      #header and "about" page
        about_the_fablab: "Acerca de {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}} {NAME}"
        return: "Volver"
          about_cookies: "Este sitio web utiliza cookies para medir la audiencia."
          learn_more: "Saber más"
          accept: "Aceptar cookies"
          decline: "Rechazar"
        #dashboard sections
        dashboard: "Panel"
        my_profile: "My Perfil"
        my_settings: "Mis ajustes"
        my_proof_of_identity_files: "My proof of identity"
        my_projects: "Mis proyectos"
        my_trainings: "Mis cursos"
        my_events: "Mis eventos"
        my_invoices: "Mis facturas"
        my_payment_schedules: "My payment schedules"
        my_wallet: "Mi cartera"
        #contextual help
        help: "Help"
        sign_out: "Salir"
        sign_up: "Registrarse"
        sign_in: "Ingresar"
        #left menu
        notifications: "Notificaciones"
        admin: "Administrador"
        manager: "Manager"
        reduce_panel: "Reducir panel"
        #left menu (public)
        home: "Menú principal"
        reserve_a_machine: "Reservar una máquina"
        trainings_registrations: "Registro de cursos"
        events_registrations: "Registro de eventos"
        reserve_a_space: "Reservar un espacio"
        projects_gallery: "Galería de proyectos"
        subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
        public_calendar: "Agenda"
        #left menu (admin)
        trainings_monitoring: "Cursos"
        manage_the_calendar: "Agenda"
        manage_the_users: "Usuarios"
        manage_the_invoices: "Facturas"
        subscriptions_and_prices: "Suscripciones y precios"
        manage_the_events: "Eventos"
        manage_the_machines: "Máquinas"
        manage_the_spaces: "Espacios"
        projects: "Proyectos"
        statistics: "Estadísticas"
        customization: "Customización"
        open_api_clients: "Clientes OpenAPI"
        #account creation modal
        create_your_account: "Crear su cuenta"
        man: "Hombre"
        woman: "Mujer"
        gender_is_required: "El genero es obligatorio."
        your_first_name: "Su nombre"
        first_name_is_required: "El nombre es obligatorio."
        your_surname: "Su apellido"
        surname_is_required: "El apellido es obligatorio."
        your_pseudonym: "Su seudónimo"
        pseudonym_is_required: "El seudónimo es obligatorio."
        your_email_address: "Su e-mail"
        email_is_required: "El e-mail es obligatorio."
        your_password: "Su contraseña"
        password_is_required: "La contraseña es obligatoria."
        password_is_too_short: "La contraseña es demasiado corta (minimo 8 caracteres)"
        type_your_password_again: "Escriba su contraseña otra vez"
        password_confirmation_is_required: "Confirmar su contraseña es obligatorio."
        password_does_not_match_with_confirmation: "Las contraseñas no coinciden."
        i_am_an_organization: "Soy una organización"
        name_of_your_organization: "Nombre de su organización"
        organization_name_is_required: "El nombre de su organización es obligatorio."
        address_of_your_organization: "Dirección de su organización"
        organization_address_is_required: "La dirección de su organización es obligatoria."
        your_user_s_profile: "Su perfil de usuario"
        user_s_profile_is_required: "El perfil de usuario es obligatorio."
        birth_date: "Fecha de nacimiento"
        birth_date_is_required: "La fecha de nacimiento es obligatoria."
        phone_number: "Número de telefono"
        phone_number_is_required: "El número de telefono es obligatorio."
        address: "Address"
        address_is_required: "Address is required"
        i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "Autorizo a los usuarios registrados en este FabLab a contactarme"
        i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Acepto recibir información del FabLab"
        i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "He leido y acepto"
        _the_fablab_policy: "la política de FabLab"
        field_required: "Field required"
        profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
        user_proof_of_identity_files_is_required: "Attention !</br>You have declared to be \"{GROUP}\", proof of identity may be requested."
        unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
        used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
        used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
        used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
        used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
        public_profile: "You will have a public profile and other users will be able to associate you in their projects"
        you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "Recibirá un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo confirmar su cuenta en unos minutos."
        #password modification modal
        change_your_password: "Cambiar contraseña"
        your_new_password: "Nueva contraseña"
        your_password_was_successfully_changed: "Su contraseña ha sido cambiada con éxito."
        #connection modal
        connection: "Conexión"
        password_forgotten: "¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?"
        confirm_my_account: "Confirmar mi E-mail"
        not_registered_to_the_fablab: "¿No está registrado en el FabLab todavía?"
        create_an_account: "Crear una cuenta"
        wrong_email_or_password: "E-mail o contraseña incorrecta."
        caps_lock_is_on: "Las mayusculas están activadas."
        #confirmation modal
        you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "Recibirá las instrucciones de confirmación por email."
