# frozen_string_literal: true # Provides methods for PrepaidPack class PrepaidPackService class << self def list(filters) packs = PrepaidPack.where(nil) packs = packs.where(group_id: filters[:group_id]) if filters[:group_id].present? packs = packs.where(priceable_id: filters[:priceable_id]) if filters[:priceable_id].present? packs = packs.where(priceable_type: filters[:priceable_type]) if filters[:priceable_type].present? if filters[:disabled].present? state = filters[:disabled] == 'false' ? [nil, false] : true packs = packs.where(disabled: state) end packs end # return the not expired packs for the given item bought by the given user def user_packs(user, priceable) StatisticProfilePrepaidPack .includes(:prepaid_pack) .references(:prepaid_packs) .where('statistic_profile_id = ?', user.statistic_profile.id) .where('expires_at > ?', DateTime.current) .where('prepaid_packs.priceable_id = ?', priceable.id) .where('prepaid_packs.priceable_type = ?', priceable.class.name) .where('minutes_used < prepaid_packs.minutes') end # subtract the number of used prepaid minutes from the user's count def update_user_minutes(user, reservation) # total number of minutes available in user's packs available_minutes = minutes_available(user, reservation.reservable) return if available_minutes.zero? # total number of minutes in the reservation's slots slots_minutes = reservation.slots.map do |slot| (slot.end_at.to_time - slot.start_at.to_time) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE end reservation_minutes = slots_minutes.reduce(:+) || 0 # total number of prepaid minutes used by this reservation consumed = reservation_minutes consumed = available_minutes if reservation_minutes > available_minutes # subtract the consumed minutes for user's current packs packs = user_packs(user, reservation.reservable).order(minutes_used: :desc) packs.each do |pack| pack_available = pack.prepaid_pack.minutes - pack.minutes_used remaining = pack_available - consumed remaining = 0 if remaining.negative? pack_consumed = pack.prepaid_pack.minutes - remaining pack.update_attributes(minutes_used: pack_consumed) consumed -= pack_consumed end end ## Total number of prepaid minutes available def minutes_available(user, priceable) user_packs = user_packs(user, priceable) total_available = user_packs.map { |up| up.prepaid_pack.minutes }.reduce(:+) || 0 total_used = user_packs.map(&:minutes_used).reduce(:+) || 0 total_available - total_used end end end