'use strict' Application.Controllers.controller "EventsController", ["$scope", "$state", 'Event', 'categoriesPromise', 'themesPromise', 'ageRangesPromise' , ($scope, $state, Event, categoriesPromise, themesPromise, ageRangesPromise) -> ### PUBLIC SCOPE ### ## The events displayed on the page $scope.events = [] ## The currently displayed page number $scope.page = 1 ## List of categories for the events $scope.categories = categoriesPromise ## List of events themes $scope.themes = themesPromise ## List of age ranges $scope.ageRanges = ageRangesPromise ## Hide or show the 'load more' button $scope.noMoreResults = false ## Active filters for the events list $scope.filters = category_id: null theme_id: null age_range_id: null ## # Adds a resultset of events to the bottom of the page, grouped by month ## $scope.loadMoreEvents = -> Event.query Object.assign({page: $scope.page}, $scope.filters), (data) -> $scope.events = $scope.events.concat data groupEvents($scope.events) $scope.page += 1 if (!data[0] || data[0].nb_total_events <= $scope.events.length) $scope.noMoreResults = true ## # Callback to redirect the user to the specified event page # @param event {{id:number}} ## $scope.showEvent = (event) -> $state.go('app.public.events_show', {id: event.id}) ## # Callback to refresh the events list according to the filters set ## $scope.filterEvents = -> # reinitialize results datasets $scope.page = 1 $scope.eventsGroupByMonth = {} $scope.events = [] $scope.monthOrder = [] $scope.noMoreResults = false # run a search query Event.query Object.assign({page: $scope.page}, $scope.filters), (data) -> $scope.events = data groupEvents(data) $scope.page += 1 if (!data[0] || data[0].nb_total_events <= $scope.events.length) $scope.noMoreResults = true ## # Test if the provided event occurs on a single day or on many days # @param event {{start_date:Date, end_date:Date}} Event object as retreived from the API # @return {boolean} false if the event occurs on many days ## $scope.onSingleDay = (event) -> moment(event.start_date).isSame(event.end_date, 'day') ### PRIVATE SCOPE ### ## # Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded ## initialize = -> $scope.filterEvents() ## # Group the provided events by month/year and concat them with existing results # Then compute the ordered list of months for the complete resultset. # Affect the resulting events groups in $scope.eventsGroupByMonth and the ordered month keys in $scope.monthOrder. # @param {Array} Events retrived from the API ## groupEvents = (events) -> if events.length > 0 eventsGroupedByMonth = _.groupBy(events, (obj) -> _.map ['month', 'year'], (key, value) -> obj[key] ) $scope.eventsGroupByMonth = Object.assign($scope.eventsGroupByMonth, eventsGroupedByMonth) monthsOrder = _.sortBy _.keys($scope.eventsGroupByMonth), (k)-> monthYearArray = k.split(',') date = new Date() date.setMonth(monthYearArray[0]) date.setYear(monthYearArray[1]) return -date.getTime() $scope.monthOrder = monthsOrder ## !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller initialize() ] Application.Controllers.controller "ShowEventController", ["$scope", "$state", "$stateParams", "Event", '$uibModal', 'Member', 'Reservation', 'Price', 'CustomAsset', 'eventPromise', 'reducedAmountAlert', 'growl', '_t', 'Wallet', 'helpers', ($scope, $state, $stateParams, Event, $uibModal, Member, Reservation, Price, CustomAsset, eventPromise, reducedAmountAlert, growl, _t, Wallet, helpers) -> ### PUBLIC SCOPE ### $scope.reducedAmountAlert = reducedAmountAlert.setting.value ## reservations for the currently shown event $scope.reservations = [] ## user to deal with $scope.ctrl = member: {} ## parameters for a new reservation $scope.reserve = nbPlaces: [] nbReducedPlaces: [] nbReservePlaces: 0 nbReserveReducedPlaces: 0 toReserve: false amountTotal : 0 # get the details for the current event (event's id is recovered from the current URL) $scope.event = eventPromise ## # Callback to delete the provided event (admins only) # @param event {$resource} angular's Event $resource ## $scope.deleteEvent = (event) -> event.