, <strong>without subscription</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.<br/><em>For example</em>, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
you_can_override: "You can override this duration for each availability you create in the agenda. The price will then be adjusted accordingly."
extended_prices: "Moreover, you can define extended prices which will apply in priority over the hourly rate below. Extended prices allow you, for example, to set a favorable price for a booking of several hours."
spaces: "Spaces"
price_updated: "Price successfully updated"
prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "Os preços abaixo correspondem a uma hora de uso do espaço, <strong>sem assinatura</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "Todos os preços serão calculados automaticamente com base na taxa horária definida aqui.<br/><em>Por exemplo</em>, se você definir uma taxa horária em {RATE}: um slot de {DURATION} minutos, será cobrada a tarifa <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
you_can_override: "Você pode substituir essa duração por cada disponibilidade que você criar na agenda. O preço será então ajustado em conformidade."
extended_prices: "Além disso, você pode definir preços estendidos que serão aplicados na prioridade sobre a taxa horária abaixo. Preços estendidos permitem, por exemplo, definir um preço favorável para uma reserva de várias horas."
spaces: "Espaços"
price_updated: "Preço atualizado com sucesso"
prices_match_machine_hours_rates_html: "Os preços abaixo correspondem a uma hora de uso de máquina, <strong>sem assinatura</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "Todos os preços serão calculados automaticamente com base na taxa horária definida aqui.<br/><em>Por exemplo</em>, se você definir uma taxa horária em {RATE}: um slot de {DURATION} minutos, será cobrada a tarifa <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
@ -388,12 +391,12 @@ pt:
no_packs: "Não há pacotes no momento"
pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} horas"
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
no_extended_prices: "No extended price for now"
extended_price_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours"
extended_prices: "Preços estendidos"
no_extended_prices: "Nenhum preço estendido por enquanto"
extended_price_DURATION: "{DURATION} horas"
duration: "Duration (hours)"
amount: "Price"
duration: "Duração (horas)"
amount: "Preço"
hours: "Horas"
amount: "Preço"
@ -421,20 +424,49 @@ pt:
confirm_changes: "Confirmar alterações"
pack_successfully_updated: "O pacote pré-pago foi atualizado com sucesso."
new_extended_price: "New extended price"
new_extended_price_info: "Extended prices allows you to define prices based on custom durations, instead of the default hourly rates."
create_extended_price: "Create extended price"
extended_price_successfully_created: "The new extended price was successfully created."
new_extended_price: "Novo preço estendido"
new_extended_price_info: "Preços estendidos permitem que você defina preços baseados em durações personalizadas, ao invés das taxas padrão por hora."
create_extended_price: "Criar preço estendido"
extended_price_successfully_created: "O novo preço estendido foi criado com sucesso."
extended_price_deleted: "The extended price was successfully deleted."
unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the extended price: "
delete_extended_price: "Delete the extended price"
confirm_delete: "Delete"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this extended price?"
extended_price_deleted: "O preço estendido foi excluído com sucesso."
unable_to_delete: "Não foi possível excluir o preço extendido: "
delete_extended_price: "Excluir o preço estendido"
confirm_delete: "Deletar"
delete_confirmation: "Tem certeza que deseja excluir este preço estendido?"
edit_extended_price: "Edit the extended price"
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "The extended price was successfully updated."
edit_extended_price: "Editar o preço estendido"
confirm_changes: "Confirmar alterações"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "O preço estendido foi atualizado com sucesso."
manage_plans_categories: "Gerenciar categoria dos planos"
categories_list: "Lista de categorias do plano"
no_categories: "Sem categorias"
name: "Nome"
description: "Description"
significance: "Importância"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
title: "New category"
cta: "Create the category"
success: "The new category was successfully created"
error: "Unable to create the category: "
title: "Edit the category"
cta: "Validate"
success: "The category was successfully updated"
error: "Unable to update the category: "
title: "Delete a category"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
cta: "Delete"
success: "The category was successfully deleted"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "Adicionar cupom"
@ -497,7 +529,7 @@ pt:
details: "Detalhes"
amount: "Montante"
machine_booking-3D_printer: "Reserva de máquina - 3D printer"
training_booking-3D_print: "Training booking - initiation to 3d printing"
training_booking-3D_print: "Reserva de treinamento - iniciando impressão 3"
total_amount: "Montante total"
total_including_all_taxes: "Total incluindo todas as taxas"
VAT_disabled: "IVA desativado"
@ -509,7 +541,7 @@ pt:
important_notes: "Notas importantes"
address_and_legal_information: "Endereço e informações legais"
invoice_reference: "Referencia de fatura"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
invoice_reference_is_required: "A referência da fatura é necessária."
text: "texto"
year: "Ano"
month: "Mês"
@ -555,15 +587,15 @@ pt:
enable_VAT: "Ativar VAT"
VAT_rate: "VAT taxa"
VAT_history: "Histórico de taxas"
VAT_notice: "This parameter configures the general case of the VAT rate and applies to everything sold by the Fablab. It is possible to override this parameter by setting a specific VAT rate for each object."
edit_multi_VAT_button: "More options"
multiVAT: "Advanced VAT"
multi_VAT_notice: "<strong>Please note</strong>: The current general rate is {RATE}%. Here you can define different VAT rates for each category.</br></br>For example, you can override this value, only for machine reservations, by filling in the corresponding field below. If no value is filled in, the general rate will apply."
VAT_rate_machine: "Machine reservation"
VAT_rate_space: "Space reservation"
VAT_rate_training: "Training reservation"
VAT_rate_event: "Event reservation"
VAT_rate_subscription: "Subscription"
VAT_notice: "Este parâmetro configura o caso geral da taxa de imposto e aplica-se a tudo vendido pelo Fablab. É possível sobrepor esse parâmetro definindo uma taxa de imposto específica para cada objeto."
edit_multi_VAT_button: "Mais opções"
multiVAT: "Imposto avançado"
multi_VAT_notice: "<strong>Atenção</strong>: A taxa geral atual é de {RATE}%. Aqui você pode definir diferentes taxas de imposto para cada categoria.</br></br>Por exemplo, você pode substituir este valor, apenas para reservas de máquina, preenchendo o campo correspondente abaixo. Se nenhum valor for preenchido, a taxa geral será aplicada."
VAT_rate_machine: "Reserva de máquina"
VAT_rate_space: "Reserva de espaço"
VAT_rate_training: "Reserva de treinamento"
VAT_rate_event: "Reserva de Evento"
VAT_rate_subscription: "Assinatura"
changed_at: "Alterado em"
changed_by: "Por"
deleted_user: "Usuário deletado"
@ -675,10 +707,10 @@ pt:
general_space_code: "Código de contabilidade para todos os espaços"
accounting_Space_label: "Rótulo de espaços"
general_space_label: "Rótulo de conta para todos os espaços"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-pack code"
general_pack_code: "Accounting code for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-pack label"
general_pack_label: "Account label for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Pack_code: "Código do pacote pré-pago"
general_pack_code: "Código de contabilidade para pacotes pré-pagos"
accounting_Pack_label: "Etiqueta do pacote pré-pago"
general_pack_label: "Etiqueta da conta para pacotes pré-pagos"
accounting_Error_code: "Código do erro"
general_error_code: "Código de contabilidade para faturas erradas"
accounting_Error_label: "Rótulo dos erros"
@ -686,9 +718,9 @@ pt:
codes_customization_success: "Customization of accounting codes successfully saved."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Ocorreu um erro inesperado ao salvar os códigos. Tente novamente mais tarde."
export_accounting_data: "Exportar dados de contabilidade"
export_what: "What do you want to export?"
export_VAT: "Export the collected VAT"
export_to_ACD: "Export all data to the accounting software ACD"
export_what: "O que você deseja exportar?"
export_VAT: "Exportar imposto coletado"
export_to_ACD: "Exportar todos os dados para o software de contabilidade ACD"
export_is_running: "A Exportação está em andamento. Você será notificado quando terminar."
export_form_date: "Exportar de"
export_to_date: "Exportar até"
@ -712,10 +744,10 @@ pt:
debit_euro: "Débito em euro"
credit_euro: "Crédito em euro"
lettering: "Letras"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
vat_rate: "VAT rate"
amount: "Total amount"
start_date: "Data de início"
end_date: "Data de término"
vat_rate: "Taxa de imposto"
amount: "Valor total"
payment_settings: "Configurações de pagamento"
online_payment: "Pagamento Online"
@ -769,12 +801,12 @@ pt:
customer: "Cliente"
date: "Data"
title: "Update the payment mean"
update_info: "Please specify below the new payment mean for this payment schedule to continue."
select_payment_mean: "Select a new payment mean"
method_Transfer: "By bank transfer"
method_Check: "By check"
confirm_button: "Update"
title: "Atualizar o método de pagamento"
update_info: "Por favor especifique abaixo o novo método de pagamento para este calendário de pagamentos continuar."
select_payment_mean: "Selecione um novo método de pagamento"
method_Transfer: "Por transferência bancária"
method_Check: "Por cheque"
confirm_button: "Atualizar"
#management of users, labels, groups, and so on
users_management: "Gerenciamento de usuários"
@ -850,6 +882,7 @@ pt:
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "Ocorreu um erro: não é possível excluir o provedor especificado."
local_database: "Database local"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
add_a_group: "Adicionar grupo"
group_name: "Nome do grupo"
@ -874,6 +907,7 @@ pt:
add_a_member: "Adicionar membro"
user_is_an_organization: "Usuário é uma organização"
create_success: "Member successfully created"
#members bulk import
import_members: "Importar membros"
@ -957,6 +991,7 @@ pt:
to_credit: 'Crédito'
cannot_credit_own_wallet: "Você não pode creditar sua própria carteira. Por favor, peça a outro gerente ou a um administrador para creditar sua carteira."
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "Você não pode estender sua própria assinatura. Por favor, peça a outro gerente ou administrador para estender sua assinatura."
update_success: "Member's profile successfully updated"
my_documents: "My documents"
my_documents_info: "Following the declaration of your profile, you must declare the proof of identity documents. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
@ -1013,7 +1048,7 @@ pt:
#add a new administrator to the platform
add_an_administrator: "Adicionar administrador"
administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "Successful creation. Connection directives were sent to the new administrator by e-mail."
administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "Criado com sucesso. Diretrizes de conexão foram enviadas por e-mail ao novo administrador."
failed_to_create_admin: "Não é possível criar administrador:"
man: "Homem"
woman: "Mulher"
@ -1031,7 +1066,7 @@ pt:
#add a new manager to the platform
add_a_manager: "Adicionar Gestor"
manager_successfully_created: "Successful creation. Connection directives were sent to the new manager by e-mail."
manager_successfully_created: "Criado com sucesso. Diretrizes de conexão foram enviadas por e-mail ao novo gerente."
failed_to_create_manager: "Não foi possível criar o gerente:"
man: "Homem"
woman: "Mulher"
@ -1046,26 +1081,108 @@ pt:
birth_date: "Data de nascimento"
address: "Endereço"
phone_number: "Número de telefone"
#add a new authentication provider (SSO)
#authentication providers (SSO) components
mappings: "Mappings"
true_value: "True value"
false_value: "False value"
input_format: "Input format"
date_format: "Date format"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
mappings: "Mappings"
mapping_from: "From"
mapping_to: "To"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Define the fields mapping"
add_a_match: "Add a match"
model: "Model"
field: "Field"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint or URL"
api_type: "API type"
api_field: "API field"
api_field_help_html: '<a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported.<br> If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> Example: $.data[*].name'
api_field: "Userinfo claim"
api_field_help_html: 'Set the field providing the corresponding data through <a href="https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Claims" target="_blank">the userinfo endpoint</a>.<br> <a href="https://jsonpath.com/" target="_blank">JsonPath</a> syntax is supported. If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.<br> <b>Example</b>: $.data[*].name'
openid_standard_configuration: "Use the OpenID standard configuration"
data_mapping: "Data mapping"
TYPE_expected: "{TYPE} expected"
integer: "integer"
string: "string"
text: "text"
date: "date"
boolean: "boolean"
authorization_callback_url: "Authorization callback URL"
common_url: "Server root URL"
authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token acquisition endpoint"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_identifier: "Client identifier"
client_secret: "Client secret"
scopes: "Scopes"
issuer: "Issuer"
issuer_help: "Root url for the authorization server."
discovery: "Discovery"
discovery_help: "Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint."
discovery_unavailable: "Discovery is unavailable for the configured issuer."
discovery_enabled: "Enable discovery"
discovery_disabled: "Disable discovery"
client_auth_method: "Client authentication method"
client_auth_method_help: "Which authentication method to use to authenticate Fab-manager with the authorization server."
client_auth_method_basic: "Basic"
client_auth_method_jwks: "JWKS"
scope: "Scope"
scope_help_html: "Which OpenID scopes to include (openid is always required). <br> If <b>Discovery</b> is enabled, the available scopes will be automatically proposed."
prompt: "Prompt"
prompt_help_html: "Which OpenID pages the user will be shown. <br> <b>None</b> - no authentication or consent user interface pages are shown. <br> <b>Login</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for reauthentication. <br> <b>Consent</b> - the authorization server prompt the user for consent before returning information to Fab-manager. <br> <b>Select account</b> - the authorization server prompt the user to select a user account."
prompt_none: "None"
prompt_login: "Login"
prompt_consent: "Consent"
prompt_select_account: "Select account"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint: "Send scope to token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_help: "Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint?"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_false: "No"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_true: "Yes"
profile_edition_url: "Profil edition URL"
profile_edition_url_help: "The URL of the page where the user can edit his profile."
client_options: "Client options"
client__identifier: "Identifier"
client__secret: "Secret"
client__authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
client__token_endpoint: "Token endpoint"
client__userinfo_endpoint: "Userinfo endpoint"
client__jwks_uri: "JWKS URI"
client__end_session_endpoint: "End session endpoint"
client__end_session_endpoint_help: "The url to call to log the user out at the authorization server."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentication type"
save: "Save"
create_success: "Authentication provider created"
update_success: "Authentication provider updated"
local_database: "Local database"
oauth2: "OAuth 2.0"
openid_connect: "OpenID Connect"
#create a new authentication provider (SSO)
local_database: "Database local"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Adicionar novo provedor de autenticação"
a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another: "Um provedor \"Local Database\" já existe. Não foi possível criar outro."
local_provider_successfully_saved: "Provedor local salvo com sucesso."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "É necessário definir a correspondência entre User.uid ea API para adicionar este fornecedor."
security_issue_detected: "Erro de segurança detectado"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS: "Cuidado: o provedor OAuth 2 que você está prestes a adicionar não está usando HTTPS."
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes: "Este é um problema de segurança grave na Internet e nunca deve ser usado, exceto para fins de teste."
do_you_really_want_to_continue: "Você realmente deseja continuar?"
unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Provedor OAuth 2.0 não seguro adicionado com êxito."
oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Provedor OAuth 2.0 adicionado com sucesso."
#edit an authentication provider (SSO)
provider: "Provedor:"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "É necessário definir a correspondência entre User.uid ea API para adicionar este fornecedor."
provider_successfully_updated: "Provedor modificado com sucesso."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Um erro ocorreu: não é possível atualizar provedor."
#statistics tables
statistics: "Estatísticas"
@ -1220,6 +1337,8 @@ pt:
about_title: "\"Sobre\" título da página"
about_body: "\"Sobre\" conteúdo da página"
about_contacts: "\"Sobre\" página de contatos"
about_follow_us: "Follow us"
about_networks: "Social networks"
privacy_draft: "rascunho da política de privacidade"
privacy_body: "política de privacidade"
privacy_dpo: "endereço do oficial de proteção de dados"
@ -1265,6 +1384,10 @@ pt:
duration_minutes: "Duração (em minutos)"
default_slot_duration_info: "Máquina e espaço disponíveis são divididos em vários slots desta duração. Esse valor pode ser substituído por disponibilidade."
modules: "Modulos"
machines: "Machines"
machines_info_html: "<p>Machines are the resources which are available for booking. A machine can be, <em>for example</em>, a 3D printer or a laser cutter.</p>"
enable_machines: "Enable the machines"
machines_module: "machines module"
spaces: "Espaços"
spaces_info_html: "<p>Uma sala pode ser, por exemplo, uma floresta ou uma sala de reunião. A sua especificidade é que podem ser reservados por várias pessoas ao mesmo tempo.</p><p><strong>Aviso:</strong> não é recomendado desabilitar espaços se pelo menos uma reserva de espaço for feita no sistema.</p>"
enable_spaces: "Ativar os espaços"
@ -1307,6 +1430,10 @@ pt:
account_confirmation: "Confirmação da Conta"
confirmation_required_info: "Opcionalmente, você pode forçar os usuários a confirmar o endereço de e-mail deles antes de poder acessar o Fab-manager."
confirmation_is_required: "Confirmação obrigatória"
change_group: "Group change"
change_group_info: "After an user has created his account, you can restrict him from changing his group. In that case, only managers and administrators will be able to change the user's group."
allow_group_change: "Allow group change"
user_change_group: "users can change their group"
wallet_module: "módulo de carteira"
public_agenda_module: "módulo da agenda pública"
statistics_module: "módulo de estatísticas"
@ -1317,10 +1444,10 @@ pt:
pack_only_for_subscription_info_html: "Se esta opção estiver ativada, a compra e uso de um pacote pré-pago só é possível para o usuário com uma assinatura válida."
pack_only_for_subscription: "Assinatura válida para compra e uso de um pacote pré-pago"
pack_only_for_subscription_info: "Tornar obrigatória a assinatura para pacotes pré-pagos"
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
extended_prices_info_html: "Spaces can have different prices depending on the cumulated duration of the booking. You can choose if this apply to all bookings or only to those starting within the same day."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
extended_prices: "Preços estendidos"
extended_prices_info_html: "Os espaços podem ter preços diferentes dependendo da duração acumulada da reserva. Você pode escolher se isso se aplica a todas as reservas ou apenas àqueles que iniciam no mesmo dia."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Preços estendidos no mesmo dia"
public_registrations: "Inscrições públicas"
training_reservations: "Treinamentos"
machine_reservations: "Máquinas"
@ -1347,9 +1474,9 @@ pt:
name: "Nome"
created_at: "Data de criação"
updated_at: "Última Data de Atualização"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
public_registrations_info: "Allow everyone to register a new account on the platform. If disabled, only administrators and managers can create new accounts."
public_registrations_allowed: "Public registrations allowed"
public_registrations: "Inscrições públicas"
public_registrations_info: "Permitir que todos registrem uma nova conta na plataforma. Se desativado, somente os administradores e gerentes podem criar novas contas."
public_registrations_allowed: "Inscrições públicas permitidas"
help: "Ajuda"
feature_tour: "Tour de recursos"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>Quando um administrador ou um gerente está logado, um tour de recurso será acionado na primeira vez que ele visita cada seção do aplicativo. Você pode mudar esse comportamento para um dos seguintes valores:</p><ul><li>« Uma vez » para manter o comportamento padrão.</li><li>« Por sessão » para exibir os tours cada vez que você reabrir o aplicativo.</li><li>« Ativação manual » para evitar a exibição automática dos tours. Ainda será possível ativá-los pressionando a tecla F1 ou clicando em « Ajuda » no menu do usuário.</li></ul>"
@ -1372,6 +1499,7 @@ pt:
statistics_info_html: "<p>Ativar ou desativar módulo de estatísticas.</p><p>Se ativado, todas as noites, os dados do dia que acabou de ser passado serão consolidados na base de dados de um poderoso motor de análise. Então, todos os administradores poderão navegar em gráficos estatísticos e tabelas na seção correspondente.</p>"
enable_statistics: "Habilitar estatísticas"
account: "Account"
compte: "Compte"
customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings"
user_validation_required: "validation of accounts"
@ -1503,35 +1631,6 @@ pt:
report_will_be_destroyed: "Depois que o relatório for processado, ele será excluído. Isso não pode ser desfeito, continuar?"
report_removed: "O relatório foi eliminado"
failed_to_remove: "Ocorreu um erro, não é possível excluir o relatório"
manage_plans_categories: "Gerenciar categoria dos planos"
categories_list: "Lista de categorias do plano"
no_categories: "Sem categorias"
name: "Nome"
significance: "Importância"
new_category: "Nova categoria"
name: "Nome"
significance: "Importância"
significance_info: "As categorias serão mostradas ordenadas por importância. Quanto mais alto você definir a importância, mais em destaque ela estará."
confirm_create: "Criar nova categoria"
category_created: "A nova categoria foi criada com sucesso"
unable_to_create: "Não foi possível criar a categoria: "
edit_category: "Editar categoria"
name: "Nome"
significance: "Importância"
confirm_edition: "Validar"
category_updated: "A categoria foi atualizada com sucesso"
unable_to_update: "Não foi possível atualizar a categoria: "
significance_info: "As categorias serão ordenadas por importância. Quanto mais alto você definir a importância, mais em destaque ela estará."
delete_category: "Excluir categoria"
confirm_delete: "Deletar"
delete_confirmation: "Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta categoria? Se sim, os planos associados a esta categoria não serão mais classificados."
category_deleted: "Categoria foi excluída com sucesso"
unable_to_delete: "Não foi possível excluir a categoria: "
validate_cart: "Validar o meu carrinho"
offline_payment: "Pagamento pelo site"
@ -1540,10 +1639,10 @@ pt:
payment_method: "Método de pagamento"
method_card: "Online por cartão"
method_check: "Por verificação"
method_transfer: "By bank transfer"
method_transfer: "Por transferência bancária"
card_collection_info: "Ao validar, será solicitado o número do cartão do membro. Este cartão será cobrado automaticamente nos prazos."
check_collection_info: "Ao validar, você confirma que tem {DEADLINES} checks, permitindo que você colete todos os pagamentos mensais."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.</p>"
transfer_collection_info: "<p>Ao validar, você confirma que configurou {DEADLINES} débitos diretos do banco, permitindo que você colete todos os pagamentos mensais.</p><p><strong>Atenção:</strong> as transferências bancárias não são tratadas automaticamente pelo Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Pagamento online não está disponível. Você não pode selecionar este horário com pagamento online."
save: 'Salvar'