        #forgotten password modal
        your_email_address_is_unknown: "Se desconoce su email."
        you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "En un momento recibirá las instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña en su mail."
        #Fab-manager's version
        version: "Version:"
        upgrade_fabmanager: "Upgrade Fab-manager"
        current_version: "You are currently using version {VERSION} of Fab-manager."
        upgrade_to: "A new release is available. You can upgrade up to version {VERSION}."
        read_more: "View the details of this release"
        security_version_html: "<strong>Your current version is vulnerable!</strong><br> A later version, currently available, includes security fixes. Upgrade as soon as possible!"
        how_to: "How to upgrade?"
        and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "y {NUMBER, plural, =0{no other notifications} =1{one other notification} otras{{NUMBER} other notifications}}..."
      #about page
        read_the_fablab_policy: "Leer la politica del FabLab"
        read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Leer los terminos y condiciones del FabLab"
        your_fablab_s_contacts: "Sus contactos del FabLab"
        privacy_policy: "Política de privacidad"
      #'privacy policy' page
        title: "Política de privacidad"
        dpo: "Oficial de protección de datos"
        last_update: "Última actualización,"
      #home page
        latest_documented_projects: "Los últimos proyectos documentados"
        follow_us: "Follow us"
        latest_tweets: "Los últimos tweets"
        latest_registered_members: "Miembros más recientes"
        create_an_account: "Crear una cuenta"
        discover_members: "Descubrir miembros"
        #next events summary on the home page
        fablab_s_next_events: "Próximos eventos del FabLab"
        every_events: "Todos los eventos"
        from_date_to_date: "Desde {START} hasta {END}"
        on_the_date: "El {DATE}"
        from_time_to_time: "Desde {START} hasta {END}"
        without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
        free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
        full_price: "Precio completo: "
        event_full: "Evento lleno"
        still_available: "Asiento(s) disponible(s): "
        all_day: "Todo el día"
      #projects gallery
        the_fablab_projects: "Los proyectos del FabLab"
        add_a_project: "Añadir un proyecto"
        search_over_the_whole_network: "Buscar en toda la red de FabLab"
        tooltip_openlab_projects_switch: "La busqueda en toda la red le permite buscar los proyectos de todos los FabLab que usan esta característica"
        openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "La busqueda en toda la red no está disponible en este momento. Puede seguir buscando proyectos en este FabLab."
        project_search_result_is_empty: "Lo sentimos, no hemos encontrado nada."
        reset_all_filters: "Limpiar filtros"
        keywords: "Keywords"
        search: "Buscar"
        all_projects: "Todos los proyectos"
        my_projects: "Mis proyectos"
        projects_to_whom_i_take_part_in: "Proyectos de los que formo parte"
        all_machines: "Todas las máquinas"
        all_themes: "Todos los temas"
        all_materials: "Todo el material"
        load_next_projects: "Cargar más proyectos"
        rough_draft: "Borrador"
      #details of a projet
        rough_draft: "Draft"
        project_description: "Descripción de proyecto"
        by_name: "Por {NAME}"
        step_N: "Step {INDEX}"
        share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook"
        share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter"
        deleted_user: "Deleted user"
        posted_on_: "Subido el"
        CAD_file_to_download: "{COUNT, plural, =0{No CAD files} =1{CAD file to download} other{CAD files to download}}"
        machines_and_materials: "Machines and materials"
        collaborators: "Collaborators"
        licence: "Licencia"
        confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
        report_an_abuse: "Reportar una infracción"
        unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada"
        your_report_was_successful_thanks: "Su informe se ha enviado con éxito. Gracias."
        an_error_occured_while_sending_your_report: "Ha ocurrido un error al enviar el informe."
        your_first_name: "Su nombre"
        your_first_name_is_required: "Su nombre es obligatorio."
        your_surname: "Su apellido"
        your_surname_is_required: "Su apellido es obligatorio."
        your_email_address: "Su mail"
        your_email_address_is_required: "Su mail es obligatorio."
        tell_us_why_this_looks_abusive: "Cuéntanos porqué te parece abusivo"
        message_is_required: "El mensaje es obligatorio."
        report: "Reportar"
        do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar este proyecto?"
      #list of machines
        the_fablab_s_machines: "Las máquinas del FabLab"
        add_a_machine: "Añadir una máquina"
        new_availability: "Open reservations"
        book: "Reservar"
        _or_the_: " o el "
        show_machines: "Show machines"
        status_enabled: "Activadas"
        status_disabled: "Discapacitadas"
        status_all: "Todas"
        book: "Book"
        consult: "Consult"
      #details of a machine
        book_this_machine: "Alquilar máquina"
        technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
        files_to_download: "Archivos a descargar"
        projects_using_the_machine: "Proyectos que utilizan esta máquina"
        _or_the_: " o el "
        confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
        do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar esta máquina?"
        unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation"
        the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "La máquina no puede borrarse porque está siendo usada o ha sido reservada por algún usuario."
