      #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
        confirm_your_new_account: "Confirm your new account"
        or: "or"
        do_you_already_have_an_account: "Do you already have an account?"
        do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Do not fill the form beside but specify here the code you've received by email, to recover your access."
        just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Just specify here the code you've received by email to recover your access."
        i_did_not_receive_the_code: "I didn't receive the code"
        authentification_code: "Authentification code"
        confirm_my_code: "Confirm my code"
        an_unexpected_error_occurred_check_your_authentication_code: "An unexpected error occurred, please check your authentication code."
        send_code_again: "Send the code again"
        email_address_associated_with_your_account: "Email address associated with your account"
        email_is_required: "Email address is required"
        email_format_is_incorrect: "Email format is incorrect"
        code_successfully_sent_again: "Code successfully sent again"
        used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
        your_user_s_profile: "Your user's profile"
        user_s_profile_is_required: "User's profile is required."
        i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "I've read and I accept"
        _the_fablab_policy: "the FabLab policy"
        your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
          rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
          sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
          duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
          details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
          title: "New on this platform?"
          please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
          disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
          confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
          duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
          edit_profile: "Change my data"
          after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
          sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
        event: "Event"
        family: "Family"
        nominative: "Nominative"
        pre_registration: "Pre-registration"
        NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}"
        NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}"
        tracking_your_reservation: "Tracking your reservation"
        in_the_process_of_validation: "In the process of validation"
        settle_your_payment: "Come to the reception desk to settle"
        paid: "Paid"
        canceled: "Canceled"
        #dashboard: public profile
          empty: ''
        #dashboard: edit my profile
          last_activity_on_: "Last activity on {DATE}"
          i_want_to_change_group: "I want to change group!"
          your_subscription_expires_on_: "Your subscription expires on"
          no_subscriptions: "No subscriptions"
          i_want_to_subscribe: "I want to subscribe!"
          to_come: "to come"
          approved: "approved"
          projects: "Projects"
          no_projects: "No projects"
          labels: "Labels"
          no_labels: "No labels"
          cookies: "Cookies"
          cookies_accepted: "You have accepted cookies"
          cookies_declined: "You have refused cookies"
          cookies_unset: "You have not chosen yet"
          reset_cookies: "Change my choice"
          delete_my_account: "Delete my account"
          edit_my_profile: "Edit my profile"
          your_group_has_been_successfully_changed: "Your group has been successfully changed."
          an_unexpected_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "An unexpected error prevented your group from being changed."
          confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
          confirm_delete_your_account: "Do you really want to delete your account?"
          all_data_will_be_lost: "All your data will be destroyed and won't be recoverable."
          invoicing_data_kept: "According to regulation, all data related to your invoices will be kept separately for 10 years."
          statistic_data_anonymized: "Some data (sex, date of birth, group) will be anonymized and kept for statistical purposes."
          no_further_access_to_projects: "Your published projects will be anonymized and you won't get any further ability to edit them."
          your_user_account_has_been_successfully_deleted_goodbye: "Your user account has been successfully deleted. Goodbye."
          an_error_occured_preventing_your_account_from_being_deleted: "An error occurred, preventing your account from being deleted."
          used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
          used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
          used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
          used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
          used_for_pricing_stats: "This data will be used to determine the prices to which you are entitled, and for statistical purposes"
          public_profile: "You will have a public profile and other users will be able to associate you in their projects"
          trainings: "Trainings"
          no_trainings: "No trainings"
          subscription: "Subscription"
          group: "Group"
          or: "or"
          confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
          change_my_data: "Change my data"
          sync_my_profile: "Sync my profile"
          once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Once your data are up to date,"
          _click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "click on the synchronization button opposite"
          _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconnect then reconnect"
          _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for your changes to take effect."
          your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
        #dashboard: my projects
          you_dont_have_any_projects: "You don't have any projects."
          add_a_project: "Add a project"
          author: "Author"
          collaborator: "Collaborator"
          rough_draft: "Draft"
          description: "Description"
          machines_and_materials: "Machines and materials"
          machines: "Machines"
          materials: "Materials"
          collaborators: "Collaborators"
        #dashboard: my trainings
          your_next_trainings: "Your next trainings"
          your_previous_trainings: "Your previous trainings"
          your_approved_trainings: "Your approved trainings"
          no_trainings: "No trainings"
          your_training_credits: "Your training credits"
          subscribe_for_credits: "Subscribe to benefit from free trainings"
          register_for_free: "Register for free to the following trainings:"
          book_here: "Book here"
          canceled: "Canceled"
        #dashboard: my events
          your_next_events: "Your next events"
          no_events_to_come: "No events to come"
          your_previous_events: "Your previous events"
          no_passed_events: "No passed events"
          NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}"
          NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}"
        #dashboard: my invoices
          reference_number: "Reference number"
          date: "Date"
          price: "Price"
          download_the_invoice: "Download the invoice"
          download_the_credit_note: "Download the refund invoice"
          no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now."
