/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ 'use strict'; Application.Controllers.controller('PlansIndexController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', '$uibModal', 'Auth', 'AuthService', 'dialogs', 'growl', 'groupsPromise', 'Subscription', 'Member', 'subscriptionExplicationsPromise', '_t', 'Wallet', 'helpers', 'settingsPromise', 'Price', function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $uibModal, Auth, AuthService, dialogs, growl, groupsPromise, Subscription, Member, subscriptionExplicationsPromise, _t, Wallet, helpers, settingsPromise, Price) { /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ // list of groups $scope.groups = groupsPromise.filter(function (g) { return (g.slug !== 'admins') & !g.disabled; }); // default : do not show the group changing form // group ID of the current/selected user $scope.group = { change: false, id: null }; // user to deal with $scope.ctrl = { member: null, member_id: null }; // already subscribed plan of the current user $scope.paid = { plan: null }; // plan to subscribe (shopping cart) $scope.selectedPlan = null; // the moment when the plan selection changed for the last time, used to trigger changes in the cart $scope.planSelectionTime = null; // the application global settings $scope.settings = settingsPromise; // Discount coupon to apply to the basket, if any $scope.coupon = { applied: null }; // text that appears in the bottom-right box of the page (subscriptions rules details) $scope.subscriptionExplicationsAlert = subscriptionExplicationsPromise.setting.value; /** * Callback to deal with the subscription of the user selected in the dropdown list instead of the current user's * subscription. (admins and managers only) */ $scope.updateMember = function () { $scope.selectedPlan = null; $scope.paid.plan = null; $scope.group.change = false; Member.get({ id: $scope.ctrl.member.id }, function (member) { $scope.ctrl.member = member; $scope.group.id = $scope.ctrl.member.group_id; }); }; /** * Add the provided plan to the shopping basket * @param plan {Object} The plan to subscribe to */ $scope.selectPlan = function (plan) { setTimeout(() => { if ($scope.isAuthenticated()) { if ($scope.selectedPlan !== plan) { $scope.selectedPlan = plan; $scope.planSelectionTime = new Date(); } else { $scope.selectedPlan = null; } } else { $scope.login(); } $scope.$apply(); }, 50); }; /** * Open the modal dialog allowing the user to log into the system */ $scope.userLogin = function () { setTimeout(() => { if (!$scope.isAuthenticated()) { $scope.login(); $scope.$apply(); } }, 50); }; /** * Callback triggered when an error is raised on a lower-level component * @param message {string} */ $scope.onError = function (message) { growl.error(message); }; /** * Return the group object, identified by the ID set in $scope.group.id */ $scope.getUserGroup = function () { for (const group of Array.from($scope.groups)) { if (group.id === $scope.group.id) { return group; } } }; /** * Change the group of the current/selected user to the one set in $scope.group.id */ $scope.selectGroup = function () { Member.update({ id: $scope.ctrl.member.id }, { user: { group_id: $scope.group.id } }, function (user) { $scope.ctrl.member = user; $scope.group.change = false; $scope.selectedPlan = null; if (AuthService.isAuthorized('member') || (AuthService.isAuthorized('manager') && $scope.currentUser.id !== $scope.ctrl.member.id)) { $rootScope.currentUser = user; Auth._currentUser.group_id = user.group_id; growl.success(_t('app.public.plans.your_group_was_successfully_changed')); } else { growl.success(_t('app.public.plans.the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed')); } } , function (err) { if (AuthService.isAuthorized('member') || (AuthService.isAuthorized('manager') && $scope.currentUser.id !== $scope.ctrl.member.id)) { growl.error(_t('app.public.plans.an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed')); } else { growl.error(_t('app.public.plans.an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group')); } console.error(err); }); }; /** * Return an enumerable meaninful string for the gender of the provider user * @param user {Object} Database user record * @return {string} 'male' or 'female' */ $scope.getGender = function (user) { if (user && user.statistic_profile_attributes) { if (user.statistic_profile_attributes.gender === 'true') { return 'male'; } else { return 'female'; } } else { return 'other'; } }; /** * Test if the provided date is in the future * @param dateTime {Date} * @return {boolean} */ $scope.isInFuture = function (dateTime) { return (moment().diff(moment(dateTime)) < 0); }; /** * To use as callback in Array.prototype.filter to get only enabled plans */ $scope.filterDisabledPlans = function (plan) { return !plan.disabled; }; /** * Once the subscription has been confirmed (payment process successfully completed), mark the plan as subscribed, * and update the user's subscription */ $scope.afterPayment = function () { $scope.ctrl.member.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan); if ($scope.ctrl.member.id === Auth._currentUser.id) { Auth._currentUser.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan); } $scope.paid.plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan); $scope.selectedPlan = null; $scope.coupon.applied = null; }; /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { if ($scope.currentUser) { if (!AuthService.isAuthorized('admin')) { $scope.ctrl.member = $scope.currentUser; $scope.paid.plan = $scope.currentUser.subscribed_plan; $scope.group.id = $scope.currentUser.group_id; } } $scope.$on('devise:new-session', function (event, user) { if (user.role !== 'admin') { $scope.ctrl.member = user; } }); }; // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]);