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ zu:
events: "crwdns22406:0crwdne22406:0"
availabilities: "crwdns6717:0crwdne6717:0"
availabilities_notice: "crwdns6719:0crwdne6719:0"
select_a_slot: "crwdns22462:0crwdne22462:0"
info: "crwdns20468:0crwdne20468:0"
tags: "crwdns20470:0crwdne20470:0"
slot_duration: "crwdns20472:0{DURATION}crwdne20472:0"
@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ zu:
slots_of: "crwdns20304:0crwdne20304:0"
minutes: "crwdns20288:0crwdne20288:0"
deleted_user: "crwdns22454:0crwdne22454:0"
select_type: "crwdns22464:0crwdne22464:0"
no_modules_available: "crwdns22466:0crwdne22466:0"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "crwdns6855:0crwdne6855:0"
@ -435,6 +438,35 @@ zu:
edit_extended_price: "crwdns22213:0crwdne22213:0"
confirm_changes: "crwdns22215:0crwdne22215:0"
extended_price_successfully_updated: "crwdns22217:0crwdne22217:0"
manage_plans_categories: "crwdns21576:0crwdne21576:0"
categories_list: "crwdns21578:0crwdne21578:0"
no_categories: "crwdns21862:0crwdne21862:0"
name: "crwdns21580:0crwdne21580:0"
description: "crwdns22468:0crwdne22468:0"
significance: "crwdns21582:0crwdne21582:0"
name: "crwdns22470:0crwdne22470:0"
description: "crwdns22472:0crwdne22472:0"
significance: "crwdns22474:0crwdne22474:0"
info: "crwdns22476:0crwdne22476:0"
title: "crwdns22478:0crwdne22478:0"
cta: "crwdns22480:0crwdne22480:0"
success: "crwdns22482:0crwdne22482:0"
error: "crwdns22484:0crwdne22484:0"
title: "crwdns22486:0crwdne22486:0"
cta: "crwdns22488:0crwdne22488:0"
success: "crwdns22490:0crwdne22490:0"
error: "crwdns22492:0crwdne22492:0"
title: "crwdns22494:0crwdne22494:0"
confirm: "crwdns22496:0crwdne22496:0"
cta: "crwdns22498:0crwdne22498:0"
success: "crwdns22500:0crwdne22500:0"
error: "crwdns22502:0crwdne22502:0"
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "crwdns7271:0crwdne7271:0"
@ -850,6 +882,7 @@ zu:
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "crwdns7839:0crwdne7839:0"
local_database: "crwdns7841:0crwdne7841:0"
o_auth2: "crwdns7843:0crwdne7843:0"
openid_connect: "crwdns22504:0crwdne22504:0"
add_a_group: "crwdns7845:0crwdne7845:0"
group_name: "crwdns7847:0crwdne7847:0"
@ -874,6 +907,7 @@ zu:
add_a_member: "crwdns7877:0crwdne7877:0"
user_is_an_organization: "crwdns7879:0crwdne7879:0"
create_success: "crwdns22506:0crwdne22506:0"
#members bulk import
import_members: "crwdns7881:0crwdne7881:0"
@ -957,30 +991,31 @@ zu:
to_credit: 'crwdns8025:0crwdne8025:0'
cannot_credit_own_wallet: "crwdns20344:0crwdne20344:0"
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "crwdns20346:0crwdne20346:0"
my_documents: "My documents"
my_documents_info: "Following the declaration of your profile, you must declare the proof of identity documents. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
my_documents_alert: "Attention!</br>You can submit your documents in pdf or in image (jpg) under a weight limit of {SIZE} Mb max"
proof_of_identity_files: "Proof of identity"
find_below_the_proof_of_identity_files: "You will find below the proof of identity documents submitted by the member."
save: "Save"
to_complete: "To complete"
proof_of_identity_refusal: "Refusal of the proof of identity"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files: "Refusing to proof of identity"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files_info: "After verification, you may notify the member that the evidence submitted is not acceptable. You can specify the reasons for your refusal and indicate the actions to be taken. The member will be notified by e-mail."
confirm: "Confirm"
cancel: "Cancel"
proof_of_identity_refusal_comment: "Comment"
proof_of_identity_refuse_input_message: "Type your text"
validate_account: "Validate the account"
validate_member_success: "The member is validated"
invalidate_member_success: "The member is invalidated"
validate_member_error: "An error occurred: impossible to validate from this member."
invalidate_member_error: "An error occurred: impossible to invalidate from this member."
proof_of_identity_refusal_successfully_sent: "Refusal of the proof of identity has been sent."
proof_of_identity_refusal_unable_to_send: "Impossible to refuse proof of identity : "
proof_of_identity_files_successfully_uploaded: "The proof of identity has been sent."
proof_of_identity_files_unable_to_upload: "Impossible to send proof of identity : "
update_success: "crwdns22508:0crwdne22508:0"
my_documents: "crwdns22510:0crwdne22510:0"
my_documents_info: "crwdns22512:0crwdne22512:0"
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "crwdns23106:0{SIZE}crwdne23106:0"
my_documents_alert: "crwdns23108:0{SIZE}crwdne23108:0"
proof_of_identity_files: "crwdns22518:0crwdne22518:0"
find_below_the_proof_of_identity_files: "crwdns22520:0crwdne22520:0"
save: "crwdns22522:0crwdne22522:0"
to_complete: "crwdns22524:0crwdne22524:0"
proof_of_identity_refusal: "crwdns22526:0crwdne22526:0"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files: "crwdns22528:0crwdne22528:0"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files_info: "crwdns22530:0crwdne22530:0"
confirm: "crwdns22532:0crwdne22532:0"
cancel: "crwdns22534:0crwdne22534:0"
proof_of_identity_refusal_comment: "crwdns22536:0crwdne22536:0"
proof_of_identity_refuse_input_message: "crwdns22538:0crwdne22538:0"
validate_account: "crwdns22540:0crwdne22540:0"
validate_member_success: "crwdns22542:0crwdne22542:0"
invalidate_member_success: "crwdns22544:0crwdne22544:0"
validate_member_error: "crwdns22546:0crwdne22546:0"
invalidate_member_error: "crwdns22548:0crwdne22548:0"
proof_of_identity_refusal_successfully_sent: "crwdns22550:0crwdne22550:0"
proof_of_identity_refusal_unable_to_send: "crwdns22552:0crwdne22552:0"
proof_of_identity_files_successfully_uploaded: "crwdns22554:0crwdne22554:0"
proof_of_identity_files_unable_to_upload: "crwdns22556:0crwdne22556:0"
#extend a subscription for free
extend_subscription: "crwdns22047:0crwdne22047:0"
@ -1046,26 +1081,108 @@ zu:
birth_date: "crwdns20374:0crwdne20374:0"
address: "crwdns20376:0crwdne20376:0"
phone_number: "crwdns20378:0crwdne20378:0"
#add a new authentication provider (SSO)
#authentication providers (SSO) components
mappings: "crwdns22558:0crwdne22558:0"
true_value: "crwdns22560:0crwdne22560:0"
false_value: "crwdns22562:0crwdne22562:0"
input_format: "crwdns22564:0crwdne22564:0"
date_format: "crwdns22566:0crwdne22566:0"
mappings: "crwdns22568:0crwdne22568:0"
mapping_from: "crwdns22570:0crwdne22570:0"
mapping_to: "crwdns22572:0crwdne22572:0"
mappings: "crwdns22574:0crwdne22574:0"
mapping_from: "crwdns22576:0crwdne22576:0"
mapping_to: "crwdns22578:0crwdne22578:0"
define_the_fields_mapping: "crwdns22580:0crwdne22580:0"
add_a_match: "crwdns22582:0crwdne22582:0"
model: "crwdns22584:0crwdne22584:0"
field: "crwdns22586:0crwdne22586:0"
data_mapping: "crwdns22588:0crwdne22588:0"
api_endpoint_url: "crwdns22590:0crwdne22590:0"
api_type: "crwdns22592:0crwdne22592:0"
api_field: "crwdns22594:0crwdne22594:0"
api_field_help_html: 'crwdns22596:0crwdne22596:0'
api_field: "crwdns22598:0crwdne22598:0"
api_field_help_html: 'crwdns22600:0crwdne22600:0'
openid_standard_configuration: "crwdns22602:0crwdne22602:0"
data_mapping: "crwdns22604:0crwdne22604:0"
TYPE_expected: "crwdns22606:0{TYPE}crwdne22606:0"
integer: "crwdns22608:0crwdne22608:0"
string: "crwdns22610:0crwdne22610:0"
text: "crwdns22612:0crwdne22612:0"
date: "crwdns22614:0crwdne22614:0"
boolean: "crwdns22616:0crwdne22616:0"
authorization_callback_url: "crwdns22618:0crwdne22618:0"
common_url: "crwdns22620:0crwdne22620:0"
authorization_endpoint: "crwdns22622:0crwdne22622:0"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "crwdns22624:0crwdne22624:0"
profile_edition_url: "crwdns22626:0crwdne22626:0"
profile_edition_url_help: "crwdns22628:0crwdne22628:0"
client_identifier: "crwdns22630:0crwdne22630:0"
client_secret: "crwdns22632:0crwdne22632:0"
scopes: "crwdns22634:0crwdne22634:0"
issuer: "crwdns22636:0crwdne22636:0"
issuer_help: "crwdns22638:0crwdne22638:0"
discovery: "crwdns22640:0crwdne22640:0"
discovery_help: "crwdns22642:0crwdne22642:0"
discovery_unavailable: "crwdns22644:0crwdne22644:0"
discovery_enabled: "crwdns22646:0crwdne22646:0"
discovery_disabled: "crwdns22648:0crwdne22648:0"
client_auth_method: "crwdns22650:0crwdne22650:0"
client_auth_method_help: "crwdns22652:0crwdne22652:0"
client_auth_method_basic: "crwdns22654:0crwdne22654:0"
client_auth_method_jwks: "crwdns22656:0crwdne22656:0"
scope: "crwdns22658:0crwdne22658:0"
scope_help_html: "crwdns22660:0crwdne22660:0"
prompt: "crwdns22662:0crwdne22662:0"
prompt_help_html: "crwdns22664:0crwdne22664:0"
prompt_none: "crwdns22666:0crwdne22666:0"
prompt_login: "crwdns22668:0crwdne22668:0"
prompt_consent: "crwdns22670:0crwdne22670:0"
prompt_select_account: "crwdns22672:0crwdne22672:0"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint: "crwdns22674:0crwdne22674:0"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_help: "crwdns22676:0crwdne22676:0"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_false: "crwdns22678:0crwdne22678:0"
send_scope_to_token_endpoint_true: "crwdns22680:0crwdne22680:0"
profile_edition_url: "crwdns22686:0crwdne22686:0"
profile_edition_url_help: "crwdns22688:0crwdne22688:0"
client_options: "crwdns22690:0crwdne22690:0"
client__identifier: "crwdns22692:0crwdne22692:0"
client__secret: "crwdns22694:0crwdne22694:0"
client__authorization_endpoint: "crwdns22696:0crwdne22696:0"
client__token_endpoint: "crwdns22698:0crwdne22698:0"
client__userinfo_endpoint: "crwdns22700:0crwdne22700:0"
client__jwks_uri: "crwdns22702:0crwdne22702:0"
client__end_session_endpoint: "crwdns22704:0crwdne22704:0"
client__end_session_endpoint_help: "crwdns22706:0crwdne22706:0"
name: "crwdns22708:0crwdne22708:0"
authentication_type: "crwdns22710:0crwdne22710:0"
save: "crwdns22712:0crwdne22712:0"
create_success: "crwdns22714:0crwdne22714:0"
update_success: "crwdns22716:0crwdne22716:0"
local_database: "crwdns22718:0crwdne22718:0"
oauth2: "crwdns22720:0crwdne22720:0"
openid_connect: "crwdns22722:0crwdne22722:0"
#create a new authentication provider (SSO)
local_database: "crwdns8059:0crwdne8059:0"
o_auth2: "crwdns8061:0crwdne8061:0"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "crwdns8063:0crwdne8063:0"
a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another: "crwdns8065:0crwdne8065:0"
