  * x is a value between 0 and 1, indicating where in the animation you are.
var duScrollDefaultEasing = function (x) {
  'use strict';

  if(x < 0.5) {
    return Math.pow(x*2, 2)/2;
  return 1-Math.pow((1-x)*2, 2)/2;

angular.module('duScroll', [
  //Default animation duration for smoothScroll directive
  .value('duScrollDuration', 350)
  //Scrollspy debounce interval, set to 0 to disable
  .value('duScrollSpyWait', 100)
  //Wether or not multiple scrollspies can be active at once
  .value('duScrollGreedy', false)
  //Default offset for smoothScroll directive
  .value('duScrollOffset', 0)
  //Default easing function for scroll animation
  .value('duScrollEasing', duScrollDefaultEasing);

angular.module('duScroll.scrollHelpers', ['duScroll.requestAnimation'])
.run(["$window", "$q", "cancelAnimation", "requestAnimation", "duScrollEasing", "duScrollDuration", "duScrollOffset", function($window, $q, cancelAnimation, requestAnimation, duScrollEasing, duScrollDuration, duScrollOffset) {
  'use strict';

  var proto = {};

  var isDocument = function(el) {
    return (typeof HTMLDocument !== 'undefined' && el instanceof HTMLDocument) || (el.nodeType && el.nodeType === el.DOCUMENT_NODE);

  var isElement = function(el) {
    return (typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' && el instanceof HTMLElement) || (el.nodeType && el.nodeType === el.ELEMENT_NODE);

  var unwrap = function(el) {
    return isElement(el) || isDocument(el) ? el : el[0];

  proto.duScrollTo = function(left, top, duration, easing) {
    var aliasFn;
    if(angular.isElement(left)) {
      aliasFn = this.duScrollToElement;
    } else if(angular.isDefined(duration)) {
      aliasFn = this.duScrollToAnimated;
    if(aliasFn) {
      return aliasFn.apply(this, arguments);
    var el = unwrap(this);
    if(isDocument(el)) {
      return $window.scrollTo(left, top);
    el.scrollLeft = left;
    el.scrollTop = top;

  var scrollAnimation, deferred;
  proto.duScrollToAnimated = function(left, top, duration, easing) {
    if(duration && !easing) {
      easing = duScrollEasing;
    var startLeft = this.duScrollLeft(),
        startTop = this.duScrollTop(),
        deltaLeft = Math.round(left - startLeft),
        deltaTop = Math.round(top - startTop);

    var startTime = null, progress = 0;
    var el = this;

    var cancelOnEvents = 'scroll mousedown mousewheel touchmove keydown';
    var cancelScrollAnimation = function($event) {
      if (!$event || (progress && $event.which > 0)) {
        el.unbind(cancelOnEvents, cancelScrollAnimation);
        scrollAnimation = null;

    if(scrollAnimation) {
    deferred = $q.defer();

    if(duration === 0 || (!deltaLeft && !deltaTop)) {
      if(duration === 0) {
        el.duScrollTo(left, top);
      return deferred.promise;

    var animationStep = function(timestamp) {
      if (startTime === null) {
        startTime = timestamp;

      progress = timestamp - startTime;
      var percent = (progress >= duration ? 1 : easing(progress/duration));

        startLeft + Math.ceil(deltaLeft * percent),
        startTop + Math.ceil(deltaTop * percent)
      if(percent < 1) {
        scrollAnimation = requestAnimation(animationStep);
      } else {
        el.unbind(cancelOnEvents, cancelScrollAnimation);
        scrollAnimation = null;

    //Fix random mobile safari bug when scrolling to top by hitting status bar
    el.duScrollTo(startLeft, startTop);

    el.bind(cancelOnEvents, cancelScrollAnimation);

    scrollAnimation = requestAnimation(animationStep);
    return deferred.promise;

  proto.duScrollToElement = function(target, offset, duration, easing) {
    var el = unwrap(this);
    if(!angular.isNumber(offset) || isNaN(offset)) {
      offset = duScrollOffset;
    var top = this.duScrollTop() + unwrap(target).getBoundingClientRect().top - offset;
    if(isElement(el)) {
      top -= el.getBoundingClientRect().top;
    return this.duScrollTo(0, top, duration, easing);

  proto.duScrollLeft = function(value, duration, easing) {
    if(angular.isNumber(value)) {
      return this.duScrollTo(value, this.duScrollTop(), duration, easing);
    var el = unwrap(this);
    if(isDocument(el)) {
      return $window.scrollX || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
    return el.scrollLeft;
  proto.duScrollTop = function(value, duration, easing) {
    if(angular.isNumber(value)) {
      return this.duScrollTo(this.duScrollLeft(), value, duration, easing);
    var el = unwrap(this);
    if(isDocument(el)) {
      return $window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
    return el.scrollTop;

  proto.duScrollToElementAnimated = function(target, offset, duration, easing) {
    return this.duScrollToElement(target, offset, duration || duScrollDuration, easing);

  proto.duScrollTopAnimated = function(top, duration, easing) {
    return this.duScrollTop(top, duration || duScrollDuration, easing);

  proto.duScrollLeftAnimated = function(left, duration, easing) {
    return this.duScrollLeft(left, duration || duScrollDuration, easing);

  angular.forEach(proto, function(fn, key) {
    angular.element.prototype[key] = fn;