$delete -> $state.go('app.public.events_list') ## # Callback to call when the number of places change in the current booking ## $scope.changeNbPlaces = -> reste = $scope.event.nb_free_places - $scope.reserve.nbReservePlaces $scope.reserve.nbReducedPlaces = [0..reste] $scope.computeEventAmount() ## # Callback to call when the number of discounted places change in the current booking ## $scope.changeNbReducedPlaces = -> reste = $scope.event.nb_free_places - $scope.reserve.nbReserveReducedPlaces $scope.reserve.nbPlaces = [0..reste] $scope.computeEventAmount() ## # Callback to reset the current reservation parameters # @param e {Object} see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression#-event- ## $scope.cancelReserve = (e)-> e.preventDefault() resetEventReserve() ## # Callback to allow the user to set the details for his reservation ## $scope.reserveEvent = -> if $scope.event.nb_total_places > 0 $scope.reserveSuccess = false if !$scope.isAuthenticated() $scope.login null, (user)-> $scope.reserve.toReserve = !$scope.reserve.toReserve if user.role isnt 'admin' $scope.ctrl.member = user else $scope.reserve.toReserve = !$scope.reserve.toReserve ## # Callback to deal with the reservations of the user selected in the dropdown list instead of the current user's # reservations. (admins only) ## $scope.updateMember = -> resetEventReserve() $scope.reserveSuccess = false if $scope.ctrl.member Member.get {id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}, (member) -> $scope.ctrl.member = member getReservations($scope.event.id, 'Event', $scope.ctrl.member.id) ## # Callback to trigger the payment process of the current reservation ## $scope.payEvent = -> # first, we check that a user was selected if Object.keys($scope.ctrl.member).length > 0 reservation = mkReservation($scope.ctrl.member, $scope.reserve, $scope.event) Wallet.getWalletByUser {user_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}, (wallet) -> amountToPay = helpers.getAmountToPay($scope.reserve.amountTotal, wallet.amount) if $scope.currentUser.role isnt 'admin' and amountToPay > 0 payByStripe(reservation) else if $scope.currentUser.role is 'admin' or amountToPay is 0 payOnSite(reservation) else # otherwise we alert, this error musn't occur when the current user is not admin growl.error(_t('please_select_a_member_first')) ## # Callback to validate the booking of a free event ## $scope.validReserveEvent = -> reservation = user_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id reservable_id: $scope.event.id reservable_type: 'Event' slots_attributes: [] nb_reserve_places: $scope.reserve.nbReservePlaces nb_reserve_reduced_places: $scope.reserve.nbReserveReducedPlaces reservation.slots_attributes.push start_at: $scope.event.start_date end_at: $scope.event.end_date availability_id: $scope.event.availability.id $scope.attempting = true Reservation.save reservation: reservation, (reservation) -> afterPayment(reservation) $scope.attempting = false , (response)-> $scope.alerts = [] $scope.alerts.push msg: response.data.card[0] type: 'danger' $scope.attempting = false ## # Callback to alter an already booked reservation date. A modal window will be opened to allow the user to choose # a new date for his reservation (if any available) # @param reservation {{id:number, reservable_id:number, nb_reserve_places:number, nb_reserve_reduced_places:number}} # @param e {Object} see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression#-event- ## $scope.modifyReservation = (reservation, e)-> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() index = $scope.reservations.indexOf(reservation) $uibModal.open templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "events/modify_event_reservation_modal.html" %>' resolve: event: -> $scope.event reservation: -> reservation controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'event', 'reservation', 'Reservation', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, event, reservation, Reservation) -> # we copy the controller's resolved parameters into the scope $scope.event = event $scope.reservation = angular.copy reservation # set the reservable_id to the first available event for e in event.recurrence_events if e.nb_free_places > (reservation.nb_reserve_places + reservation.nb_reserve_reduced_places) $scope.reservation.reservable_id = e.id break # Callback to validate the new reservation's date $scope.ok = -> eventToPlace = null angular.forEach event.recurrence_events, (e)-> if e.id is parseInt($scope.reservation.reservable_id, 10) eventToPlace = e $scope.reservation.slots[0].start_at = eventToPlace.start_date $scope.reservation.slots[0].end_at = eventToPlace.end_date $scope.reservation.slots[0].availability_id = eventToPlace.availability_id $scope.reservation.slots_attributes = $scope.reservation.slots $scope.attempting = true Reservation.update {id: reservation.id}, {reservation: $scope.reservation}, (reservation) -> $uibModalInstance.close(reservation) $scope.attempting = true , (response)-> $scope.alerts = [] angular.forEach response, (v, k)-> angular.forEach v, (err)-> $scope.alerts.push({msg: k+': '+err, type: 'danger'}) $scope.attempting = false # Callback to cancel the modification $scope.cancel = -> $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel') ] .result['finally'](null).then (reservation)-> $scope.reservations.splice(index, 1) $scope.event.nb_free_places = $scope.event.nb_free_places + reservation.nb_reserve_places + reservation.nb_reserve_reduced_places angular.forEach $scope.event.recurrence_events, (e)-> if e.id is parseInt(reservation.reservable_id, 10) e.nb_free_places = e.nb_free_places - reservation.nb_reserve_places - reservation.nb_reserve_reduced_places ## # Checks if the provided reservation is able to be modified # @param reservation {{nb_reserve_places:number, nb_reserve_reduced_places:number}} ## $scope.reservationCanModify = (reservation)-> isAble = false angular.forEach $scope.event.recurrence_events, (e)-> isAble = true if e.nb_free_places > (reservation.nb_reserve_places + reservation.nb_reserve_reduced_places) isAble ## # Compute the total amount for the current reservation according to the previously set parameters # and assign the result in $scope.reserve.amountTotal ## $scope.computeEventAmount = -> # first we check that a user was selected if Object.keys($scope.ctrl.member).length > 0 r = mkReservation($scope.ctrl.member, $scope.reserve, $scope.event) Price.compute {reservation: r}, (res) -> $scope.reserve.amountTotal = res.price else $scope.reserve.amountTotal = null ### PRIVATE SCOPE ### ## # Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded ## initialize = -> # gather the current user or the list of users if the current user is an admin if $scope.currentUser if $scope.currentUser.role isnt 'admin' $scope.ctrl.member = $scope.currentUser # check that the event's reduced rate is initialized if !$scope.event.reduced_amount $scope.event.reduced_amount = 0 # initialize the "reserve" object with the event's data $scope.reserve.nbPlaces = [0..$scope.event.nb_free_places] $scope.reserve.nbReducedPlaces = [0..$scope.event.nb_free_places] # if non-admin, get the current user's reservations into $scope.reservations if $scope.currentUser getReservations($scope.event.id, 'Event', $scope.currentUser.id) ## # Retrieve the reservations for the couple event / user # @param reservable_id {number} the current event id # @param reservable_type {string} 'Event' # @param user_id {number} the user's id (current or managed) ## getReservations = (reservable_id, reservable_type, user_id)-> Reservation.query(reservable_id: reservable_id, reservable_type: reservable_type, user_id: user_id).$promise.then (reservations)-> $scope.reservations = reservations ## # Create an hash map implementing the Reservation specs # @param member {Object} User as retreived from the API: current user / selected user if current is admin # @param reserve {Object} Reservation parameters (places...) # @param event {Object} Current event # @return {{user_id:Number, reservable_id:Number, reservable_type:String, slots_attributes:Array, nb_reserve_places:Number, nb_reserve_reduced_places:Number}} ## mkReservation = (member, reserve, event) -> reservation = user_id: member.id reservable_id: event.id reservable_type: 'Event' slots_attributes: [] nb_reserve_places: reserve.nbReservePlaces nb_reserve_reduced_places: reserve.nbReserveReducedPlaces reservation.slots_attributes.push start_at: event.start_date end_at: event.end_date availability_id: event.availability.id offered: event.offered || false reservation ## # Set the current reservation to the default values. This implies to reservation form to be hidden. ## resetEventReserve = -> if $scope.event $scope.reserve = nbPlaces: [0..