#header and "about" page
about_the_fablab: "Acerca de {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}} {NAME}"
return: "Volver"
about_cookies: "Este sitio web utiliza cookies para medir la audiencia."
learn_more: "Saber más"
accept: "Aceptar cookies"
decline: "Rechazar"
#dashboard sections
dashboard: "Panel"
my_profile: "My Perfil"
my_settings: "Mis ajustes"
my_supporting_documents_files: "My supporting documents"
my_projects: "Mis proyectos"
my_trainings: "Mis cursos"
my_reservations: "My reservations"
my_events: "Mis eventos"
my_invoices: "Mis facturas"
my_payment_schedules: "My payment schedules"
my_orders: "My orders"
my_wallet: "Mi cartera"
#contextual help
help: "Ayuda"
sign_out: "Salir"
sign_up: "Registrarse"
sign_in: "Ingresar"
#left menu
notifications: "Notificaciones"
admin: "Administrador"
manager: "Gerente"
reduce_panel: "Reducir panel"
#left menu (public)
home: "Menú principal"
reserve_a_machine: "Reservar una máquina"
trainings_registrations: "Registro de cursos"
events_registrations: "Registro de eventos"
reserve_a_space: "Reservar un espacio"
projects_gallery: "Galería de proyectos"
subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
public_calendar: "Agenda"
fablab_store: "Store"
#left menu (admin)
trainings_monitoring: "Cursos"
manage_the_calendar: "Agenda"
manage_the_users: "Usuarios"
manage_the_invoices: "Facturas"
subscriptions_and_prices: "Suscripciones y precios"
manage_the_events: "Eventos"
manage_the_machines: "Máquinas"
manage_the_store: "Store"
manage_the_spaces: "Espacios"
projects: "Proyectos"
statistics: "Estadísticas"
customization: "Customización"
open_api_clients: "Clientes OpenAPI"
#account creation modal
create_your_account: "Crear su cuenta"
man: "Hombre"
woman: "Mujer"
gender_is_required: "El genero es obligatorio."
your_first_name: "Su nombre"
first_name_is_required: "El nombre es obligatorio."
your_surname: "Su apellido"
surname_is_required: "El apellido es obligatorio."
your_pseudonym: "Su seudónimo"
pseudonym_is_required: "El seudónimo es obligatorio."
your_email_address: "Su e-mail"
email_is_required: "El e-mail es obligatorio."
your_password: "Su contraseña"
password_is_required: "La contraseña es obligatoria."
password_is_too_short: "Password is too short (minimum 12 characters)"
password_is_too_weak: "Password is too weak:"
password_is_too_weak_explanations: "minimum 12 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character"
type_your_password_again: "Escriba su contraseña otra vez"
password_confirmation_is_required: "Confirmar su contraseña es obligatorio."
password_does_not_match_with_confirmation: "Las contraseñas no coinciden."
i_am_an_organization: "Soy una organización"
name_of_your_organization: "Nombre de su organización"
organization_name_is_required: "El nombre de su organización es obligatorio."
address_of_your_organization: "Dirección de su organización"
organization_address_is_required: "La dirección de su organización es obligatoria."
your_user_s_profile: "Su perfil de usuario"
user_s_profile_is_required: "El perfil de usuario es obligatorio."
birth_date: "Fecha de nacimiento"
birth_date_is_required: "La fecha de nacimiento es obligatoria."
phone_number: "Número de telefono"
phone_number_is_required: "El número de telefono es obligatorio."
address: "Dirección"
address_is_required: "Address is required"
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Acepto recibir información del FabLab"
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "He leido y acepto"
_the_fablab_policy: "the terms of use"
field_required: "Field required"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
user_supporting_documents_required: "Warning!
You have declared to be \"{GROUP}\", supporting documents may be requested."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
public_profile: "You will have a public profile and other users will be able to associate you in their projects"
you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "If your e-mail address is valid, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
#password modification modal
change_your_password: "Cambiar contraseña"
your_new_password: "Nueva contraseña"
your_password_was_successfully_changed: "Su contraseña ha sido cambiada con éxito."
