/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-return-assign, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Controller used in the calendar management page */ Application.Controllers.controller('AdminCalendarController', ['$scope', '$state', '$uibModal', 'moment', 'AuthService', 'Availability', 'Slot', 'Setting', 'Export', 'growl', 'dialogs', 'bookingWindowStart', 'bookingWindowEnd', 'machinesPromise', 'plansPromise', 'groupsPromise', '_t', 'uiCalendarConfig', 'CalendarConfig', 'Member', 'uiTourService', function ($scope, $state, $uibModal, moment, AuthService, Availability, Slot, Setting, Export, growl, dialogs, bookingWindowStart, bookingWindowEnd, machinesPromise, plansPromise, groupsPromise, _t, uiCalendarConfig, CalendarConfig, Member, uiTourService) { /* PRIVATE STATIC CONSTANTS */ // The calendar is divided in slots of 30 minutes const BASE_SLOT = '00:30:00'; // The bookings can be positioned every half hours const BOOKING_SNAP = '00:30:00'; // We do not allow the creation of slots that are not a multiple of 60 minutes const SLOT_MULTIPLE = Fablab.slotDuration; /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ // list of the FabLab machines $scope.machines = machinesPromise; // currently selected availability $scope.availability = null; // corresponding fullCalendar item in the DOM $scope.availabilityDom = null; // bind the availabilities slots with full-Calendar events $scope.eventSources = []; $scope.eventSources.push({ url: '/api/availabilities', textColor: 'black' }); // fullCalendar (v2) configuration $scope.calendarConfig = CalendarConfig({ slotDuration: BASE_SLOT, snapDuration: BOOKING_SNAP, selectable: true, selecHelper: true, minTime: moment.duration(moment(bookingWindowStart.setting.value).format('HH:mm:ss')), maxTime: moment.duration(moment(bookingWindowEnd.setting.value).format('HH:mm:ss')), select (start, end, jsEvent, view) { return calendarSelectCb(start, end, jsEvent, view); }, eventClick (event, jsEvent, view) { return calendarEventClickCb(event, jsEvent, view); }, eventRender (event, element, view) { return eventRenderCb(event, element, view); }, viewRender(view, element) { return viewRenderCb(view, element); }, loading (isLoading, view) { return loadingCb(isLoading, view); } }); /** * Open a confirmation modal to cancel the booking of a user for the currently selected event. * @param slot {Object} reservation slot of a user, inherited from $resource */ $scope.cancelBooking = function (slot) { // open a confirmation dialog dialogs.confirm( { resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.calendar.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.admin.calendar.do_you_really_want_to_cancel_the_USER_s_reservation_the_DATE_at_TIME_concerning_RESERVATION' , { GENDER: getGender($scope.currentUser), USER: slot.user.name, DATE: moment(slot.start_at).format('L'), TIME: moment(slot.start_at).format('LT'), RESERVATION: slot.reservable.name }) }; } } }, function () { // the admin has confirmed, cancel the subscription Slot.cancel( { id: slot.slot_id }, function (data, status) { // success // update the canceled_at attribute for (let resa of Array.from($scope.reservations)) { if (resa.slot_id === data.id) { resa.canceled_at = data.canceled_at; break; } } // notify the admin return growl.success(_t('app.admin.calendar.reservation_was_successfully_cancelled')); }, function (data, status) { // failed growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.reservation_cancellation_failed')); } ); } ); }; /** * Open a confirmation modal to remove a machine for the currently selected availability, * except if it is the last machine of the reservation. * @param machine {Object} must contain the machine ID and name */ $scope.removeMachine = function (machine) { if ($scope.availability.machine_ids.length === 1) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.unable_to_remove_the_last_machine_of_the_slot_delete_the_slot_rather')); } else { // open a confirmation dialog return dialogs.confirm({ resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.calendar.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.admin.calendar.do_you_really_want_to_remove_MACHINE_from_this_slot', { GENDER: getGender($scope.currentUser), MACHINE: machine.name }) + ' ' + _t('app.admin.calendar.this_will_prevent_any_new_reservation_on_this_slot_but_wont_cancel_those_existing') + '
