# frozen_string_literal: true # Provides methods for PrepaidPack class PrepaidPackService class << self def list(filters) packs = PrepaidPack.where(nil) packs = packs.where(group_id: filters[:group_id]) if filters[:group_id].present? packs = packs.where(priceable_id: filters[:priceable_id]) if filters[:priceable_id].present? packs = packs.where(priceable_type: filters[:priceable_type]) if filters[:priceable_type].present? if filters[:disabled].present? state = filters[:disabled] == 'false' ? [nil, false] : true packs = packs.where(disabled: state) end packs end # return the not expired packs for the given item bought by the given user def user_packs(user, priceable) StatisticProfilePrepaidPack .includes(:prepaid_pack) .references(:prepaid_packs) .where('statistic_profile_id = ?', user.statistic_profile.id) .where('expires_at > ?', DateTime.current) .where('prepaid_packs.priceable_id = ?', priceable.id) .where('prepaid_packs.priceable_type = ?', priceable.class.name) end end end