  #subscription plan duration
      one: 'ett år'
      other: '%{count} years'
      one: 'en måned'
      other: '%{count} months'
      one: 'en uke'
      other: '%{count} weeks'
        amount: "The price"
        slug: "URL"
      carrierwave_processing_error: "kunne ikke behandles"
      carrierwave_integrity_error: "er ikke av tillatt filtype"
      carrierwave_download_error: "kunne ikke lastes ned"
      extension_whitelist_error: "Det er ikk tillatt å laste opp %{extension} filer. Tillatte filtyper er: %{allowed_types}"
      extension_blacklist_error: "Det er ikk tillatt å laste opp %{extension} filer. Ikke tillate filtyper er: %{prohibited_types}"
      content_type_whitelist_error: "Det er ikk tillatt å laste opp %{content_type} filer. Tillatte filtyper er: %{allowed_types}"
      rmagick_processing_error: "Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not an image?"
      mime_types_processing_error: "Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe not valid content-type?"
      mini_magick_processing_error: "Failed to manipulate the file, maybe it is not an image?"
      wrong_size: "har feil filstørrelse (skal være %{file_size})"
      size_too_small: "er for liten (må være minst %{file_size})"
      size_too_big: "er for stor (må være maks %{file_size})"
      export_not_found: "Finner ikke forespurt eksport. Den ble sannsynligvis slettet, vennligst generer en ny eksport."
      percentage_out_of_range: "Prosentverdi må være et tall mellom 0 og 100"
      cannot_be_blank_at_same_time: "kan ikke være tom når %{field} er også tom"
      cannot_be_in_the_past: "kan ikke være i fortiden"
      cannot_be_before_previous_value: "kan ikke være før den forrige verdien"
      cannot_overlap: "kan ikke overlappe eksisterende regnskapsperiode"
      cannot_encompass: "kan ikke inkludere en eksisterende regnskapsperiode"
      in_closed_period: "kan ikke være innenfor en avsluttet regnskapsperiode"
      invalid_footprint: "fakturas kontrollsum er ugyldig"
      end_before_start: "Sluttdatoen kan ikke være før startdato. Velg en dato etter %{START}"
      invalid_duration: "Den tillatte varigheten må være mellom 1 dag og 1 år. Din periode er %{DAYS} dager lang."
      must_be_in_the_past: "Perioden må være før dagens dato."
      registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
      undefined_in_store: "must be defined to make the product available in the store"
      gateway_error: "Payement gateway error: %{MESSAGE}"
      gateway_amount_too_small: "Payments under %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
      gateway_amount_too_large: "Payments above %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
      product_in_use: "This product have already been ordered"
      slug_already_used: "is already used"
    code_format_error: "only caps letters, numbers, and dashes are allowed"
    api_documentation: "API-dokumentasjon"
    code: "HTTP kode"
  #error messages when importing an account from an SSO
    email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "E-postadressen \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" er allerede koblet til en annen konto, vennligst skriv inn din godkjenningskode."
    your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Brukernavnet ditt (%{USERNAME}) er allerede koblet til en annen konto, så ikke mulig å oppdatere kontoen."
    your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Din e-postadresse (%{EMAIL}) er allerede koblet til en annen konto og kan ikke oppdateres."
    this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "Denne %{NAME} -kontoen er allerede knyttet til en bruker."
  #availability slots in the calendar
    not_available: "Ikke tilgjengelig"
    reserving: "I'm reserving"
    i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
    length_must_be_slot_multiple: "må være minst %{MIN} minutter etter startdatoen"
    must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "må være tilknyttet minst 1 maskin"
    deleted_user: "Deleted user"
  #members management
    unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Kan ikke endre gruppen mens et abonnement kjører"
    please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Skriv inn autentiseringskoden sendt til e-postadressen %{EMAIL}"
    your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Din autentiseringskode er ikke gyldig."
    current_authentication_method_no_code: "Den nåværende autentiseringsmetoden krever ikke migrasjonskode"
    requested_account_does_not_exists: "Den forespurte kontoen eksisterer ikke"
  #SSO external authentication
    local_database_provider_already_exists: 'A "Local Database" provider already exists. Unable to create another.'
    matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
  #PDF invoices generation
    refund_invoice_reference: "Referanse, refusjonsfaktura: %{REF}"
    invoice_reference: "Fakturareferanse: %{REF}"
    code: "Kode: %{CODE}"
    order_number: "Ordre #: %{NUMBER}"
    invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Faktura utstedt den %{DATE}"
    refund_invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Tilbakebetalingsfaktura utstedt den %{DATE}"
    wallet_credit: "Lommebok-kredit"
    cancellation_of_invoice_REF: "Kansellering av faktura %{REF}"
    reservation_of_USER_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Reservasjon for %{USER} på %{DATE} kl. %{TIME}"
    cancellation: "Avbestilling"
    object: "Objekt:"
    order_summary: "Oppsummering av ordre:"
    details: "Detaljer"
    amount: "Beløp"
    subscription_extended_for_free_from_START_to_END: "Abonnement utvidet gratis – fra %{START} til %{END}"
    subscription_NAME_from_START_to_END: "Abonnement %{NAME} - fra %{START} til %{END}"
    machine_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Maskinreservasjon - %{DESCRIPTION}"
    space_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Reservasjon av plass/rom - %{DESCRIPTION}"
    training_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Bestilling, opplæring/kurs - %{DESCRIPTION}"
    event_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Arrangements-reservasjon - %{DESCRIPTION}"
    from_payment_schedule: "Due %{NUMBER} out of %{TOTAL}, from %{DATE}. Repayment schedule %{SCHEDULE}"
      one: "En fullprisbillett"
      other: "%{count} full price tickets"
      one: "En %{NAME} billett"
      other: "%{count} %{NAME} tickets"
    coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Kupong {CODE}: rabatt på {DISCOUNT}{TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation
    total_including_all_taxes: "Sum inkl. MVA"
    VAT: "MVA"
    including_VAT_RATE: "Inkludert %{NAME} %{RATE}% av %{AMOUNT}"
    including_total_excluding_taxes: "Inkludert total ekskl. MVA"
    including_amount_payed_on_ordering: "Inkludert beløp betalt ved bestilling"
    total_amount: "Totalbeløp"
    refund_on_DATE: "Refusjon den %{DATE}"
    by_card_online_payment: "via kort (online betaling)"
    by_cheque: "med sjekk"
    by_transfer: "ved overføring"
    by_cash: "med kontanter"
    by_wallet: "til lommebok"
    no_refund: "Ingen refusjon"
    settlement_by_debit_card: "Oppgjør med betalingskort"
    settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Oppgjør i resepsjonen"
    settlement_by_wallet: "Oppgjør via lommebok"
    on_DATE_at_TIME: "på %{DATE} kl. %{TIME},"
    for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "for %{AMOUNT}"
    on_DATE_from_START_to_END: "På %{DATE} fra %{START} til %{END}" #eg: on feb. 7 from 7AM to 9AM
    from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE_from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "Fra %{STARTDATE} til %{ENDDATE}, fra %{STARTTIME} til %{ENDTIME}" #eg: from feb. 7 to feb. 10, from 6PM to 10PM
    subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "Abonnement på %{NAME} for %{DURATION} med start den %{DATE}"
    subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "Subscription of %{NAME} extended (Free days) starting from %{STARTDATE} until %{ENDDATE}"
    and: 'og'
    invoice_text_example: "Vår organisasjoner ikke underlagt mva."
    error_invoice: "Feil i faktura. Elementene under varen som ikke er bestilt. Kontakt oss for refusjon."
    prepaid_pack: "Forhåndsbetalt pakke med timer"
    pack_item: "Pakke med %{COUNT} timer for %{ITEM}"
    order: "Your order on the store"
    unable_to_find_pdf: "We cannot find your invoice. If you ordered recently, it may have not been generated yet. Please retry in a moment."
  #PDF payment schedule generation
    schedule_reference: "Referanse til betalingsplanen: %{REF}"
    schedule_issued_on_DATE: "Tidsplan utstedt den %{DATE}"
    object: "Objekt: Betalingsplan for %{ITEM}"
    subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "%{NAME} sitt abonnementet med varighet %{DURATION} starter fra %{DATE}"
    deadlines: "Dine tidsfrister"
    deadline_date: "Betalingsdato"
    deadline_amount: "Beløp inkludert mva"
    total_amount: "Totalbeløp"
    settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
    settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} vil bli trukket fra lommeboken for å gjøre opp den første fristen."
