import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { IApplication } from '../../models/application'; import { Loader } from '../base/loader'; import { react2angular } from 'react2angular'; import { ErrorBoundary } from '../base/error-boundary'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useForm, SubmitHandler } from 'react-hook-form'; import { FabButton } from '../base/fab-button'; import { EditorialKeys, EditorialBlockForm } from '../editorial-block/editorial-block-form'; import SettingAPI from '../../api/setting'; import SettingLib from '../../lib/setting'; import { SettingName, SettingValue, machineBannerSettings } from '../../models/setting'; declare const Application: IApplication; interface MachinesSettingsProps { onError: (message: string) => void, onSuccess: (message: string) => void, beforeSubmit?: (data: Record) => void, } /** * Machines settings */ export const MachinesSettings: React.FC = ({ onError, onSuccess, beforeSubmit }) => { const { t } = useTranslation('admin'); const { register, control, formState, handleSubmit, reset, getValues } = useForm(); /** Link Machines Banner Setting Names to generic keys expected by the Editorial Form */ const bannerKeys: Record = { active_text_block: 'machines_banner_active', text_block: 'machines_banner_text', active_cta: 'machines_banner_cta_active', cta_label: 'machines_banner_cta_label', cta_url: 'machines_banner_cta_url' }; /** Callback triggered when the form is submitted: save the settings */ const onSubmit: SubmitHandler> = (data) => { if (typeof beforeSubmit === 'function') beforeSubmit(data); SettingAPI.bulkUpdate(SettingLib.objectToBulkMap(data)).then(() => { onSuccess(t('app.admin.machines_settings.successfully_saved')); }, reason => { onError(reason); }); }; /** On component mount, fetch existing Machines Banner Settings from API, and populate form with these values. */ useEffect(() => { SettingAPI.query(machineBannerSettings) .then(settings => reset(SettingLib.bulkMapToObject(settings))) .catch(onError); }, []); return (


); }; const MachinesSettingsWrapper: React.FC = (props) => { return ( ); }; Application.Components.component('machinesSettings', react2angular(MachinesSettingsWrapper, ['onError', 'onSuccess']));