Application.Directives.directive('booleanSetting', ['Setting', 'growl', '_t', function (Setting, growl, _t) { return ({ restrict: 'E', scope: { name: '@', label: '@', settings: '=', yesLabel: '@', noLabel: '@', classes: '@', onBeforeSave: '=' }, templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/settings/boolean.html" %>', link ($scope, element, attributes) { // The setting $scope.setting = { name: $, value: ($scope.settings[$] === 'true') }; // default values for the switch labels $scope.yesLabel = $scope.yesLabel || 'app.admin.settings.enabled'; $scope.noLabel = $scope.noLabel || 'app.admin.settings.disabled'; /** * Callback to save the setting value to the database * @param setting {{value:*, name:string}} note that the value will be stringified */ $ = function (setting) { if (typeof $scope.onBeforeSave === 'function') { const res = $scope.onBeforeSave(setting); if (res && _.isFunction(res.then)) { // res is a promise, wait for it before proceed res.then(function (success) { if (success) saveValue(setting); else resetValue(); }, function () { resetValue(); }); } else { if (res) saveValue(setting); else resetValue(); } } else { saveValue(setting); } }; /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Save the setting's new value in DB * @param setting */ const saveValue = function (setting) { const value = setting.value.toString(); Setting.update( { name: }, { value }, function () { growl.success(_t('app.admin.settings.customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved', { SETTING: _t(`app.admin.settings.${}`) })); $scope.settings[$] = value; }, function (error) { if (error.status === 304) return; growl.error(_t('app.admin.settings.an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting')); console.log(error); } ); } /** * Reset the value of the setting to its original state (when the component loads) */ const resetValue = function () { $scope.setting.value = $scope.settings[$] === 'true'; } } }); } ]);