      #list of trainings
        book: "Reservar"
        the_trainings: "Lista de cursos"
      #details of a training
        book_this_training: "reservar plaza en este curso"
        do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Está seguro de querer eliminar este curso?"
        unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada"
        confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
        the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "El curso no puede borrarse porque ya ha sido reservado por algún usuario."
      #summary of the subscriptions
        subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
        i_choose_that_plan: "Elijo este plan"
        i_subscribe_online: "Suscribirme online"
        i_already_subscribed: "Ya me he suscrito"
        more_information: "Más información"
        your_subscription_expires_on_the_DATE: "Su suscripción termina {DATE}"
        no_plans: "No plans are available for your group"
        AMOUNT_per_month: "{AMOUNT} / month"
        my_group: "My grupo"
        his_group: "User's group"
        he_wants_to_change_group: "Change group"
        change_my_group: "Validate group change"
        summary: "Summary"
        your_subscription_has_expired_on_the_DATE: "Sus suscripcion expiró el {DATE}"
        subscription_price: "Subscription price"
        you_ve_just_payed_the_subscription_html: "You've just paid the <strong>subscription</strong>:"
        thank_you_your_subscription_is_successful: "Gracias. Su suscripción ha tenido éxito"
        your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_dashboard: "Your invoice will be available soon from your dashboard"
        your_group_was_successfully_changed: "Su grupo ha sido cambiado correctamente."
        the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed: "Los usuarios del grupo han cambiado correctamente."
        an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "Un error impidió que su grupo fuese cambiado."
        an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group: "Un error impidió cambiar los componentes del grupo."
        i_am: "I am"
        select_group: "select a group"
        i_want_duration: "I want to subscribe for"
        all_durations: "All durations"
        select_duration: "select a duration"
      #Fablab's events list
        the_fablab_s_events: "Los eventos del FabLab"
        all_categories: "Todas las categorías"
        for_all: "Para todo"
        sold_out: "Sold Out"
        cancelled: "Cancelled"
        free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
        still_available: "asiento(s) disponible(s)"
        without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
        add_an_event: "Add an event"
        load_the_next_events: "Cargar los próximos eventos..."
        full_price_: "Precio completo:"
        to_date: "to" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05
        all_themes: "All themes"
      #details and booking of an event
        event_description: "Descripción del evento"
        downloadable_documents: "Archivos descargables"
        information_and_booking: "Información y reservas"
        dates: "Dates"
        beginning: "Empieza:"
        ending: "Termina:"
        opening_hours: "Hora de apertura:"
        all_day: "Todo el día"
        from_time: "From" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00
        to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00
        full_price_: "Precio completo:"
        tickets_still_availables: "Entradas disponibles:"
        sold_out: "Entradas vendidas."
        without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
        cancelled: "Cancelled"
        ticket: "{NUMBER, plural, one{ticket} other{tickets}}"
        make_a_gift_of_this_reservation: "Regalar esta reserva"
        thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Tank you. Your payment has been successfully registered!"
        you_can_find_your_reservation_s_details_on_your_: "Puede encontrar los detalles de su reserva en"
        dashboard: "dashboard"
        you_booked_DATE: "You booked ({DATE}):"
        canceled_reservation_SEATS: "Reservation canceled ({SEATS} seats)"
        book: "Reservar"
        confirm_and_pay: "Confirm and pay"
        confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
        online_payment_disabled: "Payment by credit card is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
        please_select_a_member_first: "Please select a member first"
        change_the_reservation: "Cambiar la reserva"
        you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "Puede cambiar la reserva en los siguientes campos:"
        confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
        do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Do you really want to delete this event?"
        delete_recurring_event: "You're about to delete a periodic event. What do you want to do?"
        delete_this_event: "Only this event"
        delete_this_and_next: "This event and the following"
        delete_all: "All events"
        event_successfully_deleted: "Event successfully deleted."
        events_deleted: "The event, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted"
        unable_to_delete_the_event: "Unable to delete the event, it may be booked by a member"
        events_not_deleted: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exists on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
        cancel_the_reservation: "Cancel the reservation"
        do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets."
        reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservation was successfully cancelled."
        cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
        event_is_over: "The event is over."
        thanks_for_coming: "Thanks for coming!"
        view_event_list: "View events to come"
        share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook"
        share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter"
      #public calendar
        calendar: "Calendario"
        show_unavailables: "Mostrar campos inválidos"
        filter_calendar: "Filtrar calendario"
        trainings: "Cursos"
        machines: "Máquinas"
        spaces: "Espacios"
        events: "Eventos"
        externals: "Otros calendarios"
      #list of spaces
        the_spaces: "Espacios"
        new_availability: "Open reservations"
        add_a_space: "Añadir espacios"
        status_enabled: "Activos"
        status_disabled: "No activos"
        status_all: "Todos"
        book: "Reservar"
      #display the details of a space
        book_this_space: "Reservar este espacio"
        unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada"
        confirmation_required: "Confirmación requerida"
        do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_space: "¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este espacio?"
