/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ 'use strict' Application.Services.factory('paginationService', [function () { const helpers = {} helpers.pageCount = (totalCount, perPage) => Math.ceil(totalCount / perPage) helpers.hasNextPage = function (currentPage, totalCount, perPage) { const _pageCount = helpers.pageCount(totalCount, perPage) return (_pageCount !== currentPage) && (_pageCount !== 0) } const Instance = function (resourceService, currentPage, perPage, totalCount, defaultQueryParams, callback, functionName) { this.resourceService = resourceService this.currentPage = currentPage this.perPage = perPage this.totalCount = totalCount this.defaultQueryParams = defaultQueryParams this.callback = callback this.functionName = functionName || 'query' this.loading = false this.pageCount = function () { return helpers.pageCount(this.totalCount, this.perPage) } this.hasNextPage = function () { return helpers.hasNextPage(this.currentPage, this.totalCount, this.perPage) } this.loadMore = function (queryParams) { let k, v this.currentPage += 1 this.loading = true const _queryParams = { page: this.currentPage, per_page: this.perPage } if (queryParams) { for (k in queryParams) { v = queryParams[k] _queryParams[k] = v } } for (k in this.defaultQueryParams) { v = this.defaultQueryParams[k] _queryParams[k] = v } return this.resourceService[this.functionName](_queryParams, dataPromise => { this.callback(dataPromise) return this.loading = false }) } } return { Instance } } ])