# frozen_string_literal: false # module definition module Accounting; end # Provides the routine to export the collected VAT data to a CSV file. class Accounting::VatExportService include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper attr_reader :encoding, :format, :separator, :date_format, :columns, :decimal_separator def initialize(columns, encoding: 'UTF-8', format: 'CSV', separator: ';') @encoding = encoding @format = format @separator = separator @decimal_separator = '.' @date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' @columns = columns @vat_name = Setting.get('invoice_VAT-name') end def set_options(decimal_separator: ',', date_format: '%d/%m/%Y', label_max_length: nil, export_zeros: nil) @decimal_separator = decimal_separator @date_format = date_format # these unused parameters are required for compatibility with AccountingExportService @label_max_length = label_max_length @export_zeros = export_zeros end def export(start_date, end_date, file) # build CSV content content = header_row invoices = Invoice.where('created_at >= ? AND created_at <= ?', start_date, end_date).order('created_at ASC') vat_totals = compute_vat_totals(invoices) content << generate_rows(vat_totals, start_date, end_date) # write content to file File.open(file, "w:#{encoding}") { |f| f.puts content.encode(encoding, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace) } end private def header_row row = '' columns.each do |column| row << I18n.t("vat_export.#{column}", NAME: @vat_name) << separator end "#{row}\n" end def generate_rows(vat_totals, start_date, end_date) rows = '' vat_totals.each do |rate, total| next if rate.zero? rows += "#{row( start_date, end_date, rate, total )}\n" end rows end def compute_vat_totals(invoices) vat_total = [] service = VatHistoryService.new invoices.each do |i| Rails.logger.info "processing invoice #{i.id}..." unless Rails.env.test? vat_total.push service.invoice_vat(i) end vat_total.map(&:values).flatten.group_by { |tot| tot[:vat_rate] }.transform_values { |v| v.pluck(:total_vat).reduce(:+) } end # Generate a row of the export, filling the configured columns with the provided values def row(start_date, end_date, vat_rate, amount) row = '' columns.each do |column| case column when 'start_date' row << Time.zone.parse(start_date).strftime(date_format) when 'end_date' row << Time.zone.parse(end_date).strftime(date_format) when 'vat_rate' row << vat_rate.to_s when 'amount' row << format_number(amount / 100.0) else Rails.logger.warn "Unsupported column: #{column}" end row << separator end row end # Format the given number as a string, using the configured separator def format_number(num) number_to_currency(num, unit: '', separator: decimal_separator, delimiter: '', precision: 2) end end