'use strict';

angular.module('angular-medium-editor', [])

  .directive('mediumEditor', function() {

    return {
      require: 'ngModel',
      restrict: 'AE',
      scope: { bindOptions: '=' },
      link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl) {


        // Parse options
        var opts = {},
            placeholder = '';
        var prepOpts = function() {
          if (iAttrs.options) {
            opts = scope.$eval(iAttrs.options);
          var bindOpts = {};
          if (scope.bindOptions !== undefined) {
            bindOpts = scope.bindOptions;
          opts = angular.extend(opts, bindOpts);
        placeholder = opts.placeholder;
        scope.$watch('bindOptions', function() {
          // in case options are provided after mediumEditor directive has been compiled and linked (and after $render function executed)
          // we need to re-initialize
          if (ctrl.editor) {
          // Hide placeholder when the model is not empty
          if (!ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue)) {
            opts.placeholder = '';
          ctrl.editor = new MediumEditor(iElement, opts);

        var onChange = function() {

          scope.$apply(function() {

            // If user cleared the whole text, we have to reset the editor because MediumEditor
            // lacks an API method to alter placeholder after initialization
            if (iElement.html() === '<p><br></p>' || iElement.html() === '') {
              opts.placeholder = placeholder;
              var editor = new MediumEditor(iElement, opts);


        // view -> model
        iElement.on('blur', onChange);
        iElement.on('input', onChange);
        iElement.on('paste', onChange);

        // model -> view
        ctrl.$render = function() {

          if (!this.editor) {
            // Hide placeholder when the model is not empty
            if (!ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue)) {
              opts.placeholder = '';

            this.editor = new MediumEditor(iElement, opts);

          iElement.html(ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue) ? '' : ctrl.$viewValue);
          // hide placeholder when view is not empty
          if(!ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue)) angular.element(iElement).removeClass('medium-editor-placeholder'); 

