# frozen_string_literal: true # Maintenance tasks namespace :fablab do namespace :maintenance do desc 'Regenerate the invoices PDF' task :regenerate_invoices, %i[year month] => :environment do |_task, args| year = args.year || Time.now.year month = args.month || Time.now.month start_date = Time.new(year.to_i, month.to_i, 1) end_date = start_date.next_month puts "-> Start regenerate the invoices PDF between #{I18n.l start_date, format: :long} in " \ " #{I18n.l end_date - 1.minute, format: :long}" invoices = Invoice.only_invoice .where('created_at >= :start_date AND created_at < :end_date', start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date) .order(created_at: :asc) invoices.each(&:regenerate_invoice_pdf) puts '-> Done' end desc 'recreate every versions of images' task build_images_versions: :environment do Project.find_each do |project| if project.project_image.present? && project.project_image.attachment.present? project.project_image.attachment.recreate_versions! end end ProjectStepImage.find_each do |project_step_image| project_step_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if project_step_image.present? && project_step_image.attachment.present? end Machine.find_each do |machine| machine.machine_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if machine.machine_image.present? end Event.find_each do |event| event.event_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if event.event_image.present? end end desc 'generate fixtures from db' task generate_fixtures: :environment do Rails.application.eager_load! ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject { |c| [ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration, PartnerPlan].include? c }.each do |ar_base| p "========== #{ar_base} ==============" ar_base.dump_fixtures end end end end