import React, { BaseSyntheticEvent } from 'react'; import Select from 'react-select'; import { PrepaidPack } from '../../models/prepaid-pack'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useImmer } from 'use-immer'; import { FabInput } from '../base/fab-input'; import { IFablab } from '../../models/fablab'; declare var Fablab: IFablab; interface PackFormProps { formId: string, onSubmit: (pack: PrepaidPack) => void, packData?: PrepaidPack, } const ALL_INTERVALS = ['day', 'week', 'month', 'year'] as const; type interval = typeof ALL_INTERVALS[number]; /** * Option format, expected by react-select * @see */ type selectOption = { value: interval, label: string }; /** * A form component to create/edit a PrepaidPack. * The form validation must be created elsewhere, using the attribute form={formId}. */ export const PackForm: React.FC = ({ formId, onSubmit, packData }) => { const [pack, updatePack] = useImmer(packData || {} as PrepaidPack); const { t } = useTranslation('admin'); /** * Convert all validity intervals to the react-select format */ const buildOptions = (): Array => { return => { return { value: i, label: t(`app.admin.pack_form.intervals.${i}`, { COUNT: pack.validity_count || 0 }) }; }); } /** * Callback triggered when the user sends the form. */ const handleSubmit = (event: BaseSyntheticEvent): void => { event.preventDefault(); onSubmit(pack); } /** * Callback triggered when the user inputs an amount for the current pack. */ const handleUpdateAmount = (amount: string) => { updatePack(draft => { draft.amount = parseFloat(amount); }); } /** * Callback triggered when the user inputs a number of hours for the current pack. */ const handleUpdateHours = (hours: string) => { updatePack(draft => { draft.minutes = parseInt(hours, 10) * 60; }); } /** * Callback triggered when the user inputs a number of periods for the current pack. */ const handleUpdateValidityCount = (count: string) => { updatePack(draft => { draft.validity_count = parseInt(count, 10); }); } /** * Callback triggered when the user selects a type of interval for the current pack. */ const handleUpdateValidityInterval = (option: selectOption) => { updatePack(draft => { draft.validity_interval = option.value as interval; }); } return (
} required /> } addOn={Fablab.intl_currency} required />
} />