# frozen_string_literal: true require 'stripe/service' # Correctives for bugs or upgrades migrations tasks namespace :fablab do namespace :fix do desc '[release 2.3.0] update reservations referencing reservables not present in database' task reservations_not_existing_reservable: :environment do ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new($stdout) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( 'UPDATE reservations SET reservable_type = NULL, reservable_id = NULL ' \ 'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM events WHERE events.id = reservations.reservable_id) ' \ "AND reservations.reservable_type = 'Event'" ) end desc '[release 2.4.0] put every non-categorized events into a new category called "No Category", to ease re-categorization' task assign_category_to_uncategorized_events: :environment do c = Category.find_or_create_by!(name: 'No category') Event.where(category: nil).each do |e| e.category = c e.save! end end desc '[release 2.4.11] fix is_rolling for edited plans' task rolling_plans: :environment do Plan.where(is_rolling: nil).each do |p| if p.is_rolling.nil? && p.is_rolling != false p.is_rolling = true p.save! end end end desc '[release 2.5.0] create missing plans in statistics' task new_plans_statistics: :environment do StatisticSubType.where(key: nil).each do |sst| p = Plan.find_by(name: sst.label) if p sst.key = p.slug sst.save! end end end desc '[release 2.5.5] create missing space prices' task new_group_space_prices: :environment do Space.all.each do |space| Group.all.each do |group| Price.find(priceable: space, group: group) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound Price.create(priceable: space, group: group, amount: 0) end end end desc '[release 2.5.11] put all admins in a special group' task migrate_admins_group: :environment do admins = Group.find_by(slug: 'admins') User.all.each do |user| if user.admin? user.group = admins user.save! end end end desc '[release 2.5.14] fix times of recursive events that crosses DST periods' task recursive_events_over_DST: :environment do def dst_correction(reference, datetime) res = datetime.in_time_zone(reference.time_zone.tzinfo.name) res -= 1.hour if res.dst? && !reference.dst? res += 1.hour if reference.dst? && !res.dst? res end failed_ids = [] groups = Event.group(:recurrence_id).count groups.each_key do |recurrent_event_id| next unless recurrent_event_id begin initial_event = Event.find(recurrent_event_id) Event.where(recurrence_id: recurrent_event_id).where.not(id: recurrent_event_id).each do |event| availability = event.availability next if initial_event.availability.start_at.hour == availability.start_at.hour availability.start_at = dst_correction(initial_event.availability.start_at, availability.start_at) availability.end_at = dst_correction(initial_event.availability.end_at, availability.end_at) availability.save! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound failed_ids.push recurrent_event_id end end if failed_ids.size.positive? puts "WARNING: The events with IDs #{failed_ids} were not found.\n These were initial events of a recurrence.\n\n" \ "You may have to correct the following events manually (IDs): #{Event.where(recurrence_id: failed_ids).map(&:id)}" end end desc '[release 2.6.6] reset slug in events categories' task categories_slugs: :environment do Category.all.each do |cat| # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength `curl -XPOST http://#{ENV.fetch('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', nil)}:9200/stats/event/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed\\&refresh\\&wait_for_completion -d ' { "script": { "source": "ctx._source.subType = params.slug", "lang": "painless", "params": { "slug": "#{cat.slug}" } }, "query": { "term": { "subType": "#{cat.name}" } } }';` # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength end end desc '[release 2.4.10] set slugs to plans' task set_plans_slugs: :environment do # this will maintain compatibility with existing statistics Plan.all.each do |p| p.slug = p.stp_plan_id p.save end end desc '[release 3.1.2] fix users with invalid group_id' task users_group_ids: :environment do User.where.not(group_id: Group.all.map(&:id)).each do |u| u.update_columns(group_id: Group.first.id, updated_at: Time.current) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations meta_data = { ex_group_name: 'invalid group' } NotificationCenter.call type: :notify_admin_user_group_changed, receiver: User.admins, attached_object: u, meta_data: meta_data NotificationCenter.call type: :notify_user_user_group_changed, receiver: u, attached_object: u end end desc '[release 4.3.0] add name to theme stylesheet' task name_stylesheet: :environment do Stylesheet.order(:created_at).first&.update( name: 'theme' ) end desc '[release 4.3.3] add statistic_profile_id to refund invoices for WalletTransactions' task avoirs_wallet_transaction: :environment do Avoir.where(invoiced_type: WalletTransaction.name).each do |a| next unless a.statistic_profile_id.nil? begin a.statistic_profile_id = a.invoiced.wallet.user&.statistic_profile&.id a.save! rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e printf "Unable to modify the refund invoice (id %<id>s): %<error>s\nIgnoring that record...\n", id: a.id, error: e end end end desc '[release 4.4.2] add missing role to StatisticProfile' task role_in_statistic_profile: :environment do puts "Fixing #{StatisticProfile.where(role_id: nil).count} bugged profiles...\n" StatisticProfile.where(role_id: nil).each do |sp| role_id = sp.user&.roles&.first&.id sp.role_id = role_id sp.save! end end desc '[release 4.4.3] fix duration of recurring availabilities' task availabilities_duration: :environment do Availability.select('occurrence_id').where(is_recurrent: true).group('occurrence_id').each do |a| occurrences = Availability.where(occurrence_id: a.occurrence_id) next unless occurrences.map(&:slot_duration).uniq.size > 1 duration = occurrences.map(&:slot_duration).uniq.detect { |e| !e.nil? } occurrences.each do |o| o.update(slot_duration: duration) end end end desc '[release 4.7.9] fix invoicing profiles without names' task invoices_without_names: :environment do InvoicingProfile.where('(first_name IS NULL OR last_name IS NULL) AND user_id IS NOT NULL').each do |ip| ip.update(first_name: ip.user.profile.first_name) ip.update(last_name: ip.user.profile.last_name) end end desc '[release 5.3.8] fix invoicing profiles without names and email' task invoices_without_names_and_email: :environment do InvoicingProfile.where('(first_name IS NULL OR last_name IS NULL OR email IS NULL) AND user_id IS NOT NULL').each do |ip| ip.update(first_name: ip.user.profile.first_name) ip.update(last_name: ip.user.profile.last_name) ip.update(email: ip.user.email) end end desc '[release 5.4.24] fix prepaid pack hours dont count down after a reservation of machine' task :prepaid_pack_count_down, %i[start_date end_date] => :environment do |_task, args| # set start date to the date of deployment of v5.4.13 that product the bug start_date = Time.zone.parse('2022-07-28T10:00:00+02:00') if args.start_date begin start_date = Time.zone.parse(args.start_date) rescue ArgumentError => e raise e end end # set end date to the date of deployment of v5.4.24 after fix the bug end_date = Time.zone.parse('2022-10-14T18:40:00+02:00') if args.end_date begin end_date = Time.zone.parse(args.end_date) rescue ArgumentError => e raise e end end # find all machines that has prepaid pack machine_ids = PrepaidPack.where(disabled: nil).all.map(&:priceable_id).uniq # find all memders that bought a prepaid pack statistic_profile_ids = StatisticProfilePrepaidPack.all.map(&:statistic_profile_id).uniq # find the reservations that use prepaid pack by machine_ids, members and preriod reservations = Reservation.where(reservable_type: 'Machine', reservable_id: machine_ids, statistic_profile_id: statistic_profile_ids, created_at: start_date..end_date).order(statistic_profile_id: :asc, created_at: :asc) infos = [] reservations.each do |reservation| # find pack by pack's created_at before reservation's create_at and pack's expries_at before start_date packs = StatisticProfilePrepaidPack .includes(:prepaid_pack) .references(:prepaid_packs) .where(prepaid_packs: { priceable_id: reservation.reservable.id }) .where(prepaid_packs: { priceable_type: reservation.reservable.class.name }) .where(statistic_profile_id: reservation.statistic_profile_id) .where('statistic_profile_prepaid_packs.created_at <= ?', reservation.created_at) .where('expires_at is NULL or expires_at > ?', start_date) .order(created_at: :asc) # passe reservation if cannot find any pack next if packs.empty? user = reservation.statistic_profile.user pack = packs.last slots_minutes = reservation.slots.map do |slot| (slot.end_at.to_time - slot.start_at.to_time) / 60.0 end # get reservation total minutes reservation_minutes = slots_minutes.reduce(:+) || 0 info = { user: "#{user.profile.full_name} - #{user.email}", reservation: "Reservation #{reservation.original_invoice.reference} for the machine #{reservation.reservable.name} " \ "by #{reservation_minutes / 60.0} hours at #{I18n.l(reservation.created_at.to_date)}", pack_before: "Prepaid pack of hours has used #{pack.minutes_used / 60.0} hours / #{pack.prepaid_pack.minutes / 60.0} hours" } if pack.minutes_used == pack.prepaid_pack.minutes && pack.updated_at > start_date info[:pack_after] = 'Reservation minutes is exceed prepaid pack of hours' infos.push(info) elsif pack.minutes_used < pack.prepaid_pack.minutes PrepaidPackService.update_user_minutes(user, reservation) pack.reload info[:pack_after] = "Prepaid pack of hours used #{pack.minutes_used / 60.0} hours after paid this reservation" infos.push(info) end end infos.each do |i| puts i end end desc '[release 5.6.6] fix invoice items in error' task invoice_items_in_error: :environment do next if InvoiceItem.where(object_type: 'Error').count.zero? InvoiceItem.where(object_type: 'Error').update_all(object_id: 0) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations FabManager::Application.load_tasks if Rake::Task.tasks.empty? Rake::Task['fablab:chain:invoices_items'].invoke end desc '[release 5.8.2] fix operator of self-bought carts' task cart_operator: :environment do |_task, _args| Order.where.not(statistic_profile_id: nil).find_each do |order| order.update(operator_profile_id: order.user&.invoicing_profile&.id) end Order.where.not(operator_profile_id: nil).find_each do |order| order.update(statistic_profile_id: order.operator_profile&.user&.statistic_profile&.id) end end desc '[release 5.8.2] fix prepaid packs minutes_used' task pack_minutes_used: :environment do |_task, _args| StatisticProfilePrepaidPack.find_each do |sppp| previous_packs = sppp.statistic_profile.statistic_profile_prepaid_packs .includes(:prepaid_pack) .where(prepaid_packs: { priceable: sppp.prepaid_pack.priceable }) .where("statistic_profile_prepaid_packs.created_at <= '#{sppp.created_at.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N')}'") .order('statistic_profile_prepaid_packs.created_at') remaining = {} previous_packs.each do |pack| available_minutes = pack.prepaid_pack.minutes reservations = Reservation.where(reservable: sppp.prepaid_pack.priceable) .where(statistic_profile_id: sppp.statistic_profile_id) .where("created_at > '#{pack.created_at.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N')}'") reservations.each do |reservation| next if available_minutes.zero? # if the previous pack has not covered all the duration of this reservation, we substract the remaining minutes from the current pack if remaining[reservation.id] if remaining[reservation.id] > available_minutes consumed = available_minutes remaining[reservation.id] = remaining[reservation.id] - available_minutes else consumed = remaining[reservation.id] remaining.except!(reservation.id) end else # if there was no remaining from the previous pack, we substract the reservation duration from the current pack reservation_minutes = reservation.slots.map { |slot| (slot.end_at.to_time - slot.start_at.to_time) / 60.0 }.reduce(:+) || 0 if reservation_minutes > available_minutes consumed = available_minutes remaining[reservation.id] = reservation_minutes - consumed else consumed = reservation_minutes end end available_minutes -= consumed PrepaidPackReservation.find_or_create_by!(statistic_profile_prepaid_pack: pack, reservation: reservation, consumed_minutes: consumed) end pack.update(minutes_used: pack.prepaid_pack.minutes - available_minutes) end end end desc '[release 6.3.6] fix stripe coupon duration' task stripe_coupon_duration: :environment do |_task, _args| if Setting.get('payment_gateway') == 'stripe' Coupon.where(validity_per_user: 'forever').each do |c| cpn = Stripe::Coupon.retrieve(c.code, api_key: Setting.get('stripe_secret_key')) cpn.delete Stripe::Service.new.create_coupon(c.id) rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e puts "Unable to create coupon #{c.code} on stripe: #{e}" end end end end end