local_provider_successfully_saved: "crwdns8067:0crwdne8067:0"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "crwdns20206:0crwdne20206:0"
security_issue_detected: "crwdns8071:0crwdne8071:0"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS: "crwdns8073:0crwdne8073:0"
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes: "crwdns8075:0crwdne8075:0"
do_you_really_want_to_continue: "crwdns8077:0crwdne8077:0"
unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "crwdns8079:0crwdne8079:0"
oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "crwdns8081:0crwdne8081:0"
#edit an authentication provider (SSO)
provider: "crwdns22424:0crwdne22424:0"
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "crwdns20208:0crwdne20208:0"
provider_successfully_updated: "crwdns20210:0crwdne20210:0"
an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "crwdns8089:0crwdne8089:0"
#statistics tables
statistics: "crwdns8091:0crwdne8091:0"
@ -1220,6 +1337,8 @@ zu:
about_title: "crwdns8367:0crwdne8367:0"
about_body: "crwdns8369:0crwdne8369:0"
about_contacts: "crwdns8371:0crwdne8371:0"
about_follow_us: "crwdns22724:0crwdne22724:0"
about_networks: "crwdns22726:0crwdne22726:0"
privacy_draft: "crwdns8373:0crwdne8373:0"
privacy_body: "crwdns8375:0crwdne8375:0"
privacy_dpo: "crwdns8377:0crwdne8377:0"
@ -1265,6 +1384,10 @@ zu:
duration_minutes: "crwdns20648:0crwdne20648:0"
default_slot_duration_info: "crwdns20650:0crwdne20650:0"
modules: "crwdns20652:0crwdne20652:0"
machines: "crwdns22728:0crwdne22728:0"
machines_info_html: "crwdns22730:0crwdne22730:0"
enable_machines: "crwdns22732:0crwdne22732:0"
machines_module: "crwdns22734:0crwdne22734:0"
spaces: "crwdns20654:0crwdne20654:0"
spaces_info_html: "crwdns20656:0crwdne20656:0"
enable_spaces: "crwdns20658:0crwdne20658:0"
@ -1307,6 +1430,10 @@ zu:
account_confirmation: "crwdns20718:0crwdne20718:0"
confirmation_required_info: "crwdns20720:0crwdne20720:0"
confirmation_is_required: "crwdns20722:0crwdne20722:0"
change_group: "crwdns22736:0crwdne22736:0"
change_group_info: "crwdns22738:0crwdne22738:0"
allow_group_change: "crwdns22740:0crwdne22740:0"
user_change_group: "crwdns22742:0crwdne22742:0"
wallet_module: "crwdns20724:0crwdne20724:0"
public_agenda_module: "crwdns21866:0crwdne21866:0"
statistics_module: "crwdns20864:0crwdne20864:0"
@ -1372,57 +1499,58 @@ zu:
statistics_info_html: "crwdns20868:0crwdne20868:0"
enable_statistics: "crwdns20870:0crwdne20870:0"
account: "crwdns23104:0crwdne23104:0"
compte: "Compte"
customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings"
user_validation_required: "validation of accounts"
user_validation_required_title: "Validation of accounts"
user_validation_required_info: "By activating this option, only members whose account is validated by an administrator or a manager will be able to make reservations."
user_validation_required_option_label: "Activate the account validation option"
user_validation_required_list_title: "Member account validation information message"
user_validation_required_list_info: "Your administrator must validate your account ? You will then be able to access all the booking features."
user_validation_required_list_other_info: "The resources selected below will be subject to member account validation."
customize_account_settings: "crwdns22746:0crwdne22746:0"
user_validation_required: "crwdns22748:0crwdne22748:0"
user_validation_required_title: "crwdns22750:0crwdne22750:0"
user_validation_required_info: "crwdns22752:0crwdne22752:0"
user_validation_required_option_label: "crwdns22754:0crwdne22754:0"
user_validation_required_list_title: "crwdns22756:0crwdne22756:0"
user_validation_required_list_info: "crwdns22758:0crwdne22758:0"
user_validation_required_list_other_info: "crwdns22760:0crwdne22760:0"
subscription: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machines"
event: "Events"
space: "Spaces"
training: "Trainings"
pack: "Prepaid pack"
create_groups: "Create groups"
add_proof_of_identity_types: "Add proof of identity"
proof_of_identity_type_info: "You can add proof of identity according to the user groups created in order to ask your members to deposit them in their space. Each member will be informed of the proof of identity to be provided in their personal space (My proof of identity tab). On your side, you can check the proof of identity and validate their account (provided that the Account Validation option is activated)."
proof_of_identity_type_no_group_info: "Proof of identity are necessarily applied to groups.</br>If you do not have a group yet, you can create one from the \"Users/Groups\" page (button on the right)."
proof_of_identity_type_title: "Proof of identity"
add_proof_of_identity_type_button: "Create proof of identity"
no_proof_of_identity_types: "You do not have any proof of identity.</br>Make sure you have created at least one group in order to add a document."
subscription: "crwdns22762:0crwdne22762:0"
machine: "crwdns22764:0crwdne22764:0"
event: "crwdns22766:0crwdne22766:0"
space: "crwdns22768:0crwdne22768:0"
training: "crwdns22770:0crwdne22770:0"
pack: "crwdns22772:0crwdne22772:0"
create_groups: "crwdns22774:0crwdne22774:0"
add_proof_of_identity_types: "crwdns22776:0crwdne22776:0"
proof_of_identity_type_info: "crwdns22778:0crwdne22778:0"
proof_of_identity_type_no_group_info: "crwdns22780:0crwdne22780:0"
proof_of_identity_type_title: "crwdns22782:0crwdne22782:0"
add_proof_of_identity_type_button: "crwdns22784:0crwdne22784:0"
no_proof_of_identity_types: "crwdns22786:0crwdne22786:0"
group_name: "Group"
name: "Proof of identity"
all_groups: 'All groups'
new_proof_of_identity_type: "Create a proof of identity"
edit_proof_of_identity_type: "Edit the proof of identity"
proof_of_identity_type_form_info: "Field parameters"
proof_of_identity_type_select_group: "Choose a group"
proof_of_identity_type_input_name: "Name"
create: "Create"
edit: "Edit"
confirm: "Confirm"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_proof_of_identity_type: "Do you really want to remove this proof of identity ?"
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_created: "The new proof of identity has been created."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_create: "Unable to delete the proof of identity : "
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_updated: "The proof of identity has been updated."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_update: "Unable to modify the proof of identity : "
proof_of_identity_type_deleted: "The proof of identity has been deleted."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the proof of identity : "
organization: "Organization"
organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "You can display additional fields for users who declare themselves to be an organization. You can also choose to make them mandatory at account creation."
organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "Attention: the activated fields will be automatically displayed on the issued invoices. Once configured, please do not modify them."
group_name: "crwdns22788:0crwdne22788:0"
name: "crwdns22790:0crwdne22790:0"
all_groups: 'crwdns22792:0crwdne22792:0'
new_proof_of_identity_type: "crwdns22794:0crwdne22794:0"
edit_proof_of_identity_type: "crwdns22796:0crwdne22796:0"
proof_of_identity_type_form_info: "crwdns22798:0crwdne22798:0"
proof_of_identity_type_select_group: "crwdns22800:0crwdne22800:0"
proof_of_identity_type_input_name: "crwdns22802:0crwdne22802:0"
create: "crwdns22804:0crwdne22804:0"
edit: "crwdns22806:0crwdne22806:0"
confirm: "crwdns22808:0crwdne22808:0"
confirmation_required: "crwdns22810:0crwdne22810:0"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_proof_of_identity_type: "crwdns22812:0crwdne22812:0"
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_created: "crwdns22814:0crwdne22814:0"
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_create: "crwdns22816:0crwdne22816:0"
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_updated: "crwdns22818:0crwdne22818:0"
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_update: "crwdns22820:0crwdne22820:0"
proof_of_identity_type_deleted: "crwdns22822:0crwdne22822:0"
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_delete: "crwdns22824:0crwdne22824:0"
organization: "crwdns22826:0crwdne22826:0"
organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "crwdns22828:0crwdne22828:0"
organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "crwdns22830:0crwdne22830:0"
required: "Confirmation required"
actived: "Activate the field"
organization_profile_custom_field_successfully_updated: "The organization field has been updated."
organization_profile_custom_field_unable_to_update: "Impossible to modify the field : "
required: "crwdns22832:0crwdne22832:0"
actived: "crwdns22834:0crwdne22834:0"
organization_profile_custom_field_successfully_updated: "crwdns22836:0crwdne22836:0"
organization_profile_custom_field_unable_to_update: "crwdns22838:0crwdne22838:0"
show_upcoming_events: "crwdns20900:0crwdne20900:0"
@ -1503,35 +1631,6 @@ zu:
report_will_be_destroyed: "crwdns8499:0crwdne8499:0"
report_removed: "crwdns8501:0crwdne8501:0"
failed_to_remove: "crwdns8503:0crwdne8503:0"
manage_plans_categories: "crwdns21576:0crwdne21576:0"
categories_list: "crwdns21578:0crwdne21578:0"
no_categories: "crwdns21862:0crwdne21862:0"
name: "crwdns21580:0crwdne21580:0"
significance: "crwdns21582:0crwdne21582:0"
new_category: "crwdns21584:0crwdne21584:0"
name: "crwdns21586:0crwdne21586:0"
significance: "crwdns21588:0crwdne21588:0"
significance_info: "crwdns21590:0crwdne21590:0"
confirm_create: "crwdns21592:0crwdne21592:0"
category_created: "crwdns21594:0crwdne21594:0"
unable_to_create: "crwdns21596:0crwdne21596:0"
edit_category: "crwdns21598:0crwdne21598:0"
name: "crwdns21600:0crwdne21600:0"
significance: "crwdns21602:0crwdne21602:0"
confirm_edition: "crwdns21604:0crwdne21604:0"
category_updated: "crwdns21606:0crwdne21606:0"
unable_to_update: "crwdns21608:0crwdne21608:0"
significance_info: "crwdns21610:0crwdne21610:0"
delete_category: "crwdns21612:0crwdne21612:0"
confirm_delete: "crwdns21614:0crwdne21614:0"
delete_confirmation: "crwdns21616:0crwdne21616:0"
category_deleted: "crwdns21618:0crwdne21618:0"
unable_to_delete: "crwdns21620:0crwdne21620:0"
validate_cart: "crwdns22119:0crwdne22119:0"
offline_payment: "crwdns22006:0crwdne22006:0"