  #CVS accounting export (columns headers)
    journal_code: "Journalkode"
    date: "Oppføringdato"
    account_code: "Kontokode"
    account_label: "Kontoetikett"
    piece: "Dokument"
    line_label: "Oppføringetikett"
    debit_origin: "Opprinnelig debet"
    credit_origin: "Opprinnelig kreditt"
    debit_euro: "debet i Euro"
    credit_euro: "Kreditt i Euro"
    lettering: "Lettering"
    VAT: 'MVA'
    subscription_abbreviation: "subscr."
    Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "machine reserv."
    Training_reservation_abbreviation: "training reserv."
    Event_reservation_abbreviation: "event reserv."
    Space_reservation_abbreviation: "space reserv."
    wallet_abbreviation: "wallet"
    shop_order_abbreviation: "shop order"
    start_date: "Start date"
    end_date: "End date"
    vat_rate: "%{NAME} rate"
    amount: "Total amount"
  #training availabilities
    i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
    completed: "Fullt"
    refund_for_auto_cancel: "This training session was cancelled due to an insufficient number of participants."
  #error messages when updating an event
    error_deleting_reserved_price: "Kan ikke slette den forespurte prisen fordi den er tilknyttet noen reservasjoner"
    other_error: "En uventet feil oppstod under oppdatering av arrangementet"
    #event duration
    from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "fra %{STARTTIME} til %{ENDTIME}"
  #members list export to EXCEL format
    members: "Medlemmer"
    id: "ID"
    external_id: "External ID"
    surname: "Etternavn"
    first_name: "Fornavn"
    email: "E-post"
    newsletter: "Nyhetsbrev"
    last_login: "Sist innlogget"
    gender: "Kjønn"
    age: "Alder"
    address: "Adresse"
    phone: "Telefon"
    website: "Nettsted"
    job: "Jobb"
    interests: "Interesser"
    cad_software_mastered: "Mestret CAD-programvare"
    group: "Gruppe"
    subscription: "Medlemskap/abonnement"
    subscription_end_date: "Sluttdato for abonnementet"
    validated_trainings: "Godkjent opplæring/kurs"
    tags: "Etiketter"
    number_of_invoices: "Antall fakturaer"
    projects: "Prosjekter"
    facebook: "Facebook"
    twitter: "Twitter"
    echo_sciences: "Echosciences"
    organization: "Organisasjon"
    organization_address: "Organisasjonens adresse"
    note: "Note"
    man: "Mann"
    woman: "Kvinne"
    without_subscriptions: "Uten abonnementer"
  #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format
    reservations: "Reservasjoner"
    customer_id: "Kunde-ID"
    customer: "Kunde"
    email: "E-post"
    reservation_date: "Reservasjonsdato"
    reservation_type: "Reservasjon, type"
    reservation_object: "Reservasjonsobjekt"
    slots_number_hours_tickets: "Antall tidsluker (timer/saker)"
    payment_method: "Betalingsmetode"
    local_payment: "Betaling i resepsjonen"
    online_payment: "Online betaling"
    deleted_user: "Slettet bruker"
    coupon: "Coupon used"
  #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format
    subscriptions: "Medlemskap/abonnementer"
    id: "ID"
    customer: "Kunde"
    email: "E-post"
    subscription: "Medlemskap/abonnementer"
    period: "Periode"
    start_date: "Startdato"
    expiration_date: "Utløpsdato"
    amount: "Beløp"
    local_payment: "Betaling i resepsjonen"
    online_payment: "Online betaling"
    deleted_user: "Slettet bruker"
  #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format
    machines: "Maskiner"
    trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
    spaces: "Plass/rom"
    events: "Arrangementer"
    day_of_week: "Ukedag"
    date: "Dato"
    slot: "Tidsluke"
    machine: "Maskin"
    training: "Opplæring/kurs"
    space: "Plass/rom"
    event: "Arrangement"
    reservations: "Reservasjoner"
    available_seats: "Tilgjengelige plasser"
    description_slot: "You have booked %{COUNT} slots of %{ITEM}"
    description_training: "You have booked a %{TYPE} training"
    description_event: "You have booked %{NUMBER} tickets for this event"
    alarm_summary: "Remind your reservation"
    member: "Medlem"
    manager: "Leder"
    admin: "Administrator"
    #internal app notifications
      deleted_user: "Slettet bruker"
        an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "Et misbruk ble rapportert på <strong>%{TYPE} %{ID}: <em>%{NAME}</em></strong>."
        a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_made_by_USER_html: "En <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> reservasjon ble gjort av <strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>."
        account_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_has_completed_its_information_html: "Konto importert fra <strong><em>%{PROVIDER}</strong> (%{UID})</em> fullført."