' + _t('app.admin.calendar.beware_this_cannot_be_reverted') + '' }; } } } , function () { // the admin has confirmed, remove the machine const machines = $scope.availability.machine_ids; for (let m_id = 0; m_id < machines.length; m_id++) { const key = machines[m_id]; if (m_id === machine.id) { machines.splice(key, 1); } } return Availability.update({ id: $scope.availability.id }, { availability: { machines_attributes: [{ id: machine.id, _destroy: true }] } } , function (data, status) { // success // update the machine_ids attribute $scope.availability.machine_ids = data.machine_ids; $scope.availability.title = data.title; uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('rerenderEvents'); // notify the admin return growl.success(_t('app.admin.calendar.the_machine_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot')); } , function (data, status) { // failed growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.deletion_failed')); } ); }); } }; /** * Open a confirmation modal to remove a plan for the currently selected availability, * @param plan {Object} must contain the machine ID and name */ $scope.removePlan = function (plan) { // open a confirmation dialog return dialogs.confirm({ resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.calendar.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.admin.calendar.do_you_really_want_to_remove_PLAN_from_this_slot', { GENDER: getGender($scope.currentUser), PLAN: plan.name }) }; } } }, function () { // the admin has confirmed, remove the plan const plans = _.drop($scope.availability.plan_ids, plan.id); return Availability.update({ id: $scope.availability.id }, { availability: { plans_attributes: [{ id: plan.id, _destroy: true }] } } , function (data, status) { // success // update the plan_ids attribute $scope.availability.plan_ids = data.plan_ids; $scope.availability.plans = availabilityPlans(); uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('rerenderEvents'); // notify the admin return growl.success(_t('app.admin.calendar.the_plan_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot')); } , function (data, status) { // failed growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.deletion_failed')); } ); }); }; /** * Callback to alert the admin that the export request was acknowledged and is * processing right now. */ $scope.alertExport = function (type) { Export.status({ category: 'availabilities', type }).then(function (res) { if (!res.data.exists) { return growl.success(_t('app.admin.calendar.export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready')); } }); }; /** * Mark the selected slot as unavailable for new reservations or allow reservations again on it */ $scope.toggleLockReservations = function () { // first, define a shortcut to the lock property const locked = $scope.availability.lock; // then check if we'll allow reservations locking let prevent = !locked; // if currently locked, allow unlock anyway if (!locked) { prevent = false; angular.forEach($scope.reservations, function (r) { if (r.canceled_at === null) { return prevent = true; } }); // if currently unlocked and has any non-cancelled reservation, disallow locking } if (!prevent) { // open a confirmation dialog dialogs.confirm( { resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.calendar.confirmation_required'), msg: locked ? _t('app.admin.calendar.do_you_really_want_to_allow_reservations') : _t('app.admin.calendar.do_you_really_want_to_block_this_slot') }; } } }, function () { // the admin has confirmed, lock/unlock the slot Availability.lock( { id: $scope.availability.id }, { lock: !locked }, function (data) { // success $scope.availability = data; growl.success(locked ? _t('app.admin.calendar.unlocking_success') : _t('app.admin.calendar.locking_success')); uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); }, function (error) { // failed growl.error(locked ? _t('app.admin.calendar.unlocking_failed') : _t('app.admin.calendar.locking_failed')); console.error(error); } ); } ); } else { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.unlockable_because_reservations')); } }; /** * Confirm and destroy the slot in $scope.availability */ $scope.removeSlot = function () { // open a confirmation dialog const modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/calendar/deleteRecurrent.html" %>', size: 'md', controller: 'DeleteRecurrentAvailabilityController', resolve: { availabilityPromise: ['Availability', function (Availability) { return Availability.get({ id: $scope.availability.id }).$promise; }] } }); // once the dialog was closed, do things depending on the result modalInstance.result.then(function (res) { if (res.status == 'success') { $scope.availability = null; } for (const availability of res.availabilities) { uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents', availability); } }); }; /** * Setup the feature-tour for the admin/calendar page. * This is intended as a contextual help (when pressing F1) */ $scope.setupCalendarTour = function () { // get the tour defined by the ui-tour directive const uitour = uiTourService.getTourByName('calendar'); uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'welcome', order: 0, title: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.welcome.