# frozen_string_literal: true

# A single line inside an invoice. Can be a subscription or a reservation
class InvoiceItem < Footprintable
  belongs_to :invoice

  has_one :invoice_item # associates invoice_items of an invoice to invoice_items of an Avoir
  has_one :payment_gateway_object, as: :item

  belongs_to :object, polymorphic: true
  belongs_to :reservation, foreign_type: 'Reservation', foreign_key: 'object_id'
  belongs_to :subscription, foreign_type: 'Subscription', foreign_key: 'object_id'
  belongs_to :wallet_transaction, foreign_type: 'WalletTransaction', foreign_key: 'object_id'
  belongs_to :offer_day, foreign_type: 'OfferDay', foreign_key: 'object_id'
  belongs_to :statistic_profile_prepaid_pack, foreign_type: 'StatisticProfilePrepaidPack', foreign_key: 'object_id'

  after_create :chain_record
  after_update :log_changes

  def amount_after_coupon
    # deduct coupon discount
    coupon_service = CouponService.new
    coupon_service.ventilate(invoice.total, amount, invoice.coupon)

  # return the item amount, coupon discount deducted, if any, and VAT excluded, if applicable
  def net_amount
    # deduct VAT
    vat_service = VatHistoryService.new
    vat_rate = vat_service.invoice_vat(invoice)
    Rational(amount_after_coupon / (vat_rate / 100.00 + 1)).round.to_f

  # return the VAT amount for this item
  def vat
    amount_after_coupon - net_amount


  def log_changes
    return if Rails.env.test?
    return unless changed?

    puts "WARNING: InvoiceItem update triggered [ id: #{id}, invoice reference: #{invoice.reference} ]"
    puts '----------   changes   ----------'
    puts changes
    puts '---------------------------------'