import React, { ReactElement } from 'react'; import { react2angular } from 'react2angular'; import { Loader } from '../base/loader'; import { StripeModal } from './stripe/stripe-modal'; import { PayZenModal } from './payzen/payzen-modal'; import { IApplication } from '../../models/application'; import { ShoppingCart } from '../../models/payment'; import { User } from '../../models/user'; import { PaymentSchedule } from '../../models/payment-schedule'; import { SettingName } from '../../models/setting'; import { Invoice } from '../../models/invoice'; import SettingAPI from '../../api/setting'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; declare var Application: IApplication; interface PaymentModalProps { isOpen: boolean, toggleModal: () => void, afterSuccess: (result: Invoice|PaymentSchedule) => void, onError: (message: string) => void, cart: ShoppingCart, currentUser: User, schedule: PaymentSchedule, customer: User } // initial request to the API const paymentGateway = SettingAPI.get(SettingName.PaymentGateway); /** * This component open a modal dialog for the configured payment gateway, allowing the user to input his card data * to process an online payment. */ const PaymentModal: React.FC = ({ isOpen, toggleModal, afterSuccess, onError, currentUser, schedule , cart, customer }) => { const { t } = useTranslation('shared'); const gateway =; /** * Render the Stripe payment modal */ const renderStripeModal = (): ReactElement => { return } /** * Render the PayZen payment modal */ const renderPayZenModal = (): ReactElement => { return } /** * Determine which gateway is enabled and return the appropriate payment modal */ switch (gateway.value) { case 'stripe': return renderStripeModal(); case 'payzen': return renderPayZenModal(); case null: case undefined: onError(t('app.shared.payment_modal.online_payment_disabled')); return
; default: onError(t('app.shared.payment_modal.unexpected_error')); console.error(`[PaymentModal] Unimplemented gateway: ${gateway.value}`); return
; } } const PaymentModalWrapper: React.FC = ({ isOpen, toggleModal, afterSuccess, onError, currentUser, schedule , cart, customer }) => { return ( ); } Application.Components.component('paymentModal', react2angular(PaymentModalWrapper, ['isOpen', 'toggleModal', 'afterSuccess', 'onError', 'currentUser', 'schedule', 'cart', 'customer']));