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.welcome.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.admin-calendar .fc-view-container', stepId: 'agenda', order: 1, title: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.agenda.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.agenda.content'), placement: 'right', popupClass: 'width-350' }); if (AuthService.isAuthorized('admin')) { uitour.createStep({ selector: '.admin-calendar .export-xls-button', stepId: 'export', order: 2, title: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.export.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.export.content'), placement: 'left' }); } uitour.createStep({ selector: '.heading .import-ics-button', stepId: 'import', order: 3, title: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.import.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.calendar.import.content'), placement: 'left' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'conclusion', order: 4, title: _t('app.admin.tour.conclusion.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.conclusion.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); // on tour end, save the status in database uitour.on('ended', function () { if (uitour.getStatus() === uitour.Status.ON && $scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('calendar') < 0) { Member.completeTour({ id: $scope.currentUser.id }, { tour: 'calendar' }, function (res) { $scope.currentUser.profile.tours = res.tours; }); } }); // if the user has never seen the tour, show him now if (Fablab.featureTourDisplay !== 'manual' && $scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('calendar') < 0) { uitour.start(); } } /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () {}; /** * Return an enumerable meaninful string for the gender of the provider user * @param user {Object} Database user record * @return {string} 'male' or 'female' */ const getGender = function (user) { if (user.statistic_profile) { if (user.statistic_profile.gender === 'true') { return 'male'; } else { return 'female'; } } else { return 'other'; } }; /** * Return a list of plans classified by group * * @returns {array} */ var availabilityPlans = function() { const plansClassifiedByGroup = []; const _plans = _.filter(plansPromise, function (p) { return _.include($scope.availability.plan_ids, p.id) }); for (let group of Array.from(groupsPromise)) { const groupObj = { id: group.id, name: group.name, plans: [] }; for (let plan of Array.from(_plans)) { if (plan.group_id === group.id) { groupObj.plans.push(plan); } } if (groupObj.plans.length > 0) { plansClassifiedByGroup.push(groupObj); } } return plansClassifiedByGroup; }; // Triggered when the admin drag on the agenda to create a new reservable slot. // @see http://fullcalendar.io/docs/selection/select_callback/ // const calendarSelectCb = function (start, end, jsEvent, view) { start = moment.tz(start.toISOString(), Fablab.timezone); end = moment.tz(end.toISOString(), Fablab.timezone); // check if slot is not in the past const today = new Date(); if (Math.trunc((start.valueOf() - today) / (60 * 1000)) < 0) { growl.warning(_t('app.admin.calendar.event_in_the_past')); return uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('unselect'); } // check that the selected slot is an multiple of SLOT_MULTIPLE (ie. not decimal) const slots = Math.trunc((end.valueOf() - start.valueOf()) / (60 * 1000)) / SLOT_MULTIPLE; if (!Number.isInteger(slots)) { // otherwise, round it to upper decimal const upper = Math.ceil(slots) * SLOT_MULTIPLE; end = moment(start).add(upper, 'minutes'); } // then we open a modal window to let the admin specify the slot type const modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/calendar/eventModal.html" %>', controller: 'CreateEventModalController', backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false, resolve: { start() { return start; }, end() { return end; }, slots() { return Math.ceil(slots); }, machinesPromise: ['Machine', function (Machine) { return Machine.query().$promise; }], trainingsPromise: ['Training', function (Training) { return Training.query().$promise; }], spacesPromise: ['Space', function (Space) { return Space.query().$promise; }], tagsPromise: ['Tag', function (Tag) { return Tag.query().$promise; }], plansPromise: ['Plan', function (Plan) { return Plan.query().$promise; }], groupsPromise: ['Group', function (Group) { return Group.query().