'use strict' Application.Controllers.controller "PlansIndexController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$state", '$uibModal', 'Auth', 'dialogs', 'growl', 'plansPromise', 'groupsPromise', 'Subscription', 'Member', 'subscriptionExplicationsPromise', '_t', 'Wallet', 'helpers' , ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $uibModal, Auth, dialogs, growl, plansPromise, groupsPromise, Subscription, Member, subscriptionExplicationsPromise, _t, Wallet, helpers) -> ### PUBLIC SCOPE ### ## list of groups $scope.groups = groupsPromise ## default : do not show the group changing form ## group ID of the current/selected user $scope.group = change: false id: null ## list of plans, classified by group $scope.plansClassifiedByGroup = [] for group in groupsPromise groupObj = { id: group.id, name: group.name, plans: [] } for plan in plansPromise groupObj.plans.push(plan) if plan.group_id == group.id $scope.plansClassifiedByGroup.push(groupObj) ## user to deal with $scope.ctrl = member: null member_id: null ## already subscribed plan of the current user $scope.paidPlan = null ## plan to subscribe (shopping cart) $scope.selectedPlan = null ## text that appears in the bottom-right box of the page (subscriptions rules details) $scope.subscriptionExplicationsAlert = subscriptionExplicationsPromise.setting.value ## # Callback to deal with the subscription of the user selected in the dropdown list instead of the current user's # subscription. (admins only) ## $scope.updateMember = -> $scope.selectedPlan = null $scope.paidPlan = null $scope.group.change = false Member.get {id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}, (member) -> $scope.ctrl.member = member $scope.group.id = $scope.ctrl.member.group_id ## # Add the provided plan to the shopping basket # @param plan {Object} The plan to subscribe to ## $scope.selectPlan = (plan) -> if $scope.isAuthenticated() if $scope.selectedPlan != plan $scope.selectedPlan = plan else $scope.selectedPlan = null else $scope.login() ## # Callback to trigger the payment process of the subscription ## $scope.openSubscribePlanModal = -> Wallet.getWalletByUser {user_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}, (wallet) -> amountToPay = helpers.getAmountToPay($scope.selectedPlan.amount, wallet.amount) if $scope.currentUser.role isnt 'admin' and amountToPay > 0 payByStripe() else if $scope.currentUser.role is 'admin' or amountToPay is 0 payOnSite() ## # Return the group object, identified by the ID set in $scope.group.id ## $scope.getUserGroup = -> for group in $scope.groups if group.id == $scope.group.id return group ## # Change the group of the current/selected user to the one set in $scope.group.id ## $scope.selectGroup = -> Member.update {id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}, {user: {group_id: $scope.group.id}}, (user) -> $scope.ctrl.member = user $scope.group.change = false if $scope.currentUser.role isnt 'admin' $rootScope.currentUser = user Auth._currentUser.group_id = user.group_id growl.success(_t('your_group_was_successfully_changed')) else growl.success(_t('the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed')) , (err) -> if $scope.currentUser.role isnt 'admin' growl.error(_t('an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed')) else growl.error(_t('an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group')) console.error(err) ## # Return an enumerable meaninful string for the gender of the provider user # @param user {Object} Database user record # @return {string} 'male' or 'female' ## $scope.getGender = (user) -> if user and user.profile if user.profile.gender == "true" then 'male' else 'female' else 'other' ## # Test if the provided date is in the future # @param dateTime {Date} # @return {boolean} ## $scope.isInFuture = (dateTime)-> if moment().diff(moment(dateTime)) < 0 true else false ### PRIVATE SCOPE ### ## # Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded ## initialize = -> if $scope.currentUser if $scope.currentUser.role isnt 'admin' $scope.ctrl.member = $scope.currentUser $scope.paidPlan = $scope.currentUser.subscribed_plan $scope.group.id = $scope.currentUser.group_id $scope.$on 'devise:new-session', (event, user)-> $scope.ctrl.member = user ## # Open a modal window which trigger the stripe payment process ## payByStripe = -> $uibModal.open templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "stripe/payment_modal.html" %>' size: 'md' resolve: selectedPlan: -> $scope.selectedPlan member: -> $scope.ctrl.member wallet: -> Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}).$promise controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'selectedPlan', 'member', 'Subscription', 'CustomAsset', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, selectedPlan, member, Subscription, CustomAsset, wallet, helpers, $locale, $filter) -> # user wallet amount $scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount $scope.amount = helpers.getAmountToPay(selectedPlan.amount, wallet.amount) $scope.selectedPlan = selectedPlan $scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM $scope.numberFilter = $filter('number') # retrieve the CGV CustomAsset.get {name: 'cgv-file'}, (cgv) -> $scope.cgv = cgv.custom_asset $scope.payment = (status, response) -> if response.error growl.error(response.error.message) else $scope.attempting = true Subscription.save subscription: plan_id: selectedPlan.id user_id: member.id card_token: response.id , (data, status) -> # success $uibModalInstance.close(data) , (data, status) -> # failed $scope.alerts = [] $scope.alerts.push({msg: _t('an_error_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later'), type: 'danger' }) $scope.attempting = false ] .result['finally'](null).then (subscription)-> $scope.ctrl.member.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan) Auth._currentUser.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan) $scope.paidPlan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan) $scope.selectedPlan = null ## # Open a modal window which trigger the local payment process ## payOnSite = -> $uibModal.open templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "plans/payment_modal.html" %>' size: 'sm' resolve: selectedPlan: -> $scope.selectedPlan member: -> $scope.ctrl.member wallet: -> Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}).$promise controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'selectedPlan', 'member', 'Subscription', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, selectedPlan, member, Subscription, wallet, helpers, $locale, $filter) -> # user wallet amount $scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount $scope.price = selectedPlan.amount # price to pay $scope.amount = helpers.getAmountToPay($scope.price, wallet.amount) $scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM $scope.numberFilter = $filter('number') $scope.plan = selectedPlan $scope.member = member # Button label if $scope.amount > 0 $scope.validButtonName = "#{_t('confirm_my_payment_of_')} #{$filter('currency')($scope.amount)}" else if $scope.price > 0 $scope.validButtonName = "#{_t('confirm_my_payment_of_')} #{$filter('currency')($scope.price)}" else $scope.validButtonName = _t('confirm') $scope.ok = -> $scope.attempting = true Subscription.save subscription: plan_id: selectedPlan.id user_id: member.id , (data, status) -> # success $uibModalInstance.close(data) , (data, status) -> # failed $scope.alerts = [] $scope.alerts.push({msg: _t('an_error_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later'), type: 'danger' }) $scope.attempting = false $scope.cancel = -> $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel') ] .result['finally'](null).then (reservation)-> $scope.ctrl.member.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan) Auth._currentUser.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan) index = $scope.members.indexOf($scope.ctrl.member) $scope.members.splice(index, 1) $scope.ctrl.member = null $scope.paidPlan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan) $scope.selectedPlan = null ## !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller initialize() ]