see_you_later: "Vi ses snart" #messageFormat interpolation
sincerely: "Vennlig hilsen,"
signature: "Ledelsen."
do_not_reply: "Vennligst ikke svar på denne e-posten."
subject: "Kontoen din har blitt opprettet"
hello: "Hei %{NAME},"
intro: "Vi har opprettet en konto for deg, på {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{}} {FABLAB} nettsted:" #messageFormat interpolation
connection_parameters: "Her er dine tilkoblingsparametre:"
account_name: "Kontonavn:"
password: "Passord:"
temporary_password: "Dette er et midlertidig passord, du kan endre det på «Min konto»-skjermen."
keep_advantages: "With this account, you keep all the advantages linked to your Fab Lab user profile (trainings, subscriptions plans)."
to_use_platform: "Hvis du vil bruke nettsiden, må du"
logon_or_login: "opprett en ny konto eller logg inn ved å klikke her."
token_if_link_problem: "Hvis du opplever problemer med lenken, kan du skrive inn følgende kode ved første forsøk på tilkobling:"
subject: "Du har endret gruppe"
warning: "You have changed group. Inspections can be conducted at the lab to verify the legitimacy of this change."
user_invalidated: "Your account was invalidated, please upload your new supporting documents to validate your account."
subject: "Et medlem har endret gruppe"
user_changed_group_html: "Bruker %{NAME} har endret gruppe."
previous_group: "Forrige gruppe:"
new_group: "Ny gruppe:"
user_invalidated: "The user's account was invalidated."
subject: "Et abonnement har blitt utvidet"
subscription_extended_html: "Abonnement {PLAN} for {NAME} har blitt utvidet {FREE, select, true{gratis} other{}} til {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
subject: "Din abonnementsplan er utvidet"
your_plan: "Din abonnementsplan"
has_been_extended: "er utvidet"
free: "gratis"
until: "inntil"
subject: "En abonnementsplan har blitt kjøpt"
a_plan: "En abonnementsplan"
was_purchased_by_member: "har blitt kjøpt av brukeren"
subject: "Et prosjekt er blitt publisert"
new_project_published: "Et nytt prosjekt er publisert:"
subject: "Invitasjon til samarbeid om et prosjekt"
your_are_invited_to_take_part_in_a_project: "Du er invitert til å delta i dette prosjektet:"
to_accept_the_invitation_click_on_following_link: "For å akseptere denne invitasjonen, klikk på følgende lenke:"
subject: "Ny samarbeidspartner i ditt prosjekt"
the_member: "brukeren"
accepted_your_invitation_to_take_part_in_the_project: "har godtatt din invitasjon til å bli med i ditt prosjekt:"
subject: "Opplæringen er godkjent"
your_training: "Din opplæring"
has_been_validated: "har blitt godkjent"
subject: "Du har kjøpt et abonnement/medlemskap"
plan_subscribed_html: "Du abonnerer på planen/medlemskapet: %{PLAN}."
rolling_subscription_stops_on: "Ditt abonnement avsluttes %{DURATION} etter din første trening. Ellers stopper det %{DATE}."
subscription_stops_on: "Ditt abonnement avsluttes %{DATE}."
subject: "Din reservasjon er lagret"
reservation_saved_html: "Din reservasjon %{RESERVATION} er blitt lagret"
your_reserved_slots: "Du har reservertfølgende tidsluke:"
subject: "Your pre-registration has been successfully saved"
reservation_saved_html: "You pre-registration %{RESERVATION} has been successfully saved"
your_reserved_slots: "Your pre-booked slots are:"
reservation_warning: "This email does not count as registration to %{RESERVATION}.
You will receive another email to confirm or deny your request."
subject: "Medlemskapet ditt er oppdatert"
new_plan_html: "Du har endret medlemskap til %{PLAN}."
subject: "Ny reservasjon"
member_reserved_html: "Bruker %{NAME} har reservert %{RESERVABLE}."
reserved_slots: "Reserverte tidsluker:"
subject: "New pre-registration"
member_reserved_html: "User %{NAME} has pre-reserved %{RESERVABLE}."
