import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Subscription } from '../../models/subscription'; import { FabModal, ModalSize } from '../base/fab-modal'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { FabAlert } from '../base/fab-alert'; import { FabInput } from '../base/fab-input'; import FormatLib from '../../lib/format'; import { Loader } from '../base/loader'; import { react2angular } from 'react2angular'; import { IApplication } from '../../models/application'; import { PaymentMethod, ShoppingCart } from '../../models/payment'; import moment from 'moment'; import { SelectSchedule } from '../payment-schedule/select-schedule'; import SubscriptionAPI from '../../api/subscription'; import PriceAPI from '../../api/price'; import { ComputePriceResult } from '../../models/price'; import { PaymentScheduleSummary } from '../payment-schedule/payment-schedule-summary'; import { PaymentSchedule } from '../../models/payment-schedule'; import { LocalPaymentModal } from '../payment/local-payment/local-payment-modal'; import { User } from '../../models/user'; declare const Application: IApplication; interface RenewModalProps { isOpen: boolean, toggleModal: () => void, subscription?: Subscription, customer: User, operator: User, onSuccess: (message: string, newExpirationDate: Date) => void, onError: (message: string) => void, } /** * Modal dialog shown to renew the current subscription of a customer, for free */ const RenewModal: React.FC = ({ isOpen, toggleModal, subscription, customer, operator, onError, onSuccess }) => { // we do not render the modal if the subscription was not provided if (!subscription) return null; const { t } = useTranslation('admin'); const [expirationDate, setExpirationDate] = useState(new Date()); const [localPaymentModal, setLocalPaymentModal] = useState(false); const [cart, setCart] = useState(null); const [price, setPrice] = useState(null); const [scheduleRequired, setScheduleRequired] = useState(false); // on init, we compute the new expiration date useEffect(() => { setExpirationDate(moment(subscription.expired_at) .add(subscription.plan.interval_count, subscription.plan.interval) .toDate()); SubscriptionAPI.paymentsDetails( .then(res => setScheduleRequired(res.payment_schedule)) .catch(err => onError(err)); }, []); // when the payment schedule is toggled (requested/ignored), we update the cart accordingly useEffect(() => { setCart({ customer_id:, items: [{ subscription: { plan_id:, start_at: subscription.expired_at } }], payment_method: PaymentMethod.Other, payment_schedule: scheduleRequired }); }, [scheduleRequired]); // when the cart is updated, re-compute the price and the payment schedule useEffect(() => { if (!cart) return; PriceAPI.compute(cart) .then(res => setPrice(res)) .catch(err => onError(err)); }, [cart]); /** * Return the formatted localized date for the given date */ const formatDateTime = (date: Date): string => { return t('app.admin.free_extend_modal.DATE_TIME', { DATE:, TIME: FormatLib.time(date) }); }; /** * Callback triggered when the payment of the subscription renewal was successful */ const onPaymentSuccess = (): void => { onSuccess(t('app.admin.renew_subscription_modal.renew_success'), expirationDate); toggleModal(); }; /** * Open/closes the local payment modal */ const toggleLocalPaymentModal = (): void => { setLocalPaymentModal(!localPaymentModal); }; return (



{subscription.plan.monthly_payment && } {price?.schedule && } {price && !price?.schedule &&


); }; const RenewModalWrapper: React.FC = ({ toggleModal, subscription, customer, operator, isOpen, onSuccess, onError }) => { return ( ); }; Application.Components.component('renewModal', react2angular(RenewModalWrapper, ['toggleModal', 'subscription', 'customer', 'operator', 'isOpen', 'onError', 'onSuccess']));