#connection modal
connection: "Conexión"
password_forgotten: "¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?"
confirm_my_account: "Confirmar mi E-mail"
not_registered_to_the_fablab: "Not yet registered?"
create_an_account: "Crear una cuenta"
wrong_email_or_password: "E-mail o contraseña incorrecta."
caps_lock_is_on: "Las mayusculas están activadas."
#confirmation modal
you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "Recibirá las instrucciones de confirmación por email."
#forgotten password modal
you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "If your e-mail address is valid, you will receive in a moment an e-mail with instructions to reset your password."
#Fab-manager's version
version: "Versión:"
upgrade_fabmanager: "Upgrade Fab-manager"
current_version: "You are currently using version {VERSION} of Fab-manager."
upgrade_to: "A new release is available. You can upgrade up to version {VERSION}."
read_more: "View the details of this release"
security_version_html: "Your current version is vulnerable!
A later version, currently available, includes security fixes. Upgrade as soon as possible!"
how_to: "How to upgrade?"
and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "y {NUMBER, plural, =0{no other notifications} =1{one other notification} otras{{NUMBER} other notifications}}..."
#about page
read_the_fablab_policy: "Terms of use"
read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Read the general terms and conditions"
your_fablab_s_contacts: "Contact us"
privacy_policy: "Política de privacidad"
#'privacy policy' page
title: "Política de privacidad"
dpo: "Oficial de protección de datos"
last_update: "Última actualización,"
#home page
latest_documented_projects: "Los últimos proyectos documentados"
follow_us: "Síguenos"
latest_tweets: "Los últimos tweets"
latest_registered_members: "Miembros más recientes"
create_an_account: "Crear una cuenta"
discover_members: "Descubrir miembros"
#next events summary on the home page
fablab_s_next_events: "Next events"
every_events: "Todos los eventos"
on_the_date: "El {DATE}"
from_date_to_date: "Desde {START} hasta {END}"
from_time_to_time: "From {START} to {END}"
all_day: "Todo el día"
still_available: "Asiento(s) disponible(s): "
event_full: "Evento lleno"
without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
full_price: "Full price: "
#projects gallery
the_fablab_projects: "The projects"
add_a_project: "Añadir un proyecto"
search_over_the_whole_network: "Buscar en toda la red de FabLab"
tooltip_openlab_projects_switch: "La busqueda en toda la red le permite buscar los proyectos de todos los FabLab que usan esta característica"
openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "La busqueda en toda la red no está disponible en este momento. Puede seguir buscando proyectos en este FabLab."
project_search_result_is_empty: "Lo sentimos, no hemos encontrado nada."
reset_all_filters: "Limpiar filtros"
keywords: "Palabras clave"
search: "Buscar"
all_projects: "Todos los proyectos"
my_projects: "Mis proyectos"
projects_to_whom_i_take_part_in: "Proyectos de los que formo parte"
all_machines: "Todas las máquinas"
all_themes: "Todos los temas"
all_materials: "Todo el material"
load_next_projects: "Cargar más proyectos"
rough_draft: "Borrador"
#details of a projet
rough_draft: "Borrador"
project_description: "Descripción de proyecto"
by_name: "Por {NAME}"
step_N: "Paso {INDEX}"
share_on_facebook: "Compartir en Facebook"
share_on_twitter: "Compartir en Twitter"
deleted_user: "Usario eliminado"
posted_on_: "Subido el"
CAD_file_to_download: "{COUNT, plural, =0{No CAD files} =1{CAD file to download} other{CAD files to download}}"
machines_and_materials: "Máquinas y materiales"
collaborators: "Colaboradores"
licence: "Licencia"
confirmation_required: "Confirmación requerida"
report_an_abuse: "Reportar una infracción"
unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada"
your_report_was_successful_thanks: "Su informe se ha enviado con éxito. Gracias."
an_error_occured_while_sending_your_report: "Ha ocurrido un error al enviar el informe."