        USER_s_reservation_on_the_DATE_was_cancelled_remember_to_generate_a_refund_invoice_if_applicable_html: "<strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong> sin reservasjon, på %{DATE}, ble kansellert. Husk å generere en refusjonsfaktura hvis det er aktuelt."
        a_booking_slot_was_modified: "En tidsluke ble endret."
        subscription_PLAN_has_been_subscribed_by_USER_html: "Abonnement/medlemskap <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> har blitt bestilt av <strong><em>%{USER}</strong></em>."
        USER_s_subscription_has_been_cancelled: "%{USER} sitt abonnement har blitt kansellert."
        subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Abonnement <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> for <strong><em>{USER}</strong></em> har blitt utvidet {FREE, select, true{gratis} other{}} til {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
        USER_s_subscription_has_expired: "%{USER}sitt abonnement har utløpt."
        USER_s_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "%{USER} sitt abonnement utløper om 7 dager."
        auto_cancelled_training: "The %{TRAINING} training session scheduled for %{DATE}, has been automatically canceled due to an insufficient number of participants."
        auto_refund: "The members were automatically refunded on their wallet."
        manual_refund: "Please refund each members."
        user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "User <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> changed group." #messageFormat interpolation
        user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "<strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em>'s account was merged with the one imported from <strong><em>{PROVIDER} </strong> ({%UID})</em>." #messageFormat interpolation
        project_NAME_has_been_published_html: "Prosjekt <a href='/#!/projects/%{ID}'><strong><em>%{NAME}<em></strong></a> har blitt publisert."
        a_new_user_account_has_been_created_NAME_EMAIL_html: "En ny brukerkonto er opprettet: <strong><em>%{NAME} &lt;%{EMAIL}&gt;</strong></em>."
        a_new_user_account_has_been_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "En ny brukerkonto har blitt importert fra: <strong><em>%{PROVIDER}</strong> (%{UID})</em>."
        your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_successfully_saved_html: "Din reservasjon <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> er blitt lagret."
        reminder_you_have_a_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "Påminnelse: Du har en reservasjon <strong>%{RESERVABLE}</strong> den <em>%{DATE}</em>"
        your_reservation_RESERVABLE_of_DATE_was_successfully_cancelled: "Din reservasjon %{RESERVABLE} den %{DATE} ble kansellert."
        your_reservation_slot_was_successfully_changed: "Din reservasjonluke ble endret."
        you_have_subscribed_to_PLAN_html: "Du abonnerer på <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
        you_have_changed_your_subscription_to_PLAN_html: "Du har endret abonnement til <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
        your_subscription_PLAN_was_successfully_cancelled_html: "Abonnementet ditt <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> ble avsluttet."
        your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Abonnementet <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> har blitt utvidet {FREE, select, true{Gratis} other{}} til {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
        your_subscription_has_expired: "Abonnementet ditt har utløpt."
        your_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "Ditt abonnement utløper om 7 dager."
        training_authorization_revoked: "Your authorization to use %{MACHINES} has been revoked because it has expired."
        auto_cancelled_training: "The %{TRAINING} training session scheduled for %{DATE}, has been canceled due to an insufficient number of participants."
        auto_refund: "You were refunded on your wallet."
        invalidated: "Your authorization to use %{MACHINES} has been invalidated due to a lack of reservations."
        subscription_partner_PLAN_has_been_subscribed_by_USER_html: "Partnerabonnement <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> er tegnet av <strong><em>%{USER}</strong></em>."
        USER_became_collaborator_of_your_project: "%{USER} ble samarbeidspartner i prosjektet ditt:"
        you_are_invited_to_collaborate_on_the_project: "Du er invitert til å samarbeide om prosjektet:"
        your_account_was_migrated: "Overføring av kontoen din til det nye autentiseringssystemet er vellykket."
        your_profile_was_completed: "Profilen din ble fullført, du har nå tilgang til hele plattformen."
        your_TRAINING_was_validated_html: "Opplæring/kurs, <strong><em>%{TRAINING}</em></strong>, ble validert."
        your_group_has_changed: "Gruppen din er endret."
        your_avoir_is_ready_html: "Din refusjon nr.%{REFERENCE}, på %{AMOUNT} er klar. <a href='api/invoices/%{INVOICE_ID}/download' target='_blank'> Klikk her for å laste ned</a>."