    //Remove prefix if not already claimed by jQuery / ui.utils
    var unprefixed = key.replace(/^duScroll/, 'scroll');
    if(angular.isUndefined(angular.element.prototype[unprefixed])) {
      angular.element.prototype[unprefixed] = fn;


//Adapted from https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671
angular.module('duScroll.polyfill', [])
.factory('polyfill', ["$window", function($window) {
  'use strict';

  var vendors = ['webkit', 'moz', 'o', 'ms'];

  return function(fnName, fallback) {
    if($window[fnName]) {
      return $window[fnName];
    var suffix = fnName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fnName.substr(1);
    for(var key, i = 0; i < vendors.length; i++) {
      key = vendors[i]+suffix;
      if($window[key]) {
        return $window[key];
    return fallback;

angular.module('duScroll.requestAnimation', ['duScroll.polyfill'])
.factory('requestAnimation', ["polyfill", "$timeout", function(polyfill, $timeout) {
  'use strict';

  var lastTime = 0;
  var fallback = function(callback, element) {
    var currTime = new Date().getTime();
    var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
    var id = $timeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
    lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
    return id;

  return polyfill('requestAnimationFrame', fallback);
.factory('cancelAnimation', ["polyfill", "$timeout", function(polyfill, $timeout) {
  'use strict';

  var fallback = function(promise) {

  return polyfill('cancelAnimationFrame', fallback);

angular.module('duScroll.spyAPI', ['duScroll.scrollContainerAPI'])
.factory('spyAPI', ["$rootScope", "$timeout", "$window", "$document", "scrollContainerAPI", "duScrollGreedy", "duScrollSpyWait", function($rootScope, $timeout, $window, $document, scrollContainerAPI, duScrollGreedy, duScrollSpyWait) {
  'use strict';

  var createScrollHandler = function(context) {
    var timer = false, queued = false;
    var handler = function() {
      queued = false;
      var container = context.container,
          containerEl = container[0],
          containerOffset = 0,

      if (typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' && containerEl instanceof HTMLElement || containerEl.nodeType && containerEl.nodeType === containerEl.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        containerOffset = containerEl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
        bottomReached = Math.round(containerEl.scrollTop + containerEl.clientHeight) >= containerEl.scrollHeight;
      } else {
        bottomReached = Math.round($window.pageYOffset + $window.innerHeight) >= $document[0].body.scrollHeight;
      var compareProperty = (bottomReached ? 'bottom' : 'top');

      var i, currentlyActive, toBeActive, spies, spy, pos;
      spies = context.spies;
      currentlyActive = context.currentlyActive;
      toBeActive = undefined;

      for(i = 0; i < spies.length; i++) {
        spy = spies[i];
        pos = spy.getTargetPosition();
        if (!pos) continue;

        if(bottomReached || (pos.top + spy.offset - containerOffset < 20 && (duScrollGreedy || pos.top*-1 + containerOffset) < pos.height)) {
          //Find the one closest the viewport top or the page bottom if it's reached
          if(!toBeActive || toBeActive[compareProperty] < pos[compareProperty]) {
            toBeActive = {
              spy: spy
            toBeActive[compareProperty] = pos[compareProperty];

      if(toBeActive) {
        toBeActive = toBeActive.spy;
      if(currentlyActive === toBeActive || (duScrollGreedy && !toBeActive)) return;
      if(currentlyActive) {
        $rootScope.$broadcast('duScrollspy:becameInactive', currentlyActive.$element);
      if(toBeActive) {
        $rootScope.$broadcast('duScrollspy:becameActive', toBeActive.$element);
      context.currentlyActive = toBeActive;

    if(!duScrollSpyWait) {
      return handler;

    //Debounce for potential performance savings
    return function() {
      if(!timer) {
        timer = $timeout(function() {
          timer = false;
          if(queued) {
        }, duScrollSpyWait, false);
      } else {
        queued = true;

  var contexts = {};

  var createContext = function($scope) {
    var id = $scope.$id;
    var context = {
      spies: []

    context.handler = createScrollHandler(context);
    contexts[id] = context;

    $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

    return id;

  var destroyContext = function($scope) {
    var id = $scope.$id;
    var context = contexts[id], container = context.container;
    if(container) {
      container.off('scroll', context.handler);
    delete contexts[id];

  var defaultContextId = createContext($rootScope);

  var getContextForScope = function(scope) {
    if(contexts[scope.$id]) {
      return contexts[scope.$id];
    if(scope.$parent) {
      return getContextForScope(scope.$parent);
    return contexts[defaultContextId];

  var getContextForSpy = function(spy) {
    var context, contextId, scope = spy.$scope;
    if(scope) {
      return getContextForScope(scope);
    //No scope, most likely destroyed
    for(contextId in contexts) {
      context = contexts[contextId];
      if(context.spies.indexOf(spy) !== -1) {
        return context;

