# frozen_string_literal: true require 'integrity/archive_helper' # This take will ensure data integrity for invoices. # A bug introduced with v4.3.0 has made invoices without saving the associated Reservation (Invoice.invoiced_id is null). # This issue is concerning slots restricted to subscribers, when the restriction is manually overridden by an admin. namespace :fablab do desc 'Remove the invoices w/o reservation or regenerate the reservation' task fix_invoices: :environment do |_task, _args| next unless Invoice.where(invoiced_id: nil).count.positive? include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper # check the footprints and save the archives Integrity::ArchiveHelper.check_footprints ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do periods = Integrity::ArchiveHelper.backup_and_remove_periods # fix invoices data Invoice.where(invoiced_id: nil).each do |invoice| ii = invoice.invoice_items.where(subscription_id: nil).first puts '==============================================' puts "Invoice #{invoice.id} (# #{invoice.reference})" puts "Total: #{number_to_currency(invoice.total / 100.0, locale: CURRENCY_LOCALE)}" puts "Subject: #{ii.description}." puts "Customer: #{invoice.invoicing_profile.full_name} (#{invoice.invoicing_profile.email})" puts "Operator: #{invoice.operator_profile&.user&.profile&.full_name} (#{invoice.operator_profile&.user&.email})" puts "Date: #{invoice.created_at}" print 'Delete [d], create the missing reservation [c] OR keep as error[e] ? > ' confirm = $stdin.gets.chomp case confirm when 'd' puts "Destroying #{invoice.id}..." invoice.destroy when 'c' if invoice.invoiced_type != 'Reservation' warn "WARNING: Invoice #{invoice.id} is about #{invoice.invoiced_type}. Please handle manually." warn 'Ignoring...' next end reservable = find_reservable(ii) if reservable if reservable.is_a? Event warn "WARNING: invoice #{invoice.id} is linked to Event #{reservable.id}. This is unsupported, please handle manually." warn 'Ignoring...' next end reservation = ::Reservation.create!( reservable_id: reservable.id, reservable_type: reservable.class.name, slots_reservations_attributes: slots_reservations_attributes(invoice, reservable), statistic_profile_id: StatisticProfile.find_by(user: invoice.user).id ) invoice.update(invoiced: reservation) else warn "WARNING: Unable to guess the reservable for invoice #{invoice.id}, please handle manually." warn 'Ignoring...' end when 'e' invoice.update(invoiced_type: 'Error') else puts "Operation #{confirm} unknown. Ignoring invoice #{invoice.id}..." end end # chain records puts 'Chaining all record. This may take a while...' InvoiceItem.order(:id).all.each(&:chain_record) Invoice.order(:id).all.each(&:chain_record) # re-create all archives from the memory dump Integrity::ArchiveHelper.restore_periods(periods) end end private def find_reservable(invoice_item) descr = /^([a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F]+\s+)+/.match(invoice_item.description)[0].strip[/(.*)\s/, 1] reservable = InvoiceItem.where('description LIKE ?', "#{descr}%") .map(&:invoice) .filter { |i| !i.invoiced_id.nil? } .map(&:invoiced) .map(&:reservable) .first reservable ||= [Machine, Training, Space].map { |c| c.where('name LIKE ?', "#{descr}%") } .filter { |r| r.count.positive? } .first &.first reservable || Event.where('title LIKE ?', "#{descr}%").first end def find_slots(invoice) invoice.invoice_items.map do |ii| description = ii.description # DateTime.parse only works with english dates, so translate the month name month_idx = I18n.t('date.month_names').find_index { |month| month && description.include?(month) } description.gsub!(/#{I18n.t('date.month_names')[month_idx]}/, I18n.t('date.month_names', locale: :en)[month_idx]) unless month_idx.nil? start = Time.zone.parse(description) end_time = Time.zone.parse(/- (.+)$/.match(description)[1]) [start, Time.zone.local(start.year, start.month, start.day, end_time.hour, end_time.min, end_time.sec)] end end def find_availability(reservable, slot) return if reservable.is_a? Event availability = reservable.availabilities.where('start_at <= ? AND end_at >= ?', slot[0], slot[1]).first unless availability warn "WARNING: Unable to find an availability for #{reservable.class.name} #{reservable.id}, at #{slot[0]}, creating..." availability = reservable.availabilities.create!(start_at: slot[0], end_at: slot[1]) end availability end def slots_reservations_attributes(invoice, reservable) find_slots(invoice).map do |slot_dates| availability = find_availability(reservable, slot_dates) slot = Slot.find_by(start_at: slot_dates[0], end_at: slot_dates[1], availability_id: availability&.id) { slot_id: slot&.id, offered: invoice.total.zero? } end end end