        your_invoice_is_ready_html: "Din faktura nr.%{REFERENCE}, på %{AMOUNT} er klar. <a href='api/invoices/%{INVOICE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Klikk her for å laste ned</a>."
        unknown_notification: "Ukjent varsel"
        notification_ID_wrong_type_TYPE_unknown: "Varsling %{ID} av feil (type %{TYPE} ukjent)"
        your_wallet_is_credited: "Din lommebok har blitt kreditert av administrator"
        wallet_is_credited: "%{USER} sin lommeboken er blitt kreditert %{AMOUNT}."
        export: "Eksporten"
        statistics_global: "for all statistikk"
        statistics_account: "for registreringsstatistikken"
        statistics_event: "for arrangements-statistikk"
        statistics_machine: "for statistikk om maskinreservasjoner"
        statistics_project: "av statistikk om prosjekter"
        statistics_subscription: "for abonnementsstatistikk"
        statistics_training: "av statistikk om opplæringer"
        statistics_space: "av statistikk om plasser/rom"
        users_members: "fra medlemslisten"
        users_subscriptions: "fra abonnementslisten"
        users_reservations: "fra reservasjonslisten"
        availabilities_index: "of the reservations availabilities"
        accounting_acd: "of the accounting data to ACD"
        accounting_vat: "of the collected VAT"
        is_over: "is over."
        download_here: "Download here"
        import_over: "%{CATEGORY} import is over. "
        members: "Members"
        view_results: "View results."
        low_stock: "Low stock for %{PRODUCT}. "
        view_product: "View the product."
        enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE: "Enjoy a discount of %{PERCENT}% with code %{CODE}"
        enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Enjoy a discount of %{AMOUNT} with code %{CODE}"
        warning_free_disk_space: "Warning: the server's available disk space is now %{AVAILABLE} MiB"
        warning_last_closed_period_over_1_year: "Please remind to periodically close your accounting periods. Last closed period ended at %{LAST_END}"
        warning_no_closed_periods: "Please remind to periodically close your accounting periods. You have to close periods from %{FIRST_DATE}"
        archive_complete: "Data archiving from %{START} to %{END} is done. <a href='api/accounting_periods/%{ID}/archive' target='_blank'>click here to download</a>. Remember to save it on an external secured media."
        policy_updated: "Privacy policy updated."
        click_to_show: "Click here to consult"
        refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been created for user %{USER}"
        your_role_is_ROLE: "Your role has been changed to %{ROLE}."
        user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "User <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> is now %{ROLE}."
        all_objects_sync: "All data were successfully synchronized on Stripe."
        your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Your payment schedule #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT}, is ready. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
        schedule_error: "An error occurred for the card debit of the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
        schedule_error: "An error occurred for the card debit of the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
        schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
        schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
        schedule_canceled: "The payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the gateway. An action is required."
        schedule_canceled: "Your payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the gateway."
        schedule_deadline: "You must cash the check for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
        schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
        supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Supporting document uploaded by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
        supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Supporting document changed by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
        account_validated: "Your account is valid."
        account_invalidated: "Your account is invalid."
        refusal: "Your supporting documents were refused"
        refusal: "Member's supporting document <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> was refused."
        order_ready: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is ready"
        order_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is canceled"
        order_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is refunded"
  #statistics tools for admins
    subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
    machines_hours: "Machines slots"
    machine_dates: "Slots dates"
    space_dates: "Slots dates"
    spaces: "Spaces"
    orders: "Orders"
    trainings: "Trainings"
    events: "Events"
    registrations: "Registrations"
    projects: "Projects"
    users: "Users"
    training_id: "Training ID"
    training_date: "Training Date"
    event_id: "Event ID"
    event_date: "Event Date"
    event_name: "Event Name"
    event_theme: "Theme"
    age_range: "Age Range"
    themes: "Themes"
    components: "Komponenter"
    machines: "Maskiner"
    user_id: "Bruker-ID"
    group: "Group"
    bookings: "Reservasjoner"
    hours_number: "Timer nummer"
    tickets_number: "Tickets number"
    revenue: "Revenue"
    account_creation: "Konto opprettet"
    project_publication: "Prosjekt publisert"
    duration: "Varighet"
    store: "Store"
    paid-processed: "Paid and/or processed"
    aborted: "Aborted"
  #statistics exports to the Excel file format
    entries: "Oppføringer"
    revenue: "Inntekter"
    average_age: "Gjennomsnittlig alder"
    total: "Totalt"
    date: "Dato"
    user: "Bruker"
    email: "E-post"
    phone: "Telefon"
    gender: "Kjønn"
    age: "Alder"
    type: "Type"
    male: "Mann"
    female: "Kvinne"
    deleted_user: "Deleted user"
  #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property
    reduced_fare: "Redusert avgift"
    reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "Redusert pris hvis du er under 25, student eller arbeidsløs."