$scope.event.nb_free_places] nbReducedPlaces: [0..$scope.event.nb_free_places] nbReservePlaces: 0 nbReserveReducedPlaces: 0 toReserve: false amountTotal : 0 $scope.event.offered = false ## # Open a modal window which trigger the stripe payment process # @param reservation {Object} to book ## payByStripe = (reservation) -> $uibModal.open templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "stripe/payment_modal.html" %>' size: 'md' resolve: reservation: -> reservation price: -> Price.compute({reservation: reservation}).$promise wallet: -> Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise cgv: -> CustomAsset.get({name: 'cgv-file'}).$promise objectToPay: -> eventToReserve: $scope.event reserve: $scope.reserve member: $scope.ctrl.member controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'growl', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, cgv, Auth, Reservation, growl, wallet, helpers, $locale, $filter) -> # user wallet amount $scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount # Price $scope.amount = helpers.getAmountToPay(price.price, wallet.amount) # CGV $scope.cgv = cgv.custom_asset # Reservation $scope.reservation = reservation $scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM $scope.numberFilter = $filter('number') # Callback for the stripe payment authorization $scope.payment = (status, response) -> if response.error growl.error(response.error.message) else $scope.attempting = true $scope.reservation.card_token = response.id Reservation.save reservation: $scope.reservation, (reservation) -> $uibModalInstance.close(reservation) , (response)-> $scope.alerts = [] $scope.alerts.push msg: response.data.card[0] type: 'danger' $scope.attempting = false ] .result['finally'](null).then (reservation)-> afterPayment(reservation) ## # Open a modal window which trigger the local payment process # @param reservation {Object} to book ## payOnSite = (reservation) -> $uibModal.open templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/valid_reservation_modal.html" %>' size: 'sm' resolve: reservation: -> reservation price: -> Price.compute({reservation: reservation}).$promise wallet: -> Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', '$locale', 'helpers', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, Auth, Reservation, wallet, $locale, helpers, $filter) -> # user wallet amount $scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount # Price $scope.price = price.price # price to pay $scope.amount = helpers.getAmountToPay(price.price, wallet.amount) # Reservation $scope.reservation = reservation $scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM $scope.numberFilter = $filter('number') # Button label if $scope.amount > 0 $scope.validButtonName = _t('confirm_payment_of_html', {ROLE:$scope.currentUser.role, AMOUNT:$filter('currency')($scope.amount)}, "messageformat") else if price.price > 0 and $scope.walletAmount == 0 $scope.validButtonName = _t('confirm_payment_of_html', {ROLE:$scope.currentUser.role, AMOUNT:$filter('currency')(price.price)}, "messageformat") else $scope.validButtonName = _t('confirm') # Callback to validate the payment $scope.ok = -> $scope.attempting = true Reservation.save reservation: $scope.reservation, (reservation) -> $uibModalInstance.close(reservation) $scope.attempting = true , (response)-> $scope.alerts = [] angular.forEach response, (v, k)-> angular.forEach v, (err)-> $scope.alerts.push msg: k+': '+err type: 'danger' $scope.attempting = false # Callback to cancel the payment $scope.cancel = -> $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel') ] .result['finally'](null).then (reservation)-> afterPayment(reservation) ## # What to do after the payment was successful # @param resveration {Object} booked reservation ## afterPayment = (reservation)-> $scope.event.nb_free_places = $scope.event.nb_free_places - reservation.nb_reserve_places - reservation.nb_reserve_reduced_places resetEventReserve() $scope.reserveSuccess = true $scope.reservations.push reservation if $scope.currentUser.role == 'admin' $scope.ctrl.member = null ## !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller initialize() ]