# frozen_string_literal: true # This will generate statistics indicators for ElasticSearch database class StatisticService def generate_statistic(options = default_options) # remove data exists clean_stat(options) # subscription month/year list subscriptions_list(options).each do |s| Stats::Subscription.create({ date: format_date(s.date), type: s.duration, subType: s.slug, stat: 1, ca: s.ca, planId: s.plan_id, subscriptionId: s.subscription_id, invoiceItemId: s.invoice_item_id, groupName: s.plan_group_name }.merge(user_info_stat(s))) end # machine list reservations_machine_list(options).each do |r| %w[booking hour].each do |type| stat = Stats::Machine.new({ date: format_date(r.date), type: type, subType: r.machine_type, ca: r.ca, machineId: r.machine_id, name: r.machine_name, reservationId: r.reservation_id }.merge(user_info_stat(r))) stat.stat = (type == 'booking' ? 1 : r.nb_hours) stat.save end end # space list reservations_space_list(options).each do |r| %w[booking hour].each do |type| stat = Stats::Space.new({ date: format_date(r.date), type: type, subType: r.space_type, ca: r.ca, spaceId: r.space_id, name: r.space_name, reservationId: r.reservation_id }.merge(user_info_stat(r))) stat.stat = (type == 'booking' ? 1 : r.nb_hours) stat.save end end # training list reservations_training_list(options).each do |r| %w[booking hour].each do |type| stat = Stats::Training.new({ date: format_date(r.date), type: type, subType: r.training_type, ca: r.ca, trainingId: r.training_id, name: r.training_name, trainingDate: r.training_date, reservationId: r.reservation_id }.merge(user_info_stat(r))) stat.stat = (type == 'booking' ? 1 : r.nb_hours) stat.save end end # event list reservations_event_list(options).each do |r| %w[booking hour].each do |type| stat = Stats::Event.new({ date: format_date(r.date), type: type, subType: r.event_type, ca: r.ca, eventId: r.event_id, name: r.event_name, eventDate: r.event_date, reservationId: r.reservation_id, eventTheme: r.event_theme, ageRange: r.age_range }.merge(user_info_stat(r))) stat.stat = (type == 'booking' ? r.nb_places : r.nb_hours) stat.save end end # account list members_list(options).each do |m| Stats::Account.create({ date: format_date(m.date), type: 'member', subType: 'created', stat: 1 }.merge(user_info_stat(m))) end # project list projects_list(options).each do |p| Stats::Project.create({ date: format_date(p.date), type: 'project', subType: 'published', stat: 1 }.merge(user_info_stat(p)).merge(project_info_stat(p))) end # member ca list members_ca_list(options).each do |m| Stats::User.create({ date: format_date(m.date), type: 'revenue', subType: m.group, stat: m.ca }.merge(user_info_stat(m))) end end def subscriptions_list(options = default_options) result = [] join_clause = "INNER JOIN suscriptions ON invoice_items.object_id = suscriptions.id AND invoice_items.object_type = '#{Subscription.name}'" InvoiceItem.joins(join_clause) .where("object_type = #{Subscription.name} invoice_items.created_at >= :start_date AND invoice_items.created_at <= :end_date", options) .eager_load(invoice: [:coupon]).each do |i| next if i.invoice.is_a?(Avoir) sub = i.object ca = i.amount.to_i cs = CouponService.new ca = cs.ventilate(cs.invoice_total_no_coupon(i.invoice), ca, i.invoice.coupon) unless i.invoice.coupon_id.nil? ca /= 100.00 profile = sub.statistic_profile p = sub.plan result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, plan: p.group.slug, plan_id: p.id, plan_interval: p.interval, plan_interval_count: p.interval_count, plan_group_name: p.group.name, slug: p.slug, duration: p.find_statistic_type.key, subscription_id: sub.id, invoice_item_id: i.id, ca: ca }.merge(user_info(profile))) end result end def reservations_machine_list(options = default_options) result = [] Reservation .where("reservable_type = 'Machine' AND slots.canceled_at IS NULL AND " \ 'reservations.created_at >= :start_date AND reservations.created_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:slots, :invoice_items, statistic_profile: [:group]) .each do |r| next unless r.reservable profile = r.statistic_profile result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, reservation_id: r.id, machine_id: r.reservable.id, machine_type: r.reservable.friendly_id, machine_name: r.reservable.name, nb_hours: r.slots.size, ca: calcul_ca(r.original_invoice) }.merge(user_info(profile))) end result end def reservations_space_list(options = default_options) result = [] Reservation .where("reservable_type = 'Space' AND slots.canceled_at IS NULL AND " \ 'reservations.created_at >= :start_date AND reservations.created_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:slots, :invoice_items, statistic_profile: [:group]) .each do |r| next unless r.reservable profile = r.statistic_profile result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, reservation_id: r.id, space_id: r.reservable.id, space_name: r.reservable.name, space_type: r.reservable.slug, nb_hours: r.slots.size, ca: calcul_ca(r.original_invoice) }.merge(user_info(profile))) end result end def reservations_training_list(options = default_options) result = [] Reservation .where("reservable_type = 'Training' AND slots.canceled_at IS NULL AND " \ 'reservations.created_at >= :start_date AND reservations.created_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:slots, :invoice_items, statistic_profile: [:group]) .each do |r| next unless r.reservable profile = r.statistic_profile slot = r.slots.first result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, reservation_id: r.id, training_id: r.reservable.id, training_type: r.reservable.friendly_id, training_name: r.reservable.name, training_date: slot.start_at.to_date, nb_hours: difference_in_hours(slot.start_at, slot.end_at), ca: calcul_ca(r.original_invoice) }.merge(user_info(profile))) end result end def reservations_event_list(options = default_options) result = [] Reservation .where("reservable_type = 'Event' AND slots.canceled_at IS NULL AND " \ 'reservations.created_at >= :start_date AND reservations.created_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:slots, :invoice_items, statistic_profile: [:group]) .each do |r| next unless r.reservable profile = r.statistic_profile slot = r.slots.first result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, reservation_id: r.id, event_id: r.reservable.id, event_type: r.reservable.category.slug, event_name: r.reservable.name, event_date: slot.start_at.to_date, event_theme: (r.reservable.event_themes.first ? r.reservable.event_themes.first.name : ''), age_range: (r.reservable.age_range_id ? r.reservable.age_range.name : ''), nb_places: r.total_booked_seats, nb_hours: difference_in_hours(slot.start_at, slot.end_at), ca: calcul_ca(r.original_invoice) }.merge(user_info(profile))) end result end def members_ca_list(options = default_options) subscriptions_ca_list = subscriptions_list(options) reservations_ca_list = [] avoirs_ca_list = [] result = [] Reservation.where('reservations.created_at >= :start_date AND reservations.created_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:slots, :invoice_items, statistic_profile: [:group]) .each do |r| next unless r.reservable reservations_ca_list.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, ca: calcul_ca(r.original_invoice) }.merge(user_info(r.statistic_profile))) end Avoir.where('invoices.created_at >= :start_date AND invoices.created_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:invoice_items, statistic_profile: [:group]) .each do |i| # the following line is a workaround for issue #196 profile = i.statistic_profile || i.main_item.object&.wallet&.user&.statistic_profile avoirs_ca_list.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date, ca: calcul_avoir_ca(i) }.merge(user_info(profile))) end reservations_ca_list.concat(subscriptions_ca_list).concat(avoirs_ca_list).each do |e| profile = StatisticProfile.find(e.statistic_profile_id) u = find_or_create_user_info_info_list(profile, result) u.date = options[:start_date].to_date e.ca = 0 unless e.ca if u.ca u.ca = u.ca + e.ca else u.ca = 0 u.ca = u.ca + e.ca result.push u end end result end def members_list(options = default_options) result = [] member = Role.find_by(name: 'member') StatisticProfile.where('role_id = :member AND created_at >= :start_date AND created_at <= :end_date', options.merge(member: member.id)) .each do |sp| next if sp.user&.need_completion? result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date }.merge(user_info(sp))) end result end def projects_list(options = default_options) result = [] Project.where('projects.published_at >= :start_date AND projects.published_at <= :end_date', options) .eager_load(:licence, :themes, :components, :machines, :project_users, author: [:group]) .each do |p| result.push OpenStruct.new({ date: options[:start_date].to_date }.merge(user_info(p.author)).merge(project_info(p))) end result end # return always yesterday's sum of comment of each project # def projects_comment_nb_list # result = [] # Project.where(state: 'published') # .eager_load(:licence, :themes, :components, :machines, :project_users, author: %i[profile group]) # .each do |p| # result.push OpenStruct.new({ # date: 1.day.ago.to_date, # project_comments: get_project_comment_nb(p) # }.merge(user_info(p.author)).merge(project_info(p))) # end # result # end def clean_stat(options = default_options) client = Elasticsearch::Model.client %w[Account Event Machine Project Subscription Training User Space].each do |o| model = "Stats::#{o}".constantize client.delete_by_query( index: model.index_name, type: model.document_type, body: { query: { match: { date: format_date(options[:start_date]) } } } ) end end private def default_options yesterday = 1.day.ago { start_date: yesterday.beginning_of_day, end_date: yesterday.end_of_day } end def format_date(date) if date.is_a?(String) Date.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end end def user_info(statistic_profile) return {} unless statistic_profile { statistic_profile_id: statistic_profile.id, user_id: statistic_profile.user_id, gender: statistic_profile.str_gender, age: statistic_profile.age, group: statistic_profile.group ? statistic_profile.group.slug : nil } end def user_info_stat(s) { userId: s.user_id, gender: s.gender, age: s.age, group: s.group } end def calcul_ca(invoice) return nil unless invoice ca = 0 # sum each items in the invoice (+ for invoices/- for refunds) invoice.invoice_items.each do |ii| next if ii.object_type == 'Subscription' ca = if invoice.is_a?(Avoir) ca - ii.amount.to_i else ca + ii.amount.to_i end end # subtract coupon discount from invoices and refunds cs = CouponService.new ca = cs.ventilate(cs.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice), ca, invoice.coupon) unless invoice.coupon_id.nil? # divide the result by 100 to convert from centimes to monetary unit ca.zero? ? ca : ca / 100.0 end def calcul_avoir_ca(invoice) ca = 0 invoice.invoice_items.each do |ii| ca -= ii.amount.to_i end # subtract coupon discount from the refund cs = CouponService.new ca = cs.ventilate(cs.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice), ca, invoice.coupon) unless invoice.coupon_id.nil? ca.zero? ? ca : ca / 100.0 end def difference_in_hours(start_at, end_at) if start_at.to_date == end_at.to_date ((end_at - start_at) / 60 / 60).to_i else end_at_to_start_date = end_at.change(year: start_at.year, month: start_at.month, day: start_at.day) hours = ((end_at_to_start_date - start_at) / 60 / 60).to_i hours = ((end_at.to_date - start_at.to_date).to_i + 1) * hours if end_at.to_date > start_at.to_date hours end end def get_project_themes(project) project.themes.map do |t| { id: t.id, name: t.name } end end def get_projects_components(project) project.components.map do |c| { id: c.id, name: c.name } end end def get_projects_machines(project) project.machines.map do |m| { id: m.id, name: m.name } end end def get_project_users(project) sum = 0 project.project_users.each do |pu| sum += 1 if pu.is_valid end sum end # def get_project_comment_nb(project) # project_comment_info = @projects_comment_info.select do |p| # p['identifiers'].first == "project_#{project.id}" # end.first # project_comment_info ? project_comment_info['posts'] : 0 # end def project_info(project) { project_id: project.id, project_name: project.name, project_created_at: project.created_at, project_published_at: project.published_at, project_licence: {}, project_themes: get_project_themes(project), project_components: get_projects_components(project), project_machines: get_projects_machines(project), project_users: get_project_users(project) } end def project_info_stat(project) { projectId: project.project_id, name: project.project_name, licence: project.project_licence, themes: project.project_themes, components: project.project_components, machines: project.project_machines, users: project.project_users } end # def get_user_subscription_ca(user, subscriptions_ca_list) # user_subscription_ca = subscriptions_ca_list.select do |ca| # ca.user_id == user.id # end # user_subscription_ca.inject {|sum,x| sum.ca + x.ca } || 0 # end def find_or_create_user_info_info_list(profile, list) found = list.select do |l| l.statistic_profile_id == profile.id end.first found || OpenStruct.new(user_info(profile)) end end