# frozen_string_literal: true

# Settings are saved in two database tables: Settings and HistoryValues.
# Due to the way the controller updates the settings, we cannot safely use ActiveRecord's callbacks (eg. after_update, after_commit...)
# so this service provides a wrapper around these operations.
class SettingService
  def self.before_update(setting)
    return false if Rails.application.secrets.locked_settings.include? setting.name


  def self.after_update(setting)
    # update the stylesheet
    Stylesheet.theme&.rebuild! if %w[main_color secondary_color].include? setting.name
    Stylesheet.home_page&.rebuild! if setting.name == 'home_css'

    # notify about a change in privacy policy
    NotifyPrivacyUpdateWorker.perform_async(setting.id) if setting.name == 'privacy_body'

    # sync all users on stripe
    SyncMembersOnStripeWorker.perform_async(setting.history_values.last&.invoicing_profile&.user&.id) if setting.name == 'stripe_secret_key'

    # generate statistics
    PeriodStatisticsWorker.perform_async(setting.previous_update) if setting.name == 'statistics_module' && setting.value == 'true'