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synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00
New translations app.admin.en.yml (Spanish)
This commit is contained in:
@ -126,18 +126,43 @@ es:
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_delete_import: "Do you really want to delete this iCalendar import?"
delete_success: "iCalendar import successfully deleted"
#management of the projects' components
#management of the projects' components & settings
name: "Name"
projects_elements_management: "Gestión de elementos de proyectos"
projects_settings: "Projects settings"
materials: "Materials"
add_a_material: "Añadir un material"
add_a_material: "Add a material"
themes: "Themes"
add_a_new_theme: "Añadir un nuevo tema"
licences: "Licencias"
add_a_new_theme: "Add a new theme"
licences: "Licences"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_licence: "Agregar una nueva licencia"
manage_abuses: "Administrar informes"
add_a_new_licence: "Add a new licence"
manage_abuses: "Manage the reports"
title: "Settings"
comments: "Comments"
disqus: "Disqus"
disqus_info: "If you want to enable your members and visitors to comment on projects, you can enable the Disqus forums by setting the following parameter. Visit <a href='https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208-what-s-a-shortname-' target='_blank'>the Disqus website</a> for more information."
shortname: "Shortname"
cad_files: "CAD files"
validation: "Validation"
validation_info: "Users can upload CAD (Computer Aided Design) files with the documentation of their projects. You can specify which files types are allowed. Use the test input below to determine the MIME type of a file."
extensions: "Allowed extensions"
new_extension: "New extension"
new_ext_info_html: "<p>Specify a new file extension to allow these files to be uploaded.</p><p>Please consider that allowing file archives (eg. ZIP) or binary executable (eg. EXE) may result in a <strong>dangerous security issue</strong> and must be avoided in any cases.</p>"
mime_types: "Allowed MIME types"
new_mime_type: "New MIME type"
new_type_info_html: "<p>Specify a new MIME type to allow these files to be uploaded.</p><p>Please use the test input to determine the MIME type of a file. Please consider that allowing file archives (eg. application/zip) or binary executable (eg. application/exe) may result in a <strong>dangerous security issue</strong> and must be avoided in any cases.</p>"
test_file: "Test a file"
set_a_file: "Select a file"
file_is_TYPE: "MIME type of this file is {TYPE}"
projects_sharing: "Projects sharing"
open_lab_projects: "OpenLab Projects"
open_lab_info_html: "Enable OpenLab to share your projects with other Fab Labs and display a gallery of shared projects. Please send an email to <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>contact@fab-manager.com</a> to get your access credentials for free."
open_lab_app_id: "ID"
open_lab_app_secret: "Secret"
openlab_default_info_html: "In the projects gallery, visitors can switch between two views: all shared projets from the whole OpenLab network, or only the projects documented in your Fab Lab.<br/>Here, you can choose which view is shown by default."
default_to_openlab: "Display OpenLab by default"
#track and monitor the trainings
trainings_monitoring: "Trainings monitoring"
@ -270,9 +295,7 @@ es:
subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
trainings: "Formaciones"
list_of_the_subscription_plans: "Lista de los planes de suscripción"
beware_the_subscriptions_are_disabled_on_this_application: "Atención, las suscripciones están inhabilitadas en esta aplicación."
you_can_create_some_but_they_wont_be_available_until_the_project_is_redeployed_by_the_server_manager: "Puede crear algunos, pero no estarán disponibles hasta que el proyecto sea reasignado por el administrador del servidor."
for_safety_reasons_please_dont_create_subscriptions_if_you_dont_want_intend_to_use_them_later: "Por razones de seguridad, no cree suscripciones si no tiene la intención de usarlas más tarde."
disabled_plans_info_html: "<p><strong>Warning:</strong> the subscriptions are disabled on this application.</p><p>You can still create some, but they won't be available until the activation of the plans module, from the « Customization » section.</p>"
add_a_new_subscription_plan: "Agregar un nuevo plan de suscripción"
type: "Tipo"
partner: "Socio"
@ -499,6 +522,11 @@ es:
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_address_and_the_legal_information: "Se ha producido un error al guardar la dirección y la información legal."
logo_successfully_saved: "Logo guardado correctamente."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_logo: "Se ha producido un error al guardar el logotipo.."
filename: "File name"
prefix_info: "The invoices will be generated as PDF files, named with the following prefix."
prefix: "Prefix"
prefix_successfully_saved: "File prefix successfully saved"
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_prefix: "An error occurred while saving the file prefix"
online_payment: "Pago online"
close_accounting_period: "Close an accounting period"
close_from_date: "Close from"
@ -564,6 +592,7 @@ es:
accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label"
general_space_label: "Account label for all spaces"
codes_customization_success: "Customization of accounting codes successfully saved."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred while saving the codes. Please try again later."
export_accounting_data: "Export accounting data"
export_to: "Export to the accounting software"
export_is_running: "Exportando, será notificado cuando esté listo."