View File

@ -4,18 +4,7 @@ de:
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Bestätigen Sie Ihr neues Konto"
you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Sie haben ein neues Konto auf {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{dem}} {NAME} erstellt, über Anmeldung von"
we_need_some_more_details: "Um die Einrichtung der Plattform abzuschließen, benötigen wir weitere Details"
your_email_is_already_used_by_another_account_on_the_platform: "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse scheint bereits von einem anderen Benutzer verwendet zu werden. Prüfen Sie bitte Ihr Postfach und geben Sie den Code ein, der Ihnen geschickt wurde."
or: "oder"
please_fill_the_following_form: "Bitte füllen Sie das folgende Formular aus"
some_data_may_have_already_been_provided_by_provider_and_cannot_be_modified: "Einige Daten wurden möglicherweise bereits von {NAME} bereitgestellt und können nicht geändert werden"
then_click_on_: "Dann klicken Sie auf"
_to_start_using_the_application: "um die Anwendung zu verwenden"
new_on_this_platform: "Neu auf dieser Plattform?"
your_email_: "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse"
_is_currently_associated_with_another_account_on_this_platform: "ist derzeit mit einem anderen Konto auf dieser Plattform verknüpft."
please_click_to_change_email_associated_with_your_PROVIDER_account: "Wenn es nicht Ihre Mailadresse ist, klicken Sie bitte auf den folgenden Button, um die E-Mail zu ändern, die mit Ihrem {PROVIDER} -Konto verknüpft ist."
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Haben Sie bereits ein Konto?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Füllen Sie nicht das Formular aus. Geben Sie stattdessen hier den Code an, den Sie per E-Mail erhalten haben, um Ihren Zugang wiederherzustellen."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Geben Sie hier den Code an, den Sie per E-Mail erhalten haben, um Ihren Zugriff wiederherzustellen."
@ -33,12 +22,21 @@ de:
user_s_profile_is_required: "Benutzerprofil ist erforderlich."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Ich habe gelesen und akzeptiere"
_the_fablab_policy: "die FabLab Richtlinie"
change_my_data: "Meine Daten ändern"
sync_my_profile: "Mein Profil synchronisieren"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Sobald Ihre Daten auf dem neuesten Stand sind,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "klicken Sie auf den Synchronisation-Button gegenüber"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "trennen und erneut verbinden"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "damit Ihre Änderungen wirksam werden."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
title: "New on this platform?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile: "Change my data"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
#dashboard: public profile
@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ de:
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "klicken Sie auf den Synchronisation-Button gegenüber"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "trennen und erneut verbinden"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "damit Ihre Änderungen wirksam werden."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Sie haben keine Projekte."

View File

@ -4,18 +4,7 @@ es:
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Confirme su nueva cuenta"
you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Acaba de crear una nueva cuenta en {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}} {NAME}, al iniciar sesión desde"
we_need_some_more_details: "Para finalizar la configuración de la plataforma, necesitamos algunos detalles más."
your_email_is_already_used_by_another_account_on_the_platform: "Parece que su dirección de correo electrónico ya está siendo utilizada por otro usuario. Compruebe su dirección de correo electrónico e ingrese debajo del código que le hemos enviado."
or: "o"
please_fill_the_following_form: "rellene el siguiente formulario, por favor"
some_data_may_have_already_been_provided_by_provider_and_cannot_be_modified: "Algunos datos pueden haber sido proporcionados ya por {NAME} y no pueden modificarse"
then_click_on_: "haz click en"
_to_start_using_the_application: "para empezar a usar la aplicación"
new_on_this_platform: "¿Nuevo en esta plataforma?"
your_email_: "Su e-mail"
_is_currently_associated_with_another_account_on_this_platform: "ya está asociado con otra cuenta en esta plataforma."
please_click_to_change_email_associated_with_your_PROVIDER_account: "Si este no es su mail, por favor, haz click en el siguiente botón para cambiar el mail asociado con su cuenta {PROVIDER} ."
do_you_already_have_an_account: "¿Ya tiene una cuenta?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "No rellene el formulario,escriba aquí el código que ha recibido por correo electrónico para recuperar su acceso."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Simplemente especifica aquí el código que has recibido en tu correo electrónico para recuperar tu acceso."
@ -33,12 +22,21 @@ es:
user_s_profile_is_required: "Se requiere perfil de usuario."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "He leído y acepto"
_the_fablab_policy: "la política de FabLab"
change_my_data: "Cambiar mis datos"
sync_my_profile: "Sincronizar mi perfil"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Una vez sus datos hayan sido actualizados,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "haga clic en el botón de sincronización"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "desconectar y volver a conectar"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que los cambios surtan efecto."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
title: "New on this platform?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile: "Change my data"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
#dashboard: public profile
@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ es:
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "haz clic en el botón de sincronización"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "reconectarse"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que sus cambios sean aplicados."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Aún no tiene proyectos."

View File

@ -4,18 +4,7 @@ fr:
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Confirmez votre nouveau compte"
you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Vous venez de créer un nouveau compte sur {GENDER, select, male{le} female{la} neutral{} other{les}} {NAME}, en vous connectant depuis"
we_need_some_more_details: "Afin de finaliser le paramétrage de la plate-forme, nous avons besoin de quelques renseignements supplémentaires"
your_email_is_already_used_by_another_account_on_the_platform: "Il semblerait que votre adresse de courriel soit déjà utilisée par un autre utilisateur. Vérifiez votre adresse électronique et veuillez saisir ci-dessous le code qui vient de vous être envoyé."
or: "ou"
please_fill_the_following_form: "Merci de compléter le formulaire suivant"
some_data_may_have_already_been_provided_by_provider_and_cannot_be_modified: "Certaines informations peuvent nous avoir été déjà fournies par {NAME} et ne sont pas modifiables"
then_click_on_: "Cliquez ensuite sur"
_to_start_using_the_application: "pour commencer à utiliser l'application"
new_on_this_platform: "Nouveau sur cette plate-forme ?"
your_email_: "Votre adresse de courriel"
_is_currently_associated_with_another_account_on_this_platform: "est actuellement associée avec un autre compte sur cette plate-forme."
please_click_to_change_email_associated_with_your_PROVIDER_account: "Si ce n'est pas le vôtre, merci de cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous pour changer l'adresse de courriel associée avec votre compte {PROVIDER}."
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Vous possédez déjà un compte ?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Ne remplissez pas le formulaire à gauche mais indiquez ici le code qui vous a été fourni par e-mail, cela vous permettra de récupérer l'accès à votre compte."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Indiquez simplement ici le code que vous avez reçu par e-mail, cela vous permettra de récupérer l'accès à votre compte."
@ -33,12 +22,21 @@ fr:
user_s_profile_is_required: "Le profil utilisateur est requis."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "J'ai lu et j'accepte"
_the_fablab_policy: "la charte d'utilisation du Fab Lab"
change_my_data: "Modifier mes données"
sync_my_profile: "Synchroniser mon profil"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Une fois vos données à jour,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "cliquez sur le bouton de synchronisation ci-contre"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "déconnectez-vous puis reconnectez vous"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "pour que les modifications soient prises en compte."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Votre profil a été mis à jour avec succès."
rules_changed: "Veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant pour mettre à jour votre profil et continuer à utiliser la plateforme."
sso_intro: "Vous venez de créer un nouveau compte sur {GENDER, select, male{le} female{la} neutral{} other{les}} {NAME}, en vous connectant depuis"
duplicate_email_info: "Il semblerait que votre adresse de courriel soit déjà utilisée par un autre utilisateur. Vérifiez votre adresse électronique et veuillez saisir ci-dessous le code qui vient de vous être envoyé."
details_needed_info: "Afin de finaliser votre compte, nous avons besoin de quelques renseignements supplémentaires."
title: "Nouveau sur cette plate-forme ?"
please_fill: "Veuillez renseigner le formulaire suivant pour créer votre compte."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Certaines informations peuvent nous avoir été déjà fournies par {NAME} et ne sont pas modifiables."
confirm_instructions_html: "Une fois que vous avez terminé, cliquez sur <strong>Enregistrer</strong> pour confirmer votre compte et commencer à utiliser l'application."
duplicate_email_html: "Il semble que votre adresse e-mail <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> soit déjà associée à un autre compte. Si ce compte n'est pas le vôtre, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton suivant pour changer l'e-mail associé à votre compte {PROVIDER}."
edit_profile: "Modifier mes données"
after_edition_info_html: "Une fois que vos données sont à jour, <strong>cliquez sur le bouton de synchronisation ci-dessous</strong>, ou <strong>déconnectez-vous puis reconnectez-vous</strong> pour que vos changements prennent effet."
sync_profile: "Synchroniser mon profil"
#dashboard: public profile
@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ fr:
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "cliquez sur le bouton de synchronisation ci-contre"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "déconnectez-vous puis reconnectez vous"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "pour que les modifications soient prises en compte."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Votre profil a été mis à jour avec succès."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Vous n'avez aucun projet."

View File

@ -4,18 +4,7 @@
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Bekreft din nye konto"
you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Du har nettopp opprettet en ny konto for {NAME} ved å logge fra"
we_need_some_more_details: "For å fullføre plattformoppsettet trenger vi flere detaljer"
your_email_is_already_used_by_another_account_on_the_platform: "Det ser ut som din e-postadresse er allerede i bruk av en annen bruker. Kontroller e-postadressen og skriv inn koden som er sendt til deg nedenfor."
or: "eller"
please_fill_the_following_form: "Vennligst fyll ut følgende skjema"
some_data_may_have_already_been_provided_by_provider_and_cannot_be_modified: "Noen data er allerede gitt av {NAME} og kan ikke endres"
then_click_on_: "Klikk deretter"
_to_start_using_the_application: "for å begynne å bruke applikasjonen"
new_on_this_platform: "Ny på denne plattformen?"
your_email_: "Din e-post"
_is_currently_associated_with_another_account_on_this_platform: "er for øyeblikket assosiert med en annen konto på denne plattformen."
please_click_to_change_email_associated_with_your_PROVIDER_account: "Hvis det ikke er ditt, klikk på følgende knapp for å endre e-postadressen tilknyttet din {PROVIDER} -konto."
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Har du allerede en konto?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Ikke fyll ut skjemaet, men skriv inn koden du har mottatt via e-post for å gjenopprette tilgangen."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Angi koden du har mottatt via e-post her for å gjenopprette tilgangen din."
@ -33,12 +22,21 @@
user_s_profile_is_required: "Brukerprofilen er påkrevd."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Jeg har lest og aksepterer"
_the_fablab_policy: "policyen for FabLab"
change_my_data: "Endre mine data"
sync_my_profile: "Synkroniser min profil"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Når dine data er oppdatert,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "klikk synkroniseringsknappen på den andre siden"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "koble fra og koble til på nytt"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for at dine endringer skal tre i kraft."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
title: "New on this platform?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile: "Change my data"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
#dashboard: public profile
@ -91,6 +89,7 @@
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "klikker du på synkroniseringsknappen "
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "koble fra og koble til på nytt"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for at dine endringer skal tre i kraft."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Du har ingen prosjekter enda."

View File

@ -4,18 +4,7 @@ pt:
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Confirme sua nova conta"
you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Você acabou de criar uma nova conta como {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {NAME}"
we_need_some_more_details: "Para finalizar a configuração da plataforma, precisamos de mais detalhes"
your_email_is_already_used_by_another_account_on_the_platform: "Parece que seu endereço de e-mail já é usado por outro usuário. Verifique seu endereço de e-mail e insira abaixo o código enviado para você."
or: "ou"
please_fill_the_following_form: "Preencha o seguinte formulário"
some_data_may_have_already_been_provided_by_provider_and_cannot_be_modified: "Alguns dados podem já ter sido fornecidos por {NAME} e não podem ser modificados"
then_click_on_: "Em seguida, clique em"
_to_start_using_the_application: "Para começar a usar o aplicativo"
new_on_this_platform: "Novo nessa plataforma?"
your_email_: "Seu email"
_is_currently_associated_with_another_account_on_this_platform: "Está atualmente associado a outra conta nesta plataforma."
please_click_to_change_email_associated_with_your_PROVIDER_account: "Se não for seu, clique no botão a seguir para alterar o e-mail associado à sua conta do {PROVIDER}."
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Já tem uma conta?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Não preencha o formulário ao lado, mas especifique aqui o código que recebeu por e-mail, para recuperar o seu acesso."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Basta especificar aqui o código que recebeu por e-mail para recuperar o seu acesso."
@ -33,12 +22,21 @@ pt:
user_s_profile_is_required: "Seu perfil de usuário é obrigatório."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Eu li e aceito"
_the_fablab_policy: "a política do FabLab"
change_my_data: "Alterar meus dados"
sync_my_profile: "Sincronizar meu perfil"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Assim que seus dados estiverem atualizados,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "clique no botão de sincronização oposto"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconecte e se conecte novamente"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que suas alterações tenham efeito."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
title: "New on this platform?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile: "Change my data"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
#dashboard: public profile
@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ pt:
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "clique no botão de sincronização"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconecte e se conecte novamente"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que suas alterações tenham efeitos."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Você não tem nenhum projeto."

View File

@ -4,18 +4,7 @@ zu:
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "crwdns8505:0crwdne8505:0"
you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "crwdns8507:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd8507:0NAME={NAME}crwdne8507:0"
we_need_some_more_details: "crwdns8509:0crwdne8509:0"
your_email_is_already_used_by_another_account_on_the_platform: "crwdns8511:0crwdne8511:0"
or: "crwdns8513:0crwdne8513:0"
please_fill_the_following_form: "crwdns8515:0crwdne8515:0"
some_data_may_have_already_been_provided_by_provider_and_cannot_be_modified: "crwdns8517:0{NAME}crwdne8517:0"
then_click_on_: "crwdns8519:0crwdne8519:0"
_to_start_using_the_application: "crwdns8521:0crwdne8521:0"
new_on_this_platform: "crwdns8523:0crwdne8523:0"
your_email_: "crwdns8525:0crwdne8525:0"
_is_currently_associated_with_another_account_on_this_platform: "crwdns8527:0crwdne8527:0"
please_click_to_change_email_associated_with_your_PROVIDER_account: "crwdns8529:0{PROVIDER}crwdne8529:0"
do_you_already_have_an_account: "crwdns8531:0crwdne8531:0"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "crwdns8533:0crwdne8533:0"
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "crwdns8535:0crwdne8535:0"
@ -33,12 +22,21 @@ zu:
user_s_profile_is_required: "crwdns8559:0crwdne8559:0"
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "crwdns8561:0crwdne8561:0"
_the_fablab_policy: "crwdns8563:0crwdne8563:0"
change_my_data: "crwdns8565:0crwdne8565:0"
sync_my_profile: "crwdns8567:0crwdne8567:0"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "crwdns8569:0crwdne8569:0"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "crwdns8571:0crwdne8571:0"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "crwdns8573:0crwdne8573:0"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "crwdns8575:0crwdne8575:0"
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "crwdns23076:0crwdne23076:0"
rules_changed: "crwdns23078:0crwdne23078:0"
sso_intro: "crwdns23080:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd23080:0NAME={NAME}crwdne23080:0"
duplicate_email_info: "crwdns23082:0crwdne23082:0"
details_needed_info: "crwdns23084:0crwdne23084:0"
title: "crwdns23086:0crwdne23086:0"
please_fill: "crwdns23088:0crwdne23088:0"
disabled_data_from_sso: "crwdns23090:0{NAME}crwdne23090:0"
confirm_instructions_html: "crwdns23092:0crwdne23092:0"
duplicate_email_html: "crwdns23094:0{EMAIL}crwdnd23094:0{PROVIDER}crwdne23094:0"
edit_profile: "crwdns23096:0crwdne23096:0"
after_edition_info_html: "crwdns23098:0crwdne23098:0"
sync_profile: "crwdns23100:0crwdne23100:0"
#dashboard: public profile
@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ zu:
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "crwdns8665:0crwdne8665:0"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "crwdns8667:0crwdne8667:0"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "crwdns8669:0crwdne8669:0"
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "crwdns23102:0crwdne23102:0"
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "crwdns8671:0crwdne8671:0"

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ fr:
dashboard: "Tableau de bord"
my_profile: "Mon profil"
my_settings: "Mes paramètres"
my_proof_of_identity_files: "Mon justificatif d'identité"
my_proof_of_identity_files: "Mes justificatifs"
my_projects: "Mes projets"
my_trainings: "Mes formations"
@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ fr:
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "J'ai lu et j'accepte"
_the_fablab_policy: "la charte d'utilisation du Fab Lab"
field_required: "Champ requis"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} est requis"
user_proof_of_identity_files_is_required: "Attention !</br>Vous avez déclaré être \"{GROUP}\", un justificaitif d'identité peut vous être demandée."
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} est requise"
user_proof_of_identity_files_is_required: "Attention !</br>Vous avez déclarez être \"{GROUP}\", des pièces justificatives pourront vous être demandées."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement."

