# frozen_string_literal: true require 'abstract_controller' require 'action_controller' require 'action_view' require 'active_record' # require any helpers require './app/helpers/application_helper' class StatisticsExportService def export_global(export) # query all stats with range arguments query = MultiJson.load(export.query) @results = Elasticsearch::Model.client.search(index: 'stats', scroll: '30s', body: query) scroll_id = @results['_scroll_id'] while @results['hits']['hits'].size != @results['hits']['total'] scroll_res = Elasticsearch::Model.client.scroll(scroll: '30s', scroll_id: scroll_id) @results['hits']['hits'].concat(scroll_res['hits']['hits']) scroll_id = scroll_res['_scroll_id'] end ids = @results['hits']['hits'].map { |u| u['_source']['userId'] } @users = User.includes(:profile).where(id: ids) @indices = StatisticIndex.all.includes(:statistic_fields, statistic_types: [:statistic_sub_types]) ActionController::Base.prepend_view_path './app/views/' # place data in view_assigns view_assigns = {results: @results, users: @users, indices: @indices} av = ActionView::Base.new(ActionController::Base.view_paths, view_assigns) av.class_eval do # include any needed helpers (for the view) include ApplicationHelper end content = av.render template: 'exports/statistics_global.xlsx.axlsx' # write content to file File.open(export.file, 'w+b') { |f| f.puts content } end %w[account event machine project subscription training space].each do |path| class_eval %{ def export_#{path}(export) query = MultiJson.load(export.query) type_key = export.key @results = Elasticsearch::Model.client.search({index: 'stats', type: '#{path}', scroll: '30s', body: query}) scroll_id = @results['_scroll_id'] while @results['hits']['hits'].size != @results['hits']['total'] scroll_res = Elasticsearch::Model.client.scroll(scroll: '30s', scroll_id: scroll_id) @results['hits']['hits'].concat(scroll_res['hits']['hits']) scroll_id = scroll_res['_scroll_id'] end ids = @results['hits']['hits'].map { |u| u['_source']['userId'] } @users = User.includes(:profile).where(:id => ids) @index = StatisticIndex.find_by(es_type_key: '#{path}') @type = StatisticType.find_by(key: type_key, statistic_index_id: @index.id) @subtypes = @type.statistic_sub_types @fields = @index.statistic_fields ActionController::Base.prepend_view_path './app/views/' # place data in view_assigns view_assigns = {results: @results, users: @users, index: @index, type: @type, subtypes: @subtypes, fields: @fields} av = ActionView::Base.new(ActionController::Base.view_paths, view_assigns) av.class_eval do # include any needed helpers (for the view) include ApplicationHelper end content = av.render template: 'exports/statistics_current.xlsx.axlsx' # write content to file File.open(export.file,"w+b") { |f| f.write content } end }, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 35 end end