'use strict'; Application.Services.factory('Help', ['$rootScope', '$uibModal', '$state', 'AuthService', function ($rootScope, $uibModal, $state, AuthService) { const TOURS = { 'app.public.home': 'welcome', 'app.public.machines_list': 'machines', 'app.public.spaces_list': 'spaces', 'app.admin.trainings': 'trainings', 'app.admin.calendar': 'calendar', 'app.admin.members': 'members', 'app.admin.invoices': 'invoices', 'app.admin.pricing': 'pricing', 'app.admin.events': 'events', 'app.admin.projects': 'projects', 'app.admin.statistics': 'statistics', 'app.admin.settings': 'settings', 'app.admin.open_api_clients': 'open-api' }; return function (e) { if (!AuthService.isAuthorized(['admin', 'manager'])) return; if (e.key === 'F1') { e.preventDefault(); // retrieve the tour name, based on the current location const tourName = TOURS[$state.current.name]; // if no tour, just open the guide if (tourName === undefined) { return window.open('https://github.com/sleede/fab-manager/raw/master/doc/fr/guide_utilisation_fab_manager_v4.5.pdf', '_blank'); } $uibModal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/help_modal.html" %>', resolve: { tourName: function () { return tourName; } }, controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'uiTourService', 'tourName', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, uiTourService, tourName) { // start the tour and hide the modal $scope.onTour = function () { const tour = uiTourService.getTourByName(tourName); if (tour) { tour.start(); } $uibModalInstance.close('tour'); }; // open the user's guide and hide the modal $scope.onGuide = function () { $uibModalInstance.close('guide'); }; }] }); } }; }]);