mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-03 00:29:17 +01:00

mails translations in english

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2016-04-11 11:31:32 +02:00
parent fe9847a518
commit f003c0fb22
2 changed files with 105 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Fablab
# The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded.
# config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s]
# #
# /!\ ALL locales above SHOULD be configured accordingly with this locale. /!\ # /!\ ALL locales SHOULD be configured accordingly with this locale. /!\
# #
config.i18n.default_locale = Rails.application.secrets.rails_locale config.i18n.default_locale = Rails.application.secrets.rails_locale

View File

@ -1,244 +1,244 @@
en: en:
layouts: layouts:
notifications_mailer: notifications_mailer:
see_you_later: see_you_later: "See you soon on {GENDER, select, other{the}}" # messageFormat interpolation
sincerely: sincerely: "Sincerely,"
signature: signature: "The Fab Lab team."
do_not_reply: do_not_reply: "Please do not reply to this email."
users_mailer: users_mailer:
notify_user_account_created: notify_user_account_created:
subject: "Your FabLab account has been successfully created" subject: "Your FabLab account has been successfully created"
body: body:
hello: "Hello %{NAME}," hello: "Hello %{NAME},"
intro: "The FabLab team has just created an account for you, on the {FABLAB} site:" # messageFormat interpolation intro: "The FabLab team has just created an account for you, on the {FABLAB} website:" # messageFormat interpolation
connection_parameters: "Here are your connection parameters:" connection_parameters: "Here are your connection parameters:"
account_name: "Account name:" account_name: "Account name:"
password: "Password:" password: "Password:"
temporary_password: temporary_password: "This is a temporary password, you can modify it in your «My account» screen."
keep_advantages: keep_advantages: "With this account, you keep all the advantages linked to your Fab Lab user profile (trainings, subscriptions plans)."
thanks_to_: thanks_to_: "To use the website, please"
logon_or_login: logon_or_login: "create a new account or log in by clicking here"
token_if_link_problem: token_if_link_problem: "If you experience issues with the link, you can enter the following code at your first connection attempt:"
notifications_mailer: notifications_mailer:
notify_user_user_group_changed: notify_user_user_group_changed:
subject: "Your group has changed" subject: "Your have changed group"
body: body:
warning: warning: "You have changed group. Inspections can be conducted at the lab to verify the legitimacy of this change."
notify_admin_user_group_changed: notify_admin_user_group_changed:
subject: "A member has changed his group" subject: "A member has changed group"
body: body:
user_changed_group_html: user_changed_group_html: "User <em><strong>%{NAME}</strong></em> has changed group."
previous_group: previous_group: "Previous group:"
new_group: new_group: "New group:"
notify_admin_subscription_extended: notify_admin_subscription_extended:
subject: "A subscription has been extended" subject: "A subscription has been extended"
body: body:
subscription_extended_html: subscription_extended_html: "Subscription <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> for user <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> has been extended {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." # messageFormat interpolation
notify_member_subscription_extended: notify_member_subscription_extended:
subject: "Your subscription has been extended" subject: "Your subscription plan has been extended"
body: body:
your_plan: your_plan: "Your subscription plan"
has_been_extended: has_been_extended: "has been extended"
free: free: "for free"
until: until: "until"
notify_partner_subscribed_plan: notify_partner_subscribed_plan:
subject: "A subscription has been purchased" subject: "A subscription plan has been purchased"
body: body:
a_plan: a_plan: "A subscription plan"
was_purchased_by_member: was_purchased_by_member: "has been purchased by user"
notify_admin_when_project_published: notify_admin_when_project_published:
subject: "A project has been published" subject: "A project has been published"
body: body:
new_project_published: new_project_published: "A new project has been published:"
notify_project_collaborator_to_valid: notify_project_collaborator_to_valid:
subject: "Invitation to take part in a project" subject: "Invitation to collaborate on a project"
body: body:
your_are_invited_to_take_part_in_a_project: your_are_invited_to_take_part_in_a_project: "You are invited to join this project:"
to_accept_the_invitation_click_on_following_link: to_accept_the_invitation_click_on_following_link: "To accept this invitation, please click on the following link:"
notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid: notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid:
subject: "New collaborator in your project" subject: "New collaborator in your project"
body: body:
the_member: the_member: "the user"
accepted_your_invitation_to_take_part_in_the_project: accepted_your_invitation_to_take_part_in_the_project: "has accepted your invitation to join your project:"
notify_user_training_valid: notify_user_training_valid:
subject: "Your training has been validated" subject: "Your training has been validated"
body: body:
your_training: your_training: "Your training"
has_been_validated: has_been_validated: "has been validated"
notify_member_subscribed_plan: notify_member_subscribed_plan:
subject: "Your subscription has been successfully purchased" subject: "Your subscription has been successfully purchased"
body: body:
plan_subscribed_html: plan_subscribed_html: "You have subscribed the plan: <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
subscription_stops_on: subscription_stops_on: "Your subscription plan will end on %{DATE}"
notify_member_create_reservation: notify_member_create_reservation:
subject: "Your réservation has been successfully saved" subject: "Your reservation has been successfully saved"
body: body:
reservation_saved_html: reservation_saved_html: "You reservation <strong><em>%{RESERVATION}</em></strong> has been successfully saved"
your_reserved_slots: your_reserved_slots: "Your reserved slots are:"
notify_member_subscribed_plan_is_changed: notify_member_subscribed_plan_is_changed:
subject: "Your subscription has been updated" subject: "Your subscription has been updated"
body: body:
new_plan_html: new_plan_html: "You have changed your plan to <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
notify_admin_member_create_reservation: notify_admin_member_create_reservation:
subject: "New reservation" subject: "New reservation"
body: body:
member_reserved_html: member_reserved_html: "User %{NAME} has reserved <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong>."