  var isElementInDocument = function(element) {
    while (element.parentNode) {
      element = element.parentNode;
      if (element === document) {
        return true;
    return false;

  var addSpy = function(spy) {
    var context = getContextForSpy(spy);
    if (!context) return;
    if (!context.container || !isElementInDocument(context.container)) {
      if(context.container) {
        context.container.off('scroll', context.handler);
      context.container = scrollContainerAPI.getContainer(spy.$scope);
      context.container.on('scroll', context.handler).triggerHandler('scroll');

  var removeSpy = function(spy) {
    var context = getContextForSpy(spy);
    if(spy === context.currentlyActive) {
      context.currentlyActive = null;
    var i = context.spies.indexOf(spy);
    if(i !== -1) {
      context.spies.splice(i, 1);
		spy.$element = null;

  return {
    addSpy: addSpy,
    removeSpy: removeSpy,
    createContext: createContext,
    destroyContext: destroyContext,
    getContextForScope: getContextForScope

angular.module('duScroll.scrollContainerAPI', [])
.factory('scrollContainerAPI', ["$document", function($document) {
  'use strict';

  var containers = {};

  var setContainer = function(scope, element) {
    var id = scope.$id;
    containers[id] = element;
    return id;

  var getContainerId = function(scope) {
    if(containers[scope.$id]) {
      return scope.$id;
    if(scope.$parent) {
      return getContainerId(scope.$parent);

  var getContainer = function(scope) {
    var id = getContainerId(scope);
    return id ? containers[id] : $document;

  var removeContainer = function(scope) {
    var id = getContainerId(scope);
    if(id) {
      delete containers[id];

  return {
    getContainerId:   getContainerId,
    getContainer:     getContainer,
    setContainer:     setContainer,
    removeContainer:  removeContainer

angular.module('duScroll.smoothScroll', ['duScroll.scrollHelpers', 'duScroll.scrollContainerAPI'])
.directive('duSmoothScroll', ["duScrollDuration", "duScrollOffset", "scrollContainerAPI", function(duScrollDuration, duScrollOffset, scrollContainerAPI) {
  'use strict';

  return {
    link : function($scope, $element, $attr) {
      $element.on('click', function(e) {
        if(!$attr.href || $attr.href.indexOf('#') === -1) return;

        var target = document.getElementById($attr.href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '').substring(1));
        if(!target || !target.getBoundingClientRect) return;

        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();

        var offset    = $attr.offset ? parseInt($attr.offset, 10) : duScrollOffset;
        var duration  = $attr.duration ? parseInt($attr.duration, 10) : duScrollDuration;
        var container = scrollContainerAPI.getContainer($scope);

          isNaN(offset) ? 0 : offset,
          isNaN(duration) ? 0 : duration

angular.module('duScroll.spyContext', ['duScroll.spyAPI'])
.directive('duSpyContext', ["spyAPI", function(spyAPI) {
  'use strict';

  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: true,
    compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
      return {
        pre: function preLink($scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {

angular.module('duScroll.scrollContainer', ['duScroll.scrollContainerAPI'])
.directive('duScrollContainer', ["scrollContainerAPI", function(scrollContainerAPI){
  'use strict';

  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: true,
    compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
      return {
        pre: function preLink($scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {
          iAttrs.$observe('duScrollContainer', function(element) {
            if(angular.isString(element)) {
              element = document.getElementById(element);

            element = (angular.isElement(element) ? angular.element(element) : iElement);
            scrollContainerAPI.setContainer($scope, element);
            $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

angular.module('duScroll.scrollspy', ['duScroll.spyAPI'])
.directive('duScrollspy', ["spyAPI", "duScrollOffset", "$timeout", "$rootScope", function(spyAPI, duScrollOffset, $timeout, $rootScope) {
  'use strict';

  var Spy = function(targetElementOrId, $scope, $element, offset) {
    if(angular.isElement(targetElementOrId)) {
      this.target = targetElementOrId;
    } else if(angular.isString(targetElementOrId)) {
      this.targetId = targetElementOrId;
    this.$scope = $scope;
    this.$element = $element;
    this.offset = offset;

  Spy.prototype.getTargetElement = function() {
    if (!this.target && this.targetId) {
      this.target = document.getElementById(this.targetId);
    return this.target;

  Spy.prototype.getTargetPosition = function() {
    var target = this.getTargetElement();
    if(target) {
      return target.getBoundingClientRect();

  Spy.prototype.flushTargetCache = function() {
    if(this.targetId) {
      this.target = undefined;

  return {
    link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) {
      var href = $attr.ngHref || $attr.href;
      var targetId;

      if (href && href.indexOf('#') !== -1) {
        targetId = href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '').substring(1);
      } else if($attr.duScrollspy) {
        targetId = $attr.duScrollspy;
      if(!targetId) return;

      // Run this in the next execution loop so that the scroll context has a chance
      // to initialize
      $timeout(function() {
        var spy = new Spy(targetId, $scope, $element, -($attr.offset ? parseInt($attr.offset, 10) : duScrollOffset));

        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
        $scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', spy.flushTargetCache.bind(spy));
        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', spy.flushTargetCache.bind(spy));
      }, 0, false);