# components This directory is holding the components built with [React](https://reactjs.org/). During the migration phase, these components may be included in [the legacy angularJS app](../../templates) using [react2angular](https://github.com/coatue-oss/react2angular). These components must be written using the following conventions: - The component name must be in CamelCase. - The component must be exported as a named export (no `export default`). - A component `FooBar` must have a `className="foo-bar"` attribute on its top-level element. - The stylesheet associated with the component must be located in `app/frontend/src/stylesheets/modules/same-directory-structure/foo-bar.scss`. - All methods in the component must be commented with a comment block. - Other constants and variables must be commented with an inline block. - Depending on if we want to use the `` wrapper or not, we can export the component directly or wrap it in a `` wrapper. - When a component is used in angularJS, the wrapped is required. The component must be named like `const Foo` (no export if not used in React) and must have a `const FooWrapper` at the end of its file, which wraps the component in a ``.