Application.Directives.directive 'coupon', [ 'Coupon', 'growl', '_t', (Coupon, growl, _t) -> { restrict: 'E' scope: show: '=' coupon: '=' total: '@' userId: '@' templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/_coupon.html" %>' link: ($scope, element, attributes) -> # Whether code input is shown or not (ie. the link 'I have a coupon' is shown) $scope.code = input: false # Available status are: 'pending', 'valid', 'invalid' $scope.status = 'pending' # Binding for the code inputed (see the attached template) $scope.couponCode = null ## # Callback to validate the code ## $scope.validateCode = -> if $scope.couponCode == '' $scope.status = 'pending' $ = null else Coupon.validate {code: $scope.couponCode, user_id: $scope.userId, amount: $}, (res) -> $scope.status = 'valid' $ = res growl.success(_t('the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount', {PERCENT: res.percent_off})) , (err) -> $scope.status = 'invalid' $ = null growl.error(_t('unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_' } ]