$promise; }] } }); // when the modal is closed, we send the slot to the server for saving modalInstance.result.then( function (availability) { uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar( 'renderEvent', { id: availability.id, title: availability.title, start: availability.start_at, end: availability.end_at, textColor: 'black', backgroundColor: availability.backgroundColor, borderColor: availability.borderColor, tag_ids: availability.tag_ids, tags: availability.tags, machine_ids: availability.machine_ids, plan_ids: availability.plan_ids }, true ); }, function () { uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('unselect'); } ); return uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('unselect'); }; /** * Triggered when the admin clicks on a availability slot in the agenda. * @see http://fullcalendar.io/docs/mouse/eventClick/ */ const calendarEventClickCb = function (event, jsEvent, view) { $scope.availability = event; $scope.availability.plans = availabilityPlans(); if ($scope.availabilityDom) { $scope.availabilityDom.classList.remove("fc-selected") } $scope.availabilityDom = jsEvent.target.closest('.fc-event'); $scope.availabilityDom.classList.add("fc-selected") // if the user has clicked on the delete event button, delete the event if ($(jsEvent.target).hasClass('remove-event')) { return $scope.removeSlot(); // if the user has only clicked on the event, display its reservations } else { return Availability.reservations({ id: event.id }, function (reservations) { $scope.reservations = reservations; }); } }; /** * Triggered when fullCalendar tries to graphicaly render an event block. * Append the event tag into the block, just after the event title. * @see http://fullcalendar.io/docs/event_rendering/eventRender/ */ const eventRenderCb = function (event, element) { if (event.available_type !== 'event') { element.find('.fc-content').prepend(''); } if (event.tags.length > 0) { let html = ''; for (let tag of Array.from(event.tags)) { html += `${tag.name} `; } element.find('.fc-title').append(`
${html}`); } // force return to prevent coffee-script auto-return to return random value (possiblity falsy) }; /** * Triggered when resource fetching starts/stops. * @see https://fullcalendar.io/docs/resource_data/loading/ */ const loadingCb = function (isLoading, view) { if (isLoading) { // we remove existing events when fetching starts to prevent duplicates uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents'); } }; /** * Triggered when the view is changed * @see https://fullcalendar.io/docs/v3/viewRender#v2 */ const viewRenderCb = function(view, element) { // we unselect the current event to keep consistency $scope.availability = null; $scope.availabilityDom = null; }; // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]); /** * Controller used in the slot creation modal window */ Application.Controllers.controller('CreateEventModalController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$sce', 'moment', 'start', 'end', 'slots', 'machinesPromise', 'Availability', 'trainingsPromise', 'spacesPromise', 'tagsPromise', 'plansPromise', 'groupsPromise', 'growl', '_t', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $sce, moment, start, end, slots, machinesPromise, Availability, trainingsPromise, spacesPromise, tagsPromise, plansPromise, groupsPromise, growl, _t) { // $uibModal parameter $scope.start = start; // $uibModal parameter $scope.end = end; // machines list $scope.machines = machinesPromise.filter(function (m) { return !m.disabled; }); // trainings list $scope.trainings = trainingsPromise.filter(function (t) { return !t.disabled; }); // spaces list $scope.spaces = spacesPromise.filter(function (s) { return !s.disabled; }); // all tags list $scope.tags = tagsPromise; $scope.isOnlySubscriptions = false; $scope.selectedPlans = []; $scope.selectedPlansBinding = {}; // list of plans, classified by group $scope.plansClassifiedByGroup = []; // machines associated with the created slot $scope.selectedMachines = []; $scope.selectedMachinesBinding = {}; // training associated with the created slot $scope.selectedTraining = null; // space associated with the created slot $scope.selectedSpace = null; // UI step $scope.step = 1; // the user is not able to edit the ending time of the availability, unless he set the type to 'training' $scope.endDateReadOnly = true; // timepickers configuration $scope.timepickers = { start: { hstep: 1, mstep: 5 }, end: { hstep: 1, mstep: 5 } }; // slot details $scope.availability = { start_at: start, end_at: end, available_type: 'machines', // default tag_ids: [], is_recurrent: false, period: 'week', nb_periods: 1, end_date: undefined, // recurrence end slot_duration: Fablab.slotDuration }; // recurrent slots $scope.occurrences = []; // localized name(s) of the reservable item(s) $scope.reservableName = ''; // localized name(s) of the selected tag(s) $scope.tagsName = ''; // localized name(s) of the selected plan(s) $scope.plansName = ''; // number of slots for this availability $scope.slots_nb = slots; /** * Adds or removes the provided machine from the current slot * @param machine {Object} */ $scope.toggleSelection = function (machine) { const index = $scope.selectedMachines.indexOf(machine); if (index > -1) { return $scope.selectedMachines.splice(index, 1); } else { return $scope.selectedMachines.push(machine); } }; /** * Select/unselect all the machines */ $scope.toggleAll = function() { const count = $scope.selectedMachines.length; $scope.selectedMachines = []; $scope.selectedMachinesBinding = {}; if (count == 0) { $scope.machines.forEach(function (machine) { $scope.selectedMachines.push(machine); $scope.selectedMachinesBinding[machine.id] = true; }) } } /** * Adds or removes the provided plan from the current slot * @param plan {Object} */ $scope.toggleSelectPlan = function (plan) { const index = $scope.selectedPlans.indexOf(plan); if (index > -1) { return $scope.selectedPlans.splice(index, 1); } else { return $scope.selectedPlans.push(plan); } }; /** * Select/unselect all the plans */ $scope.toggleAllPlans = function() { const count = $scope.selectedPlans.length; $scope.selectedPlans = []; $scope.selectedPlansBinding = {}; if (count == 0) { plansPromise.forEach(function (plan) { $scope.selectedPlans.push(plan); $scope.selectedPlansBinding[plan.id] = true; }) } }; /** * Callback for the modal window validation: save the slot and closes the modal */ $scope.ok = function () { if ($scope.availability.available_type === 'machines') { if ($scope.selectedMachines.length > 0) { $scope.availability.machine_ids = $scope.selectedMachines.map(function (m) { return m.id; }); } else { growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.you_should_select_at_least_a_machine')); return; } } else if ($scope.availability.available_type === 'training') { $scope.availability.training_ids = [$scope.selectedTraining.id]; } else if ($scope.availability.available_type === 'space') { $scope.availability.space_ids = [$scope.selectedSpace.id]; } if ($scope.availability.is_recurrent) { $scope.availability.occurrences = $scope.occurrences; } if ($scope.isOnlySubscriptions && $scope.selectedPlans.length > 0) { $scope.availability.plan_ids = $scope.selectedPlans.map(function (p) { return p.id; }); } return Availability.save( { availability: $scope.availability }, function (availability) { $uibModalInstance.close(availability); } ); }; /** * Move the modal UI to the next step */ $scope.next = function () { if ($scope.step === 1) { $scope.setNbTotalPlaces(); } if ($scope.step === 2) { return validateSelection(); } if ($scope.step === 5) { return validateRecurrence(); } return $scope.step++; }; /** * Move the modal UI to the next step */ $scope.previous = function () { return $scope.step--; }; /** * Callback to cancel the slot creation */ $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; /** * For training avaiabilities, set the maximum number of people allowed to register on this slot */ $scope.setNbTotalPlaces = function () { if ($scope.availability.available_type === 'training') { return $scope.availability.nb_total_places = $scope.selectedTraining.nb_total_places; } else if ($scope.availability.available_type === 'space') { return $scope.availability.nb_total_places = $scope.selectedSpace.default_places; } }; /* * Test if the current availability type is divided in slots */ $scope.isTypeDivided = function () { return isTypeDivided($scope.availability.available_type); } /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { if ($scope.trainings.length > 0) { $scope.selectedTraining = $scope.trainings[0]; } if ($scope.spaces.length > 0) { $scope.selectedSpace = $scope.spaces[0]; } // when disable is only subscriptions option, reset all selected plans $scope.$watch('isOnlySubscriptions', function(value) { if (!value) { $scope.selectedPlans = []; $scope.selectedPlansBinding = {}; } }); // group plans by Group for (let group of Array.from(groupsPromise)) { const groupObj = { id: group.id, name: group.name, plans: [] }; for (let plan of Array.from(plansPromise)) { if (plan.group_id === group.id) { groupObj.plans.push(plan); } } if (groupObj.plans.length > 0) { $scope.plansClassifiedByGroup.push(groupObj); } } // When the slot duration changes, we increment the availability to match the value $scope.$watch('availability.slot_duration', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { start = moment($scope.start); start.add(newValue * $scope.slots_nb, 'minutes'); $scope.end = start.toDate(); }); // When the number of slot changes, we increment the availability to match the value $scope.