class Plan < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group has_many :credits, dependent: :destroy has_many :training_credits, -> { where(creditable_type: 'Training') }, class_name: 'Credit' has_many :machine_credits, -> { where(creditable_type: 'Machine') }, class_name: 'Credit' has_many :space_credits, -> { where(creditable_type: 'Space') }, class_name: 'Credit' has_many :subscriptions has_one :plan_image, as: :viewable, dependent: :destroy has_one :plan_file, as: :viewable, dependent: :destroy has_many :prices, dependent: :destroy extend FriendlyId friendly_id :base_name, use: :slugged accepts_nested_attributes_for :prices accepts_nested_attributes_for :plan_file, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: :all_blank after_create :create_machines_prices after_create :create_spaces_prices after_create :create_statistic_type validates :amount, :group, :base_name, presence: true validates :interval_count, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 1 } validates :interval_count, numericality: { less_than: 13 }, if: proc { |plan| plan.interval == 'month' } validates :interval_count, numericality: { less_than: 53 }, if: proc { |plan| plan.interval == 'week' } validates :interval, inclusion: { in: %w[year month week] } validates :base_name, :slug, presence: true def self.create_for_all_groups(plan_params) plans = [] Group.all_except_admins.each do |group| plan = if plan_params[:type] == 'PartnerPlan', :type)) else, :type)) end = group if plans << plan else plans.each(&:destroy) return false end end plans end def destroyable? subscriptions.empty? end def create_machines_prices Machine.all.each do |machine| Price.create(priceable: machine, plan: self, group_id: group_id, amount: 0) end end def create_spaces_prices Space.all.each do |space| Price.create(priceable: space, plan: self, group_id: group_id, amount: 0) end end def duration interval_count.send(interval) end def human_readable_duration i18n_key = "duration.#{interval}" I18n.t(i18n_key, count: interval_count).to_s end def human_readable_name(opts = {}) result = base_name.to_s result += " - #{group.slug}" if opts[:group] result + " - #{human_readable_duration}" end # must be publicly accessible for the migration def create_statistic_type stat_index = StatisticIndex.where(es_type_key: 'subscription') type = StatisticType.find_by(statistic_index_id:, key: duration.to_i) if type.nil? type = StatisticType.create!( statistic_index_id:, key: duration.to_i, label: "Durée : #{human_readable_duration}", graph: true, simple: true ) end subtype = create_statistic_subtype create_statistic_association(type, subtype) end private def create_statistic_subtype StatisticSubType.create!(key: slug, label: name) end def create_statistic_association(stat_type, stat_subtype) if !stat_type.nil? && !stat_subtype.nil? StatisticTypeSubType.create!(statistic_type: stat_type, statistic_sub_type: stat_subtype) else puts 'ERROR: Unable to create the statistics association for the new plan. '+ 'Possible causes: the type or the subtype were not created successfully.' end end end