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ pt:
#left menu (admin)
trainings_monitoring: "Treinamentos"
manage_the_calendar: "Agenda"
manage_the_users: "Uusuários"
manage_the_users: "Usuários"
manage_the_invoices: "Contas"
subscriptions_and_prices: "Assinaturas e Preços"
manage_the_events: "Eventos"
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pt:
first_name_is_required: "Primeiro nome é obrigatório."
your_surname: "Seu sobrenome"
surname_is_required: "Sobrenome é obrigatório."
your_pseudonym: "Seu apelido"
your_pseudonym: "Seu usuário"
pseudonym_is_required: "Apelido é obrigatório."
your_email_address: "Seu e-mail"
email_is_required: "E-mail é obrigatório."
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ pt:
connection: "Login"
password_forgotten: "Esqueceu sua senha?"
confirm_my_account: "Confirmar sua conta"
not_registered_to_the_fablab: "Ainda não registrado no FabLab?"
not_registered_to_the_fablab: "Ainda não é registrado no FabLab?"
create_an_account: "Criar conta"
wrong_email_or_password: "E-mail ou senha incorretos."
caps_lock_is_on: "A tecla Caps Lock está ativada."
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ pt:
latest_documented_projects: "Últimos projetos documentados"
follow_us: "Siga nos"
latest_tweets: "Os últimos tweets"
latest_tweets: "Últimos tweets"
latest_registered_members: "Últimos membros registrados"
create_an_account: "Criar uma conta"
discover_members: "Ver membros"
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ pt:
openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "A busca em toda a rede de FabLabs não está disponível no momento. Você pode procurar por projetos nesta plataforma."
project_search_result_is_empty: "Desculpe, nós não achamos nenhum resultado para sua pesquisa."
reset_all_filters: "Resetar todos os filtros"
keywords: "Keywords"
keywords: "Palavras-chave"
search: "Procurar"
all_projects: "Todos os projetos"
my_projects: "Meus Projetos"
@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ pt:
no_plans: "Não há planos disponíveis para o seu grupo"
AMOUNT_per_month: "{AMOUNT} / meses"
my_group: "Meu grupo"
his_group: "User's group"
he_wants_to_change_group: "Change group"
change_my_group: "Validate group change"
his_group: "Grupo do usuário"
he_wants_to_change_group: "Alterar grupo"
change_my_group: "Validar alteração de grupo"
summary: "Sumário"
your_subscription_has_expired_on_the_DATE: "Sua inscrição expirou em {DATE}"
subscription_price: "Preço da assinatura"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ zu:
dashboard: "crwdns8817:0crwdne8817:0"
my_profile: "crwdns8819:0crwdne8819:0"
my_settings: "crwdns8821:0crwdne8821:0"
my_proof_of_identity_files: "My proof of identity"
my_projects: "crwdns8823:0crwdne8823:0"
my_trainings: "crwdns8825:0crwdne8825:0"
my_events: "crwdns8827:0crwdne8827:0"
@ -92,8 +91,8 @@ zu:
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "crwdns8947:0crwdne8947:0"
_the_fablab_policy: "crwdns8949:0crwdne8949:0"
field_required: "crwdns8951:0crwdne8951:0"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
user_proof_of_identity_files_is_required: "Attention !</br>You have declared to be \"{GROUP}\", proof of identity may be requested."
profile_custom_field_is_required: "crwdns22978:0{FEILD}crwdne22978:0"
user_proof_of_identity_files_is_required: "crwdns22980:0{GROUP}crwdne22980:0"
unexpected_error_occurred: "crwdns8953:0crwdne8953:0"
used_for_statistics: "crwdns8955:0crwdne8955:0"
used_for_invoicing: "crwdns8957:0crwdne8957:0"

View File

@ -23,46 +23,81 @@ de:
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Ungespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren, wenn Sie die Seite neu laden"
payment_card_error: "Mit Ihrer Kreditkarte ist ein Problem aufgetreten:"
payment_card_declined: "Deine Kreditkarte wurde abgelehnt."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
#user edition form
man: "Männlich"
woman: "Weiblich"
add_an_avatar: "Avatar hinzufügen"
pseudonym: "Pseudonym"
pseudonym_is_required: "Pseudonym ist erforderlich."
first_name: "Ihr Vorname"
first_name_is_required: "Der Vorname ist erforderlich."
surname: "Ihr Nachname"
surname_is_required: "Der Nachname ist erforderlich."
email_address: "EMailAdresse"
email_address_is_required: "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist erforderlich."
change_password: "Passwort ändern"
new_password: "Neues Passwort"
password_is_required: "Passwort ist erforderlich."
password_is_too_short: "Passwort ist zu kurz (mindestens 8 Zeichen erforderlich)"
confirmation_of_new_password: "Neues Passwort bestätigen"
confirmation_of_password_is_required: "Passwortbestätigung ist erforderlich."
confirmation_of_password_is_too_short: "Die Passwortbestätigung ist zu kurz (mindestens 8 Zeichen)."
confirmation_mismatch_with_password: "Bestätigung stimmt nicht mit Passwort überein."
organization_name: "Name der Organisation"
organization_address: "Adresse der Organisation"
date_of_birth: "Geburtsdatum"
date_of_birth_is_required: "Geburtsdatum ist erforderlich."
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
job: "Beruf/Tätigkeit"
interests: "Interessen"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Kenntnisse in CAD-Software"
birthday: "Geburtsdatum"
birthday_is_required: "Das Geburtsdatum ist erforderlich."
address: "Adresse"
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
phone_number_is_required: "Die Angabe der Telefonnummer ist erforderlich."
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "Angemeldete Benutzer dürfen mich kontaktieren"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Das Fablab darf mir Informationen schicken"
used_for_statistics: "Diese Daten werden für statistische Zwecke verwendet"
used_for_invoicing: "Diese Daten werden für Abrechnungszwecke verwendet"
used_for_reservation: "Diese Daten werden im Fall einer Buchungsänderung verwendet"
used_for_profile: "Diese Daten werden nur auf Ihrem Profil angezeigt"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
#project edition form
name: "Name"
@ -239,44 +274,6 @@ de:
group_is_required: "Gruppe ist erforderlich."
trainings: "Schulungen"
tags: "Stichwörter"
#partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO)
name: "Name"
provider_name_is_required: "Sie müssen einen Providernamen eingeben."
authentication_type: "Authentifizierungsart"
local_database: "Lokale Datenbank"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
authentication_type_is_required: "Authentifizierungstyp ist erforderlich."
data_mapping: "Datenzuordnung"
expected_data_type: "Erwarteter Datentyp"
input_format: "Eingabeformat"
mappings: "Zuordnungen"
#edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider
common_url: "Server-Root-URL"
common_url_is_required: "Gemeinsame URL ist erforderlich."
provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "Die angegebene URL ist keine gültige URL."
authorization_endpoint: "Authentifizierungs-Endpunkt"
oauth2_authorization_endpoint_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 Autorisierungs-Endpunkt ist erforderlich."
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "Angegebener Endpunkt ist ungültig."
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Endpunkt der Token-Akquisition"
oauth2_token_acquisition_endpoint_is_required: "Endpunkt des OAuth 2.0-Tokens ist erforderlich."
profil_edition_url: "Profil-Editierungs-URL"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "URL zur Profil-Editierung ist erforderlich."
client_identifier: "Client-Identifier"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 Client-Identifier ist erforderlich."
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "Wird während der Registrierung bei Ihrem Provider erhalten."
client_secret: "Client-Geheimnis"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 Client-Geheimnis ist erforderlich."
scopes: "Scopes"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Definieren Sie die Zuordnung der Felder"
add_a_match: "Fügen Sie eine Zuordnung hinzu"
model: "Modell"
field: "Felder"
api_endpoint_url: "URL des API-Endpunkts"
api_type: "API-Typ"
api_fields: "API-Felder"
api_field_help: "JsonPath Syntax wird unterstützt.\nWenn mehrere Felder ausgewählt sind, wird das erste verwendet.\nBeispiel: $.data[*].name"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Slot ändern"

View File

@ -23,46 +23,81 @@ es:
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Si recarga la página se perderán todas las modificaciones que no se hayan guardado"
payment_card_error: "A problem has occurred with your credit card:"
payment_card_declined: "Your card was declined."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
#user edition form
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
add_an_avatar: "Añadir un avatar"
pseudonym: "Seudónimo"
pseudonym_is_required: "Pseudonym is required."
first_name: "Your first name"
first_name_is_required: "First name is required."
surname: "Your last name"
surname_is_required: "Last name is required."
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
email_address_is_required: "Se requiere un email."
change_password: "Cambiar contraseña"
new_password: "Nueva contraseña"
password_is_required: "Password is required."
password_is_too_short: "Password is too short (at least 8 characters)"
confirmation_of_new_password: "Confirmar nueva contraseña"
confirmation_of_password_is_required: "Se requiere confirmar la contraseña."
confirmation_of_password_is_too_short: "la contraseña es demasiado corta (minimo 8 caracteres)."
confirmation_mismatch_with_password: "Las contraseñas no coinciden."
organization_name: "Nombre de la organización"
organization_address: "Dirección de la organización"
date_of_birth: "Fecha de nacimiento"
date_of_birth_is_required: "Se requiere una fecha de nacimiento."
website: "Página web"
job: "Ocupación"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_is_required: "Phone number is required."
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "I authorize FabLab users, registered on the site, to contact me"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Acepto recibir información del FabLab"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
#project edition form
name: "Name"
@ -239,44 +274,6 @@ es:
group_is_required: "Se requiere un grupo."
trainings: "Cursos"
tags: "Tags"
#partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO)
name: "Nombre"
provider_name_is_required: "Se requiere el nombre del proveedor."
authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticación"
local_database: "Local database"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
authentication_type_is_required: "Se requiere el tipo de autenticación."
data_mapping: "Mapeo de datos"
expected_data_type: "Tipo de datos esperado"
input_format: "Formato de entrada"
mappings: "Mapeos"
#edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider
common_url: "Server root URL"
common_url_is_required: "se requiere una URL común."
provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "La URL cedida no es válida."
authorization_endpoint: "Final de la autorización"
oauth2_authorization_endpoint_is_required: "Se requiere final de autorización OAuth 2.0."
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "El final de autorización proporcionado no es válido."
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Fin de adquisición de fichas"
oauth2_token_acquisition_endpoint_is_required: "Se requiere el final de adquisición de tokens OAuth 2.0."
profil_edition_url: "URL de edición de perfil"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "Se requiere URL de edición de perfil."
client_identifier: "Identificador de cliente"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "Se requiere el identificador de cliente OAuth 2.0."
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "Obtengalo al registrarse con su proveedor."
client_secret: "Secreto del cliente"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "Se requiere el secreto de cliente OAuth 2.0."
scopes: "Scopes"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Definir el mapeo de campos"
add_a_match: "agregar coincidencia"
model: "Model"
field: "Campos"
api_endpoint_url: "API final de URL"
api_type: "Tipo de API"
api_fields: "Campos de API"
api_field_help: "JsonPath syntax is supported.\n If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.\n Example: $.data[*].name"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Cambiar la ranura"