your_first_name: "Su nombre"
your_first_name_is_required: "Su nombre es obligatorio."
your_surname: "Su apellido"
your_surname_is_required: "Su apellido es obligatorio."
your_email_address: "Su mail"
your_email_address_is_required: "Su mail es obligatorio."
tell_us_why_this_looks_abusive: "Cuéntanos porqué te parece abusivo"
message_is_required: "El mensaje es obligatorio."
report: "Reportar"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar este proyecto?"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "The machines"
add_a_machine: "Añadir una máquina"
new_availability: "Open reservations"
book: "Reservar"
_or_the_: " o el "
title: "Discover our store"
buy: "Check out products from members' projects along with consumable related to the different machines and tools of the workshop."
sell: "If you also want to sell your creations, please let us know."
link: "To the store"
show_machines: "Mostrar máquinas"
status_enabled: "Activadas"
status_disabled: "Discapacitadas"
status_all: "Todas"
book: "Reservar"
consult: "Consultar"
#details of a machine
book_this_machine: "Alquilar máquina"
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
files_to_download: "Archivos a descargar"
projects_using_the_machine: "Proyectos que utilizan esta máquina"
_or_the_: " o el "
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar esta máquina?"
unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation"
the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "La máquina no puede borrarse porque está siendo usada o ha sido reservada por algún usuario."
#list of trainings
book: "Reservar"
the_trainings: "Lista de cursos"
#details of a training
book_this_training: "reservar plaza en este curso"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Está seguro de querer eliminar este curso?"
unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "El curso no puede borrarse porque ya ha sido reservado por algún usuario."
AMOUNT_per_month: "{AMOUNT} / month"
i_subscribe_online: "I subscribe online"
more_information: "More information"
i_choose_that_plan: "I choose that plan"
i_already_subscribed: "I already subscribed"
#summary of the subscriptions
subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
your_subscription_expires_on_the_DATE: "Su suscripción termina {DATE}"
no_plans: "No plans are available for your group"
my_group: "My grupo"
his_group: "User's group"
he_wants_to_change_group: "Change group"
change_my_group: "Validate group change"
summary: "Summary"
your_subscription_has_expired_on_the_DATE: "Sus suscripcion expiró el {DATE}"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
you_ve_just_payed_the_subscription_html: "You've just paid the subscription:"
thank_you_your_subscription_is_successful: "Gracias. Su suscripción ha tenido éxito"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_dashboard: "Your invoice will be available soon from your dashboard"
your_group_was_successfully_changed: "Su grupo ha sido cambiado correctamente."
the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed: "Los usuarios del grupo han cambiado correctamente."
an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "Un error impidió que su grupo fuese cambiado."
an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group: "Un error impidió cambiar los componentes del grupo."
i_am: "I am"
select_group: "select a group"
i_want_duration: "I want to subscribe for"
all_durations: "All durations"
select_duration: "select a duration"
#Fablab's events list
the_fablab_s_events: "The events"
all_categories: "Todas las categorías"
for_all: "Para todo"
sold_out: "Sold Out"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
still_available: "asiento(s) disponible(s)"
without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
add_an_event: "Add an event"
load_the_next_events: "Cargar los próximos eventos..."
full_price_: "Precio completo:"
to_date: "to" #e.g. from 01/01 to 01/05
all_themes: "All themes"
#details and booking of an event
event_description: "Descripción del evento"
downloadable_documents: "Archivos descargables"
information_and_booking: "Información y reservas"
dates: "Fechas"
beginning: "Empieza:"
ending: "Termina:"
opening_hours: "Hora de apertura:"
all_day: "Todo el día"
from_time: "Desde" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
to_time: "a" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
full_price_: "Precio completo:"
tickets_still_availables: "Entradas disponibles:"
sold_out: "Entradas vendidas."
without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
cancelled: "Cancelado"
ticket: "{NUMBER, plural, one{ticket} other{tickets}}"
make_a_gift_of_this_reservation: "Regalar esta reserva"
thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Tank you. Your payment has been successfully registered!"
