namespace :fablab do #desc "Get all stripe plans and create in fablab app" #task stripe_plan: :environment do do |plan| #unless Plan.find_by_stp_plan_id( #group = Group.friendly.find('-').first) #if group #Plan.create(stp_plan_id:, name:, amount: plan.amount, interval: plan.interval, group_id:, skip_create_stripe_plan: true) #else #puts + " n'a pas été créé. [error]" #end #end #end #if Plan.column_names.include? "training_credit_nb" #Plan.all.each do |p| #p.update_columns(training_credit_nb: (p.interval == 'month' ? 1 : 5)) #end #end #end desc "Regenerate the invoices" task :regenerate_invoices, [:year, :month] => :environment do |task, args| year = args.year || month = args.month || start_date =, month.to_i, 1) end_date = start_date.next_month puts "-> Start regenerate the invoices between #{I18n.l start_date, format: :long} in #{I18n.l end_date-1.minute, format: :long}" invoices = Invoice.only_invoice.where("created_at >= :start_date AND created_at < :end_date", {start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date}).order(created_at: :asc) invoices.each(&:regenerate_invoice_pdf) puts "-> Done" end desc "Cancel strip subscriptions" task cancel_subscriptions: :environment do Subscription.where("expired_at >= ?", do |s| puts "-> Start cancel subscription of #{}" s.cancel puts "-> Done" end end desc '(re)Build ElasticSearch fablab base for stats' task es_build_stats: :environment do puts "DELETE stats" `curl -XDELETE http://#{ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_HOST"]}:9200/stats` puts "PUT index stats" `curl -XPUT http://#{ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_HOST"]}:9200/stats` %w[account event machine project subscription training user].each do |stat| puts "PUT Mapping stats/#{stat}" `curl -XPUT http://#{ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_HOST"]}:9200/stats/#{stat}/_mapping -d ' { "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }, "subType": { "type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }, "date": { "type": "date" }, "name": { "type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" } } }';` end end desc "sync all/one project in elastic search index" task :es_build_projects_index, [:id] => :environment do |task, args| unless Project.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.exists? index: 'fablab' Project.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.create index: Project.index_name, body: { settings: Project.settings.to_hash, mappings: Project.mappings.to_hash } end if IndexerWorker.perform_async(:index, id) else Project.pluck(:id).each do |project_id| IndexerWorker.perform_async(:index, project_id) end end end desc 'recreate every versions of images' task build_images_versions: :environment do Project.find_each do |project| project.project_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if project.project_image.present? and project.project_image.attachment.present? end ProjectStepImage.find_each do |project_step_image| project_step_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if project_step_image.present? and project_step_image.attachment.present? end Machine.find_each do |machine| machine.machine_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if machine.machine_image.present? end Event.find_each do |event| event.event_image.attachment.recreate_versions! if event.event_image.present? end end desc 'switch the active authentication provider' task :switch_auth_provider, [:provider] => :environment do |task, args| unless args.provider fail 'FATAL ERROR: You must pass a provider name to activate' end unless AuthProvider.find_by(name: args.provider) != nil providers = AuthProvider.all.inject('') do |str, item| str += item[:name]+', ' end fail "FATAL ERROR: the provider '#{args.provider}' does not exists. Available providers are: #{providers[0..-3]}" end if == args.provider fail "FATAL ERROR: the provider '#{args.provider}' is already enabled" end # disable previous provider prev_prev = AuthProvider.find_by(status: 'previous') unless prev_prev.nil? prev_prev.update_attribute(:status, 'pending') end, 'previous') # enable given provider AuthProvider.find_by(name: args.provider).update_attribute(:status, 'active') # migrate the current users. if != User.all.each do |user| # Concerns any providers except local database user.generate_auth_migration_token end else User.all.each do |user| # Concerns local database provider user.update_attribute(:auth_token, nil) end end # ask the user to restart the application puts "\nActivation successful" puts "\n/!\\ WARNING: Please consider the following, otherwise the authentication will be bogus:" puts "\t1) CLEAN the cache with `rake tmp:clear`" puts "\t2) RESTART the application" puts "\t3) NOTIFY the current users with `rake fablab:notify_auth_changed`\n\n" end desc 'notify users that the auth provider has changed' task notify_auth_changed: :environment do # notify every users if the provider is not local database provider if != User.all.each do |user| type: 'notify_user_auth_migration', receiver: user, attached_object: user end end puts "\nUsers successfully notified\n\n" end desc "generate fixtures from db" task generate_fixtures: :environment do Rails.application.eager_load! ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject { |c| c == ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration or c == PartnerPlan }.each do |ar_base| p "========== #{ar_base} ==============" ar_base.dump_fixtures end end end