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@ -23,32 +23,46 @@ fr:
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Vous perdrez les modifications non enregistrées si vous rechargez cette page"
payment_card_error: "Un problème est survenu avec votre carte bancaire :"
payment_card_declined: "Votre carte a été refusée."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{Mon groupe} other{Groupe de l'utilisateur}}"
change: "Changez {OPERATOR, select, self{mon} other{son}} groupe"
cancel: "Annuler"
validate: "Valider le changement de groupe"
success: "Groupe changé avec succès"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Tapez quelque chose…"
link_placeholder: "Coller le lien…"
url_placeholder: "Coller l'url…"
new_tab: "Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet"
add_link: "Insérer un lien"
add_video: "Intégrer une vidéo"
add_image: "Insérer une image"
networks_update_success: "Réseaux sociaux mis à jour avec succès"
networks_update_error: "Problème lors de la mise à jour des réseaux sociaux"
url_placeholder: "Coller l'url…"
#user edition form
man: "Homme"
woman: "Femme"
add_an_avatar: "Ajouter un avatar"
personal_data: "Personnel"
account_data: "Compte"
account_networks: "Réseaux sociaux"
organization_data: "Structure"
profile_data: "Profil"
preferences_data: "Préférences"
declare_organization: "Je déclare être une structure"
declare_organization_help: "Si vous déclarez être une structure, vos factures seront émises au nom de la structure."
pseudonym: "Pseudonyme"
pseudonym_is_required: "Le pseudonyme est requis."
first_name: "Votre prénom"
first_name_is_required: "Le prénom est requis."
surname: "Votre nom"
surname_is_required: "Le nom est requis."
email_address: "Votre adresse de courriel"
email_address_is_required: "L'adresse de courriel est requise."
change_password: "Changer de mot de passe"
new_password: "Nouveau mot de passe"
password_is_required: "Le mot de passe est requis."
password_is_too_short: "Le mot de passe est trop court (au moins 8 caractères)"
confirmation_of_new_password: "Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe"
confirmation_of_password_is_required: "La confirmation du mot de passe est requise."
confirmation_of_password_is_too_short: "La confirmation du mot de passe est trop courte (au moins 8 caractères)."
confirmation_mismatch_with_password: "La confirmation ne concorde pas avec le mot de passe."
first_name: "Prénom"
surname: "Nom de famille"
email_address: "Adresse de courriel"
organization_name: "Nom de la structure"
organization_address: "Adresse de la structure"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} est requis"
date_of_birth: "Date de naissance"
date_of_birth_is_required: "La date de naissance est requise."
website: "Site web"
website_invalid: "L'adresse du site web n'est pas une URL valide"
job: "Profession"
interests: "Centres d'intérêts"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Logiciels de conception maîtrisés"
@ -56,13 +70,34 @@ fr:
birthday_is_required: "La date de naissance est requise."
address: "Adresse"
phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone"
phone_number_is_required: "Le numéro de téléphone est requis."
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "J'autorise les utilisateurs du Fab Lab inscrits sur le site à me contacter"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "J'accepte de recevoir des informations du Fab Lab"
phone_number_invalid: "Le numéro de téléphone n'est pas valide."
allow_public_profile: "J'autorise les utilisateurs inscrits sur le site à me contacter"
allow_public_profile_help: "Votre profil sera visible par les autres utilisateurs et vous pourrez collaborer aux projets."
allow_newsletter: "J'accepte de recevoir des informations du Fab Lab"
allow_newsletter_help: "Vous pourriez recevoir la newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins statistiques"
used_for_invoicing: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins de facturation"
used_for_reservation: "Cette donnée sera utilisée en cas de changement sur une de vos réservations"
used_for_profile: "Cette donnée sera seulement affichée sur votre profil"
group: "Groupe"
trainings: "Formations"
tags: "Étiquettes"
terms_and_conditions_html: "J'ai lu et j'accepte <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">les conditions générales<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "Vous devez accepter les conditions générales"
save: "Enregistrer"
man: "Homme"
woman: "Femme"
change_my_password: "Changer mon mot de passe"
confirm_current: "Confirmez votre mot de passe actuel"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Mot de passe incorrect"
new_password: "Nouveau mot de passe"
confirm_password: "Confirmez le mot de passe"
password_too_short: "Le mot de passe est trop court (doit contenir au moins 8 caractères)"
confirmation_mismatch: "La confirmation ne concorde pas avec le mot de passe."
#project edition form
name: "Nom"
@ -118,7 +153,7 @@ fr:
select_a_member: "Sélectionnez un membre"
start_typing: "Commencez à écrire..."
member_not_validated: "Attention:</br> Le membre n'a pas validé."
member_not_validated: "Attention :</br> Le membre n'a pas validé."
#payment modal
online_payment: "Paiement en ligne"
@ -465,7 +500,7 @@ fr:
slot_tags: "Étiquettes du créneau"
user_tags: "Étiquettes de l'utilisateur"
no_tags: "Aucune étiquette"
user_validation_required_alert: "Attention !</br>Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez alors accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de réservation."
user_validation_required_alert: "Attention !</br>Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez ensuite accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de réservation."
#feature-tour modal
previous: "Précédent"

View File

@ -23,46 +23,81 @@
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Du vil miste ulagrede endringer hvis du gjeninnlaster denne siden"
payment_card_error: "Et problem har oppstått med ditt kredittkort:"
payment_card_declined: "Your card was declined."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
#user edition form
man: "Mann"
woman: "Kvinne"
add_an_avatar: "Legg til avatar"
pseudonym: "Pseudonym"
pseudonym_is_required: "Kallenavn er nødvendig."
first_name: "Fornavn"
first_name_is_required: "Fornavn er påkrevd."
surname: "Etternavn"
surname_is_required: "Etternavn er påkrevd."
email_address: "E-postadresse"
email_address_is_required: "E-post er påkrevd."
change_password: "Endre passord"
new_password: "Nytt passord"
password_is_required: "Passord er påkrevd."
password_is_too_short: "Passordet er for kort (minimum 8 tegn)"
confirmation_of_new_password: "Bekreft nytt passord"
confirmation_of_password_is_required: "Bekreftelse av passord er påkrevd."
confirmation_of_password_is_too_short: "Passordet er for kort (minimum 8 tegn)."
confirmation_mismatch_with_password: "Bekreftelse samsvarer ikke med passordet."
organization_name: "Organisasjonsnavn"
organization_address: "Organisasjonens adresse"
date_of_birth: "Fødselsdato"
date_of_birth_is_required: "Fødselsdato er påkrevd."
website: "Nettsted"
job: "Yrke"
interests: "Interesser"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Mestret CAD-programvare"
birthday: "Fødselsdato"
birthday_is_required: "Fødselsdato er påkrevd."
address: "Adresse"
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
phone_number_is_required: "Telefonnummer er påkrevd."
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "Jeg godkjenner at nettstedets brukere kan kontakte meg"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
used_for_statistics: "Dataene vil bli brukt til statistiske formål"
used_for_invoicing: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt i fakturering"
used_for_reservation: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt i tilfelle endring på en av dine bestillinger"
used_for_profile: "Disse dataene vil bare bli vist i profilen din"
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
#project edition form
name: "Navn"
@ -239,44 +274,6 @@
group_is_required: "Gruppe er påkrevd."
trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
tags: "Etiketter"
#partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO)
name: "Navn"
provider_name_is_required: "Navn på leverandør er påkrevd."
authentication_type: "Autentiseringstype"
local_database: "Lokal database"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
authentication_type_is_required: "Autentiseringstype er påkrevd."
data_mapping: "Tilordning av data"
expected_data_type: "Forventet datatype"
input_format: "Input format"
mappings: "Tilordninger"
#edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider
common_url: "Server root URL"
common_url_is_required: "Felles URL er påkrevd."
provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "Angitt nettadresse er ikke en gyldig nettadresse."
authorization_endpoint: "Autorisasjons sluttpunkt"
oauth2_authorization_endpoint_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 token utløpsendepunkt er nødvendig."
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "Angitt endepunkt er ikke gyldig."
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token anskaffelses endepunkt"
oauth2_token_acquisition_endpoint_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 token utløpsendepunkt er nødvendig."
profil_edition_url: "Profil-URL"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "URL for profilversjon er påkrevd."
client_identifier: "Klient-ID"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 klient-ID er nødvendig."
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "Få det når du registrerer deg hos leverandøren din."
client_secret: "Klienthemmelighet"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 klient-hemmelighet er nødvendig."
scopes: "Scopes"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Definer tilordning av felter"
add_a_match: "Legg til en match"
model: "Modell"
field: "Felt"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint URL"
api_type: "API type"
api_fields: "API-felt"
api_field_help: "JsonPath syntax is supported.\n If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.\n Example: $.data[*].name"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Endre tidsluken"
@ -465,6 +462,7 @@
slot_tags: "Tidsluke-etiketter"
user_tags: "Brukeretiketter"
no_tags: "Ingen etiketter"
user_validation_required_alert: "Attention !</br>Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez alors accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de réservation."
#feature-tour modal
previous: "Forrige"

View File

@ -23,46 +23,81 @@ pt:
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Você irá perder todas as modificações não salvas se recarregar desta página"
payment_card_error: "Ocorreu um problema com o seu cartão de crédito:"
payment_card_declined: "O seu cartão foi recusado."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
#user edition form
man: "Homem"
woman: "Mulher"
add_an_avatar: "Adicionar avatar"
pseudonym: "Apelido"
pseudonym_is_required: "Apelido é obrigatório."
first_name: "Seu primeiro nome"
first_name_is_required: "Primeiro nome é obrigatório."
surname: "Seu sobrenome"
surname_is_required: "Sobrenome é obrigatório."
email_address: "Endereço de e-mail"
email_address_is_required: "E-mail é obrigatório."
change_password: "Alterar senha"
new_password: "Nova senha"
password_is_required: "Senha é obrigatório."
password_is_too_short: "Senha muito curta (mínimo 8 caracteres)"
confirmation_of_new_password: "Confirmação da nova senha"
confirmation_of_password_is_required: "A confirmação da senha é obrigatória."
confirmation_of_password_is_too_short: "A confirmação da senha é muito curta (mínimo 8 caracteres)."
confirmation_mismatch_with_password: "Confirmação de senha é diferente da senha."
organization_name: "Nome da organização"
organization_address: "Endereço da organização"
date_of_birth: "Data de nascimento"
date_of_birth_is_required: "Data de nascimento é obrigatório."
website: "Site"
job: "Ocupação"
interests: "Interesses"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Softwares de CAD dominados"
birthday: "Data de nascimento"
birthday_is_required: "Data de nascimento é obrigatório."
address: "Endereço"
phone_number: "Número de telefone"
phone_number_is_required: "Número de telefone é obrigatório."
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "Eu autorizo usuários do FabLab, registrados no site, a entrarem em contato comigo"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Eu aceito receber informações do FabLab"
used_for_statistics: "Estes dados serão utilizados para fins estatísticos"
used_for_invoicing: "Esses dados serão usados para fins de faturamento"
used_for_reservation: "Estes dados serão utilizados em caso de alteração em uma das suas reservas"
used_for_profile: "Estes dados serão exibidos apenas no seu perfil"
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
#project edition form
name: "Nome"
@ -239,44 +274,6 @@ pt:
group_is_required: "Grupo é obrigatório."
trainings: "Treinamentos"
tags: "Tags"
#partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO)
name: "Nome"
provider_name_is_required: "Nome da provider é obrigatório."
authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticação"
local_database: "Database local"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
authentication_type_is_required: "Tipo de autenticação é obrigatório."
data_mapping: "Mapeando dados"
expected_data_type: "Esperado tipo de dado"
input_format: "Insira o formato"
mappings: "Mapeamentos"
#edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider
common_url: "Server root URL"
common_url_is_required: "URL comum é necessária."
provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "A URL fornecida não é uma URL válida."
authorization_endpoint: "Endpoint da autorização"
oauth2_authorization_endpoint_is_required: "Um endpoint de autorização OAuth 2.0 é necessário."
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "O endpoint fornecido não é válido."
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Endpoint da aquisição de token"
oauth2_token_acquisition_endpoint_is_required: "Um endpoint de autorização OAuth 2.0 é necessário."
profil_edition_url: "URL da edição do Perfil"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "URL de edição do perfil é necessária."
client_identifier: "Client identifier"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "O identificador do cliente OAuth 2.0 é necessário."
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "Obtenha-o ao se registrar no seu provedor."
client_secret: "Chave secreta"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "A senha do cliente OAuth 2.0 é necessário."
scopes: "Scopes"
define_the_fields_mapping: "Defina o mapeamento dos campos"
add_a_match: "Adicionar uma correspondência"
model: "Modelo"
field: "Linhas"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint URL"
api_type: "API tipo"
api_fields: "API linhas"
api_field_help: "JsonPath syntax is supported.\n If many fields are selected, the first one will be used.\n Example: $.data[*].name"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Alterar o slot"
@ -284,7 +281,7 @@ pt:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Você deseja alterar o agendamento do usuário {NAME}, inicialmente marcado para:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Cancelar essa reserva"
i_want_to_change_date: "Eu quero alterar a data"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
deleted_user: "usuário deletado"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Última atividade <br><strong>em {DATE}</strong>"
@ -492,32 +489,32 @@ pt:
state: "Estado"
download: "Baixar"
state_new: "Ainda não vencido"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_pending_check: "Aguardando compensação do cheque"
state_pending_transfer: "Aguardando a confirmação da transferência"
state_requires_payment_method: "O cartão de crédito deve ser atualizado"
state_requires_action: "Ação necessária"
state_paid: "Pago"
state_error: "Erro"
state_gateway_canceled: "Canceled by the payment gateway"
state_gateway_canceled: "Cancelado pelo gateway de pagamento"
state_canceled: "Cancelado"
method_card: "por cartão"
method_check: "por verificação"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
method_transfer: "por transferência"
download: "Download"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
confirm_check: "Confirm cashing"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
update_card: "Update the card"
update_payment_mean: "Update the payment mean"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
confirm_button: "Confirm"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
download: "Baixar"
cancel_subscription: "Cancelar assinatura"
confirm_payment: "Confirmar pagamento"
confirm_check: "Confirmar saque"
resolve_action: "Resolver a ação"
update_card: "Atualizar o cartão"
update_payment_mean: "Atualizar o método de pagamento"
please_ask_reception: "Para qualquer dúvida, entre em contato com a recepção do FabLab."
confirm_button: "Confirmar"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirmar a compensação do cheque"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "Você deve pagar uma verificação de {AMOUNT} pelo prazo de {DATE}. Ao confirmar o pagamento, uma fatura será gerada para este prazo."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirme a transferência bancária"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "Você deve confirmar o recibo de {AMOUNT} para o prazo de {DATE}. Ao confirmar a transferência bancária, uma fatura será gerada para este prazo."
confirm_cancel_subscription: "Você está prestes a cancelar esta agenda de pagamento e a assinatura relacionada. Tem certeza?"
online_payment_disabled: "O pagamento online não está disponível. Entre em contato diretamente com a recepção do FabLab."
unexpected_error: "Ocorreu um erro. Por favor, reporte este problema à equipe do FabLab."