$watch('slots_nb', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { start = moment($scope.start); start.add($scope.availability.slot_duration * newValue, 'minutes'); $scope.end = start.toDate(); }); // When we configure a machine/space availability, do not let the user change the end time, as the total // time must be dividable by $scope.availability.slot_duration minutes (base slot duration). For training availabilities, the user // can configure any duration as it does not matters. $scope.$watch('availability.available_type', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { if (isTypeDivided(newValue)) { $scope.endDateReadOnly = true; const slotsCurrentRange = Math.trunc(($scope.end.valueOf() - $scope.start.valueOf()) / (60 * 1000)) / $scope.availability.slot_duration; if (!Number.isInteger(slotsCurrentRange)) { // otherwise, round it to upper decimal const upperSlots = Math.ceil(slotsCurrentRange); const upper = upperSlots * $scope.availability.slot_duration; $scope.end = moment($scope.start).add(upper, 'minutes').toDate(); $scope.slots_nb = upperSlots; } else { $scope.slots_nb = slotsCurrentRange; } $scope.availability.end_at = $scope.end; } else { $scope.endDateReadOnly = false; } }); // When the start date is changed, if we are configuring a machine/space availability, // maintain the relative length of the slot (ie. change the end time accordingly) $scope.$watch('start', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { // for machine or space availabilities, adjust the end time if ($scope.isTypeDivided()) { end = moment($scope.end); end.add(moment(newValue).diff(oldValue), 'milliseconds'); $scope.end = end.toDate(); } else { // for training availabilities // prevent the admin from setting the beginning after the end if (moment(newValue).add($scope.availability.slot_duration, 'minutes').isAfter($scope.end)) { $scope.start = oldValue; } } // update availability object $scope.availability.start_at = $scope.start; }); // Maintain consistency between the end time and the date object in the availability object $scope.$watch('end', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { // we prevent the admin from setting the end of the availability before its beginning if (moment($scope.start).add($scope.availability.slot_duration, 'minutes').isAfter(newValue)) { $scope.end = oldValue; } // update availability object $scope.availability.end_at = $scope.end; }); }; /* * Test if the provided availability type is divided in slots */ const isTypeDivided = function (type) { return ((type === 'machines') || (type === 'space')); } /** * Validates that a machine or more was/were selected before continuing to step 3 (adjust time + tags) */ const validateSelection = function () { if ($scope.availability.available_type === 'machines') { if ($scope.selectedMachines.length === 0) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.you_should_select_at_least_a_machine')); } } $scope.step++; }; /** * Validates that the recurrence parameters were correctly set before continuing to step 5 (summary) */ const validateRecurrence = function () { if ($scope.availability.is_recurrent) { if (!$scope.availability.period) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.select_period')); } if (!$scope.availability.nb_periods || $scope.availability.nb_periods < 1) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.select_nb_period')); } if (!$scope.availability.end_date) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.calendar.select_end_date')); } } // settings are ok computeOccurrences(); computeNames(); $scope.step++; }; /** * Compute the various occurrences of the availability, according to the recurrence settings */ const computeOccurrences = function () { $scope.occurrences = []; if ($scope.availability.is_recurrent) { const date = moment($scope.availability.start_at); const diff = moment($scope.availability.end_at).diff($scope.availability.start_at); const end = moment($scope.availability.end_date).endOf('day'); while (date.isBefore(end)) { const occur_end = moment(date).add(diff, 'ms'); $scope.occurrences.push({ start_at: date.toDate(), end_at: occur_end.toDate() }); date.add($scope.availability.nb_periods, $scope.availability.period); } } else { $scope.occurrences.push({ start_at: $scope.availability.start_at, end_at: $scope.availability.end_at }); } }; const computeNames = function () { $scope.reservableName = ''; switch ($scope.availability.available_type) { case 'machines': $scope.reservableName = localizedList($scope.selectedMachines) break; case 'training': $scope.reservableName = `${$scope.selectedTraining.name}`; break; case 'space': $scope.reservableName = `${$scope.selectedSpace.name}`; break; default: $scope.reservableName = `${_t("app.admin.calendar.none")}`; } const tags = $scope.tags.filter(function (t) { return $scope.availability.tag_ids.indexOf(t.id) > -1; }) $scope.tagsName = localizedList(tags); if ($scope.isOnlySubscriptions && $scope.selectedPlans.length > 0) { $scope.plansName = localizedList($scope.selectedPlans); } } const localizedList = function (items) { if (items.length === 0) return `${_t("app.admin.calendar.none")}`; const names = items.map(function (i) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(`${i.name}`); }); if (items.length > 1) return names.