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synced 2025-02-26 20:54:21 +01:00
New translations app.shared.en.yml (German)
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,15 +117,23 @@ de:
#stripe payment modal
online_payment: "Online-Bezahlung"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "Ich habe gelesen und akzeptiere"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "I have read, and accept "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "die allgemeinen Nutzungs- und Geschäftsbedingungen."
credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{amount} {currency} muss noch bezahlt werden, um Ihre Reservierung zu bestätigen"
client_credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{amount} {currency} muss noch bezahlt werden, um die Reservierung des Kunden zu bestätigen"
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by Stripe and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Bezahlen: {AMOUNT}"
#dialog of on site payment for reservations
booking_confirmation: "Buchungsbestätigung"
here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Hier ist die Zusammenfassung der zu buchenden Slots für den aktuellen Benutzer:"
subscription_confirmation: "Subscription confirmation"
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Here is the subscription summary:"
payment_method: "Payment method"
method_stripe: "Online by card"
method_check: "By check"
stripe_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
#event edition form
title: "Titel"
@ -175,12 +183,15 @@ de:
period_is_required: "Zeitraum ist erforderlich."
subscription_price: "Abonnementspreis"
price_is_required: "Preis ist erforderlich."
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with running payment schedule."
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Sichtbarkeit des Abonnements"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "Auf der Abonnement-Seite werden die prominentesten Abonnements ganz oben auf der Liste platziert."
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Eine höhere Zahl bedeutet einen höheren Stellenwert."
rolling_subscription: "Rollendes Abonnement?"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "Ein rollendes Abonnement beginnt mit dem Tag der ersten Schulung."
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Andernfalls beginnt es ab Kaufdatum."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_info: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
information_sheet: "Informationsblatt"
attach_an_information_sheet: "Ein Informationsblatt anhängen"
notified_partner: "Benachrichtigter Partner"
@ -209,7 +220,7 @@ de:
number_of_tickets: "Anzahl der Tickets"
public_page: "In Schulungslisten anzeigen"
disable_training: "Training deaktivieren"
#partial form to edit/create an user (admin view)
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "Nutzer"
incomplete_profile: "Unvollständiges Profil"
@ -262,12 +273,12 @@ de:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Möchten Sie den {NAME}-Buchungsplatz ändern? Ursprünglich geplant um:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Reservierung stornieren"
i_want_to_change_date: "Ich möchte das Datum ändern"
#modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine
#modal telling users that they need to pass a training before booking a machine
to_book_the_MACHINE_you_must_have_completed_the_TRAINING: "Um \"{MACHINE}\" zu buchen, müssen Sie {TRAINING} abgeschlossen haben."
register_for_the_training: "Zur Schulung anmelden"
i_dont_want_to_register_now: "Ich möchte mich jetzt nicht anmelden"
#modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine
#modal telling users that they must wait for their training validation before booking a machine
machine_reservation: "Maschinenreservierung"
you_must_wait_for_your_training_is_being_validated_by_the_fablab_team_to_book_this_machine: "Sie müssen bis zur Schulungsbestätigung warten, um diese Maschine buchen zu können."
@ -314,16 +325,24 @@ de:
amount_minimum_1: "Der Mindestbetrag ist 1"
amount_confirm_is_required: "Die Bestätigung des Betrags ist erforderlich."
amount_confirm_does_not_match: "Betrag und Betragsbestätigung stimmen nicht überein."
you_have_amount_in_wallet: "Ihr Gutgaben beträgt {amount} {currency}"
client_have_amount_in_wallet: "Das guthaben des Kunden beträgt {amount} {currency}"
wallet_pay_reservation: "Sie können Ihre Reservierung direkt bezahlen"
client_wallet_pay_reservation: "Das Mitglied kann seine Reservierung direkt bezahlen"
debit_subscription: "Bezahlen für ein Abonnement"
debit_reservation_training: "Für eine Schulungsreservierung bezahlen"
debit_reservation_machine: "Für eine Maschinenreservierung bezahlen"
debit_reservation_event: "Für eine Veranstaltungsreservierung bezahlen"
warning_uneditable_credit: "Warnung: Nach der Bestätigung kann der gutgeschriebene Betrag nicht mehr bearbeitet werden."
#promotional coupon (creation/edition form)
you_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "You have {AMOUNT} on your wallet"
wallet_pay_ITEM: "You pay your {ITEM} directly."
item_reservation: "reservation"
item_subscription: "subscription"
item_first_deadline: "first deadline"
item_other: "purchase"
credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "You still have {AMOUNT} to pay to validate your {ITEM}."
client_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "The member has {AMOUNT} on his wallet"
client_wallet_pay_ITEM: "The member can directly pay his {ITEM}."
client_credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "{AMOUNT} are remaining to pay to validate the {ITEM}"
other_deadlines_no_wallet: "Warning: the remaining wallet balance cannot be used for the next deadlines."
