# frozen_string_literal: true # User is a physical or moral person with its authentication parameters # It is linked to the Profile model with hold informations about this person (like address, name, etc.) class User < ActiveRecord::Base include NotifyWith::NotificationReceiver include NotifyWith::NotificationAttachedObject # Include default devise modules. Others available are: # :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :confirmable rolify # enable OmniAuth authentication only if needed devise :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [AuthProvider.active.strategy_name.to_sym] unless AuthProvider.active.providable_type == DatabaseProvider.name extend FriendlyId friendly_id :username, use: :slugged has_one :profile, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :profile has_one :invoicing_profile, dependent: :nullify accepts_nested_attributes_for :invoicing_profile has_one :statistic_profile, dependent: :nullify accepts_nested_attributes_for :statistic_profile has_many :my_projects, foreign_key: :author_id, class_name: 'Project', dependent: :destroy has_many :project_users, dependent: :destroy has_many :projects, through: :project_users has_many :reservations, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :reservations, allow_destroy: true # Trainings that were already passed has_many :user_trainings, dependent: :destroy has_many :trainings, through: :user_trainings belongs_to :group has_many :subscriptions, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :subscriptions, allow_destroy: true has_many :users_credits, dependent: :destroy has_many :credits, through: :users_credits has_many :training_credits, through: :users_credits, source: :training_credit has_many :machine_credits, through: :users_credits, source: :machine_credit has_many :operated_invoices, foreign_key: :operator_id, class_name: 'Invoice', dependent: :nullify has_many :user_tags, dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, through: :user_tags accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, allow_destroy: true has_many :exports, dependent: :destroy # fix for create admin user before_save do email&.downcase! end before_create :assign_default_role after_commit :create_stripe_customer, on: [:create] after_commit :notify_admin_when_user_is_created, on: :create after_update :notify_group_changed, if: :group_id_changed? after_save :update_invoicing_profile, if: :invoicing_data_was_modified? after_save :update_statistic_profile, if: :statistic_data_was_modified? attr_accessor :cgu delegate :first_name, to: :profile delegate :last_name, to: :profile validate :cgu_must_accept, if: :new_record? validates :username, presence: true, uniqueness: true, length: { maximum: 30 } scope :active, -> { where(is_active: true) } scope :without_subscription, -> { includes(:subscriptions).where(subscriptions: { user_id: nil }) } scope :with_subscription, -> { joins(:subscriptions) } def to_json(*) ApplicationController.new.view_context.render( partial: 'api/members/member', locals: { member: self }, formats: [:json], handlers: [:jbuilder] ) end def self.admins User.with_role(:admin) end def self.superadmin return unless Rails.application.secrets.superadmin_email.present? User.find_by(email: Rails.application.secrets.superadmin_email) end def training_machine?(machine) return true if admin? trainings.map(&:machines).flatten.uniq.include?(machine) end def training_reservation_by_machine(machine) reservations.where(reservable_type: 'Training', reservable_id: machine.trainings.map(&:id)).first end def subscribed_plan return nil if subscription.nil? || subscription.expired_at < Time.now subscription.plan end def subscription subscriptions.order(:created_at).last end def admin? has_role? :admin end def member? has_role? :member end def all_projects my_projects.to_a.concat projects end def invoices invoicing_profile.invoices end def wallet invoicing_profile.wallet end def wallet_transactions invoicing_profile.wallet_transactions end def generate_subscription_invoice(operator_id) return unless subscription subscription.generate_and_save_invoice(operator_id) end def stripe_customer Stripe::Customer.retrieve stp_customer_id end def soft_destroy update_attribute(:is_active, false) uninvolve_from_projects end def uninvolve_from_projects my_projects.destroy_all project_users.destroy_all end def active_for_authentication? super && is_active? end def self.from_omniauth(auth) active_provider = AuthProvider.active raise SecurityError, 'The identity provider does not match the activated one' if active_provider.strategy_name != auth.provider where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first_or_create.tap do |user| # execute this regardless of whether record exists or not (-> User#tap) # this will init or update the user thanks to the information retrieved from the SSO user.profile ||= Profile.new auth.info.mapping.each do |key, value| user.set_data_from_sso_mapping(key, value) end user.password = Devise.friendly_token[0,20] end end def need_completion? statistic_profile.gender.nil? || profile.first_name.blank? || profile.last_name.blank? || username.blank? || email.blank? || encrypted_password.blank? || group_id.nil? || statistic_profile.birthday.blank? || profile.phone.blank? end ## Retrieve the requested data in the User and user's Profile tables ## @param sso_mapping {String} must be of form 'user._field_' or 'profile._field_'. Eg. 'user.email' def get_data_from_sso_mapping(sso_mapping) parsed = /^(user|profile)\.(.+)$/.match(sso_mapping) if parsed[1] == 'user' self[parsed[2].to_sym] elsif parsed[1] == 'profile' case sso_mapping when 'profile.avatar' profile.user_avatar.remote_attachment_url when 'profile.address' invoicing_profile.address.address when 'profile.organization_name' invoicing_profile.organization.name when 'profile.organization_address' invoicing_profile.organization.address.address else profile[parsed[2].to_sym] end end end ## Set some data on the current user, according to the sso_key given ## @param sso_mapping {String} must be of form 'user._field_' or 'profile._field_'. Eg. 