you_can_find_your_reservation_s_details_on_your_: "Puede encontrar los detalles de su reserva en"
dashboard: "panel"
you_booked_DATE: "You booked ({DATE}):"
canceled_reservation_SEATS: "Reservation canceled ({SEATS} seats)"
book: "Reservar"
confirm_and_pay: "Confirm and pay"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
online_payment_disabled: "Payment by credit card is not available. Please contact us directly."
please_select_a_member_first: "Please select a member first"
change_the_reservation: "Cambiar la reserva"
you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "Puede cambiar la reserva en los siguientes campos:"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Do you really want to delete this event?"
delete_recurring_event: "You're about to delete a periodic event. What do you want to do?"
delete_this_event: "Only this event"
delete_this_and_next: "This event and the following"
delete_all: "Todos los eventos"
event_successfully_deleted: "Event successfully deleted."
events_deleted: "The event, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted"
unable_to_delete_the_event: "Unable to delete the event, it may be booked by a member"
events_not_deleted: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exists on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
cancel_the_reservation: "Cancel the reservation"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets."
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservation was successfully cancelled."
cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
event_is_over: "The event is over."
thanks_for_coming: "Thanks for coming!"
view_event_list: "View events to come"
share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook"
share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter"
#public calendar
calendar: "Calendario"
show_unavailables: "Mostrar campos inválidos"
filter_calendar: "Filtrar calendario"
trainings: "Cursos"
machines: "Máquinas"
spaces: "Espacios"
events: "Eventos"
externals: "Otros calendarios"
#list of spaces
the_spaces: "Espacios"
new_availability: "Open reservations"
add_a_space: "Añadir espacios"
status_enabled: "Activos"
status_disabled: "No activos"
status_all: "Todos"
book: "Reservar"
#display the details of a space
book_this_space: "Reservar este espacio"
unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada"
confirmation_required: "Confirmación requerida"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_space: "¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este espacio?"
the_space_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "No puede borrarse este espacio porque está siendo usado por otros usuarios."
characteristics: "Características"
files_to_download: "Archivos para descargar"
projects_using_the_space: "Proyectos que usan el espacio"
#public store
fablab_store: "Store"
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
all_products: "All the products"
filter: "Filter"
filter_clear: "Clear all"
filter_apply: "Apply"
filter_categories: "Categories"
filter_machines: "By machines"
filter_keywords_reference: "By keywords or reference"
in_stock_only: "Available products only"
name_az: "A-Z"
name_za: "Z-A"
price_low: "Price: low to high"
price_high: "Price: high to low"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
show_more: "Display more"
show_less: "Display less"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
stock_limit: "You have reached the current stock limit"
available: "Available"
limited_stock: "Limited stock"
out_of_stock: "Out of stock"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add: "Add"
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
stock_limit: "You have reached the current stock limit"
per_unit: "/ unit"
free: "Free"
my_cart: "My Cart"
my_cart: "My Cart"
checkout: "Checkout"
cart_is_empty: "Your cart is empty"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
reference_short: "ref:"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
stock_limit: "You have reached the current stock limit"
unit: "Unit"
total: "Total"
offer_product: "Offer the product"
checkout_header: "Total amount for your cart"
checkout_products_COUNT: "Your cart contains {COUNT} {COUNT, plural, =1{product} other{products}}"
checkout_products_total: "Products total"
checkout_gift_total: "Discount total"
checkout_coupon: "Coupon"
checkout_total: "Cart total"
checkout_error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
checkout_success: "Purchase confirmed. Thanks!"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing."
update_item: "Update"
product_not_found: "This product is no longer available, please remove it from your cart."
out_of_stock: "This product is out of stock, please remove it from your cart."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Only {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, =1{unit} other{units}} left in stock, please adjust the quantity of items."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minimum number of product was changed to {QUANTITY}, please adjust the quantity of items."
price_changed_PRICE: "The product price was modified to {PRICE}"
unauthorized_offering_product: "You can't offer anything to yourself"
heading: "My orders"
newest: "Newest first"
oldest: "Oldest first"
select_a_member: "Select a member"
start_typing: "Start typing..."
title: "Thank you for your attention"
content: "
If you want to restart this contextual help, press F1 at any time or click on « ? Help » from the user's menu.
