# elasticsearch Elasticsearch client builds for bower. # Install Install with `bower` ``` bower install elasticsearch ``` Add a ` ``` ## If you are using Angular Use `elasticsearch.angular.js` instead. This will create an `elasticsearch` module with an `esFactory` that you can use. ``` /* * create your app module, specify "elasticsearch" as a dependency */ var app = angular.module('myApp', ['elasticsearch']); /* * create a service, which provides your elasticsearch client * to other parts of your application */ app.service('es', function (esFactory) { return esFactory({ host: 'localhost:9200', // ... }); }); ``` ## If you are using jQuery Use `elasticsearch.jquery.js` instead. Rather than a global `elasticsearch` it will create a `jQuery.es` namespace. ``` var client = new $.es.Client({ hosts: 'localhost:9200' }); ``` # Submit Issues, Pull Requests, etc to [elasticsearch-js](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-js).