View File

@ -23,46 +23,81 @@ zu:
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "crwdns9407:0crwdne9407:0"
payment_card_error: "crwdns9409:0crwdne9409:0"
payment_card_declined: "crwdns22033:0crwdne22033:0"
title: "crwdns22840:0OPERATOR={OPERATOR}crwdne22840:0"
change: "crwdns22842:0OPERATOR={OPERATOR}crwdne22842:0"
cancel: "crwdns22844:0crwdne22844:0"
validate: "crwdns22846:0crwdne22846:0"
success: "crwdns22848:0crwdne22848:0"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "crwdns22850:0crwdne22850:0"
link_placeholder: "crwdns22852:0crwdne22852:0"
url_placeholder: "crwdns22854:0crwdne22854:0"
new_tab: "crwdns22856:0crwdne22856:0"
add_link: "crwdns22858:0crwdne22858:0"
add_video: "crwdns22860:0crwdne22860:0"
add_image: "crwdns22862:0crwdne22862:0"
networks_update_success: "crwdns22864:0crwdne22864:0"
networks_update_error: "crwdns22866:0crwdne22866:0"
url_placeholder: "crwdns22868:0crwdne22868:0"
#user edition form
man: "crwdns9411:0crwdne9411:0"
woman: "crwdns9413:0crwdne9413:0"
add_an_avatar: "crwdns9415:0crwdne9415:0"
pseudonym: "crwdns9417:0crwdne9417:0"
pseudonym_is_required: "crwdns9419:0crwdne9419:0"
first_name: "crwdns9421:0crwdne9421:0"
first_name_is_required: "crwdns9423:0crwdne9423:0"
surname: "crwdns9425:0crwdne9425:0"
surname_is_required: "crwdns9427:0crwdne9427:0"
email_address: "crwdns9429:0crwdne9429:0"
email_address_is_required: "crwdns9431:0crwdne9431:0"
change_password: "crwdns9433:0crwdne9433:0"
new_password: "crwdns9435:0crwdne9435:0"
password_is_required: "crwdns9437:0crwdne9437:0"
password_is_too_short: "crwdns9439:0crwdne9439:0"
confirmation_of_new_password: "crwdns9441:0crwdne9441:0"
confirmation_of_password_is_required: "crwdns9443:0crwdne9443:0"
confirmation_of_password_is_too_short: "crwdns9445:0crwdne9445:0"
confirmation_mismatch_with_password: "crwdns9447:0crwdne9447:0"
organization_name: "crwdns9449:0crwdne9449:0"
organization_address: "crwdns9451:0crwdne9451:0"
date_of_birth: "crwdns9453:0crwdne9453:0"
date_of_birth_is_required: "crwdns9455:0crwdne9455:0"
website: "crwdns9457:0crwdne9457:0"
job: "crwdns9459:0crwdne9459:0"
interests: "crwdns9461:0crwdne9461:0"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "crwdns9463:0crwdne9463:0"
birthday: "crwdns9465:0crwdne9465:0"
birthday_is_required: "crwdns9467:0crwdne9467:0"
address: "crwdns9469:0crwdne9469:0"
phone_number: "crwdns9471:0crwdne9471:0"
phone_number_is_required: "crwdns9473:0crwdne9473:0"
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "crwdns9475:0crwdne9475:0"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "crwdns9477:0crwdne9477:0"
used_for_statistics: "crwdns9479:0crwdne9479:0"
used_for_invoicing: "crwdns9481:0crwdne9481:0"
used_for_reservation: "crwdns9483:0crwdne9483:0"
used_for_profile: "crwdns9485:0crwdne9485:0"
add_an_avatar: "crwdns22870:0crwdne22870:0"
personal_data: "crwdns22872:0crwdne22872:0"
account_data: "crwdns22874:0crwdne22874:0"
account_networks: "crwdns22876:0crwdne22876:0"
organization_data: "crwdns22878:0crwdne22878:0"
profile_data: "crwdns22880:0crwdne22880:0"
preferences_data: "crwdns22882:0crwdne22882:0"
declare_organization: "crwdns22884:0crwdne22884:0"
declare_organization_help: "crwdns22886:0crwdne22886:0"
pseudonym: "crwdns22888:0crwdne22888:0"
first_name: "crwdns22890:0crwdne22890:0"
surname: "crwdns22892:0crwdne22892:0"
email_address: "crwdns22894:0crwdne22894:0"
organization_name: "crwdns22896:0crwdne22896:0"
organization_address: "crwdns22898:0crwdne22898:0"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "crwdns22900:0{FEILD}crwdne22900:0"
date_of_birth: "crwdns22902:0crwdne22902:0"
website: "crwdns22904:0crwdne22904:0"
website_invalid: "crwdns22906:0crwdne22906:0"
job: "crwdns22908:0crwdne22908:0"
interests: "crwdns22910:0crwdne22910:0"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "crwdns22912:0crwdne22912:0"
birthday: "crwdns22914:0crwdne22914:0"
birthday_is_required: "crwdns22916:0crwdne22916:0"
address: "crwdns22918:0crwdne22918:0"
phone_number: "crwdns22920:0crwdne22920:0"
phone_number_invalid: "crwdns22922:0crwdne22922:0"
allow_public_profile: "crwdns22924:0crwdne22924:0"
allow_public_profile_help: "crwdns22926:0crwdne22926:0"
allow_newsletter: "crwdns22928:0crwdne22928:0"
allow_newsletter_help: "crwdns22930:0crwdne22930:0"
used_for_statistics: "crwdns22932:0crwdne22932:0"
used_for_invoicing: "crwdns22934:0crwdne22934:0"
used_for_reservation: "crwdns22936:0crwdne22936:0"
used_for_profile: "crwdns22938:0crwdne22938:0"
group: "crwdns22940:0crwdne22940:0"
trainings: "crwdns22942:0crwdne22942:0"
tags: "crwdns22944:0crwdne22944:0"
terms_and_conditions_html: "crwdns22946:0{POLICY_URL}crwdne22946:0"
must_accept_terms: "crwdns22948:0crwdne22948:0"
save: "crwdns22950:0crwdne22950:0"
man: "crwdns22952:0crwdne22952:0"
woman: "crwdns22954:0crwdne22954:0"
change_my_password: "crwdns22956:0crwdne22956:0"
confirm_current: "crwdns22958:0crwdne22958:0"
confirm: "crwdns22960:0crwdne22960:0"
wrong_password: "crwdns22962:0crwdne22962:0"
new_password: "crwdns22964:0crwdne22964:0"
confirm_password: "crwdns22966:0crwdne22966:0"
password_too_short: "crwdns22968:0crwdne22968:0"
confirmation_mismatch: "crwdns22970:0crwdne22970:0"
#project edition form
name: "crwdns9487:0crwdne9487:0"
@ -118,7 +153,7 @@ zu:
select_a_member: "crwdns9571:0crwdne9571:0"
start_typing: "crwdns9573:0crwdne9573:0"
member_not_validated: "Attention:</br> The member has not validated."
member_not_validated: "crwdns22972:0crwdne22972:0"
#payment modal
online_payment: "crwdns21484:0crwdne21484:0"
@ -239,44 +274,6 @@ zu:
group_is_required: "crwdns20220:0crwdne20220:0"
trainings: "crwdns9753:0crwdne9753:0"
tags: "crwdns9755:0crwdne9755:0"
#partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO)
name: "crwdns9757:0crwdne9757:0"
provider_name_is_required: "crwdns9759:0crwdne9759:0"
authentication_type: "crwdns9761:0crwdne9761:0"
local_database: "crwdns9763:0crwdne9763:0"
o_auth2: "crwdns9765:0crwdne9765:0"
authentication_type_is_required: "crwdns9767:0crwdne9767:0"
data_mapping: "crwdns9769:0crwdne9769:0"
expected_data_type: "crwdns9771:0crwdne9771:0"
input_format: "crwdns9773:0crwdne9773:0"
mappings: "crwdns9775:0crwdne9775:0"
#edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider
common_url: "crwdns22315:0crwdne22315:0"
common_url_is_required: "crwdns9779:0crwdne9779:0"
provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "crwdns9781:0crwdne9781:0"
authorization_endpoint: "crwdns9783:0crwdne9783:0"
oauth2_authorization_endpoint_is_required: "crwdns9785:0crwdne9785:0"
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "crwdns9787:0crwdne9787:0"
token_acquisition_endpoint: "crwdns9789:0crwdne9789:0"
oauth2_token_acquisition_endpoint_is_required: "crwdns9791:0crwdne9791:0"
profil_edition_url: "crwdns9793:0crwdne9793:0"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "crwdns9795:0crwdne9795:0"
client_identifier: "crwdns9797:0crwdne9797:0"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "crwdns9799:0crwdne9799:0"
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "crwdns9801:0crwdne9801:0"
client_secret: "crwdns9803:0crwdne9803:0"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "crwdns9805:0crwdne9805:0"
scopes: "crwdns22444:0crwdne22444:0"
define_the_fields_mapping: "crwdns9807:0crwdne9807:0"
add_a_match: "crwdns9809:0crwdne9809:0"
model: "crwdns9811:0crwdne9811:0"
field: "crwdns9813:0crwdne9813:0"
api_endpoint_url: "crwdns9815:0crwdne9815:0"
api_type: "crwdns9817:0crwdne9817:0"
api_fields: "crwdns9819:0crwdne9819:0"
api_field_help: "crwdns22317:0crwdne22317:0"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "crwdns9821:0crwdne9821:0"
@ -465,7 +462,7 @@ zu:
slot_tags: "crwdns20490:0crwdne20490:0"
user_tags: "crwdns20492:0crwdne20492:0"
no_tags: "crwdns20494:0crwdne20494:0"
user_validation_required_alert: "Attention !</br>Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez alors accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de réservation."
user_validation_required_alert: "crwdns22974:0crwdne22974:0"
#feature-tour modal
previous: "crwdns20166:0crwdne20166:0"

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ de:
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Der Authentifizierungscode ist ungültig."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "Die aktuelle Authentifizierungsmethode erfordert keinen Migrationscode"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "Das gewünschte Konto ist nicht vorhanden"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'A "Local Database" provider already exists. Unable to create another.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Beleg der Rechnungsrückerstattungung: %{REF}"
@ -240,6 +244,15 @@ de:
event: "Veranstaltung"
reservations: "Reservierungen"
available_seats: "Verfügbare Plätze"
summary: "%{TYPE} reservation"
Machine: "Machine"
Space: "Space"
Event: "Event"
Training: "Training"
description: "You have reserved %{COUNT} slots of %{ITEM}"
alarm_summary: "Remind your reservation"
member: "Mitglied"
manager: "Manager"
@ -385,7 +398,7 @@ de:
schedule_deadline: "Sie müssen das Lastschriftverfahren für die %{DATE} -Frist bestätigen, für Zeitplan %{REFERENCE}"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: " Proof of identity uploaded by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Proof of identity uploaded by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Proof of identity changed by Member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
@ -567,3 +580,18 @@ de:
overlapping_categories: "Kategorien zur Vorbeugung überlappender Buchungen"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Erweiterte Preise am selben Tag"
public_registrations: "Öffentliche Registrierungen"
facebook: "facebook"
twitter: "twitter"
viadeo: "viadeo"
linkedin: "linkedin"
instagram: "instagram"
youtube: "youtube"
vimeo: "vimeo"
dailymotion: "dailymotion"
github: "github"
echosciences: "echosciences"
pinterest: "pinterest"
lastfm: "lastfm"
flickr: "flickr"
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ es:
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Su código de autenticación no es válido."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "El método de autenticación actual no requiere ningún código de migración"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "La cuenta solicitada no existe"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'A "Local Database" provider already exists. Unable to create another.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Referencia de la factura de reembolso: %{REF}"
@ -240,6 +244,15 @@ es:
event: "Evento"
reservations: "Reservas"
available_seats: "Asientos disponibles"
summary: "%{TYPE} reservation"
Machine: "Machine"
Space: "Space"
Event: "Event"
Training: "Training"
description: "You have reserved %{COUNT} slots of %{ITEM}"
alarm_summary: "Remind your reservation"
member: "Miembro"
manager: "Gerente"
@ -567,3 +580,18 @@ es:
overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
facebook: "facebook"
twitter: "twitter"
viadeo: "viadeo"
linkedin: "linkedin"
instagram: "instagram"
youtube: "youtube"
vimeo: "vimeo"
dailymotion: "dailymotion"
github: "github"
echosciences: "echosciences"
pinterest: "pinterest"
lastfm: "lastfm"
flickr: "flickr"
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ fr:
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Votre code d'authentification n'est pas valide."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "La méthode d'authentification actuelle ne requiert pas de code de migration"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "Le compte utilisateur demandé n'existe pas"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'Un fournisseur de type "Base de données locale" existe déjà. Impossible d''en créer un second.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "Il est obligatoire d'établir la correspondance entre User.uid et l'API pour pouvoir ajouter ce fournisseur."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Référence de l'avoir : %{REF}"
@ -240,6 +244,15 @@ fr:
event: "Événement"
reservations: "Réservations"
available_seats: "Places disponibles"
summary: "%{TYPE} réservation"
Machine: "Machine"
Space: "Espace"
Event: "Événement"
Training: "Formation"
description: "Vous avez réservé %{COUNT} emplacements de %{ITEM}"
alarm_summary: "Rappelez-vous votre réservation"
member: "Membre"
manager: "Gestionnaire"
@ -385,17 +398,17 @@ fr:
schedule_deadline: "Vous devez confirmer le prélèvement bancaire pour l'échéance du %{DATE} , pour l'échéancier %{REFERENCE}"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Justificatifs téléchargés par le membre <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Justificatif d'identité téléchargé par le membre <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Justificatif modifié par le membre <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Justificatif d'identité modifié par le Membre <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
account_validated: "Votre compte est valid."
account_validated: "Votre compte est valide."
account_invalidated: "Votre compte est invalid."
account_invalidated: "Votre compte est invalide."
refusal: "les justificatifs refusés"
refusal: "Votre justificatif d'identité n'est pas accepté"
refusal: "Les justificatifs du membre <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> a refusés."
refusal: "Le justificatif d'identité du membre <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> a été refusé."
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Abonnements"
@ -567,3 +580,18 @@ fr:
overlapping_categories: "Catégories pour la prévention du chevauchement des réservations"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Prix étendus le même jour"
public_registrations: "Inscriptions publiques"
facebook: "facebook"
twitter: "twitter"
viadeo: "viadeo"
linkedin: "linkedin"
instagram: "instagram"
youtube: "youtube"
vimeo: "vimeo"
dailymotion: "dailymotion"
github: "github"
echosciences: "échosciences"
pinterest: "pinterest"
lastfm: "lastfm"
flickr: "flickr"
machines_module: "Module machines"
user_change_group: "Permettre aux utilisateurs de changer leur groupe"

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ fr:
subject: "Vous avez changé de groupe"
warning: "Vous venez de changer de groupe utilisateurs. Des contrôles pourront être opérés au Fab Lab afin de vérifier que ce changement est justifié."
user_invalidated: "Votre compte est invalidé, Veuillez vous télécharger vos nouveaux justificatifs pour valider votre compte."
user_invalidated: "Votre compte est invalidé, veuillez téléverser votre nouveau justificatif d'identité pour valider votre compte."
subject: "Un membre a changé de groupe"