    free_extension: "Free extension of a subscription, until %{DATE}"
    must_be_after_expiration: "The new expiration date must be set after the current expiration date"
    group_subscription_mismatch: "Your group mismatch with your subscription. Please report this error."
    birthday_in_past: "The date of birth must be in the past"
    please_contact_FABLAB: "Please contact us for withdrawal instructions."
    slot: "The slot doesn't exist"
    availability: "The availaility doesn't exist"
    full: "The slot is already fully reserved"
    deadline: "You can't reserve a slot %{MINUTES} minutes prior to its start"
    restricted: "This availability is restricted for subscribers"
    plan: "This subscription plan is disabled"
    plan_group: "This subscription plan is reserved for members of group %{GROUP}"
    reserved: "This slot is already reserved"
    pack: "This prepaid pack is disabled"
    pack_group: "This prepaid pack is reserved for members of group %{GROUP}"
    space: "This space is disabled"
    machine: "This machine is disabled"
    reservable: "This machine is not reservable"
    select_user: "Please select a user before continuing"
    locked_setting: "innstillingen er låst."
    about_title: "\"Om\" sidetittel"
    about_body: "\"Om\" sideinnhold"
    about_contacts: "\"Om\"-side, kontakter"
    privacy_draft: "Forslag til retningslinjer for personvern"
    privacy_body: "Persovernerklæring"
    privacy_dpo: "Adressen til personvernansvarlig"
    twitter_name: "Twitterfeed-navn"
    home_blogpost: "Homepage's brief"
    machine_explications_alert: "Informasjon på maskinens bestillingsside"
    training_explications_alert: "Forklarings melding på opplæringsreservasjonssiden"
    training_information_message: "Information message on the machine reservation page"
    subscription_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the subscription page"
    invoice_logo: "Invoices' logo"
    invoice_reference: "Invoice's reference"
    invoice_code-active: "Activation of the invoices' code"
    invoice_code-value: "Invoices' code"
    invoice_order-nb: "Invoice's order number"
    invoice_VAT-active: "Activation of the VAT"
    invoice_VAT-rate: "VAT rate"
    invoice_VAT-rate_Product: "VAT rate for shop's product sales"
    invoice_VAT-rate_Event: "VAT rate for event reservations"
    invoice_VAT-rate_Machine: "VAT rate for machine reservations"
    invoice_VAT-rate_Subscription: "VAT rate for subscriptions"
    invoice_VAT-rate_Space: "VAT rate for space reservations"
    invoice_VAT-rate_Training: "VAT rate for training reservations"
    invoice_text: "Invoices' text"
    invoice_legals: "Invoices' legal information"
    booking_window_start: "Opening time"
    booking_window_end: "Closing time"
    booking_move_enable: "Activation of reservations moving"
    booking_move_delay: "Preventive delay before any reservation move"
    booking_cancel_enable: "Activation of reservations cancelling"
    booking_cancel_delay: "Preventive delay before any reservation cancellation"
    main_color: "Main colour"
    secondary_color: "Secondary colour"
    fablab_name: "Fablab's name"
    name_genre: "Title concordance"
    reminder_enable: "Activation of reservations reminding"
    reminder_delay: "Delay before sending the reminder"
    event_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the event reservation page"
    space_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the space reservation page"
    visibility_yearly: "Maximum visibility for annual subscribers"
    visibility_others: "Maximum visibility for other members"
    reservation_deadline: "Prevent reservation before it starts"
    display_name_enable: "Display names in the calendar"
    machines_sort_by: "Machines display order"
    accounting_sales_journal_code: "Sales journal code"
    accounting_payment_card_code: "Card payments code"
    accounting_payment_card_label: "Card payments label"
    accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Card clients journal code"
    accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Wallet payments code"
    accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Wallet payments label"
    accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet payments journal code"
    accounting_payment_other_code: "Other payment means code"
    accounting_payment_other_label: "Other payment means label"
    accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Other payment means journal code"
    accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet credit code"
    accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet credit label"
    accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet credit journal code"
    accounting_VAT_code: "VAT code"
    accounting_VAT_label: "VAT label"
    accounting_VAT_journal_code: "VAT journal code"
    accounting_subscription_code: "Subscriptions code"
    accounting_subscription_label: "Subscriptions label"
    accounting_Machine_code: "Machines code"
    accounting_Machine_label: "Machines label"
    accounting_Training_code: "Trainings code"
    accounting_Training_label: "Trainings label"
    accounting_Event_code: "Events code"
    accounting_Event_label: "Events label"
    accounting_Space_code: "Spaces code"
    accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label"
    accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-hours pack code"
    accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-hours pack label"
    accounting_Product_code: "Store products code"
    accounting_Product_label: "Store products label"
    hub_last_version: "Last Fab-manager's version"
    hub_public_key: "Instance public key"
    fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics"
    link_name: "Link title to the \"About\" page"
    home_content: "The home page"
    home_css: "Stylesheet of the home page"
    origin: "Instance URL"
    uuid: "Instance ID"
    phone_required: "Phone required?"
