# full procedure to put into production a fabmanager app with Docker This README tries to describe all steps to put a fabmanager app into production on a server, based on a solution using Docker and DigitalOcean. In order to make all this stuff working, please use the same directories structure as described in this guide in your fabmanager app folder. ### docker/env Make a copy of the **env.example** and use it as a starting point. List all the environment variables needed by your application. ### docker/nginx_with_ssl.conf.example * Use nginx.conf.example especially if you are not using **SSL** * Replace **MAIN_DOMAIN** (example: fab-manager.com). * Replace **URL_WITH_PROTOCOL_HTTPS** (example: https://www.fab-manager.com). * Replace **ANOTHER_URL_1**, **ANOTHER_URL_2** (example: .fab-manager.fr) ## Things are getting serious, starting deployment process guys ### setup the server Go to **DigitalOcean** and create a Droplet with operating system coreOS **stable**. You need at least 2GB of addressable memory (RAM + swap) to install and use FabManager!. Choose datacenter. Set hostname as your domain name. ### Buy domain name and link it with the droplet 1. Buy a domain name on OVH 2. Replace IP of the domain with droplet's IP (you can enable the flexible ip and use it) 3. **Do not** fuck up trying to access your domain name right away, DNS are not aware of the change yet so **WAIT** and be patient. ### Connect to the droplet via SSH You can already connect to the server with this command: `ssh core@droplet-ip`. When DNS propagation will be done, you will be able to connect to the server with `ssh core@your-domain-name`. ### Create SWAP file in coreOS Firstly, switch to sudo and create swap file ```bash sudo -i touch /2GiB.swap chattr +C /2GiB.swap fallocate -l 2048m /2GiB.swap chmod 600 /2GiB.swap mkswap /2GiB.swap ``` Create file **/etc/systemd/system/swap.service**, filling it with the lines: ```bash [Unit] Description=Turn on swap [Service] Type=oneshot Environment="SWAPFILE=/2GiB.swap" RemainAfterExit=true ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/losetup -f ${SWAPFILE} ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh -c "/sbin/swapon $(/usr/sbin/losetup -j ${SWAPFILE} | /usr/bin/cut -d : -f 1)" ExecStop=/usr/bin/sh -c "/sbin/swapoff $(/usr/sbin/losetup -j ${SWAPFILE} | /usr/bin/cut -d : -f 1)" ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/losetup -d $(/usr/sbin/losetup -j ${SWAPFILE} | /usr/bin/cut -d : -f 1)" [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Then add service and start: ```bash systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/swap.service systemctl start swap exit ``` ### Setup folders and env file ```bash mkdir -p /home/core/fabmanager/config ``` Copy the previously customized `env` file as `/home/core/fabmanager/config/env`. ```bash mkdir -p /home/core/fabmanager/config/nginx ``` Copy the previously customized `nginx.conf` as `/home/core/fabmanager/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf`. ### Deploy dockers containers on host ```bash docker pull redis:3.0 docker pull postgres:9.4 docker pull elasticsearch:1.7 docker pull sleede/fab-manager docker run --restart=always -d --name=fabmanager-postgres -v /home/core/fabmanager/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:9.4 docker run --restart=always -d --name=fabmanager-redis -v /home/core/fabmanager/redis:/data redis:3.0 docker run --restart=always -d --name=fabmanager-elastic -v /home/core/fabmanager/elasticsearch:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data elasticsearch:1.7 ``` ### Rails specific commands #### DB CREATE ```bash docker run --rm \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-redis:redis \ --link=fabmanager-elastic:elasticsearch \ -e RAILS_ENV=production \ --env-file /home/core/fabmanager/config/env \ sleede/fab-manager \ bundle exec rake db:create ``` #### DB MIGRATE ```bash docker run --rm \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-redis:redis \ --link=fabmanager-elastic:elasticsearch \ -e RAILS_ENV=production \ --env-file /home/core/fabmanager/config/env \ sleede/fab-manager \ bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` #### DB SEED ```bash docker run --rm \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-redis:redis \ --link=fabmanager-elastic:elasticsearch \ -e RAILS_ENV=production \ --env-file /home/core/fabmanager/config/env \ sleede/fab-manager \ bundle exec rake db:seed ``` #### PREPARE ELASTIC ```bash docker run --rm \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-redis:redis \ --link=fabmanager-elastic:elasticsearch \ -e RAILS_ENV=production \ --env-file /home/core/fabmanager/config/env \ sleede/fab-manager \ bundle exec rake fablab:es_build_stats ``` #### BUILD ASSETS ```bash docker run --rm \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-redis:redis \ --link=fabmanager-elastic:elasticsearch \ -e RAILS_ENV=production \ --env-file /home/core/fabmanager/config/env \ -v /home/core/fabmanager/public/assets:/usr/src/app/public/assets \ sleede/fab-manager \ bundle exec rake assets:precompile ``` #### RUN APP ```bash docker run --restart=always -d --name=fabmanager \ -p 80:80 \ -p 443:443 \ --link=fabmanager-postgres:postgres \ --link=fabmanager-redis:redis \ --link=fabmanager-elastic:elasticsearch \ -e RAILS_ENV=production \ -e RACK_ENV=production \ --env-file /home/core/fabmanager/config/env \ -v /home/core/fabmanager/config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d \ -v /home/core/fabmanager/public/assets:/usr/src/app/public/assets \ -v /home/core/fabmanager/public/uploads:/usr/src/app/public/uploads \ -v /home/core/fabmanager/invoices:/usr/src/app/invoices \ -v /home/core/fabmanager/log:/var/log/supervisor \ sleede/fab-manager ``` ### Dockers utils #### Restart app `docker restart fabmanager-app` #### Remove app `docker rm -f fabmanager-app` #### Open a bash in the app context `docker exec -it fabmanager-app bash`