reserved_slots: reserved_slots: "Reserved slots are:"
notify_member_slot_is_modified: notify_member_slot_is_modified:
subject: "Your reservation slot has been successfully changed" subject: "Your reservation slot has been successfully changed"
body: body:
reservation_changed_to: reservation_changed_to: "Your reservation slot has been changed to:"
previous_date: previous_date: "Previous date:"
notify_admin_slot_is_modified: notify_admin_slot_is_modified:
subject: subject: "A reservation slot has been modified"
body: body:
slot_modified: slot_modified: "User %{NAME} had modified his reservation slot"
new_date: new_date: "New slot"
old_date: old_date: "Previous slot"
notify_admin_when_user_is_created: notify_admin_when_user_is_created:
subject: "A user account has been created" subject: "A user account has been created"
body: body:
new_account_created: new_account_created: "A new user account has been created on the website:"
invoicing_disabled_html: invoicing_disabled_html: "Invoicing generation is <strong>disabled</strong> for this user."
notify_admin_subscribed_plan: notify_admin_subscribed_plan:
subject: "A subscription has been purchased" subject: "A subscription has been purchased"
body: body:
plan_subscribed_html: plan_subscribed_html: "A plan <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> has been subscribed by user <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
notify_member_invoice_ready: notify_member_invoice_ready:
subject: "Your FabLab's invoice" subject: "Your FabLab's invoice"
body: body:
please_find_attached_html: please_find_attached_html: "Please find as attached file your invoice from {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} other{subscription}}." # messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can access your invoice in %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab website."
your_dashboard: your_dashboard: "your dashboard"
notify_member_avoir_ready: notify_member_avoir_ready:
subject: "Your FabLab's refund invoice" subject: "Your FabLab's refund invoice"
body: body:
please_find_attached_html: please_find_attached_html: "Please find as attached file your refund invoice from {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} other{subscription}}." # messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can access your refund invoice in %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab website."
your_dashboard: your_dashboard: "your dashboard"
notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days:
subject: "Your subscription expires in 7 days" subject: "Your subscription expires in 7 days"
body: body:
your_plan: your_plan: "you plan"
expires_in_7_days: expires_in_7_days: "will expire in 7 days."
to_renew_your_plan_follow_the_link: to_renew_your_plan_follow_the_link: "Please, follow this link to renew your plan"
notify_member_subscription_is_expired: notify_member_subscription_is_expired:
subject: "Your subscription has expired" subject: "Your subscription has expired"
body: body:
your_plan: your_plan: "You plan"
has_expired: has_expired: "has expired."
you_can_go_to: you_can_go_to: "Please go to"
to_renew_your_plan: to_renew_your_plan: "to renew you plan"
notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days:
subject: "A member subscription expires in 7 days" subject: "A member subscription expires in 7 days"
body: body:
subscription_will_expire_html: subscription_will_expire_html: "Subscription plan for user %{NAME} <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> will expire in 7 days."
notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: notify_admin_subscription_is_expired:
subject: "A member subscription has expired" subject: "A member subscription has expired"
body: body:
subscription_expired_html: subscription_expired_html: "Subscription plan for user %{NAME} <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> is now expired."