          no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
          load_more: "Load more"
          card_updated_success: "Your card was successfully updated"
          file_successfully_uploaded: "The supporting documents were sent."
          unable_to_upload: "Unable to send the supporting documents: "
          supporting_documents_files: "Supporting documents"
          my_documents_info: "Due to your group declaration, some supporting documents are required. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
          upload_limits_alert_html: "Warning!<br>You can submit your documents as PDF or images (JPEG, PNG). Maximum allowed size: {SIZE} Mb"
          file_size_error: "The file size exceeds the limit ({SIZE} MB)"
          save: "Save"
          browse: "Browse"
          edit: "Edit"
          machine_section_title: "Machines reservations"
          space_section_title: "Spaces reservations"
            title: "My reservations"
            upcoming: "Upcoming"
            date: "Date"
            history: "History"
            no_reservation: "No reservation"
            show_more: "Show more"
            cancelled_slot: "Cancelled"
            title: "My credits"
            info: "Your subscription comes with free credits you can use when reserving"
            remaining_credits_html: "You can book {REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{slot} other{slots}} for free."
            used_credits_html: "You have already used <strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{credit} one{credit} other{credits}}</strong>."
            no_credits: "You don't have any credits yet. Some subscriptions may allow you to book some slots for free."
            title: "My prepaid packs"
            name: "Prepaid pack name"
            end: "Expiry date"
            countdown: "Countdown"
            history: "History"
            consumed_hours: "{COUNT, plural, =1{1H consumed} other{{COUNT}H consumed}}"
            cta_info: "You can buy prepaid hours packs to book machines and benefit from discounts. Choose a machine to buy a corresponding pack."
            select_machine: "Select a machine"
            cta_button: "Buy a pack"
            no_packs: "No prepaid packs available for sale"
            reserved_for_subscribers_html: 'The purchase of prepaid packs is reserved for subscribers. <a href="{LINK}">Subscribe now</a> to benefit.'
      #public profil of a member
        members_list: "Members list"
      #list of members accepting to be contacted
        the_fablab_members: "The Fab Lab members"
        display_more_members: "Display more members..."
        no_members_for_now: "No members for now"
        avatar: "Avatar"
        user: "User"
        pseudonym: "Pseudonym"
        email_address: "Email address"
      #add a new project
        add_a_new_project: "Add a new project"
      #modify an existing project
        edit_the_project: "Edit the project"
        rough_draft: "Draft"
        publish: "Publish"
      #book a machine
        machine_planning: "Machine planning"
        i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
        not_available: "Not available"
        i_reserve: "I reserve"
        i_shift: "I shift"
        i_change: "I change"
        do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation?"
        reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully."
        cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
        a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later."
      #modal telling users that they must wait for their training validation before booking a machine
        machine_reservation: "Machine reservation"
        wait_for_validated: "You must wait for your training is being validated by the FabLab team to book this machine."
        training_will_occur_DATE_html: "Your training will occur at <strong>{DATE}</strong>"
        DATE_TIME: "{DATE} {TIME}"
      #modal telling users that they need to pass a training before booking a machine
        to_book_MACHINE_requires_TRAINING_html: "To book the \"{MACHINE}\" you must have completed the training <strong>{TRAINING}</strong>."
        training_or_training_html: "</strong> or the training <strong>"
        enroll_now: "Enroll to the training"
        no_enroll_for_now: "I don't want to enroll now"
        close: "Close"
        available_packs: "Prepaid packs available"
        packs_proposed: "You can buy a prepaid pack of hours for this machine. These packs allows you to benefit from volume discounts."
        no_thanks: "No, thanks"
        pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours"
        buy_this_pack: "Buy this pack"
        pack_bought_success: "You have successfully bought this pack of prepaid-hours. Your invoice will ba available soon from your dashboard."
        validity: "Usable for {COUNT} {PERIODS}"
          day: "{COUNT, plural, one{day} other{days}}"
          week: "{COUNT, plural, one{week} other{weeks}}"
          month: "{COUNT, plural, one{month} other{months}}"
          year: "{COUNT, plural, one{year} other{years}}"
        prepaid_hours: "Prepaid hours"
        remaining_HOURS: "You have {HOURS} prepaid hours remaining for this {ITEM, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}}."
        no_hours: "You don't have any prepaid hours for this {ITEM, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}}."
        buy_a_new_pack: "Buy a new pack"
        unable_to_use_pack_for_subsription_is_expired: "You must have a valid subscription to use your remaining hours."