#coupon (promotional) (creation/edition form)
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name ist erforderlich."
@ -340,6 +359,8 @@ de:
validity_per_user: "Gültigkeit pro Benutzer"
once: "Nur einmal"
forever: "Jede Nutzung"
warn_validity_once: "Please note that when this coupon will be used with a payment schedule, the discount will be applied to the first deadline only."
warn_validity_forever: "Please note that when this coupon will be used with a payment schedule, the discount will be applied to each deadlines."
validity_per_user_is_required: "Validität pro Benutzer ist erforderlich."
valid_until: "Gültig bis (inklusive)"
leave_empty_for_no_limit: "Geben Sie keine Befristung an, indem Sie das Feld leer lassen."
@ -352,6 +373,7 @@ de:
code_: "Code:"
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "Der Gutschein wurde angewendet. Sie erhalten einen Rabatt von {PERCENT}%."
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_AMOUNT_CURRENCY: "Der Gutschein wurde angewendet. Sie erhalten einen Rabatt von {AMOUNT} {CURRENCY}."
coupon_validity_once: "This coupon is valid only once. In case of payment schedule, only for the first deadline."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_disabled: "Der Gutschein konnte nicht angewendet werden: Dieser Code wurde deaktiviert."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_expired: "Der Gutschein konnte nicht angewendet werden: Dieser Code ist abgelaufen."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_sold_out: "Der Gutschein kann nicht angewendet werden: Dieser Code hat sein Kontingent erreicht."
@ -379,8 +401,9 @@ de:
summary: "Zusammenfassung"
select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Wähle einen {SINGLE, select, true{Slot} other{oder mehrere Slots}} im Kalender"
select_a_plan: "Select a plan here"
you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "Sie haben gerade den Slot ausgewählt:"
datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} bis {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} bis {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4, 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
cost_of_TYPE: "Kosten für den {TYPE, select, Machine{Maschinenslot} Training{Schulungsslot} Space{Raum-Slot} other{anderes Element}}"
offer_this_slot: "Diesen Slot anbieten"
confirm_this_slot: "Diesen Slot bestätigen"
@ -388,9 +411,16 @@ de:
to_benefit_from_attractive_prices: "Um von günstigen Ageboten zu profitieren"
view_our_subscriptions: "Lassen Sie sich unsere Abonnements vorstellen"
or: "oder"
you_ve_just_selected_a_: "Sie wählten gerade ein"
_subscription: "Abonnement"
cost_of_the_subscription: "Kosten des Abonnements"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
you_ve_just_selected_a_subscription_html: "You've just selected a <strong>subscription</strong>:"
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment"
your_payment_schedule: "Your payment schedule"
monthly_payment_NUMBER: "{NUMBER}{NUMBER, plural, =1{st} =2{nd} =3{rd} other{th}} monthly payment: "
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} monthly {NUMBER, plural, =1{payment} other{payments}} of {AMOUNT}"
first_debit: "First debit on the day of the order."
debit: "Debit on the day of the order."
view_full_schedule: "View the complete payement schedule"
confirm_and_pay: "Bestätigen und bezahlen"
you_have_settled_the_following_TYPE: "Sie haben die folgenden {TYPE, select, Machine{Maschinenslots} Training{Schulungen} other{Elemente}} beglichen:"
you_have_settled_a_: "Sie haben beglichen"
@ -406,7 +436,7 @@ de:
tags_of_the_destination_slot: "Tags des Ziel-Slots:"
confirm_my_modification: "Meine Änderung bestätigen"
your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "Ihr Buchungs-Slot wurde erfolgreich verschoben von"
to_date: "zu" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05
to_date: "zu" #eg. from 01 to 05 january.
please_select_a_member_first: "Bitte wählen Sie zuerst ein Mitglied"
unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "Es kann kein Plan ausgewählt werden, wenn einer der ausgewählten Slots in der Vergangenheit liegt"
unable_to_change_the_reservation: "Die Reservierung konnte nicht geändert werden"
@ -444,3 +474,38 @@ de:
what_to_do: "Was möchten Sie tun?"
tour: "Funktionstour starten"
guide: "Benutzerhandbuch öffnen"
#2nd factor authentication for card payments
pending: "Pending for action..."
success: "Thank you, your card setup is complete. The payment will be proceeded shortly."
#the summary table of all payment schedules
schedule_num: "Schedule #"
date: "Date"
price: "Price"
customer: "Customer"
deadline: "Deadline"
amount: "Amount"
state: "State"
download: "Download"
state_new: "Not yet due"
state_pending: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_requires_payment_method: "The credit card must be updated"
state_requires_action: "Action required"
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_stripe: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
update_card: "Update the card"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_button: "Confirm"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user