/* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ Application.Controllers.controller("OpenAPIClientsController", ["$scope", 'clientsPromise', 'growl', 'OpenAPIClient', 'dialogs', '_t' , function($scope, clientsPromise, growl, OpenAPIClient, dialogs, _t) { /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ //# clients list $scope.clients = clientsPromise; $scope.order = null; $scope.clientFormVisible = false; $scope.client = {}; $scope.toggleForm = () => $scope.clientFormVisible = !$scope.clientFormVisible; // Change the order criterion to the one provided // @param orderBy {string} ordering criterion //# $scope.setOrder = function(orderBy){ if ($scope.order === orderBy) { return $scope.order = `-${orderBy}`; } else { return $scope.order = orderBy; } }; $scope.saveClient = function(client){ if (client.id != null) { OpenAPIClient.update({ id: client.id }, {open_api_client: client}, function(clientResp){ client = clientResp; return growl.success(_t('client_successfully_updated')); }); } else { OpenAPIClient.save({open_api_client: client}, function(client){ $scope.clients.push(client); return growl.success(_t('client_successfully_created')); }); } $scope.clientFormVisible = false; $scope.clientForm.$setPristine(); return $scope.client = {}; }; $scope.editClient = function(client){ $scope.clientFormVisible = true; return $scope.client = client; }; $scope.deleteClient = index=> dialogs.confirm({ resolve: { object() { return { title: _t('confirmation_required'), msg: _t('do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_open_api_client') }; } } } , () => OpenAPIClient.delete({ id: $scope.clients[index].id }, function() { $scope.clients.splice(index, 1); return growl.success(_t('client_successfully_deleted')); }) ) ; return $scope.resetToken = client=> dialogs.confirm({ resolve: { object() { return { title: _t('confirmation_required'), msg: _t('do_you_really_want_to_revoke_this_open_api_access') }; } } } , () => OpenAPIClient.resetToken({ id: client.id }, {}, function(clientResp){ client.token = clientResp.token; return growl.success(_t('access_successfully_revoked')); }) ) ; } ]);