      #book a training
        trainings_planning: "Trainings planning"
        planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training
        all_trainings: "All trainings"
        cancel_my_selection: "Cancel my selection"
        i_change: "I change"
        i_shift: "I shift"
        i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
      #book a space
        planning_of_space_NAME: "Planning of the {NAME} space"
        i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
        i_shift: "I shift"
        i_change: "I change"
        notifications_center: "Notifications center"
        notifications: "All notifications"
        mark_all_as_read: "Mark all as read"
        date: "Date"
        notif_title: "Title"
        no_new_notifications: "No new notifications."
        archives: "Archives"
        no_archived_notifications: "No archived notifications."
        load_the_next_notifications: "Load the next notifications..."
        mark_as_read: "Mark as read"
        notifications_list: "All notifications"
        notifications_settings: "My notifications preferences"
        enable_all: "Enable all"
        disable_all: "Disable all"
        notify_me_when: "I wish to be notified when"
        users_accounts: "Concerning users notifications"
        supporting_documents: "Concerning supporting documents notifications"
        agenda: "Concerning agenda notifications"
        subscriptions: "Concerning subscriptions notifications"
        payments: "Concerning payment schedules notifications"
        wallet: "Concerning wallet notifications"
        shop: "Concerning shop notifications"
        projects: "Concerning projects notifications"
        accountings: "Concerning accounting notifications"
        trainings: "Concerning trainings notifications"
        app_management: "Concerning app management notifications"
        notify_admin_when_user_is_created: "A user account has been created"
        notify_admin_child_created: "A child has been created"
        notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: "A user account has been imported"
        notify_admin_profile_complete: "An imported account has completed its profile"
        notify_admin_user_merged: "An imported account has been merged with an existing account"
        notify_admins_role_update: "The role of a user has changed"
        notify_admin_import_complete: "An import is done"
        notify_admin_user_group_changed: "A user has changed his group"
        notify_admin_user_supporting_document_refusal: "A supporting document has been rejected"
        notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_refusal: "A supporting document of child has been rejected"
        notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_created: "A user has uploaded a supporting document"
        notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_updated: "A user has updated a supporting document"
        notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_created: "A child has uploaded a supporting document"
        notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_updated: "A child has updated a supporting document"
        notify_admin_member_create_reservation: "A member books a reservation"
        notify_admin_slot_is_modified: "A reservation slot has been modified"
        notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: "A reservation has been cancelled"
        notify_admin_subscribed_plan: "A subscription has been purchased"
        notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "A member subscription expires in 7 days"
        notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: "A member subscription has expired"
        notify_admin_subscription_extended: "A subscription has been extended"
        notify_admin_subscription_canceled: "A member subscription has been cancelled"
        notify_admin_payment_schedule_failed: "Card debit failure"
        notify_admin_payment_schedule_check_deadline: "A check has to be cashed"
        notify_admin_payment_schedule_transfer_deadline: "A bank direct debit has to be confirmed"
        notify_admin_payment_schedule_error: "An unexpected error occurred during the card debit"
        notify_admin_refund_created: "A refund has been created"
        notify_admin_user_wallet_is_credited: "The wallet of an user has been credited"
        notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command is ready"
        notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command was canceled"
        notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command was refunded"
        notify_admin_low_stock_threshold: "The stock is low"
        notify_admin_when_project_published: "A project has been published"
        notify_admin_abuse_reported: "An abusive content has been reported"
        notify_admin_close_period_reminder: "The fiscal year is coming to an end"
        notify_admin_archive_complete: "An accounting archive is ready"
        notify_admin_training_auto_cancelled: "A training was automatically cancelled"
        notify_admin_export_complete: "An export is available"
        notify_user_when_invoice_ready: "An invoice is available"
        notify_admin_payment_schedule_gateway_canceled: "A payment schedule has been canceled by the payment gateway"
        notify_project_collaborator_to_valid: "You are invited to collaborate on a project"
        notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid: "A collaborator has accepted your invitation to join your project"
        notify_admin_order_is_paid: "A new order has been placed"