# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' class SlotsReservationsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def setup @admin = User.find_by(username: 'admin') @user = User.members.without_subscription.first login_as(@admin, scope: :user) end test 'cancel a reservation' do put '/api/slots_reservations/1/cancel' # Check response format & status assert_equal 200, response.status, response.body assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type # Check the reservation was correctly canceled slots_reservation = SlotsReservation.find(1) assert_not_nil slots_reservation assert_not_nil slots_reservation.canceled_at # place cache slot = slots_reservation.slot cached = slot.places.detect do |p| p['reservable_id'] == slots_reservation.reservation.reservable_id && p['reservable_type'] == slots_reservation.reservation.reservable_type end assert_not_nil cached assert_equal 0, cached['reserved_places'] assert_not_includes cached['user_ids'], slots_reservation.reservation.statistic_profile.user_id end test 'update a reservation' do machine = Machine.find(6) availability = machine.availabilities.first slot = availability.slots.first post '/api/local_payment/confirm_payment', params: { customer_id: @user.id, items: [ { reservation: { reservable_id: machine.id, reservable_type: machine.class.name, slots_reservations_attributes: [ { slot_id: slot.id } ] } } ] }.to_json, headers: default_headers # general assertions about creation assert_equal 201, response.status slots_reservation = SlotsReservation.last assert_equal slot.id, slots_reservation.slot_id # place cache slot.reload cached = slot.places.detect { |p| p['reservable_id'] == machine.id && p['reservable_type'] == machine.class.name } assert_not_nil cached assert_equal 1, cached['reserved_places'] assert_includes cached['user_ids'], @user.id # update the reservation to another slot new_slot = availability.slots.last patch "/api/slots_reservations/#{slots_reservation.id}", params: { slots_reservation: { slot_id: new_slot.id } } # Check response format & status assert_equal 200, response.status, response.body assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type # Check the reservation was correctly moved slots_reservation.reload assert_equal new_slot.id, slots_reservation.slot_id # old place cache slot.reload cached = slot.places.detect do |p| p['reservable_id'] == machine.id && p['reservable_type'] == machine.class.name end assert_not_nil cached assert_equal 0, cached['reserved_places'] assert_not_includes cached['user_ids'], @user.id # new cache place new_slot.reload cached = new_slot.places.detect do |p| p['reservable_id'] == slots_reservation.reservation.reservable_id && p['reservable_type'] == slots_reservation.reservation.reservable_type end assert_not_nil cached assert_equal 1, cached['reserved_places'] assert_includes cached['user_ids'], @user.id end end