@ -590,6 +619,23 @@ es:
debit_euro: "Euro debit"
credit_euro: "Euro credit"
lettering: "Lettering"
payment_settings: "Payment settings"
online_payment: "Online payment"
online_payment_info_html: "You can enable your members to book directly online, paying by card. Alternatively, you can restrict the booking and payment processes for administrators and managers."
enable_online_payment: "Enable online payment"
stripe_keys: "Stripe keys"
stripe_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://stripe.com' target='_blank'>Stripe</a> API keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys' target='_blank'>your dashboard</a>.</p><p>Updating these keys will trigger a synchronization of all users on Stripe, this may take some time. You'll receive a notification when it's done.</p>"
public_key: "Public key"
secret_key: "Secret key"
error_check_keys: "Error: please check your Stripe keys."
stripe_keys_saved: "Stripe keys successfully saved."
error_saving_stripe_keys: "Unable to save the Stripe keys. Please try again later."
edit_keys: "Edit keys"
currency: "Currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://stripe.com/docs/currencies' target='_blank'>Stripe supported currencies</a>."
currency_alert_html: "<strong>Warning</strong>: the currency cannot be changed after the first online payment was made. Please define this setting carefully before opening Fab-manager to your members."
stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
#management of users, labels, groups, and so on
users_management: "Gestión de usuarios"
@ -636,7 +682,7 @@ es:
administrator_successfully_deleted: "Administrador eliminado correctamente."
unable_to_delete_the_administrator: "No se puede eliminar el administrador."
changes_successfully_saved: "Cambios guardados correctamente."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_changes: "Se ha producido un error al guardar los cambios."
an__occurr_occurred_while_saving_changes: "An error occurred when saving changes."
export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready."
tags: "Tags"
@ -896,21 +942,9 @@ es:
date: "Date"
#global application parameters and customization
title: "Título"
customize_the_application: "Personalizar la aplicación"
general: "General"
fablab_title: "Título del FabLab"
fablab_name: "Nombre del FabLab "
title_concordance: "Concordancia de título"
male: "Hombre."
female: "Mujer."
neutral: "Neutral."
eg: "ej:"
about: "Acerca de"
the_team: "El equipo"
male_preposition: "el"
female_preposition: "la"
neutral_preposition: ""
customize_information_messages: "Personalizar mensajes de información"
message_of_the_machine_booking_page: "Mensaje de la página de reserva de la máquina:"
type_the_message_content: "Escriba el contenido del mensaje"
@ -1013,26 +1047,109 @@ es:
default_value_is_24_hours: "Si el campo está vacío: 24 horas."
visibility_yearly: "máxima visibilidad para suscriptores anuales"
visibility_others: "máxima visibilidad para otros miembros"
confidentiality: "Confidencialidad"
display: "Display"
display_name_info_html: "When enabled, members and visitors browsing the calendar or booking a machine will see the name of the members who has booked some slots. When disabled, only administrators and managers will view the names.<br/><strong>Warning:</strong> if you enable this feature, remember to write it in your privacy policy."
display_machine_reservation_user_name: "Mostrar el nombre del usuario que ha reservado una maquina"
display_name: "Mostrar el nombre"
display_name_enable: "la visualización del nombre"
events_in_the_calendar: "Display the events in the calendar"
events_in_calendar_info: "When enabled, the admin calendar will display the scheduled events, as read-only items."
show_event: "Show the events"
events_in_calendar: "events display in the calendar"
machines_sort_by: "del orden de visualización de las máquinas"
fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics"
elements_ordering: "Orden de visualización de los elementos"
machines_order: "Orden de las máquinas"
display_machines_sorted_by: "Ver máquinas ordenadas por"
phone_required: "phone required"
tracking_id: "tracking ID"
facebook_app_id: "Facebook App ID"
twitter_analytics: "Twitter analytics account"
book_overlapping_slots: "book overlapping slots"
slot_duration: "slots duration"
advanced: "Advanced settings"
customize_home_page_css: "Customise the stylesheet og the home page"
customize_home_page_css: "Customise the stylesheet of the home page"
home_css_notice_html: "You can customize the stylesheet which will apply to the home page, using the <a href=\"https://sass-lang.com/documentation\" target=\"_blank\">SASS</a> syntax. These styles will be automatically subordinated to the <code>.home-page</code> selector to prevent any risk of breaking the application. Meanwhile please be careful, any changes in the home page editor at the top of the page may broke your styles, always refer to the HTML code."
