angular-scroll ============== Angular is only dependency (no jQuery). 8K minified or 2K gzipped. Example ------- Check out [the live demo]( or the [source code]( Install ------- #### With bower: $ bower install angular-scroll #### With npm (for use with browserify): $ npm install angular-scroll You can also download the [production version]( the [development version]( If you prefer a CDN hosted version (which might speed up your load times), check out []( Don't forget to add `duScroll` to your module dependencies. `angular.element` Scroll API ---------------------------- This module extends the `angular.element` object with a few jQuery like functions. Note that `$document` is an `angular.element`, for usage example see below. In case of name collisions existing jQuery or jqlite functions will be preserved, just use the prefixed version: ie `.duScrollTo()` instead of `.scrollTo()`. #### `.scrollTo( left, top [, duration [, easing ] ] )` Scrolls the element/window to the specified left/top position. If `duration` is specified the scrolling is animated for n milliseconds. If `easing` is ommited the animation will default to the `duScrollEasing` function. #### `.scrollTo( element [, offset, [, duration [, easing ] ] ] )` Alias of `.scrollToElement`. #### `.scrollToElement( element [, offset, [, duration [, easing ] ] ] )` Scrolls to the specified element, if `offset` is passed it will be subtracted from the elements position which is good if one uses floating menus. #### `.scrollToElementAnimated( element [, offset, [, duration [, easing ] ] ] )` Convenience function. Works exactly the same as `scrollToElement` but uses the default values from `duScrollOffset`, `duScrollDuration` and `duScrollEasing` unless otherwise specified. #### `.scrollTop|scrollLeft( )` Returns current scroll position. #### `.scrollTop|scrollLeft( top [, duration [, easing ] ] )` Scrolls to specified position in either axis, with optional animation. #### `.scrollTopAnimated|scrollLeftAnimated( top [, duration [, easing ] ] )` Convenience function like `scrollToElementAnimated` but for `scrollTop`/`scrollLeft`. #### Promises Animated scrolling returns a `$q` promise, it will resolve when the scrolling has finished or be rejected if cancelled (by starting another scroll animation before it finished). #### Example ```js angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']). controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $document) { var top = 400; var duration = 2000; //milliseconds //Scroll to the exact position $document.scrollTop(top, duration).then(function() { console && console.log('You just scrolled to the top!'); }); var offset = 30; //pixels; adjust for floating menu, context etc //Scroll to #some-id with 30 px "padding" //Note: Use this in a directive, not with document.getElementById var someElement = angular.element(document.getElementById('some-id')); $document.scrollToElement(someElement, offset, duration); } ); ``` The above example can be achieved by configuration instead of arguments: ```js angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']) .value('duScrollDuration', 2000) .value('duScrollOffset', 30) .controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $document) { $document.scrollTopAnimated(400).then(function() { console && console.log('You just scrolled to the top!'); }); var someElement = angular.element(document.getElementById('some-id')); $document.scrollToElementAnimated(someElement); } ); ``` Directives ---------- ### `du-smooth-scroll` Provides smooth anchor scrolling. ```html Scroll it! ``` ### `du-scrollspy` Observes whether the target element is at the top of the viewport (or container) and adds an `active` class if so. Takes optional `offset` and `duration` attributes which is passed on to `.scrollTo`, ```html Am i active? ``` or together with Bootstrap ```html
``` ### `du-spy-context` Enables multiple sets of spies on the same target element. Takes optional `offset` attribute to ```html ``` ### `du-scroll-container` Modifies behavior of `du-scrollspy` and `du-smooth-scroll` to observe/scroll within and element instead of the window/document. Good for modals/elements with `overflow: auto/scroll`. ```htmlThis is the top
Scroll to me, or the top