require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear!('rails') ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test' require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__) require 'rails/test_help' require 'vcr' require 'sidekiq/testing' require 'minitest/reporters' VCR.configure do |config| config.cassette_library_dir = "test/vcr_cassettes" config.hook_into :webmock end Sidekiq::Testing.fake! Minitest::Reporters.use! [{ color: true })] class ActiveSupport::TestCase # Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here... fixtures :all def json_response(body) JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true) end def default_headers { 'Accept' => Mime::JSON, 'Content-Type' => Mime::JSON.to_s } end def stripe_card_token(error: nil) number = "4242424242424242" exp_month = 4 exp_year = cvc = "314" case error when /card_declined/ number = "4000000000000002" when /incorrect_number/ number = "4242424242424241" when /invalid_expiry_month/ exp_month = 15 when /invalid_expiry_year/ exp_year = 1964 when /invalid_cvc/ cvc = "99" end Stripe::Token.create(card: { number: number, exp_month: exp_month, exp_year: exp_year, cvc: cvc }, ).id end # Force the invoice generation worker to run NOW and check the resulting file generated. # Delete the file afterwards. # @param invoice {Invoice} def assert_invoice_pdf(invoice) assert_not_nil invoice, 'Invoice was not created' invoice_worker = invoice_worker.perform(, invoice&.user&.subscription&.expired_at) assert File.exist?(invoice.file), 'Invoice PDF was not generated' # now we check the file content reader = assert_equal 1, reader.page_count # single page invoice ht_amount = page = reader.pages.first lines = page.text.scan(/^.+/) lines.each do |line| # check that the numbers printed into the PDF file match the total stored in DB if line.include? I18n.t('invoices.total_amount') assert_equal / 100.0, parse_amount_from_invoice_line(line), 'Invoice total rendered in the PDF file does not match' end # check that the VAT was correctly applied if it was configured if line.include? I18n.t('invoices.including_total_excluding_taxes') ht_amount = parse_amount_from_invoice_line(line) end end if Setting.find_by(name: 'invoice_VAT-active').value == 'true' vat_rate = Setting.find_by({name: 'invoice_VAT-rate'}).value.to_f computed_ht = sprintf('%.2f', ( / (vat_rate / 100 + 1)) / 100.0).to_f assert_equal computed_ht, ht_amount, 'Total excluding taxes rendered in the PDF file is not computed correctly' else assert_equal, ht_amount, 'VAT information was rendered in the PDF file despite that VAT was disabled' end File.delete(invoice.file) end # Force the statistics export generation worker to run NOW and check the resulting file generated. # Delete the file afterwards. # @param export {Export} def assert_export_xlsx(export) assert_not_nil export, 'Export was not created' if export.category == 'statistics' export_worker = export_worker.perform( assert File.exist?(export.file), 'Export XLSX was not generated' File.delete(export.file) else skip('Unable to test export which is not of the category "statistics"') end end private # Parse a line of text read from a PDF file and return the price included inside # Line of text should be of form 'Label $10.00' # @returns {float} def parse_amount_from_invoice_line line line[line.rindex(' ')+1..-1].tr(I18n.t('number.currency.format.unit'), '').to_f end end class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest include Warden::Test::Helpers Warden.test_mode! end