View File

@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ pt:
users_subscriptions: "da lista de assinaturas"
users_reservations: "da lista de reservas"
availabilities_index: "as reservas disponíveis"
accounting_acd: "of the accounting data to ACD"
accounting_vat: "of the collected VAT data"
accounting_acd: "de dados contábeis para ACD"
accounting_vat: "do imposto coletado"
click_to_download: "Arquivo do Excel gerado com êxito. Para fazer o download, clique"
here: "aqui"
@ -299,40 +299,40 @@ pt:
schedule_in_your_dashboard_html: "Você pode encontrar a agenda de pagamento a qualquer momento a partir de %{DASHBOARD} no site do Fab Lab."
your_dashboard: "seu dashboard"
subject: "[URGENT] Card debit error"
subject: "[URGENT] Erro no débito do cartão"
remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, a debit by card of %{AMOUNT} was scheduled on %{DATE}."
error: "Unfortunately, an error occurred and this card debit was unable to complete successfully."
action: "Please then consult the %{GATEWAY} dashboard and contact the member as soon as possible to resolve the problem."
remember: "De acordo com o calendário de pagamento de %{REFERENCE}, um débito por cartão de %{AMOUNT} foi agendado em %{DATE}."
error: "Infelizmente, não foi possível completar o débito no cartão."
action: "Consulte o painel %{GATEWAY} e entre em contato com o membro o mais rápido possível para resolver o problema."
subject: "[URGENT] Card debit error"
subject: "[URGENT] Erro no débito do cartão"
remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, a debit by card of %{AMOUNT} was scheduled on %{DATE}."
error: "Unfortunately, an error occurred and this card debit was unable to complete successfully."
action: "Please contact a manager as soon as possible to resolve the problem."
remember: "De acordo com a sua agenda de pagamentos %{REFERENCE}, um débito por cartão de %{AMOUNT} foi agendado para %{DATE}."
error: "Infelizmente, não foi possível completar o débito no cartão."
action: "Entre em contato com um gerente o mais rápido possível para resolver o problema."
subject: "[URGENT] Falha no débito do cartão"
remember: "De acordo com o calendário de pagamento de %{REFERENCE}, um débito por cartão de %{AMOUNT} foi agendado em %{DATE}."
error: "Infelizmente, não foi possível completar o débito no cartão com sucesso."
action: "Please contact the member as soon as possible, then go to the payment schedule management interface to resolve the problem. After a certain period of time, the card subscription could be cancelled."
action: "Por favor, entre em contato com o membro assim que possível, depois vá à interface de gestão de pagamento para resolver o problema. Após um período, a assinatura do cartão poderá ser cancelada."
subject: "[URGENT] Falha no débito do cartão"
remember: "De acordo com a sua agenda de pagamentos %{REFERENCE}, um débito por cartão de %{AMOUNT} foi agendado para %{DATE}."
error: "Infelizmente, não foi possível completar o débito no cartão com sucesso."
action_html: "Please check %{DASHBOARD} or contact a manager quickly, otherwise your subscription may be interrupted."
action_html: "Por favor, verifique %{DASHBOARD} ou entre em contato com um gerente assim que possível, caso contrário sua assinatura pode ser interrompida."
your_dashboard: "seu dashboard"
subject: "[URGENT] Payment schedule canceled by the payment gateway"
subject: "[URGENT] Agendamento de pagamento cancelado pelo gateway"
error: "The payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the payment gateway (%{GATEWAY}). No further debits will be made on this payment mean."
action: "Please consult the payment schedule management interface and contact the member as soon as possible to resolve the problem."
error: "O agendamento do pagamento %{REFERENCE} foi cancelado pelo gateway de pagamento (%{GATEWAY}). Nenhum débito adicional será feito neste método de pagamento."
action: "Por favor, consulte a interface de gestão de pagamento e entre em contato com o membro assim que possível para resolver o problema."
subject: "[URGENT] Payment schedule canceled by the payment gateway"
subject: "[URGENT] Agendamento de pagamento cancelado pelo gateway"
error: "Your payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the payment gateway. No further debits will be made on this payment mean."
action: "Please contact a manager as soon as possible to resolve the problem."
error: "O agendamento do pagamento %{REFERENCE} foi cancelado pelo gateway de pagamento. Nenhum débito adicional será feito neste método de pagamento."
action: "Entre em contato com um gerente o mais rápido possível para resolver o problema."
subject: "Prazo de pagamento"
@ -340,11 +340,11 @@ pt:
date: "Este é um lembrete para descontar o pagamento programado o mais rápido possível."
confirm: "Não se esqueça de confirmar o recibo na interface de gestão de agenda de pagamento, para que a fatura correspondente seja gerada."
subject: "Payment deadline"
subject: "Prazo de pagamento"
remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to verify that the direct bank debit was successfull."
confirm: "Please confirm the receipt of funds in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
remember: "De acordo com a agenda de pagamento %{REFERENCE}, %{AMOUNT} deveria ser debitado em %{DATE}."
date: "Este é um lembrete para verificar se o débito bancário foi bem sucedido."
confirm: "Não se esqueça de confirmar o recibo na interface de gestão de pagamento, para que a fatura correspondente seja gerada."
subject: "Proof of identity uploaded by a member"

View File

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ zu:
subject: "crwdns3891:0crwdne3891:0"
warning: "crwdns3893:0crwdne3893:0"
user_invalidated: "Your account is invalidated, please upload your new proof of identity to validate your account."
user_invalidated: "crwdns23042:0crwdne23042:0"
subject: "crwdns3895:0crwdne3895:0"
user_changed_group_html: "crwdns3897:0%{NAME}crwdne3897:0"
previous_group: "crwdns3899:0crwdne3899:0"
new_group: "crwdns3901:0crwdne3901:0"
user_invalidated: "The user's account is invalidated."
user_invalidated: "crwdns23044:0crwdne23044:0"
subject: "crwdns3903:0crwdne3903:0"
@ -346,31 +346,31 @@ zu:
date: "crwdns22311:0crwdne22311:0"
confirm: "crwdns22313:0crwdne22313:0"
subject: "Proof of identity uploaded by a member"
subject: "crwdns23046:0crwdne23046:0"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded_below: "Member %{NAME} has uploaded the following proof of identity :"
validate_user: "Please validate this account"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded_below: "crwdns23048:0%{NAME}crwdne23048:0"
validate_user: "crwdns23050:0crwdne23050:0"
subject: "Proof of identity is changed by m member"
subject: "crwdns23052:0crwdne23052:0"
user_update_proof_of_identity_file: "Member %{NAME} has modified the proof of identity below:"
validate_user: "Please validate this account"
user_update_proof_of_identity_file: "crwdns23054:0%{NAME}crwdne23054:0"
validate_user: "crwdns23056:0crwdne23056:0"
subject: "The account is validated"
subject: "crwdns23058:0crwdne23058:0"
account_validated: "Your account is valid."
account_validated: "crwdns23060:0crwdne23060:0"
subject: "The account is invalid"
subject: "crwdns23062:0crwdne23062:0"
account_invalidated: "Your account is invalid."
account_invalidated: "crwdns23064:0crwdne23064:0"
subject: "Your proof of identity are not accepted"
subject: "crwdns23066:0crwdne23066:0"
user_proof_of_identity_files_refusal: "Your proof of identity are not accepted :"
action: "Please re-upload the new proof of identity."
user_proof_of_identity_files_refusal: "crwdns23068:0crwdne23068:0"
action: "crwdns23070:0crwdne23070:0"
subject: "A member's proof of identity are not accepted"
subject: "crwdns23072:0crwdne23072:0"
user_proof_of_identity_files_refusal: "Member %{NAME}'s proof of identity are rejected by %{OPERATOR}:"
user_proof_of_identity_files_refusal: "crwdns23074:0%{NAME}crwdnd23074:0%{OPERATOR}crwdne23074:0"
hello: "crwdns4215:0%{user_name}crwdne4215:0"

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Din autentiseringskode er ikke gyldig."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "Den nåværende autentiseringsmetoden krever ikke migrasjonskode"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "Den forespurte kontoen eksisterer ikke"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'A "Local Database" provider already exists. Unable to create another.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Referanse, refusjonsfaktura: %{REF}"
@ -240,6 +244,15 @@
event: "Arrangement"
reservations: "Reservasjoner"
available_seats: "Tilgjengelige plasser"
summary: "%{TYPE} reservation"
Machine: "Machine"
Space: "Space"
Event: "Event"
Training: "Training"
description: "You have reserved %{COUNT} slots of %{ITEM}"
alarm_summary: "Remind your reservation"
member: "Medlem"
manager: "Leder"
@ -567,3 +580,18 @@
overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
facebook: "facebook"
twitter: "twitter"
viadeo: "viadeo"
linkedin: "linkedin"
instagram: "instagram"
youtube: "youtube"
vimeo: "vimeo"
dailymotion: "dailymotion"
github: "github"
echosciences: "echosciences"
pinterest: "pinterest"
lastfm: "lastfm"
flickr: "flickr"
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pt:
end_before_start: "A data final não pode ser anterior à data de início. Escolha uma data após %{START}"
invalid_duration: "A duração permitida deve ter entre 1 dia e 1 ano. Sua menstruação tem %{DAYS} dias."
must_be_in_the_past: "O período deve ser estritamente anterior à data de hoje."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
registration_disabled: "Registo está desabilitado"
api_documentation: "Documentação da API"
code: "Código HTTP"
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pt:
i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "deve ser pelo menos %{MIN} minutos após a data de início"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "deve estar associada a pelo menos uma máquina"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
deleted_user: "Usuário deletado"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Não é possível alterar o grupo enquanto uma assinatura está sendo executada"
@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ pt:
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Seu código de autentiicação não é válido."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "O método de autenticação atual não requer nenhum código de migração"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "A conta requisitada não existe"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'A "Local Database" provider already exists. Unable to create another.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Referência da fatura de reembolso: %{REF}"
@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ pt:
deadline_date: "Data de pagamento"
deadline_amount: "Valor incluindo impostos"
total_amount: "Valor total"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Os débitos serão feitos por {METHOD, select, card{cartão} other{verificação}} para cada prazo."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} será debitado da sua carteira fixando o primeiro prazo."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -150,10 +154,10 @@ pt:
Space_reservation: "reserva de espaço."
wallet: "carteira"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
vat_rate: "VAT rate"
amount: "Total amount"
start_date: "Data de início"
end_date: "Data de término"
vat_rate: "Taxa de imposto"
amount: "Valor total"
#training availabilities
i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei"
@ -240,6 +244,15 @@ pt:
event: "Evento"
reservations: "Reservas"
available_seats: "Assentos disponíveis"
summary: "%{TYPE} reservation"
Machine: "Machine"
Space: "Space"
Event: "Event"
Training: "Training"
description: "You have reserved %{COUNT} slots of %{ITEM}"
alarm_summary: "Remind your reservation"
member: "Membro"
manager: "Gestor"
@ -269,9 +282,9 @@ pt:
USER_s_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "A assinatura do usuário %{USER} expira em 7 dias."
user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "User <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> changed group." #messageFormat interpolation
user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "O usuário <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> mudou de grupo." #messageFormat interpolation
user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "<strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em>'s account was merged with the one imported from <strong><em>{PROVIDER} </strong> ({%UID})</em>." #messageFormat interpolation
user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "A conta de <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> foi mesclada com a importada de <strong><em>{PROVIDER} </strong> ({%UID})</em>." #messageFormat interpolation
project_NAME_has_been_published_html: "Projeto <a href='/#!/projects/%{ID}'><strong><em>%{NAME}<em></strong></a> foi publicado."
@ -338,7 +351,7 @@ pt:
users_reservations: "da lista de reservas"
availabilities_index: "de reservas disponíveis"
accounting_acd: "de dados contábeis para ACD"
accounting_vat: "of the collected VAT"
accounting_vat: "do imposto coletado"
is_over: "está finalizado."
download_here: "Baixe aqui"
@ -369,21 +382,21 @@ pt:
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Sua fatura #%{REFERENCE}, de %{AMOUNT}, está pronta. <a href='api/invoices/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Clique aqui para fazer o download</a>."
schedule_error: "An error occurred for the card debit of the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_error: "Falha no débito para a data limite de %{DATE} para o agendamento %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_error: "An error occurred for the card debit of the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_error: "Falha no débito para a data limite de %{DATE} para o seu agendamento %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_failed: "Falha no débito para a data limite de %{DATE} para agendamento %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_failed: "Falha no débito para o período %{DATE} de agendamento %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_canceled: "The payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the gateway. An action is required."
schedule_canceled: "O cronograma de pagamento %{REFERENCE} foi cancelado pelo gateway. Uma ação é necessária."
schedule_canceled: "Your payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the gateway."
schedule_canceled: "Sua agenda de pagamento %{REFERENCE} foi cancelada pelo gateway."
schedule_deadline: "Você deve realizar a verificação para a data limite de %{DATE} para agendar %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "Você deve realizar a verificação do débito para a data limite de %{DATE}, para o agendamento %{REFERENCE}"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Proof of identity uploaded by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
@ -565,5 +578,20 @@ pt:
renew_pack_threshold: "Limite para renovação de pacotes"
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restringir pacotes para assinantes"
overlapping_categories: "Categorias para prevenção de reservas sobrepostas"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Preços estendidos no mesmo dia"
public_registrations: "Inscrições públicas"
facebook: "facebook"
twitter: "twitter"
viadeo: "viadeo"
linkedin: "linkedin"
instagram: "instagram"
youtube: "youtube"
vimeo: "vimeo"
dailymotion: "dailymotion"
github: "github"
echosciences: "echosciences"
pinterest: "pinterest"
lastfm: "lastfm"
flickr: "flickr"
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ zu:
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "crwdns3279:0crwdne3279:0"
current_authentication_method_no_code: "crwdns3281:0crwdne3281:0"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "crwdns3283:0crwdne3283:0"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'crwdns22982:0crwdne22982:0'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "crwdns22984:0crwdne22984:0"
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "crwdns3285:0%{REF}crwdne3285:0"
@ -240,6 +244,15 @@ zu:
event: "crwdns3551:0crwdne3551:0"
reservations: "crwdns3553:0crwdne3553:0"
available_seats: "crwdns3555:0crwdne3555:0"
summary: "crwdns22986:0%{TYPE}crwdne22986:0"
Machine: "crwdns22988:0crwdne22988:0"
Space: "crwdns22990:0crwdne22990:0"
Event: "crwdns22992:0crwdne22992:0"
Training: "crwdns22994:0crwdne22994:0"
description: "crwdns22996:0%{COUNT}crwdnd22996:0%{ITEM}crwdne22996:0"
alarm_summary: "crwdns22998:0crwdne22998:0"
member: "crwdns20446:0crwdne20446:0"
manager: "crwdns20448:0crwdne20448:0"
@ -385,17 +398,17 @@ zu:
schedule_deadline: "crwdns22305:0%{DATE}crwdnd22305:0%{REFERENCE}crwdne22305:0"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Proof of identity uploaded by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "crwdns23000:0%{NAME}crwdne23000:0"
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "Proof of identity changed by Member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
proof_of_identity_files_uploaded: "crwdns23002:0%{NAME}crwdne23002:0"
account_validated: "Your account is valid."
account_validated: "crwdns23004:0crwdne23004:0"
account_invalidated: "Your account is invalid."
account_invalidated: "crwdns23006:0crwdne23006:0"
refusal: "Your proof of identity are not accepted"
refusal: "crwdns23008:0crwdne23008:0"
refusal: "Member's proof of identity <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> refused."
refusal: "crwdns23010:0%{NAME}crwdne23010:0"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "crwdns3689:0crwdne3689:0"
@ -567,3 +580,18 @@ zu:
overlapping_categories: "crwdns22129:0crwdne22129:0"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "crwdns22173:0crwdne22173:0"
public_registrations: "crwdns22287:0crwdne22287:0"
facebook: "crwdns23012:0crwdne23012:0"
twitter: "crwdns23014:0crwdne23014:0"
viadeo: "crwdns23016:0crwdne23016:0"
linkedin: "crwdns23018:0crwdne23018:0"
instagram: "crwdns23020:0crwdne23020:0"
youtube: "crwdns23022:0crwdne23022:0"
vimeo: "crwdns23024:0crwdne23024:0"
dailymotion: "crwdns23026:0crwdne23026:0"
github: "crwdns23028:0crwdne23028:0"
echosciences: "crwdns23030:0crwdne23030:0"
pinterest: "crwdns23032:0crwdne23032:0"
lastfm: "crwdns23034:0crwdne23034:0"
flickr: "crwdns23036:0crwdne23036:0"
machines_module: "crwdns23038:0crwdne23038:0"
user_change_group: "crwdns23040:0crwdne23040:0"