angular-aside ![bower version]( [![npm version](]( ============= Off canvas side menu for use with ui-bootstrap 0.14+. Extends ui-bootstrap's `$uibModal` provider. :information_desk_person: Please use v1.2.x for ui-bootstrap versions 0.13 and below. ###[Live Demo]( ##Install #### Bower: ```bash $ bower install angular-aside ``` Then, include css/js in html. #### NPM ```bash $ npm install angular-aside ``` ##Usage ```js angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ngAside']); ``` ```js angular.module('myApp') .controller('MyController', function($scope, $aside) { var asideInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'aside.html', controller: 'AsideCtrl', placement: 'left', size: 'lg' }); }); ``` Supports all configuration that `$uibModal` has. Can be used with both `template` and `templateUrl`. For more info hit **Modal** section on [angular-ui bootstrap]( documentation. ##Additional Config - `placement` - Aside placement can be `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top'`, or `'bottom'`. ##Credits - [Angular UI Bootstrap]( - [Animate.css]( ##Author İsmail Demirbilek ([@dbtek](