class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include AASM include NotifyWith::NotificationAttachedObject include OpenlabSync # elastic initialisations include Elasticsearch::Model index_name 'fablab' document_type 'projects' # kaminari paginates_per 12 # dependency in # friendlyId extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name, use: :slugged has_one :project_image, as: :viewable, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_image, allow_destroy: true has_many :project_caos, as: :viewable, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_caos, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: :all_blank has_and_belongs_to_many :machines, join_table: :projects_machines has_and_belongs_to_many :spaces, join_table: :projects_spaces has_and_belongs_to_many :components, join_table: :projects_components has_and_belongs_to_many :themes, join_table: :projects_themes has_many :project_users, dependent: :destroy has_many :users, through: :project_users belongs_to :author, foreign_key: :author_id, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :licence, foreign_key: :licence_id has_many :project_steps, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_steps, allow_destroy: true # validations validates :author, :name, presence: true after_save :after_save_and_publish aasm :column => 'state' do state :draft, initial: true state :published event :publish, :after => :notify_admin_when_project_published do transitions from: :draft, :to => :published end end #scopes scope :published, -> { where("state = 'published'") } ## elastic # callbacks after_save { ProjectIndexerWorker.perform_async(:index, } after_destroy { ProjectIndexerWorker.perform_async(:delete, } # mapping settings index: { number_of_replicas: 0 } do mappings dynamic: 'true' do indexes 'state', analyzer: 'simple' indexes 'tags', analyzer: Rails.application.secrets.elasticsearch_language_analyzer indexes 'name', analyzer: Rails.application.secrets.elasticsearch_language_analyzer indexes 'description', analyzer: Rails.application.secrets.elasticsearch_language_analyzer indexes 'project_steps' do indexes 'title', analyzer: Rails.application.secrets.elasticsearch_language_analyzer indexes 'description', analyzer: Rails.application.secrets.elasticsearch_language_analyzer end end end def as_indexed_json do |json| id json.state state json.author_id author_id json.user_ids user_ids json.machine_ids machine_ids json.theme_ids theme_ids json.component_ids component_ids json.tags tags name json.description description json.project_steps project_steps do |project_step| json.title project_step.title json.description project_step.description end json.created_at created_at json.updated_at updated_at! end def, current_user), current_user)) end def self.build_search_query_from_context(params, current_user) search = { query: { filtered: { filter: { bool: { must: [], should: [] } } } } } if params['q'].blank? # we sort by created_at if there isn't a query search[:sort] = { created_at: { order: :desc } } else # otherwise we search for the word (q) in various fields search[:query][:filtered][:query] = { multi_match: { query: params['q'], type: 'most_fields', fields: %w(tags^4 name^5 description^3 project_steps.title^2 project_steps.description) } } end params.each do |name, value| # we filter by themes, components, machines if name =~ /(.+_id$)/ search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must] << { term: { "#{name}s" => value } } if value end end if current_user and params.key?('from') # if use select filter 'my project' or 'my collaborations' if params['from'] == 'mine' search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must] << { term: { author_id: } } end if params['from'] == 'collaboration' search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must] << { term: { user_ids: } } end end if current_user # if user is connect, also display his draft projects search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:should] << { term: { state: 'published' } } search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:should] << { term: { author_id: } } search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:should] << { term: { user_ids: } } else # otherwise display only published projects search[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must] << { term: { state: 'published' } } end search end private def notify_admin_when_project_published type: 'notify_admin_when_project_published', receiver: User.admins, attached_object: self end def after_save_and_publish if state_changed? and published? update_columns(published_at: notify_admin_when_project_published end end end