class EventsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest setup do admin = User.with_role(:admin).first login_as(admin, scope: :user) end test 'creation modification reservation and re-modification scenario' do # First, we create a new event post '/api/events', { event: { title: 'OpenLab discovery day', description: 'A day to discover the Fablab and try its machines and possibilities.', start_date: 1.week.from_now.utc, start_time: 1.week.from_now.utc.change({hour: 16}), end_date: 1.week.from_now.utc, end_time: 1.week.from_now.utc.change({hour: 20}), category_ids: [], amount: 0 } }.to_json, default_headers # Check response format & status assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body assert_equal Mime::JSON, response.content_type # Check the event was created correctly event = json_response(response.body) e = Event.where(id: event[:id]).first assert_not_nil e, 'Event was not created in database' # Check the remaining free places are not defined assert_nil e.nb_free_places, "Free places shouldn't be defined" # Then, modify the event to set a nb of places put "/api/events/#{}", { event: { title: 'OpenLab discovery day', description: 'A day to discover the Fablab and try its machines and possibilities.', start_date: 1.week.from_now.utc, start_time: 1.week.from_now.utc.change({hour: 16}), end_date: 1.week.from_now.utc, end_time: 1.week.from_now.utc.change({hour: 20}), category_ids: [], amount: 0, nb_total_places: 10 } } # Check response format & status assert_equal 200, response.status, response.body assert_equal Mime::JSON, response.content_type # Check the places numbers were updated successfully e = Event.where(id: event[:id]).first assert_equal 10, e.nb_total_places, 'Total number of places was not updated' assert_equal 10, e.nb_free_places, 'Number of free places was not updated' # Now, let's make a reservation on this event post '/api/reservations', { reservation: { user_id: User.find_by_username('pdurand').id, reservable_id:, reservable_type: 'Event', nb_reserve_places: 2, nb_reserve_reduced_places: 0, slots_attributes: [ { start_at: e.availability.start_at, end_at: e.availability.end_at, availability_id:, offered: false } ] } }.to_json, default_headers # Check response format & status assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body assert_equal Mime::JSON, response.content_type # Check the remaining places were updated successfully e = Event.where(id: event[:id]).first assert_equal 8, e.nb_free_places, 'Number of free places was not updated' # Finally, modify the event to add some places put "/api/events/#{}", { event: { title: 'OpenLab discovery day', description: 'A day to discover the Fablab and try its machines and possibilities.', start_date: 1.week.from_now.utc, start_time: 1.week.from_now.utc.change({hour: 16}), end_date: 1.week.from_now.utc, end_time: 1.week.from_now.utc.change({hour: 20}), category_ids: [], amount: 0, nb_total_places: 20 } } # Check response format & status assert_equal 200, response.status, response.body assert_equal Mime::JSON, response.content_type # Check the places numbers were updated successfully e = Event.where(id: event[:id]).first assert_equal 20, e.nb_total_places, 'Total number of places was not updated' assert_equal 18, e.nb_free_places, 'Number of free places was not updated' end end