# Changelog Fab Manager ## next release - Add a checkbox "I accept to receive informations from the FabLab" on Sign up and Profil of user - Share project by facebook/twitter - Load translation locales from subdirectories - Add wallet to user, client can pay total/partial reservation or subscription by wallet - Public calendar for show all trainings/machines/events - Display 'draft' badge on drafts in project galleries - Add a 'new project' button in dashboard/my projects - Open Projects: show the platform of origin even for local projects - Ability to use HTML in machine specs and description - Ability to manage project steps order - Trainings are associated with a picture and an HTML textual description - Public gallery of trainings with ability to view details or to book a training on its own calendar - Ability to switch back to all trainings booking view - Rename "Courses and Workshops" to "Events" - Admin: Events can be associated with a theme and an age range - Admin: Event categories, themes and age ranges can be customized - Filter events by category, theme and age range in public view - Ability to customise price's categories for the events - Events can be associated with many custom price's categories, instead of only one "reduced price" - Statistics views can trigger and display custom aggregations from ElasticSearch - Machine hours/Trainings statistics: display number of tickets/hours available for booking - Statistics will include informations abouts events category, theme and age range - Ability to export the current statistics table to an Excel file - Ability to export every statistics on a given dates range to an Excel file - More fields in members exports - Unified members, subscriptions and reservations exports with the new statistics exports - Excel exports are now asynchronously generated and cached on the server for future identical requests - Users have the ability to create an organizational profile when creating an account - Organization informations will be used in invoices generation, if present - Admins can create and enable/disable coupons. They can also notify an user about details of a coupon - Users and admins can apply coupons's discounts to their shopping cart - Send an email reminder and system notification some hours before a reservation happens - Admins can toggle reminders on/off and customize the delay - More file types allowed as project CAD attachements - Project CAD attachements are now checked by MIME type in addition of extension check - Display strategy's name in SSO providers list - SSO: documentation improved with an usage example - SSO: mapped fields display their data type. Integers, booleans and dates allow some transformations. - Fix a bug: project drafts are shown on public profiles - Fix a bug: event category disappear when editing the event - Fix a bug: machine name is not shown in plan edition - Fix a bug: machine slots with tags are not displayed correctly on reservation calendar - Fix a bug: avatar, address and organization details mapping from SSO were broken - Fix a bug: in SSO configuration some valid endpoints were recognized as erroneous - Fix a bug: clicking on the text in stripe's payment modal, does not validate the checkbox - Fix a bug: move event reservation is not limited by admin settings (prior-delay & disable) - [TODO DEPLOY] `rake fablab:es_build_availabilities_index` - [TODO DEPLOY] `rake fablab:es_add_event_filters` - [TODO DEPLOY] `rake db:migrate` - [TODO DEPLOY] `bundle install` - [TODO DEPLOY] add `EXCEL_DATE_FORMAT` environment variable in `application.yml` - [OPTIONAL] `rake fablab:fix:assign_category_to_uncategorized_events` (will put every non-categorized events into a new category called "No Category", to ease re-categorization) ## v2.3.0 2016 June 28 - Public API with access management and online documentation - Add json cache for machines, events, trainings - Optimise sql query, avoid to N+1 - Projects URL are always composed with slug instead of ID - Confirmation on project deletion - Fix a bug: unable to deploy 2.2.0+ when PostgreSQL 'unaccent' extension was already active - Fix a bug: some reservations was referencing reservables not present in database (#patch) - [TODO DEPLOY] `bundle exec rake fablab:fix:reservations_not_existing_reservable` to apply #patch - [TODO DEPLOY] `bundle install` and `rake db:migrate` ## v2.2.2 2016 June 23 - Fix some bugs: users with uncompleted account (sso imported) won't appear in statistics, in listings and in searches. Moreover, they won't block statistics generation - Fix a bug: unable to display next results in statistics tables - Admin: Category is mandatory when creating an event ## v2.2.1 2016 June 22 - Fix a bug: field User.merged_at should not be allowed to be mapped in SSO - Fix a bug: integration test "user reservation without plan" - Fix a bug: can't click for some seconds in Chrome 51 - Admin: statistics tables were paginated and optimized to improve load times. ## v2.2.0 2016 June 16 - Built-in support for extensions plug-ins - User profile form: social networks links, personal website link, job and change profile visibility (public / private) - User public profile: UI re-design with possible admin's customization - Admin: Invoices list and users list are now loaded per 10 items to improve pages load time - Admin: select member (eg. to buy a subscription for a member) is now loading the user's list dynamically when you type - Project collaborators selection is now using a list dynamically loaded as you type - Admin: select a training before monitoring its reservations -> improves page load time - API: GET /api/trainings do not load nor send the associated availabilities until they are requested - List of members is now loaded 10 members by 10, to improve page load time - [TODO DEPLOY] Regenerate the theme stylesheet (easy way: Customization/General/Main colour -> "Save") - [TODO DEPLOY] `bundle install` and `rake db:migrate` ## v2.1.2 2016 May 24 - Fix a bug: Google Analytics was not loaded and did not report any stats ## v2.1.1 2016 May 3 - Fix a bug concerning openlab projects initialization in production env - Fix a bug: user is not redirected after changing is duplicated e-mail on the SSO provider ## v2.1.0 2016 May 2 - Add search feature on openlab projects : [Openlab-projects](https://github.com/LaCasemate/openlab-projects) - Add integration tests for main features - Credits logic has been extracted into a microservice - Improved UI list of projects - Refactor interface for SSO profile completion - Change interface for SSO/email already used - Fix a bug: custom asset favicon-file favicon file is not set - Fix a security issue: stripe card token is now checked on server side on new/renew subscription - Translated notification e-mails into english language - Subscription extension logic has been extracted into a microservice