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + ` ${_t('app.admin.calendar.and')} ` + names[names.length - 1]; return names[0]; } // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]); /** * Controller used in the slot deletion modal window */ Application.Controllers.controller('DeleteRecurrentAvailabilityController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'Availability', 'availabilityPromise', 'growl', '_t', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, Availability, availabilityPromise, growl, _t) { // is the current slot (to be deleted) recurrent? $scope.isRecurrent = availabilityPromise.is_recurrent; // with recurrent slots: how many slots should we delete? $scope.deleteMode = 'single'; /** * Confirmation callback */ $scope.ok = function () { const { id, start_at, end_at } = availabilityPromise; // the admin has confirmed, delete the slot Availability.delete( { id, mode: $scope.deleteMode }, function (res) { // delete success if (res.deleted > 1) { growl.success(_t( 'app.admin.calendar.slots_deleted', {START: moment(start_at).format('LL LT'), COUNT: res.deleted - 1} )); } else { growl.success(_t( 'app.admin.calendar.slot_successfully_deleted', {START: moment(start_at).format('LL LT'), END: moment(end_at).format('LT')} )); } $uibModalInstance.close({ status: 'success', availabilities: res.details.map(function (d) { return d.availability.id }) }); }, function (res) { // not everything was deleted const { data } = res; if (data.total > 1) { growl.warning(_t( 'app.admin.calendar.slots_not_deleted', {TOTAL: data.total, COUNT: data.total - data.deleted} )); } else { growl.error(_t( 'app.admin.calendar.unable_to_delete_the_slot', {START: moment(start_at).format('LL LT'), END: moment(end_at).format('LT')} )); } $uibModalInstance.close({ status: 'failed', availabilities: data.details.filter(function (d) { return d.status }).map(function (d) { return d.availability.id }) }); }); } /** * Cancellation callback */ $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } ]); /** * Controller used in the iCalendar (ICS) imports management page */ Application.Controllers.controller('AdminICalendarController', ['$scope', 'iCalendars', 'ICalendar', 'dialogs', 'growl', '_t', function ($scope, iCalendars, ICalendar, dialogs, growl, _t) { // list of ICS sources $scope.calendars = iCalendars; // configuration of a new ICS source $scope.newCalendar = { color: undefined, text_color: undefined, url: undefined, name: undefined, text_hidden: false }; /** * Save the new iCalendar in database */ $scope.save = function () { ICalendar.save({}, { i_calendar: $scope.newCalendar }, function (data) { // success $scope.calendars.push(data); $scope.newCalendar.url = undefined; $scope.newCalendar.name = undefined; $scope.newCalendar.color = null; $scope.newCalendar.text_color = null; $scope.newCalendar.text_hidden = false; }, function (error) { // failed growl.error(_t('app.admin.icalendar.create_error')); console.error(error); }) } /** * Return a CSS-like style of the given calendar configuration * @param calendar */ $scope.calendarStyle = function (calendar) { return { 'border-color': calendar.color, 'color': calendar.text_color, 'width': calendar.text_hidden ? '50px' : 'auto', 'height': calendar.text_hidden ? '21px' : 'auto' }; } /** * Delete the given calendar from the database * @param calendar */ $scope.delete = function (calendar) { dialogs.confirm( { resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.icalendar.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.admin.icalendar.confirm_delete_import') }; } } }, function () { ICalendar.delete( { id: calendar.id }, function () { // success const idx = $scope.calendars.indexOf(calendar); $scope.calendars.splice(idx, 1); growl.info(_t('app.admin.icalendar.delete_success')); }, function (error) { // failed growl.error(_t('app.admin.icalendar.delete_failed')); console.error(error); } ); } ) } /** * Asynchronously re-fetches the events from the given calendar * @param calendar */ $scope.sync = function (calendar) { ICalendar.sync( { id: calendar.id }, function () { // success growl.info(_t('app.admin.icalendar.refresh')); }, function (error) { // failed growl.error(_t('app.admin.icalendar.sync_failed')); console.error(error); } ) } } ]);