reserved_slots: "Pre-reserved slots are:"
subject: "Din reservasjon er blitt endret"
reservation_changed_to: "Din reservasjon har blitt endret til:"
previous_date: "Forrige dato:"
subject: "En reservasjonstidsluke har blitt endret"
slot_modified: "Brukeren %{NAME} hadde endret sitt reservasjon"
new_date: "Ny reservasjon"
old_date: "Previous slot"
subject: "A user account has been created"
new_account_created: "A new user account has been created on the website:"
user_of_group_html: "The user has registered in the group %{GROUP}"
account_for_organization: "This account manage an organization:"
subject: "A user's child has been created"
new_child_created: "A new user's child has been created on the website"
subject: "A subscription has been purchased"
plan_subscribed_html: "A plan %{PLAN} has been subscribed by user %{NAME}."
subject: "Your FabLab's invoice"
please_find_attached_html: "Please find as attached file your invoice from {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} OrderItem{order} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can access your invoice in %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab website."
your_dashboard: "your dashboard"
subject: "Reservation reminder"
this_is_a_reminder_about_your_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "This is a reminder about your reservation %{RESERVABLE} to be held on %{DATE}"
this_reservation_concerns_the_following_slots: "This reservation concerns the following slots:"
subject: "Your FabLab's refund invoice"
please_find_attached_html: "Please find as attached file your refund invoice from {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} WalletTransaction{wallet credit} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can access your refund invoice in %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab website."
your_dashboard: "your dashboard"
subject: "Your subscription expires in 7 days"
your_plan: "you plan"
expires_in_7_days: "will expire in 7 days."
to_renew_your_plan_follow_the_link: "Please, follow this link to renew your plan"
subject: "Your authorization was revoked"
training_expired_html: "
You took the %{TRAINING} training, on %{DATE}.
Your authorization for this training, valid for %{PERIOD} months, has expired.
Please validate it again in order to be able to reserve the %{MACHINES}
." notify_member_training_auto_cancelled: subject: "Your training session was cancelled" body: cancelled_training: "The %{TRAINING} training session scheduled for %{DATE}, from %{START} to %{END} has been canceled due to an insufficient number of participants." auto_refund: "You were refunded on your wallet and a credit note should be available." notify_member_training_invalidated: subject: "Your authorization was invalidated" body: training_invalidated_html: "You took the %{TRAINING} training, on %{DATE} giving you access to the %{MACHINES}.
Due to the lack of reservations for one of these machines during the last %{PERIOD} months, your authorization has been invalidated.
Please validate the training again in order to continue reserving these machines.
." notify_member_subscription_is_expired: subject: "Your subscription has expired" body: your_plan: "You plan" has_expired: "has expired." you_can_go_to: "Please go to" to_renew_your_plan: "to renew you plan" notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: subject: "A member subscription expires in 7 days" body: subscription_will_expire_html: "Subscription plan for user %{NAME} %{PLAN} will expire in 7 days." notify_admin_training_auto_cancelled: subject: "A training was automatically cancelled" body: cancelled_training: "The %{TRAINING} training session scheduled for %{DATE}, from %{START} to %{END} has been automatically canceled due to an insufficient number of participants." auto_refund: "The members who have booked this training session were automatically refunded on their wallet and credit notes was generated." manual_refund: "Please manually refund all members who have booked this training session and generate the credit notes." notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: subject: "A member subscription has expired" body: subscription_expired_html: "Subscription plan for user %{NAME} %{PLAN} is now expired." notify_admin_subscription_canceled: subject: "A member subscription has been cancelled" body: subscription_canceled_html: "Subscription %{PLAN} for user %{NAME} has been cancelled." notify_member_subscription_canceled: subject: "Your subscription has been cancelled" body: your_plan_was_canceled: "Your subscription plan has been cancelled." your_plan: "your subscription plan" end_at: "ends on" notify_member_slot_is_canceled: subject: "Your reservation has been canceled" body: reservation_canceled: "Your reservation for %{RESERVABLE} has been canceled" notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: subject: "A reservation has been cancelled" body: member_cancelled: "User %{NAME} has cancelled his reservation" item_details: "%{START} - %{END}, concerning %{RESERVABLE}" generate_refund: "Do not forget to generate a credit note or a refund for this cancellation." notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: subject: "A user account has been imported from the SSO" body: new_account_imported: "A new user account (ID: %{ID}) has been imported to the website via %{PROVIDER}." provider_uid: "its provider ID is: " known_information: "Here is what we know about this provider:" address_already_used: "This address is already associated with another user" no_more_info_available: "Ingen annen informasjon om denne brukeren kan gis før han fullfører sin profil." notify_user_profile_complete: subject: "Du har nå tilgang til hele nettsiden" body: message: "Din kontoinformasjon er oppdatert, du har nå tilgang til hele nettsiden." notify_user_auth_migration: subject: "Viktig endring i makerspace-kontoen din" body: the_platform: "nettstedet" is_changing_its_auth_system_and_will_now_use: "endrer sitt system for brukeridentifikasjon og vil bruke" instead_of: "i stedet for" consequence_of_the_modification: "På grunn av denne endringen vil du ikke være i stand til å logge inn på nettstedet med dine brukernavn" to_use_the_platform_thanks_for: "For å kunne fortsette å bruke nettsiden, vennligst" create_an_account_on: "opprett en konto på" or_use_an_existing_account_clicking_here: "eller bruk en eksisterende konto ved å klikke her" in_case_of_problem_enter_the_following_code: "Hvis det er problem med denne lenken, kan du legge inn følgende kode ved første gangs forsøk på å overføre kontoen inn i det nye autentiseringssystemet:" notify_admin_user_merged: subject: "En importert konto er blitt slått sammen med en eksisterende konto" body: imported_account_merged: "En tidligere importert brukerkonto via %{PROVIDER) er slått sammen med den eksisterende kontoen %{NAME}" provider_uid: "dens leverandør-ID er:" notify_admin_profile_complete: subject: "En importert konto har fullført sin profil" body: account_completed: "An user account has completed its profile:" imported_account_completed: "An user account, previously imported through %{PROVIDER}, has completed its profile:" provider_id: "its provider ID is:" notify_admin_abuse_reported: subject: "An abusive content has been reported" body: intro: "A user has flagged a content as abusive" signaled_content: "flagged content:" signaled_by: "flagged by:" signaled_on: "flagged on:" message: "Message:" visit_management_interface: "Refer to the Reporting Management Interface for more information." notify_user_wallet_is_credited: subject: "Your wallet has been credited" body: wallet_credit_html: "Your wallet has been credited %{AMOUNT} by administrator." notify_admin_user_wallet_is_credited: subject: "The wallet of an user has been credited" body: wallet_credit_html: "The wallet of member %{USER} has been credited %{AMOUNT} by administrator %{ADMIN}." notify_admin_export_complete: subject: "Export completed" body: you_asked_for_an_export: "You asked for an export" statistics_global: "of all the statistics" statistics_account: "of the registration statistics" statistics_event: "of statistics about events" statistics_machine: "of statistics about machine slots" statistics_project: "of statistics about projects" statistics_subscription: "of subscription statistics" statistics_training: "of statistics about trainings" statistics_space: "of statistics about spaces" users_members: "of the members' list" users_subscriptions: "of the subscriptions' list" users_reservations: "of the reservations' list" availabilities_index: "of the reservations availabilities" accounting_acd: "of the accounting data to ACD" accounting_vat: "of the collected VAT data" click_to_download: "Excel file generated successfully. To download it, click" here: "here" file_type: xlsx: "Excel" csv: "CSV" notify_admin_import_complete: subject: "Import completed" body: you_made_an_import: "You have initiated an import %{CATEGORY}" category_members: "of the members" click_to_view_results: "Click here to view results" notify_admin_low_stock_threshold: subject: "Low stock alert" body: low_stock: "A new stock movement of %{PRODUCT} has exceeded the low stock threshold." stocks_state_html: "Current stock status:We wish to inform you that we have just updated our privacy policy.
We may change our privacy policy regularly. In accordance with the regulations, you will receive a notification for each update.
By accessing or using our services after the privacy policy update, we will consider that you agree its terms, updates included.
" link_to_policy: "Click here to view the privacy policy." notify_admin_refund_created: subject: "A refund has been generated" body: refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been generated on invoice %{INVOICE} of user %{USER}" wallet_refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been generated for the credit of the wallet of user %{USER}" download: "Click here to download this refund invoice" notify_admins_role_update: subject: "The role of a user has changed" body: user_role_changed_html: "The role of the user %{NAME} has changed." previous_role: "Previous role:" new_role: "New role:" notify_user_role_update: subject: "Your role has changed" body: role_changed_html: "Your role at {GENDER, select, male{the} female{the} neutral{} other{the}} {NAME} has changed. You are now {ROLE}.