        the_space_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "No puede borrarse este espacio porque está siendo usado por otros usuarios."
        characteristics: "Características"
        files_to_download: "Archivos para descargar"
        projects_using_the_space: "Proyectos que usan el espacio"
          title: "Thank you for your attention"
          content: "<p>If you want to restart this contextual help, press <strong>F1</strong> at any time or click on « ? Help » from the user's menu.</p><p>If you need additional help, you can <a href='' target='_blank'>check the user guide</a> (only in French for now).</p><p>The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), <a href=''>contact-us</a> for more info.</p>"
            title: "Welcome to Fab-manager"
            content: "To help you get started with the application, we are going to take a quick tour of the features."
            title: "Home page"
            content: "Clicking here will take you back to the home page where you are currently."
            title: "Machines"
            content: "<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all machines and reserve a slot on behalf of a member.</p><p>A machine can be, for example, a 3D printer.</p><p>Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
            title: "Trainings"
            content: "<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all training sessions and to register a member for a training session.</p><p>Trainings can be set as prerequisites before allowing reservation of certain machines.</p><p>Members can also access this page and register for a training session themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
            title: "Spaces"
            content: "<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all available spaces and to reserve a place on a slot, on behalf of a member.</p><p>A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room.</p><p>Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.</p><p>Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
            title: "Events"
            content: "<p>An open house evening or an internship to make your desk lamp? It's over here!</p><p>Events can be free or paid (with different prices), with or without reservation.</p><p>Again, members can access this page and book themselves places for free events, or paid events if credit card payment is enabled.</p>"
            title: "Agenda"
            content: "Visualize at a glance everything that is scheduled for the next coming weeks (events, training, machines available, etc.)."
            title: "Proyectos"
            content: "<p>Document and share all your creations with the community.</p><p>If you use OpenLab, you will also be able to consult the projects of the entire Fab-manager network. <a href=''>Contact-us</a> to get your access, it's free!</p>"
            title: "Subscriptions"
            content: "Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users."
            title: "{ROLE} section"
            content: "<p>All of the elements below are only accessible to administrators and managers. They allow you to manage and configure Fab-manager.</p><p>At the end of this visit, click on one of them to find out more.</p>"
            title: "About"
            content: "A page that you can fully customize, to present your activity and your structure."
            title: "Notifications center"
            content: "<p>Every time something important happens (reservations, creation of accounts, activity of your members, etc.), you will be notified here.</p><p>Your members also receive notifications there.</p>"
            title: "User's menu"
            content: "<p>Find your personal information here as well as all your activity on Fab-manager.</p><p>This space is also available for all your members.</p>"
            title: "News"
            content: "<p>This space allows you to display the latest news from your structure.</p><p>You can easily change its content from « Customization », « Home page ».</p>"
            title: "Últimos proyectos"
            content: "<p>This carousel scrolls through the latest projects documented by your members.</p>"
            title: "Last tweet"
            content: "<p>The last tweet of your Tweeter feed can be shown here.</p><p>Configure it from « Customization », « Home page ».</p>"
            title: "Last members"
            content: "The last registered members who have validated their address and agreed to be contacted will be shown here."
            title: "Upcoming events"
            content: "The next three scheduled events are displayed in this space."
            title: "Customize the home page"
            content: "<p>This page can be fully personalized.</p><p>You can <a href=''>contact-us</a> to make a tailored customization of the home page.</p>"
            title: "Application version"
            content: "Hover your cursor over this icon to find out the version of Fab-manager. If you are not up to date, this will be reported here and you'll be able to get details by clicking on it."
            title: "Machines"
            content: "<p>Machines are the tools available for your users. You must create here the machines which can then be reserved by the members.</p><p>You can also create entries for non-bookable or free access machines, then you just need to not associate availability slots with them.</p>"
            title: "Machines"
            content: "Machines are the tools available for the users to reserve."
            title: "View"
            content: "To modify or delete a machine, click here first. You will not be able to delete a machine that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it."
            title: "Reserve"
            content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this machine for an user and manage existing reservations."
            title: "Spaces"
            content: "<p>Spaces are places available for your users. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop. You must create here the spaces which can then be reserved by members.</p><p>The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.</p>"
            title: "Spaces"
            content: "<p>Spaces are places available to users, by reservation. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop.</p><p>The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.</p>"
            title: "View"
            content: "To modify or delete a space, click here first. You will not be able to delete a space that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it."
            title: "Reserve"
            content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this space for an user and manage existing reservations."