'user.email' ## @param data {*} the data to put in the given key. Eg. 'user@example.com' def set_data_from_sso_mapping(sso_mapping, data) if sso_mapping.to_s.start_with? 'user.' self[sso_mapping[5..-1].to_sym] = data unless data.nil? elsif sso_mapping.to_s.start_with? 'profile.' case sso_mapping.to_s when 'profile.avatar' profile.user_avatar ||= UserAvatar.new profile.user_avatar.remote_attachment_url = data when 'profile.address' invoicing_profile.address ||= Address.new invoicing_profile.address.address = data when 'profile.organization_name' invoicing_profile.organization ||= Organization.new invoicing_profile.organization.name = data when 'profile.organization_address' invoicing_profile.organization ||= Organization.new invoicing_profile.organization.address ||= Address.new invoicing_profile.organization.address.address = data else profile[sso_mapping[8..-1].to_sym] = data unless data.nil? end end end ## used to allow the migration of existing users between authentication providers def generate_auth_migration_token update_attributes(auth_token: Devise.friendly_token) end ## link the current user to the given provider (omniauth attributes hash) ## and remove the auth_token to mark his account as "migrated" def link_with_omniauth_provider(auth) active_provider = AuthProvider.active raise SecurityError, 'The identity provider does not match the activated one' if active_provider.strategy_name != auth.provider if User.where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).size.positive? raise DuplicateIndexError, "This #{active_provider.name} account is already linked to an existing user" end update_attributes(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid, auth_token: nil) end ## Merge the provided User's SSO details into the current user and drop the provided user to ensure the unity ## @param sso_user {User} the provided user will be DELETED after the merge was successful def merge_from_sso(sso_user) # update the attributes to link the account to the sso account self.provider = sso_user.provider self.uid = sso_user.uid # remove the token self.auth_token = nil self.merged_at = DateTime.now # check that the email duplication was resolved if sso_user.email.end_with? '-duplicate' email_addr = sso_user.email.match(/^<([^>]+)>.{20}-duplicate$/)[1] raise(DuplicateIndexError, email_addr) unless email_addr == email end # update the user's profile to set the data managed by the SSO auth_provider = AuthProvider.from_strategy_name(sso_user.provider) auth_provider.sso_fields.each do |field| value = sso_user.get_data_from_sso_mapping(field) # we do not merge the email field if its end with the special value '-duplicate' as this means # that the user is currently merging with the account that have the same email than the sso set_data_from_sso_mapping(field, value) unless field == 'user.email' && value.end_with?('-duplicate') end # run the account transfer in an SQL transaction to ensure data integrity User.transaction do # remove the temporary account sso_user.destroy # finally, save the new details save! end end def self.mapping # we protect some fields as they are designed to be managed by the system and must not be updated externally blacklist = %w[id encrypted_password reset_password_token reset_password_sent_at remember_created_at sign_in_count current_sign_in_at last_sign_in_at current_sign_in_ip last_sign_in_ip confirmation_token confirmed_at confirmation_sent_at unconfirmed_email failed_attempts unlock_token locked_at created_at updated_at stp_customer_id slug provider auth_token merged_at] User.column_types .map { |k, v| [k, v.type.to_s] } .delete_if { |col| blacklist.include?(col[0]) } end protected def confirmation_required? false end private def assign_default_role add_role(:member) if roles.blank? end def cached_has_role?(role) roles = Rails.cache.fetch( roles_for: { object_id: object_id }, expires_in: 1.day, race_condition_ttl: 2.seconds ) { roles.map(&:name) } roles.include?(role.to_s) end def cgu_must_accept errors.add(:cgu, I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.empty')) if cgu == '0' end def create_stripe_customer StripeWorker.perform_async(:create_stripe_customer, id) end def send_devise_notification(notification, *args) devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args).deliver_later end def notify_admin_when_user_is_created if need_completion? && !provider.nil? NotificationCenter.call type: 'notify_admin_when_user_is_imported', receiver: User.admins, attached_object: self else NotificationCenter.call type: 'notify_admin_when_user_is_created', receiver: User.admins, attached_object: self end end def notify_group_changed return if changes[:group_id].first.nil? ex_group = Group.find(changes[:group_id].first) meta_data = { ex_group_name: ex_group.name } NotificationCenter.call type: :notify_admin_user_group_changed, receiver: User.admins, attached_object: self, meta_data: meta_data NotificationCenter.call type: :notify_user_user_group_changed, receiver: self, attached_object: self end def invoicing_data_was_modified? email_changed? or new_record? end def statistic_data_was_modified? group_id_changed? or new_record? end def update_invoicing_profile if invoicing_profile.nil? InvoicingProfile.create!( user: self, email: email ) else invoicing_profile.update_attributes( email: email ) end end def update_statistic_profile if statistic_profile.nil? StatisticProfile.create!( user: self, group_id: group_id ) else statistic_profile.update_attributes( group_id: group_id ) end end end