# angular-summernote - [AngularJS](http://angularjs.org/) directive to [Summernote](http://summernote.org/) *** [](https://travis-ci.org/summernote/angular-summernote) [](https://gemnasium.com/summernote/angular-summernote) [](https://coveralls.io/r/summernote/angular-summernote) angular-summernote is just a directive to bind summmernote's all features. You can use summernote with angular way. **Since v0.7.x, the version of angular-summernote follows the version of summernote. So, angular-summernote v0.7.x are compatible with summernote v0.7.x and and angular-summernote v0.8.x will be compatible with summernote v0.8.x. Angular-summernote will match only `major.minor` with summernote. Therefore, angular-summernote v0.7.0 will be compatible with summernote v0.7.0, v0.7.1 and v0.7.2. Angular-summernote will release patch update, such as v0.7.1, if only angular-summernote has changed.** ## Table of Contents - [Demo](#demo) - [Installation](#Installation) - [How To Use](#how-to-use) - [summernote directive](summernote-directive) - [Options](#options) - [ngModel](#ngmodel) - [Event Listeners](#event-listeners) - [i18n Support](#i18n-support) - [FAQ](#faq) - [Change Logs](#change-logs) ## Demo See at [JSFiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/outsider/n8dt4/271/embedded/result%2Chtml%2Cjs%2Ccss/) or run example in projects(need to run `bower install` before run) ## Installation angular-summernote requires all include files of [Summernote](http://summernote.org/). see [Summernote's installation](http://summernote.org/#/features#installation). Project files are also available through your favourite package manager: * Bower: `bower install angular-summernote` ## How To Use When you are done downloading all the dependencies and project files the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the ui.bootstrap AngularJS module: When you've inclued all js and css files you need to inject `a` into your angular application: ```javascript angular.module('myApp', ['summernote']); ``` ### `summernote` Directive You can use `summernote` directive where you want to use summernote editor. And when the scope is destroyed the directive will be destroyed. #### As element: ```html <summernote></summernote> ``` #### As attribute: ```html <div summernote></div> ``` It will be initialized automatically. If you put markups in the directive, the markups used as initial text. ```html <summernote><span style="font-weight: bold;">This is initial text.</span></summernote> ``` ### Options summernote's options can be specified as attributes. #### height ```html <summernote height="300"></summernote> ``` #### focus ```html <summernote focus></summernote> ``` #### airmode ```html <summernote airMode></summernote> ``` If you use the `removeMedia` button in popover, like below: ``` <summernote airMode config="options" on-media-delete="mediaDelete(target)"></summernote> ``` ``` function DemoController($scope) { $scope.options = { popover: { image: [['remove', ['removeMedia']] ], air: [['insert', ['picture']]] } }; $scope.mediaDelete = function(target) { console.log('media is delted:', target); } } ``` You can use the 'onMediaDelete` callback. The `target` object has information of the DOM that is removed like: ``` { tagName: "IMG", attrs: { data-filename: "image-name.jpg", src: "http://path/to/image", style: "width: 100px;" } } ``` #### options object You can specify all options using ngModel in `config` attribute. ```html <summernote config="options"></summernote> ``` ```javascript function DemoController($scope) { $scope.options = { height: 300, focus: true, airMode: true, toolbar: [ ['edit',['undo','redo']], ['headline', ['style']], ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'strikethrough', 'clear']], ['fontface', ['fontname']], ['textsize', ['fontsize']], ['fontclr', ['color']], ['alignment', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph', 'lineheight']], ['height', ['height']], ['table', ['table']], ['insert', ['link','picture','video','hr']], ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview']], ['help', ['help']] ] }; } ``` NOTE: `height` and `focus` attributes have high priority than options object. NOTE: custom toolbar can be set by options object. ### ngModel summernote's `code`, that is HTML string in summernote. If you specify ngModel it will be 2-ways binding to HTML string in summernote. Otherwise `angular-summernote` simply ignore it. ```html <summernote ng-model="text"></summernote> ``` ```javascript function DemoController($scope) { $scope.text = "Hello World"; } ``` And you can use [ngModelOptions](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngModelOptions) with Angular v1.3+. So, you can update ngModel when blur event emitted or with a debouncing delay if you want. ### Event Listeners event listeners can be registered as attribute as you want. ```javascript function DemoController($scope) { $scope.init = function() { console.log('Summernote is launched'); } $scope.enter = function() { console.log('Enter/Return key pressed'); } $scope.focus = function(e) { console.log('Editable area is focused'); } $scope.blur = function(e) { console.log('Editable area loses focus'); } $scope.paste = function(e) { console.log('Called event paste'); } $scope.change = function(contents) { console.log('contents are changed:', contents, $scope.editable); }; $scope.keyup = function(e) { console.log('Key is released:', e.keyCode); } $scope.keydown = function(e) { console.log('Key is pressed:', e.keyCode); } $scope.imageUpload = function(files) { console.log('image upload:', files); console.log('image upload\'s editable:', $scope.editable); } } ``` ```html <summernote on-init="init()" on-enter="enter()" on-focus="focus(evt)" on-blur="blur(evt)" on-paste="paste()" on-keyup="keyup(evt)" on-keydown="keydown(evt)" on-change="change(contents)" on-image-upload="imageUpload(files)" editable="editable" editor="editor"> </summernote> ``` If you use `$editable` object in `onImageUpload` or `onChange` (see [summernote's callback](http://summernote.org/#/features#callbacks)), you should define `editable` attribute and use it in `$scope`. (Because [AngularJS 1.3.x restricts access to DOM nodes from within expressions](https://docs.angularjs.org/error/$parse/isecdom)) Since summernote v0.6.4, APIs have been changed. So, If you use the verions, `onImageUpload` is not return `editor` object anymore. If you want to user `editor` object, you should define `editor` attribute and use it in `$scope`. Futhermore, you can use summernote's APIs via the `editor` object. ### i18n Support If you use i18n, you have to include language files. See [summernote's document](http://summernote.org/#/features#i18n) for more details. And then you can specify language like: ```html <summernote lang="ko-KR"></summernote> ``` ## FAQ - __How to solve compatibility problem with AngularUI Bootstrap?__ [AngularUI Bootstrap](http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/) module is written to replace the JavaScript file for bootstrap with its own implementation (`ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js`). Summernote was intended to work with Bootstrap, so the coder implemented features that rely on the `bootstrap.js` file being present. * If you do not include `bootstrap.js`, summernote throws exceptions. * If you do not include `ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js`, your angular directives for bootstrap will not work. * If you include both, then both JavaScript files try to listen on various events, and otherwise may have incompatibility issues. If you have a drop down in the navbar, and use `data-dropdown` directive as bootstrap says to, then two clicks are required to open the drop down (menu) instead of the expected one click. The solution is to not use `data-dropdown` directive. However, the real solution is for summernote to be agnostic about which of `bootstrap.js` or `ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js` are loaded and make the right calls. (see [#21](https://github.com/summernote/angular-summernote/issues/21)) ## Change Logs See [here](https://github.com/summernote/angular-summernote/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).