error_SETTING_locked: "Unable to update the setting: {SETTING} is locked. Please contact your system administrator."
an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "An error occurred while saving the setting. Please try again later."
default: "Defecto"
name: "Nombre"
created_at: "Fecha de creación"
updated_at: "Fecha de actualización"
book_overlapping_slots_info: "Allow / prevent the reservation of overlapping slots"
allow_booking: "Allow booking"
default_slot_duration: "Default duration for slots"
duration_minutes: "Duration (in minutes)"
default_slot_duration_info: "Machine and space availabilities are divided in multiple slots of this duration. This value can be overridden per availability."
modules: "Modules"
spaces: "Spaces"
spaces_info_html: "<p>A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room. Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> It is not recommended to disable spaces if at least one space reservation was made on the system.</p>"
enable_spaces: "Enable the spaces"
spaces_module: "spaces module"
plans: "Plans"
plans_info_html: "<p>Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> It is not recommended to disable plans if at least one subscription is active on the system.</p>"
enable_plans: "Enable the plans"
plans_module: "plans module"
invoicing: "Invoicing"
invoicing_info_html: "<p>You can fully disable the invoicing module.</p><p>This is useful if you have your own invoicing system, and you don't want Fab-manager generates and sends invoices to the members.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> even if you disable the invoicing module, you must to configure the VAT to prevent errors in accounting and prices. Do it from the « Invoices > Invoicing settings » section.</p>"
enable_invoicing: "Enable invoicing"
invoicing_module: "invoicing module"
account_creation: "Account creation"
phone: "Phone"
phone_is_required: "Phone required"
phone_required_info: "You can define if the phone number should be required to register a new user on Fab-manager."
captcha: "Captcha"
captcha_info_html: "You can setup a protection against robots, to prevent them creating members accounts. This protection is using Google reCAPTCHA. Sign up for <a href='http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin' target='_blank'>an API key pair</a> to start using the captcha."
site_key: "Site key"
secret_key: "Secret key"
recaptcha_site_key: "reCAPTCHA Site Key"
recaptcha_secret_key: "reCAPTCHA Secret Key"
feature_tour_display: "feature tour display"
email_from: "expeditor's address"
disqus_shortname: "Disqus shortname"
COUNT_items_removed: "{COUNT, plural, =1{One item} other{{COUNT} items}} removed"
item_added: "One item added"
openlab_app_id: "OpenLab ID"
openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab secret"
openlab_default: "default gallery view"
online_payment_module: "online payment module"
stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
account_confirmation: "Account confirmation"
confirmation_required_info: "Optionally, you can force the users to confirm their email address before being able to access Fab-manager."
confirmation_is_required: "Confirmation required"
wallet_module: "wallet module"
general: "General"
title: "Title"
fablab_title: "FabLab title"
title_concordance: "Title concordance"
male: "Male."
female: "Female."
neutral: "Neutral."
eg: "eg:"
the_team: "The team of"
male_preposition: "the"
female_preposition: "the"
neutral_preposition: ""
elements_ordering: "Elements ordering"
machines_order: "Machines order"
display_machines_sorted_by: "Display machines sorted by"
default: "Default"
name: "Name"
created_at: "Creation date"
updated_at: "Last update date"
help: "Help"
feature_tour: "Feature tour"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>When an administrator or a manager in logged-in, a feature tour will be triggered the first time he/she visits each section of the application. You can change this behavior to one of the following values:</p><ul><li>« Once » to keep the default behavior.</li><li>« By session » to display the tours each time you reopen the application.</li><li>« Manual trigger » to prevent displaying the tours automatically. It'll still be possible to trigger them by pressing the F1 key or by clicking on « Help » in the user's menu.</li></ul>"
feature_tour_display_mode: "Feature tour display mode"
once: "Once"
session: "By session"
manual: "Manual trigger"
notifications: "Notifications"
email: "Email"
email_info: "The email address from which notifications will be sent. You can use a non-existing address (like noreply@...) or an existing address if you want to allow your members to reply to the notifications they receive."
email_from: "Expeditor's address"
wallet: "Wallet"
wallet_info_html: "<p>The virtual wallet allows you to allocate a sum of money to users. Then, can spend this money as they wish, in Fab-manager.</p><p>Members cannot credit their wallet themselves, it's a privilege of managers and administrators.</p>"
enable_wallet: "Enable wallet"
title: "Política de privacidad"
title: "Privacy"
privacy_policy: "Privacy policy"
input_the_dpo: "Input the contact of the Data Protection Officer"
current_policy: "Política de privacidad"
draft_from_USER_DATE: "Borrador, guardado por {USER}, el {DATE}"
@ -1043,6 +1160,14 @@ es:
users_notified: "Platform users will be notified of the update."
