/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ 'use strict'; Application.Controllers.controller('ProjectElementsController', ['$scope', '$state', 'Component', 'Licence', 'Theme', 'componentsPromise', 'licencesPromise', 'themesPromise', '_t', 'Member', 'uiTourService', function ($scope, $state, Component, Licence, Theme, componentsPromise, licencesPromise, themesPromise, _t, Member, uiTourService) { // Materials list (plastic, wood ...) $scope.components = componentsPromise; // Licences list (Creative Common ...) $scope.licences = licencesPromise; // Themes list (cooking, sport ...) $scope.themes = themesPromise; /** * Saves a new component / Update an existing material to the server (form validation callback) * @param data {Object} component name * @param [data] {number} component id, in case of update */ $scope.saveComponent = function (data, id) { if (id != null) { return Component.update({ id }, data); } else { return Component.save(data, resp => $scope.components[$scope.components.length - 1].id = resp.id); } }; /** * Deletes the component at the specified index * @param index {number} component index in the $scope.components array */ $scope.removeComponent = function (index) { Component.delete($scope.components[index]); return $scope.components.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Creates a new empty entry in the $scope.components array */ $scope.addComponent = function () { $scope.inserted = { name: '' }; return $scope.components.push($scope.inserted); }; /** * Removes the newly inserted but not saved component / Cancel the current component modification * @param rowform {Object} see http://vitalets.github.io/angular-xeditable/ * @param index {number} component index in the $scope.components array */ $scope.cancelComponent = function (rowform, index) { if ($scope.components[index].id != null) { return rowform.$cancel(); } else { return $scope.components.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Saves a new theme / Update an existing theme to the server (form validation callback) * @param data {Object} theme name * @param [data] {number} theme id, in case of update */ $scope.saveTheme = function (data, id) { if (id != null) { return Theme.update({ id }, data); } else { return Theme.save(data, resp => $scope.themes[$scope.themes.length - 1].id = resp.id); } }; /** * Deletes the theme at the specified index * @param index {number} theme index in the $scope.themes array */ $scope.removeTheme = function (index) { Theme.delete($scope.themes[index]); return $scope.themes.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Creates a new empty entry in the $scope.themes array */ $scope.addTheme = function () { $scope.inserted = { name: '' }; return $scope.themes.push($scope.inserted); }; /** * Removes the newly inserted but not saved theme / Cancel the current theme modification * @param rowform {Object} see http://vitalets.github.io/angular-xeditable/ * @param index {number} theme index in the $scope.themes array */ $scope.cancelTheme = function (rowform, index) { if ($scope.themes[index].id != null) { return rowform.$cancel(); } else { return $scope.themes.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Saves a new licence / Update an existing licence to the server (form validation callback) * @param data {Object} licence name and description * @param [data] {number} licence id, in case of update */ $scope.saveLicence = function (data, id) { if (id != null) { return Licence.update({ id }, data); } else { return Licence.save(data, resp => $scope.licences[$scope.licences.length - 1].id = resp.id); } }; /** * Deletes the licence at the specified index * @param index {number} licence index in the $scope.licences array */ $scope.removeLicence = function (index) { Licence.delete($scope.licences[index]); return $scope.licences.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Creates a new empty entry in the $scope.licences array */ $scope.addLicence = function () { $scope.inserted = { name: '', description: '' }; return $scope.licences.push($scope.inserted); }; /** * Removes the newly inserted but not saved licence / Cancel the current licence modification * @param rowform {Object} see http://vitalets.github.io/angular-xeditable/ * @param index {number} licence index in the $scope.licences array */ $scope.cancelLicence = function (rowform, index) { if ($scope.licences[index].id != null) { return rowform.$cancel(); } else { return $scope.licences.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Setup the feature-tour for the admin/project_elements page. * This is intended as a contextual help (when pressing F1) */ $scope.setupProjectElementsTour = function () { // get the tour defined by the ui-tour directive const uitour = uiTourService.getTourByName('project-elements'); uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'welcome', order: 0, title: _t('app.admin.tour.project_elements.welcome.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.project_elements.welcome.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.heading .abuses-button', stepId: 'abuses', order: 1, title: _t('app.admin.tour.project_elements.abuses.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.project_elements.abuses.content'), placement: 'bottom', popupClass: 'shift-left-40' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'conclusion', order: 2, title: _t('app.admin.tour.conclusion.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.conclusion.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); // on tour end, save the status in database uitour.on('ended', function () { if (uitour.getStatus() === uitour.Status.ON && $scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('project-elements') < 0) { Member.completeTour({ id: $scope.currentUser.id }, { tour: 'project-elements' }, function (res) { $scope.currentUser.profile.tours = res.tours; }); } }); // if the user has never seen the tour, show him now if (Fablab.featureTourDisplay !== 'manual' && $scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('project-elements') < 0) { uitour.start(); } // start this tour when an user press F1 - this is contextual help window.addEventListener('keydown', handleF1); }; /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { // listen the $destroy event of the controller to remove the F1 key binding $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleF1); }); }; /** * Callback used to trigger the feature tour when the user press the F1 key. * @param e {KeyboardEvent} */ const handleF1 = function (e) { if (e.key === 'F1') { e.preventDefault(); const tour = uiTourService.getTourByName('project-elements'); if (tour) { tour.start(); } } }; // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]);