If you need additional help, you can check the user guide (only in French for now).
The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), contact-us for more info.
" welcome: welcome: title: "Welcome to Fab-manager" content: "To help you get started with the application, we are going to take a quick tour of the features." home: title: "Home page" content: "Clicking here will take you back to the home page where you are currently." machines: title: "Machines" content: "This page will allow you to consult the list of all machines and reserve a slot on behalf of a member.
A machine can be, for example, a 3D printer.
Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.
" trainings: title: "Trainings" content: "This page will allow you to consult the list of all training sessions and to register a member for a training session.
Trainings can be set as prerequisites before allowing reservation of certain machines.
Members can also access this page and register for a training session themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.
" spaces: title: "Spaces" content: "This page will allow you to consult the list of all available spaces and to reserve a place on a slot, on behalf of a member.
A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room.
Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.
Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.
" events: title: "Events" content: "An open house evening or an internship to make your desk lamp? It's over here!
Events can be free or paid (with different prices), with or without reservation.
Again, members can access this page and book themselves places for free events, or paid events if credit card payment is enabled.
" calendar: title: "Agenda" content: "Visualize at a glance everything that is scheduled for the next coming weeks (events, training, machines available, etc.)." projects: title: "Proyectos" content: "Document and share all your creations with the community.
If you use OpenLab, you will also be able to consult the projects of the entire Fab-manager network. Contact-us to get your access, it's free!
" plans: title: "Subscriptions" content: "Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users." admin: title: "{ROLE} section" content: "All of the elements below are only accessible to administrators and managers. They allow you to manage and configure Fab-manager.
At the end of this visit, click on one of them to find out more.
" about: title: "About" content: "A page that you can fully customize, to present your activity and your structure." notifications: title: "Notifications center" content: "Every time something important happens (reservations, creation of accounts, activity of your members, etc.), you will be notified here.
Your members also receive notifications there.
" profile: title: "User's menu" content: "Find your personal information here as well as all your activity on Fab-manager.
This space is also available for all your members.
" news: title: "News" content: "This space allows you to display the latest news from your structure.
You can easily change its content from « Customization », « Home page ».
" last_projects: title: "Últimos proyectos" content: "This carousel scrolls through the latest projects documented by your members.
" last_tweet: title: "Last tweet" content: "The last tweet of your Tweeter feed can be shown here.
Configure it from « Customization », « Home page ».
" last_members: title: "Last members" content: "The last registered members who have validated their address and agreed to be contacted will be shown here." next_events: title: "Upcoming events" content: "The next three scheduled events are displayed in this space." customize: title: "Customize the home page" content: "This page can be fully personalized.
You can contact-us to make a tailored customization of the home page.
" version: title: "Application version" content: "Hover your cursor over this icon to find out the version of Fab-manager. If you are not up to date, this will be reported here and you'll be able to get details by clicking on it." machines: welcome: title: "Machines" content: "Machines are the tools available for your users. You must create here the machines which can then be reserved by the members.
You can also create entries for non-bookable or free access machines, then you just need to not associate availability slots with them.
" welcome_manager: title: "Machines" content: "Machines are the tools available for the users to reserve." view: title: "View" content: "To modify or delete a machine, click here first. You will not be able to delete a machine that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it." reserve: title: "Reserve" content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this machine for an user and manage existing reservations." spaces: welcome: title: "Spaces" content: "Spaces are places available for your users. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop. You must create here the spaces which can then be reserved by members.
The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.
" welcome_manager: title: "Spaces" content: "Spaces are places available to users, by reservation. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop.
The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.
" view: title: "View" content: "To modify or delete a space, click here first. You will not be able to delete a space that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it." reserve: title: "Reserve" content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this space for an user and manage existing reservations."