about_analytics: "I agree to share anonymous data with the development team to help improve Fab-manager."
read_more: "Which data do we collect?"
statistics: "Statistics"
google_analytics: "Google Analytics"
facebook: "Facebook"
facebook_info_html: "To enable the statistical tracking of the shares on the Facebook social network, set your App ID here. Refer to <a href='https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps#register' target='_blank'>this guide</a> to get one."
app_id: "App ID"
twitter: "Twitter"
twitter_info_html: "To enable the statistical tracking of the shares on the Twitter social network, <a href='https://analytics.twitter.com/' target='_blank'>Twitter analytics</a>, set the name of your Twitter account here."
twitter_analytics: "Twitter account"
title: "Application improvement"
intro_analytics_html: "You'll find below a detailed view of all the data, Fab-manager will collect <strong>if permission is granted.</strong>"
@ -1056,6 +1181,8 @@ es:
online_payment: "Is the online payment module active?"
invoices: "Is the invoicing module active?"
openlab: "Is the project sharing module (OpenLab) active?"
tracking_id_info_html: "<p>To enable the statistical tracking of the visits using Google Analytics, set your tracking ID here. It is in the form UA-000000-2. Visit <a href='https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/' target='_blank'>the Google Analytics website</a> to get one.<br/><strong>Warning:</strong> if you enable this feature, remember to write it in your privacy policy, above.</p><p>The host name is also required to use Google Analytics. You can get it by clicking on the adjacent button. This last parameter is used elsewhere, please set it carefully.</p>"
tracking_id: "Tracking ID"
add_new_client: "Crear un nuevo cliente de API"
api_documentation: "Documentation API"
@ -1190,6 +1317,9 @@ es:
title: "Accounting export"
content: "Once the codes have been configured, click here to access the interface allowing you to export the entries to a third-party accounting software."
title: "Payment settings"
content: "If you want to allow your members to book directly online by paying by credit card, you can activate and configure this feature from this page."
title: "Close accounting periods"
content: "<p>The regulations of your country may require you to close your accounts regularly. The interface accessible from this button allows you to do this.</p> <p><strong>In France,</strong> if you are subject to VAT anti-fraud law <a href='https://bofip.impots.gouv.fr/bofip/10691-PGP.html' target='_blank'>BOI-TVA-DECLA-30-10-30-20160803</a>, this closing is mandatory at least once a year.</p><p>As a reminder, if you have to use a certified software (<a href='https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/suis-je-oblige-davoir-un-logiciel-de-caisse-securise' target='_blank'>take the test here</a>), you are under the legal obligation to provide a certificate of compliance of the software. <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>Contact-us<a/> to get it.</p>"
@ -1237,13 +1367,16 @@ es:
title: "Pricing categories"
content: "The price of events does not depend on groups or subscriptions, but on the categories you define on this page."
title: "Projects"
content: "Here you can define all the elements that will be available for members to document the projects they carry out."
content: "Here you can define all the elements that will be available for members to document the projects they carry out. You can also define various parameters related to the projects."
title: "Manage reports"
content: "<p>Access here the management of reports.</p><p>Visitors can signal projects, for example for copyright infringement or for hate speech.</p><p>GDPR requires you to delete this reporting data once the required actions have been taken.</p>"
title: "Settings"
content: "<p>Comments, CAD files ... Manage project parameters here</p><p>You can also activate OpenLab projects, in order to display the projects shared by other Fab Labs in your gallery.</p>"
title: "Statistics"
@ -1257,7 +1390,10 @@ es:
title: "Application customization"
content: "From here, you can configure the general settings of Fab-manager as well as customize various elements of the interface."
content: "From here, you can configure the general settings of Fab-manager, enable or disable the optional modules and customize various elements of the interface."
title: "General settings"
content: "A lot a settings can be customized from here. Take time to look all over this page, it will let you customize messages, documents, optional modules, registrations, visual aspect of Fab-manager, and much more."
title: "Customize home page"
content: "<p>This WYSIWYG editor allows you to customize the appearance of the home page while using different components (last tweet, brief, etc.).</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> Keep in mind that any uncontrolled changes can break the appearance of the home page.</p>"
@ -1282,6 +1418,9 @@ es:
title: "Draft"
content: "Click here to view a privacy policy draft with holes, which you just need to read and complete."
title: "Reservations"
content: "Opening hours, chance to cancel reservations... Each Fablab has its own reservation rules, which you can define on this page."
title: "OpenAPI"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user