notify_admin_subscription_canceled: notify_admin_subscription_canceled:
subject: "A member subscription has been canceled" subject: "A member subscription has been cancelled"
body: body:
subscription_canceled_html: subscription_canceled_html: "Subscription <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> for user %{NAME} has been cancelled."
notify_member_subscription_canceled: notify_member_subscription_canceled:
subject: "Your subscription has been canceled" subject: "Your subscription has been cancelled"
body: body:
your_plan_was_canceled: your_plan_was_canceled: "Your subscription plan has been cancelled."
your_plan: your_plan: "your subscription plan"
end_at: end_at: "ends on"
notify_member_slot_is_canceled: notify_member_slot_is_canceled:
subject: "Your reservation has been canceled" subject: "Your reservation has been canceled"
body: body:
reservation_canceled: reservation_canceled: "Your reservation for %{RESERVABLE} has been canceled"
notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: notify_admin_slot_is_canceled:
subject: "A reservation has been canceled" subject: "A reservation has been cancelled"
body: body:
member_cancelled: member_cancelled: "User %{NAME} has cancelled his reservation"
item_details: item_details: "%{START} - %{END}, concerning %{RESERVABLE}"
generate_refund: generate_refund: "Do not forget to generate a credit note or a refund for this cancellation."
notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: notify_admin_when_user_is_imported:
subject: "A user account has been imported from the SSO" subject: "A user account has been imported from the SSO"
body: body:
new_account_imported: new_account_imported: "A new user account (ID: %{ID}) has been imported to the website via %{PROVIDER}."
provider_uid: provider_uid: "its provider ID is: "
known_informations: known_informations: "Here is what we know about this provider:"
address_already_used: address_already_used: "This address is already associated with another user"
no_more_info_available: no_more_info_available: "No other info about this user can be provided before he completes his profile."
notify_user_profile_complete: notify_user_profile_complete:
subject: "You now have access to the entire platform" subject: "You now have access to the whole website"
body: body:
message: message: "Your account informations has been correctly updated, you now have access to the whole website."
notify_user_auth_migration: notify_user_auth_migration:
subject: "Important change to your FabLab account" subject: "Important change to your FabLab account"
body: body:
the_platform: the_platform: "the website"
is_changing_its_auth_system_and_will_now_use: is_changing_its_auth_system_and_will_now_use: "is actually changing its user identification system and will use"
instead_of: instead_of: "instead of"
consequence_of_the_modification: consequence_of_the_modification: "Because of this change you won't be able to login to the website with your actual usernames"
to_use_the_platform_thanks_for: to_use_the_platform_thanks_for: "to keep on using the website, please"
create_an_account_on: create_an_account_on: "create an account on"
or_use_an_existing_account_clicking_here: or_use_an_existing_account_clicking_here: "or use an existing account by clicking here"
in_case_of_problem_enter_the_following_code: in_case_of_problem_enter_the_following_code: "In case of problem with this link, you can enter the following code at your first connection attempt in order to migrate your actual account into the new authentification system:"
notify_admin_user_merged: notify_admin_user_merged:
subject: "An imported account has been merged with an existing account" subject: "An imported account has been merged with an existing account"
body: body:
imported_account_merged: imported_account_merged: "A previously imported user account via %{PROVIDER) has been merged with the existing account %{NAME}"
provider_uid: provider_uid: "its provider ID is:"
notify_admin_profile_complete: notify_admin_profile_complete:
subject: "An imported account has completed its profile" subject: "An imported account has completed its profile"
body: body:
account_completed: account_completed: "A previously imported user account via %{PROVIDER} has completed its profile:"
provider_id: provider_id: "its provider ID is:"
notify_admin_abuse_reported: notify_admin_abuse_reported:
subject: "An abusive content has been reported" subject: "An abusive content has been reported"
body: body:
intro: intro: "A user has flagged a content as abusive"
signaled_content: signaled_content: "flagged content:"
signaled_by: signaled_by: "flagged by:"
signaled_on: signaled_on: "flagged on:"
message: message: "Message:"
notify_admin_invoicing_changed: notify_admin_invoicing_changed:
subject: "An invoicing parameter has been changed" subject: "An invoicing parameter has been changed"
body: body:
generation_status_html: generation_status_html: "Invoicing issuing has been <strong>{STATUS, select, true{disabled} other{enabled}}</strong> for the user {NAME}." # messageFormat interpolation
disabled: disabled: "From now on, no invoice will be issued when the user pays at the reception."
enabled: enabled: "From now on, all payments made by this user at the reception will lead to invoicing issuing. "
shared: shared:
hello: "Hello %{user_name}" hello: "Hello %{user_name}"