    tracking_id: "Tracking ID"
    book_overlapping_slots: "Book overlapping slots"
    slot_duration: "Default duration of booking slots"
    events_in_calendar: "Display events in the calendar"
    spaces_module: "Spaces module"
    plans_module: "Plans modules"
    invoicing_module: "Invoicing module"
    facebook_app_id: "Facebook App ID"
    twitter_analytics: "Twitter analytics account"
    recaptcha_site_key: "reCAPTCHA Site Key"
    recaptcha_secret_key: "reCAPTCHA Secret Key"
    feature_tour_display: "Feature tour display mode"
    email_from: "Expeditor's address"
    disqus_shortname: "Disqus shortname"
    allowed_cad_extensions: "Allowed CAD files extensions"
    allowed_cad_mime_types: "Allowed CAD files MIME types"
    openlab_app_id: "OpenLab ID"
    openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab secret"
    openlab_default: "Default projects gallery view"
    online_payment_module: "Online payments module"
    stripe_public_key: "Stripe public key"
    stripe_secret_key: "Stripe secret key"
    stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
    invoice_prefix: "Invoices' files prefix"
    confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
    wallet_module: "Wallet module"
    statistics_module: "Statistics module"
    upcoming_events_shown: "Display limit for upcoming events"
    payment_schedule_prefix: "Payment schedule's files prefix"
    trainings_module: "Trainings module"
    address_required: "Address required"
    accounting_Error_code: "Errors code"
    accounting_Error_label: "Errors label"
    payment_gateway: "Payment gateway"
    payzen_username: "PayZen username"
    payzen_password: "PayZen password"
    payzen_endpoint: "PayZen API endpoint"
    payzen_public_key: "PayZen client public key"
    payzen_hmac: "PayZen HMAC-SHA-256 key"
    payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
    public_agenda_module: "Public agenda module"
    renew_pack_threshold: "Threshold for packs renewal"
    pack_only_for_subscription: "Restrict packs for subscribers"
    overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
    extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
    public_registrations: "Public registrations"
    facebook: "facebook"
    twitter: "twitter"
    viadeo: "viadeo"
    linkedin: "linkedin"
    instagram: "instagram"
    youtube: "youtube"
    vimeo: "vimeo"
    dailymotion: "dailymotion"
    github: "github"
    echosciences: "echosciences"
    pinterest: "pinterest"
    lastfm: "lastfm"
    flickr: "flickr"
    machines_module: "Machines module"
    user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"
    show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the admin's members list"
    store_module: "Store module"
    store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"
    store_hidden: "Store hidden to the public"
    advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
    external_id: "external identifier"
    prevent_invoices_zero: "prevent building invoices at 0"
    invoice_VAT-name: "VAT name"
    trainings_auto_cancel: "Trainings automatic cancellation"
    trainings_auto_cancel_threshold: "Minimum participants for automatic cancellation"
    trainings_auto_cancel_deadline: "Automatic cancellation deadline"
    trainings_authorization_validity: "Trainings validity period"
    trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Trainings validity period duration"
    trainings_invalidation_rule: "Trainings automatic invalidation"
    trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Grace period before invalidating a training"
  #statuses of projects
    new: "New"
    pending: "Pending"
    done: "Done"
    abandoned: "Abandoned"