/** * This component allows an administrator to select and configure a payment gateway. * The configuration of a payment gateway is required to enable the online payments. */ import React, { BaseSyntheticEvent, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { react2angular } from 'react2angular'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { StripeKeysForm } from './payment/stripe/stripe-keys-form'; import { PayZenKeysForm } from './payment/payzen/payzen-keys-form'; import { FabModal, ModalSize } from './base/fab-modal'; import { Loader } from './base/loader'; import { User } from '../models/user'; import { Gateway } from '../models/gateway'; import { SettingBulkResult, SettingName } from '../models/setting'; import { IApplication } from '../models/application'; import SettingAPI from '../api/setting'; declare const Application: IApplication; interface SelectGatewayModalModalProps { isOpen: boolean, toggleModal: () => void, currentUser: User, onError: (errors: string) => void, onSuccess: (results: Map) => void, } const SelectGatewayModal: React.FC = ({ isOpen, toggleModal, onError, onSuccess }) => { const { t } = useTranslation('admin'); const [preventConfirmGateway, setPreventConfirmGateway] = useState(true); const [selectedGateway, setSelectedGateway] = useState(''); const [gatewayConfig, setGatewayConfig] = useState>(new Map()); // request the configured gateway to the API useEffect(() => { SettingAPI.get(SettingName.PaymentGateway).then(gateway => { setSelectedGateway(gateway.value ? gateway.value : ''); }); }, []); /** * Callback triggered when the user has filled and confirmed the settings of his gateway */ const onGatewayConfirmed = () => { setPreventConfirmGateway(true); updateSettings(); setPreventConfirmGateway(false); }; /** * Save the gateway provided by the target input into the component state */ const setGateway = (event: BaseSyntheticEvent) => { const gateway = event.target.value; setSelectedGateway(gateway); }; /** * Check if any payment gateway was selected */ const hasSelectedGateway = (): boolean => { return selectedGateway !== ''; }; /** * Callback triggered when the embedded form has validated all the stripe keys */ const handleValidStripeKeys = (publicKey: string, secretKey: string): void => { setGatewayConfig((prev) => { const newMap = new Map(prev); newMap.set(SettingName.StripeSecretKey, secretKey); newMap.set(SettingName.StripePublicKey, publicKey); return newMap; }); setPreventConfirmGateway(false); }; /** * Callback triggered when the embedded form has validated all the PayZen keys */ const handleValidPayZenKeys = (payZenKeys: Map): void => { setGatewayConfig(payZenKeys); setPreventConfirmGateway(false); }; /** * Callback triggered when the embedded form has not validated all keys */ const handleInvalidKeys = (): void => { setPreventConfirmGateway(true); }; /** * Send the new gateway settings to the API to save them */ const updateSettings = (): void => { const settings = new Map(gatewayConfig); settings.set(SettingName.PaymentGateway, selectedGateway); SettingAPI.bulkUpdate(settings, true).then(result => { const errorResults = Array.from(result.values()).filter(item => !item.status); if (errorResults.length > 0) { onError(errorResults.map(item => item.error[0]).join(' ')); } else { // we call the success callback only in case of full success (transactional bulk update) onSuccess(result); } }, reason => { onError(reason); }); }; return ( {!hasSelectedGateway() &&


} {selectedGateway === Gateway.Stripe && } {selectedGateway === Gateway.PayZen && }
); }; const SelectGatewayModalWrapper: React.FC = ({ isOpen, toggleModal, currentUser, onSuccess, onError }) => { return ( ); }; Application.Components.component('selectGatewayModal', react2angular(SelectGatewayModalWrapper, ['isOpen', 'toggleModal', 'currentUser', 'onSuccess', 'onError']));